The thunder exploded, and there was a golden sacred flame burning in the clouds, Roy's! Divine Speed⊥ power has long been able to arouse the celestial phenomena, and Ruling follows his mood...even the weather changes for it.

The divine and vast aura appeared on Roy's body. This was an aura that the godslayer could never show. Because the godslayer killed the gods, he was surrounded by curses from the gods. But since Roy defeated the _'Last King', that curse has completely disappeared, and it has turned into the true sublime light of the archangel in the Bible!

All heresy shall be crushed by it!

The witches of sin, except for Satila, all looked too changed. They felt the pressure of the giant from Roy. It was the fear of seeing the natural enemy.

The so-called [Soil too sinful karma. This is exactly what the Crusaders want to annihilate.

Typhon the 'Pride Witch' stared at Roy with wide eyes, at a loss because she was surprised to discover that she could judge all sins. There is no sin on Roy's body'_._ Her power is completely ineffective against the ground L

The current Roy has been equal to the real Archangel Michael, sitting at the right seat of God. In the next step he will become the 'God of the Bible'. And the archangel was born without original sin'_

Chapter 39 Feeding play

The terrifying momentum swept through thousands of people, and even the witch castle on the plain was shaking.

Echidona, the **** witch, was a little panicked. When the strange magic power came to her side, it was neutralized by the magic power emanating from her body.

Behind the lazy witch stretched out countless 'invisible hands' to block in front of her, and a gas like white mist appeared around the gluttonous witch, swallowing the magic power that Roy had swept to her, Angry Witch, Thunder De and Freugel resisted this terrible thing with their own bodies. The momentum that can cause astronomical changes.

Satila was light because Roy didn't target her. So that Typhon in Satila's arms was not affected.

And Roy's main target, the **** witch Camilla. At this time, his face was pale and he stepped back a few steps, his body clinging to the city wall. The mountain-like dignified magic power crushed her body. Camilla let out an itchy moan.

The **** witch watched Roy open her mouth in horror and shouted in a crying voice, "...Yes, I'm sorry, please don't bully me, I didn't do it on my own initiative, it was: Echidona asked me to do it!"

Without hesitation, the **** witch will betray the **** witch Echidona.

Roy put away his Pang Tai's magic power and momentum, and the witch's castle became calm again, but this time the witches' thinking and will were not as casual as before. Everyone's face was solemn.

powerful. , incomparably strong!

The witches of sin felt in Roy the holiness and power that was enough to kill them like natural enemies.

Before the big sin witches would not care about one by one, it was because the big sin witches did not have a sense of crisis. Even though Reid and Fryugel were already very strong, they still could not be the opponents of the collective of the sin witches. So they didn't care from the beginning.

The power of witches is something completely different from blessing, and it is a more powerful existence than blessing. Even if witches are too bad at fighting, but with their powers, they are still not able to fight against ordinary powerhouses.

But Roy showed unspeakable power at this moment, letting the witches with power. also felt the crisis.

"There is no next time, don't use it casually in front of me: your power" _. "

Roy said in a deep voice... With heavy killing intent.

The power of the **** witch Camilla is _'to be loved'. When she unfolds her power, it will make those who watch her seem to see the person I love the most. At the same time, this power will distort people's will, so that I can no longer be aware of everything else. Even scary enough to make humans forget their heartbeats and breathing, and there is only the existence of **** witches in their eyes.

As for Roy, whether it is trying to distort his will or appearing in front of him as the person he loves the most, that is the most natural insult to him and the greatest blasphemy to his feelings.

lb. That's why Roy was furious just now - he really had the idea of ​​killing the **** witch Camilla, and with his power, if Quan Jiu shot L, the witch here would definitely stop him.

Maybe Satila can do it, but presumably Sutila won't stop him, maybe even help him.

"Right.. I'm sorry:: I don't dare anymore. I really don't. Please don't hit me, I'm afraid of the pain."

The **** witch Camilla cried like an injured squirrel. She squatted on the ground against the wall of the castle. She made herself as ordinary as a village girl. , but the extremely cute face was buried in her knees, and she was trembling all over. She was almost scared to death by Roy just now.

Although she is a witch, Camilla is only a sixteen-year-old girl. She lived with other witches in the past, and she never encountered any danger. Now, when facing the crisis of her life, she finally exposed her vulnerability.

Roy retracted and was light. Then he looked at Echidona, the **** witch, with a stern gaze.

At this time, Echidona was also pale and her skin was dazzlingly white. At this time, Bai was not angry. She took the tea cup and sipped the tea one by one to hide her panic. However, her trembling hands still revealed her inner restlessness.

"Witch is worthy of being a witch."

Roy laughed.

Echidona orders Camilla to use her witch's powers on herself. Although there is no killing intent, Echidona is full of witch's malice.

She is the witch of lust, the embodiment of greed, and what she seeks is knowledge and wisdom, as she says, is unknown and mysterious. And Roy is obviously what she is looking for. But for Echidona no matter what roy is

Control to act is irrelevant. Just 'he' will do. For the lustful witch, what she is looking for is this unknown.

The lustful witch just wants to get Roy, that's all. As long as the result is correct, she doesn't care about the process at all.

This is the sin of the **** witch. Only care about the result and definitely not the smooth process. Even if everyone died in the process. As long as she can achieve her goal, she will do it.

If it weren't for the fact that the witch's power was not prioritized above Roy's power, he might have understood it.

- "On Er Xi I...- I don't mean to do anything to you. I don't have any ill will towards you, really, please believe me."

Echidona explained in a panic.

The development of things has exceeded her expectations. The wise witch lost her wisdom at this moment.

"That's the point. You have no malice towards me, but what you have done is full of malice to the parties involved. No wonder you are called a witch."

Roy narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

The **** witch does not feel that what she does is 'evil'. This is the most terrifying place, she is the ultimate greed

"Hey. Er, you're out of your game.. Name Nagan"

At this moment, an extremely weak voice came. Daphne, the 'Gluttony Witch' who had never spoken and was tied in a coffin in a detainee uniform, suddenly spoke up.

This petite witch with short silver-gray hair and locked in the Iron Maiden, her head moved slightly, and her eyes with blindfolds looked at Roy, with a solemn expression.

Just when Roy thought what kind of high-level words this witch would say, the gluttonous witch (Denuo's) was suddenly deflated, and a 'gugu' sound came out from her stomach, and she said in frustration, hungry. I'm so hungry, I'm really hungry""

= Next time. The tense and solemn atmosphere was gone.

Roy moved his fingers to pick up a piece of snack on the table, and flicked the snack to fly to Daphne, the gluttonous witch.

At this time, the coffin where the gluttonous witch was sitting suddenly grew legs. Take Daphne and move to the side. And Daphne's barely movable neck is just a turn, that is, like a puppy boat, it accurately catches the little bit that Roy threw over.

That coffin is a monster!

The gluttonous witch eats very fast_ Two bites is to swallow the dessert, she licked her lower lip, and said in an expectant voice, ". The dessert made by Mingna is still so delicious. Please wait. Can you feed me more? ?"

The witch who created the beluga whale, the big rabbit and the black snake to bring endless disasters to mankind, showed a pitiful expression like a puppy begging for food._

Chapter 40 The Sins of the Witches

_ "It seems that you are very much liked by the witch. Lord Roy."

Echidona, the lustful witch sitting opposite Roy. She clasped her hands in front of Hun. She showed a good smile to Roy, as if she was afraid that Roy would just leave without care, her dark eyes In the spear, it even revealed a pleading.

"Dare to talk to me? You just provoke me, so I'm not afraid that my anger will implicate you on your body."

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