"No, I'm Edoyama Conan L."

It seems that I guessed correctly. This man is _'Jing'⊥_

Chapter 19 "Blessing of the Dragon"

"Hey, Edo, why did Satila call you Roy?"

On the streets of Lugnica capital in the Lionheart Kingdom, Fryugel babbled beside Roy.

"you guess?_"

Rover glanced at the ordinary man who looked like a cowherd beside him. Just smiling.

"What Jiang Baichuan are you talking about is a pseudonym?"

"Now that you know it, you have to come out. Are you having a problem with your brain?"

Seeing Roy's idiot-like eyes, Fryugel blushed. Annoyed. Unconsciously, I wanted to make a noise here.

But he still suppressed his anger

Modern people are a bit self-righteous because of the influence of the environment. Fryugel is not the kind of dead treasure who does not go out at home all day long. Besides being self-righteous, he is also prone to incompetence and rage. This is his character flaw. He is too arrogant. .. when he first crossed into this world _ he also lost a lot of small temper and temper, and caused a lot of discordant things v

It's just that these tempers and temperaments have been slightly smoothed out because of the various events they encountered during their travels in different worlds.

But the reason why he didn't get angry casually when facing Roy. It's not that he has become more stable. But when the two had a dispute before, Roy taught him a lesson without hesitation.

That's what happened when both sides left the ghettov

At that time, Satila asked Roy out of curiosity if he could save those poor people in the slums. Roy refused without hesitation.

At that time, Fryugel felt that he could show himself in front of his sweetheart, so he volunteered to pat his chest and promised that he would save the people in these slums, but what he got in return was not Satila's gratitude and worship. It was Roy's mocking ten-day, ".. Second, who do you think you are?"

At that time, Fryugel felt that a string called reason in his head was completely broken, and he was too angry to catch Roy. . He can't remember what he said, only he knows that it is probably some big truth or something, and then = =

Then Roy beat him up.

For such a person with excess self-awareness, Roy will never give him any reasoning, but will only use his fists.

Frogel, who was beaten twice, was much more honest. In fact, he also knows how unreliable what he said, _even in a society as developed as modern times... the problem of slums cannot be solved. Not to mention a place that is so close to the Middle Ages.

He knew that he really just wanted to be handsome in front of girls, and L would do those irrational behaviors when he was laughed at. After calming down, Fryugel actually liked Roy's words very much. No one could control this kind of thing. This is the most fundamental institutional problem in society.

Fryugel thought that Roy's too cold words would offend Satila, but in the end he found himself thinking too much. This half-fine woman is very understanding and Roy just explained a few words, Satila just accepted what he said.

Kind but never corrupt, Fryugel discovered Satila's rare character, and he was a little ashamed. As a traveler, he was not as mature as a girl in another world who had lived in a basin since childhood.

Thinking like this, Fryugel secretly looked at Satila, who was following Roy's left.

With his character I, he was mocked by Roy like this: he should have left in anger long ago after being ridiculed. But for some reason, maybe it was the first time for a young man to have it, and he could not help but stay with Roy because of his indifferent love for a girl. He was finally honest.

Touched my ribs, shit. This guy is really showing no mercy. If he hadn't had a bit of strength, he would have given his life to him.

Phryugel thought embarrassingly about a

Roy didn't know the complicated thoughts in Fryugel's heart, and he was not interested in understanding a man's heart.

Although Fryugel is prone to over-awareness sometimes, he is generally a good person, and Roy doesn't know much about the world for the time being. He didn't even know what to do next, so he didn't drive away Frogel who was following him.

"Do you know the dragon 'Polkenica.' Karma?"

In this world, apart from the Witch of Sin, Roy is most interested in the dragon.

On the streets of Lugnica, the Kingdom of Lionheart, the small group of Roy was very eye-catching. Fryugel and Shaula are pretty normal. But the combination of Roy and Satila is quite strange.

A noble man wearing gorgeous clothes and noble temperament actually walked down the street holding the hand of a half-elf. Even though the beauty of the half-elf was astounding, the gap between the two sides was still shocking.

To know that holding hands like this, it means that the half-elf is not a slave or a servant.

a time. What the eldest young master of a noble family fell in love with, a hexagram of a half-elf of a mixed race. It was made up in people's minds.

