The silver-haired girl who kept her back to everyone and didn't speak finally couldn't help it. She turned to look at the angry witch and the arrogant witch, showing a helpless but irritable expression "...Minerova also mentioned. Feng. The atmosphere I managed to create has been lost by you guys."

Immediately, the witch looked at Roy. She was breathing rapidly. Her face was flushed. In the black pupils, there is a strong desire (greed) _... You have finally done it, "The person guided by the book of wisdom J!

Her eyes, wishing to devour Roy alive, was like a girl seeing her beloved man

Seeing this, Reid gave a "tsk", then looked at Roy beside him and said, "Do you know her? Could it be your old lover, this is too warm"

Roy raised his brows, shook his head and said, ".." I don't know her. To be honest, these witches of sin give me the feeling that they are a group of neuroses. "

Chapter 34 Jealousy and Lust

"'The Witch of Desire' Echidona. She has waist-length silver hair and looks like she is ten years old, = a dark robe like a mourning dress hides her graceful and delicate body. But even if In this way, the close-fitting robe also outlines the attractive figure of the witch, especially the pair of sublime and depraved abyss that attract people's attention.

The gorgeous long skirt parted at the hem. Showing off a slender calf. Echidona is wearing = same pair of black high heels and no socks. , The white dorsum of the foot is glowing with -= roots of blue veins.

This is a woman who will give birth to black and white in one's heart as long as he sees it.

Roy has also seen many people in this world, and Echidona is the only beautiful woman who can rival the jealous witch Satila beside him.

Now the dark eyes of the witch who blamed others were full of greed. She bit her lip and stared at Roy, her body shaking with excitement.

It's just that he cares more about the "Book of Wisdom" mentioned by the other party than Echidona's ultimate beauty.

Glancing at Frugel. After seeing that the other party was not in danger, he said to Echidona, "Echidona, the witch of lust,"

The name of the witch is not a taboo, it is widely circulated outside.

Ejido nodded hurriedly. Too excited to speak.


Roy asked again.

Ajidona took a deep breath. She grabbed it with her hands, and a book as thick as a Xinhua dictionary appeared in her jade hand. She raised the book in her hand and said in a sweet voice. "--: This is the "Book of Wisdom", which records all the things in this world."

"So this book is the 'Akasha Record' of this world.

Rover nodded when he heard the words, and he continued to reply, "..Is my arrival recorded in this book?,"

"Ah, yes, a mysterious person from another world, where is the other world? What kind of unknowns are there? I'm really looking forward to it."

Echidona smiled happily, full of lustful greed.

"What else is there to say about me?

Foreseeing his own arrival. Roy was not surprised at all. In the moon world, Xu Fu predicted his arrival through the method of immortality.. When Roy decided to come to this world-in an instant, he had a relationship with this world_"'Fate' .

"Unknown, everything is unknown_"

Echidona quickly flipped through the books in her hands. After turning to a certain page, she lifted the book and showed the contents in front of Roy.

Although there was still a distance of Tudome from Echidona, Roy's eyesight was enough to easily see the fonts on the book. On a certain top of the "Book of Wisdom", the page on the left records the arrival of Roy, but the page on the right is blank. When Roy comes to this world, the book cannot be predicted everything to him.

'Because of my particularity. Or the particularity of the Ark?’

Roy had questions, but he couldn't get an answer to this question for the time being.

"I thought you were going to talk to him about my question. I didn't expect you to answer it so easily, Echidona."

"It is my rule to answer any questions, no matter who asks me a question, I will answer it."

Echidona closed the "Book of Wisdom>_" said gracefully, "There is more. Just call me Donna, it will make us seem closer, full of unknown people, you have been raped. The witch is watching.

It started from when Roy and others came here. In Echidona's black eyes, there was no one but Roy. Even if Frogel had his arm broken by Typhon before, and was rescued by Minerova, she didn't take a second look. Roy's figure reflected in her eyes.

Echidona's indescribable longing for Roy inexplicably aroused Satila's heart, and an emotion of jealousy surged out from the deepest part of Satila's heart. This half-elf girl who has always been soft and soft Take a bold step forward... Walking in front of Roy blocked Echidona's sight. The cyanotic eyes stared at Echidona angrily, and the shadow under her feet was about to move.

Echidona raised her slender eyebrows, which had been carefully drawn with the eyebrow pencil, and Satila's figure walked into her eyes, and the lustful witch showed a slight hint of surprise, and then she was dissatisfied, _": Jealousy The witch, you are still here, hurry up and get out of the way. Don’t block my sight.”

"Jealous witch, are you talking about me?"

Sun Tila asked in surprise.

"Who else but you, ha. It seems that you don't know your identity at all, but yes, you and L's jealous witch factor' are not in harmony, so your power will be out of control."

Echidona said sarcastically, for some reason, Echidona felt unhappy with Satila after seeing her, not because of her witch identity, but because of Satila.

"I don't care about the witch who is jealous of my sister. I only know that your eyes are very dangerous to Lord Roy."

Satila didn't know what was wrong with herself. How dare you say such words, and dare to fight against this terrifying woman in front of you

The jealousy in her heart is growing like wild grass, making her mood fluctuate and become extreme.

This woman is not allowed to look at Mr. Roy like this, and she is not allowed to get close to Mr. Roy

people. She is not allowed to take Roy A as her own.

Lord Roy is mine, mine, no one but me can approach him because of me...because of me.

The strong and terrifying possessiveness eroded Suntila's heart, and at the same time, the huge, alien magic power that could not wait to devour the world filled her body and the shadows under her feet.

It wasn't until a hand touched her shoulder that L Satila came back to her senses. The jealousy dissipated like a tide, and the vague magic disappeared in an instant.

Luo...: Lord Roy II."

Sun Tila said in a panic. The voice softened again and stretched out.

"Be careful to control your power, Satila."

Roy said warmly. But his brows are wrinkled, Satila is a jealous witch, that power will explode completely in the end, not what Satila wants to control (the king's) can do.

However, Roy can't do anything about this for the time being. As Echidona said, this is because Satila and the 'Sister Jealous Witch' are not compatible with Z'. This gentle silver-haired half-elf has a personality that does not She is not jealous, but she is a witch of jealousy, unless she completely incarnates into a witch of jealousy one day. This power can be completely controlled by her. But was Satila at that time still Satila?

Roy's mood was a little gloomy.

Aggie doesn't care about Satila, she cares more about Roy than she hates her.

The lustful witch bent down slightly and made an inviting gesture. ": Welcome to the witch's tea party, Lord Roy, as a distinguished guest, I would like to invite you to join me here

Echidona herself didn't know Roy's name, but Satila Gangshancai's words were exposed.

Invitation to Jade Ajidona. Roy is also a high-ranking artist. I sat down on the chair in front of the square table carelessly_

Chapter 35 This is the Witch of Sin

Roy sat at the square table under Y's huge parasol without hesitation

Red, who was standing beside Roy before, thought about it, and felt that since the host didn't invite him. He didn't lick his face and sat down. Instead, he walked over to Fryugel and cared about this miserable "virtuous man".

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