Echidona, Camilla, and Satila are the ones with normal = z points in the Witch of Sin. Usually, they rely on the three of them to take care of other witches. That's what allows other witches to survive. Angry Witch Mishluwa is an intermediate state. She can keep herself from starving, but she can't control other people

"But on the 21st, I'm still going to guide the way and I want to share the Holy Kingdom with you."

Camilla looks like a wounded little animal. said aggrieved.

- "Oops. You talk too much nonsense, Camilla! Don't you just eat the marrow and know the taste, don't you want to have **** every day? It's really white. Now I found out that the **** witch is also a troublesome guy. If you really can't bear it. If you're done, go to Segmed, that guy won't care what you do to her anyway, she's so lazy."

Seeing Camilla rubbing like this. When Aiji exploded, the county was not beautiful. The sub-master ψ method walks out. Speaking very fast. little topic lifting the curtain of the car

"No, I'm not: I don't have one.. Erina, don't talk nonsense!"

Kajiala immediately blushed and waved her hands again and again. It could be seen that Camilla was a little afraid of Echidona. Immediately after being rich for ten days by her, her body shrunk back and the whole person looked even more pitiful.

She wailed, _My **** will not be aroused by Segmed.

Then Camilla looked at Roy again from Luo Zhangxitai. As if afraid of making him misunderstood

Of course Roy wouldn't care if you were to say that your woman had an affair with other men, and this cuckold behavior was unbearable to anyone. But if you want to talk about a beautiful female A. going to lily, in fact, Roy is quite indifferent.

"Okay. Donna, don't bully Camilla."

The so-called three women = Taiwan is also a battle between women at first sight, and when the nose woman sees them sometimes get up, she quickly makes a sound to smooth things out.

Like "Ms. Siyi, you are facing her..

The corner of Echidona's mouth twitched for a year, but she didn't say anything. She and Roy spent more than half a month in the rented place in the castle. Roy's address to her also changed from the whole process to a sub-eye to Aiji. For Donna, this is a great improvement.

"Miss Camilla. I will take good care of Mrs. Roy. Don't worry."

Satila walked up to Huosila at this time, stepped forward, took Roy's arm, and said warmly.

She was wearing the same jet-black robe as Echidona. However, compared to the complicated and gorgeous robes of the goddess Gidona, the clothes on the ground were more like simple leather clothes with black leather draped over the shoulders of Satila. There are also complex white fluff on the waistcoat and the side of the neck. This dress looks very warm

And under the knee-length dress. A pair of black boots. Occasionally in the skirt "flying". I can see the pair of "Yu Ruyu is too fat, and sometimes my hands can make a ring."

At this time, the country enters by looking at the skirt. Satila is always shy at this time

Don't rush, just silently let Roy do what he does. It looks extraordinarily cute.

"Since you have said that, Satila, then I don't worry, I'm not worried at all."

Camilla said subconsciously. In the second half of the sentence, I realized that I said the wrong thing, but it was too late to regret it. Zhongdan

It was Satila's overly gentleness, which made her head a little softer.

All the witches, except Echidona, like Lindira very much. She is always gentle, and takes care of all the witches who have taken great care of her. For such a gentle and silently dedicated sister. Naturally, other witches couldn't find a place where they would get bored of her.

"So it's decided (aif), those people in the castle will ask you to take care of Camilla! Mrs. Roy, let's go quickly. My experiment has a time limit. I can't delay work here."

Echidona hurriedly gave the ultimatum. Even if Camilla was reluctant, she could only reluctantly agree to take care of the other witches in the castle.

"...If you're in a hurry. Why don't you just take the kid with you."

At this moment, two weak and light voices came from beside everyone. Unlike Segmed's kind of self-loathing. The voice really seemed to be very tired, accompanied by a light white mist, wearing a blindfold, and the gluttonous witch Da Mougu, who was bound in a coffin, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Well, Daphne, what are you talking about?"

Echidona frowned. asked thoughtfully.

The earth dragons in front of the dragon carriage became irritable at this time. They bent down and began to dig the ground.

If not for no order. They are probably going to spin around. Roy also noticed something at this time. He raised his head and looked at Wukong.