Satila also noticed the strange moonlight of the people around her, of course she knew why these people looked at her like this. The jealous witch didn't want Roy to be embarrassed by these strange and light gazes, so she tugged at her wrist, but she found that Roy was holding her wrist very strongly. For fear that she would run away, no matter how hard Satila tried, she couldn't get her hand back.

She suddenly regretted that she should have worn it

A cloak, as long as she blocks her ears, her identity will not be discovered.

Elves and half-elves are quite different in appearance. The ears of elves are far more dusty and longer than half-elves, so a boatload of people can recognize elves and half-elves with their eyes.

Frogel, who was walking beside Roy, also heard Roy's question.. replied, "..: The dragon 'Polkenica' I have heard countless legends about it in my travels.. It is said that this Dragons live outside the great waterfall at the edge of the world. I haven't been there. So I haven't seen 'Polkenika'."

At the same time, Fryugel was surprised why Roy didn't know about Polkenica. You must know that as long as you are a person with a little status, you should know that this dragon is the highest among the dragon species.

‘Could it be that he just crossed over? But no, his strength is so exaggerated. If he just crossed over, was he so powerful when he was on earth? Are people on earth actually so terrifying?,

Fryugel is not stupid, and he quickly thought of the reason (good, good), and at the same time, there was too much brainstorming in his mind.

Although Fryugael was thinking about messy things, he still answered Roy's question according to his own thoughts: _ ":: Only very few people have seen the dragon 'Polkenica'. And among those few, a few were blessed by the 'Polkenica'."

""": The legendary dragon "Polkenica" has the Blessing I that grants the ability to protect people, which is called [Blessing of the Dragon⊥. As long as the person who is blessed by the son of 'Polkenica' will get most of its power, I think there should be a limit to this blessing⊥. This dragon is already outrageously strong, if it can give people 'blessing' at will. Wouldn't it be invincible.

Frogel's words made Roy pause.

You can give others the same power as yourself, and you won't lose a single cent. The protection of this 'Polkenica'. Isn't that what he wants to accomplish. The basic expression of the technique called L Gold'

Chapter 20 Slave Witch Satila

"You are so beautiful, this lady. Come and try this dress, oh oh, look. Only a woman as elegant and beautiful as you can hold up this style."

"-: Come on, try this one again. This one is not bad, isn't it pretty when you look in the mirror."

In a clothing store in the capital city of Lugnica, Lionheart Kingdom, the proprietress with a slightly fat body is showing a good smile. For Satila - try on clothes piece by piece

The real great nobles are generally the same as the royal family, and they are provided with clothing by specialized departments, but Roy has just come to this world not long ago. For the time being, there is no identity power that matches his power, so he can only take Satila to find the largest and most luxurious clothing store in the capital to change her clothes.

If she saw a mixed race in the past, the owner of her clothing store, she would have driven him out, but since there is a noble who is very rich and powerful at first glance, she will certainly try her best to follow L. have been well.

Besides, this half-elf girl is indeed very beautiful. Looking at her shabby clothes and her curious eyes about the big city, the proprietress has easily made up the scene of two noble young masters robbing civilians. This is not uncommon. The lady boss has no curiosity whatsoever

Sun Tila is a girl, or a sixteen-year-old girl, when she sees this dazzling sight. After the beautiful clothes placed in the store, there was a longing in her eyes that she couldn't walk. This is the clothes she didn't even dare to think about in the past. I'm afraid that only in a dream can she wear such beauty in a foolish way Go to stinky clothes.

She was played with by the proprietress like a puppet, putting on one long dress after another, and from time to time she would secretly look in Roy's direction. Then, like the young lady in the brothel, she was pulled stiffly in front of Roy by the proprietress, and the proprietress kindly asked Roy if the dress looked good or not.

The proprietress clearly knows the master-slave relationship and whether she can sell clothes is not a matter of whether the half-elf girl likes it or not. It's about whether Roy likes her when she wears it on her body. So every time she changes Satila's new clothes, she will pull it in front of Roy and let him comment.

Before because Satila was wearing too shabby clothes. The clothes themselves are too big & don't fit Roy didn't pay attention to Satila's overall figure, and when she changed into these corset dresses, Roy was surprised to find that Suntila not only has -= Zhang Guanyin Qunfang's beautiful face L is that tall and slender waist and willow-like slender waist. It is not comparable to a girl like this.

This long dress that can reveal the collarbone is really white and (gaf) too!

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