It should be sunny in Japan today. But I don't know when it is Shen's bright effect, but Yi Si Shi's deep aura has covered the whole void. In the endless fog. A pitch-black giant shadow appeared in the white fog, shaking its huge body. It was cruising in the air like wandering in the Taihai Sea. There were bursts of groans that seemed to stimulate the eardrums like ultrasonic waves. It came from the shadow. ,

"The display is high and high z----

The shock became more intense. At this time, Roy also found that the fog had the power to erode, but it was different from the erosion of the acidic liquid.

Corrupted by the fog

The figure flying from the sky is the beluga whale, one of the three magic dans that have just been born in this era. Although the birth of this monster is not long, its legend has been left in the world.

The Volakia Empire had cut down on this monster before. But - the entire army of 10,000 people was wiped out and the most terrifying thing was. All those who died in the army that day were forgotten. Even the few people who came back alive could not remember who their comrades were.

Death is not terrible, but if after death even everyone AL but if dead

Really scary. This is true social

Daphne, the gluttonous witch. She is the creator of Moby Dick. At this time, the witch still said in a weak voice, "Dona and Roy, you can ride this child, and if you are hungry halfway, you can take this child. eat it."

Davini's thinking has been eating, eating and starving every day. Quite simple and pure.

Rover looked at the dragon carriage, then shrugged and said, "I... can we say no now? The Sun Whale's recovery has already eaten the Earth Dragon. "

Echidona also turned black.


Dawani tilted her head with a sympathetic expression. She still didn't know what she had done. Silly look so cute.

Chapter 56: The Witch of "Melancholy" and "Pretentiousness"

Huge beluga whales fly in the sky. As this huge witch creation progressed, the beluga whale was accompanied by the piercing sound like an ultrasonic wave.

Violent Miwen spewed out of the pores of the beluga whale, as if it had covered the land with smog, shading the sunlight that human beings depend on for survival.

Even if flying k is in the sky, Roy can see countless human black spots running on the ground under his feet. Even if he can't hear the shouts of those people, Roy knows that these people are in fear and panic. To see this legendary beast and run away.

If it were only the beluga whale, this monster with no intelligence at all would have swooped down from the air and devoured the humans under its feet. As the creation of the gluttonous witch, the beluga whale also belongs to the kind of greedy eaters. very obsessive species

But it is precisely because it is the creation of Daphne, the gluttonous witch. This makes the world's fearful monsters become so obedient that they become two whale carts walking on the sky.

The surface of the Beluga's body is not a layer of skin, but a thick layer of fluff. Satila knelt on this layer of hair, while Roy was lying with the girl's fragrant and soft thighs on the back of her head. It smelled a faint witch fragrance.

The envy witch Satila's cheeks turned slightly red. From time to time, she took out the fruit from the basket next to her, peeled off the shell, and carefully handed the pulp to Roy's mouth. Watching Roy closed her eyes and opened her mouth to eat the fruit she handed. Occasionally, she would accidentally lick her fingers, which made Suntila shy and mixed with a touch of joy.

Sometimes the envy witch will grab the beluga's hair with her hands when she is shy. Fortunately, this beluga is a huge woman, and it won't hurt a lot if a pinch of hair is caught.

Roy played with Satila's slender fingers, her fingers were poor. Knuckles are elongated. When I was a child, I was always working hard, but my fingers were not rough at all. Just like those ladies who were raised in a deep boudoir.

Gently kissed on the back of Satila's hand=, Roy raised his head and looked beside her again_The **** witch Echidona stood beside her in a gorgeous black gauze dress, holding a heavy " The Book of Wisdom is a book Echidona rarely reads. A but she always likes to carry it like a scholar.

The current Echidona is completely different from the Echidona I saw in the castle before. She is five or six years old. Compared with the eccentric and occasionally naughty Echidona, like a little girl . The current Echidona looks extremely mature and stable, making her very trustworthy.

Even Roy, who knew that this was actually a clone of Ejidona, couldn't see the relationship between this clone and Ejidona's main body. It was really a difference in temperament between the two Aiji Mingna.

The beluga whales are very fast at high altitudes, which would have brought a strong airflow. But under the magic of Echidona and Roy. These air currents are transformed into cool breezes. The lustful witch's gorgeous long white hair fluttered.

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