Even the most common godslayer can learn an unfamiliar language in three days. And for a god-killer like Roy, who has the knowledge and mystery of Nagisa, he learns the language faster. What's more, the language here is so similar to Japanese. Jinping doesn't need to learn, he has mastered it in less than a minute.

"If a Japanese person comes here, it won't take long to learn the language here. Then live a normal life: a different world from scratch?"

Roy roughly determined the world he came to, but this world was slightly different from the one recorded in the anime. Roy remembered the description in the anime. This different world also speaks Japanese, but Roy is now sure that, The people here are definitely not speaking Japanese, just a language that is almost identical to Japanese in terms of intonation and grammar.

"Sure enough, the things in the book cannot be completely believed. First of all, we need to collect general information about this world and era."

Roy stopped in front of a luxurious looking restaurant.

Want to inquire.. the best place to be are those wine houses where people from the bottom gather. And if you want to know the general trend of the world, the best place is naturally this kind of luxury restaurant that looks very advanced and only those rich people can come in to eat.

That dirty bottom-level tavern Roy felt that it didn't fit his identity, and this was where he should come.

Just when he was thinking like this, Roy had already stepped into this luxurious restaurant.

The waiter's eyes lit up as soon as he saw Roy's dress. , Come over quickly to meet, modern society still has a situation where people are inferior, not to mention that this economy and material are not developed enough, no matter how you look at it, it has a different world with medieval European style.

"Miss, please sit down!"

The waiter has a flattering look on his face, Roy has been in a high position for a long time, and he is instructed by arrogance. Nurturing the body, the kind of high-ranking atmosphere cultivated by long-term giving orders, is not something that ordinary people can imitate at will.

Roy glanced roughly around. This restaurant is luxuriously decorated, and each table is placed in the form of a cubicle. Compared with the taverns where Wang's lower-level people go, it is relatively quiet. Judging from the dresses of the people who ate, most of them were rich businessmen or some minor nobles, such as Roy. No matter how you looked at it, people with noble temperament and noble temperament did not exist.

But think about it, that kind of big aristocrat will not come outside casually.

Businessmen are some very situational people. The businessmen who were dining after seeing Roy all showed him friendly and slightly humble smiles. Although no one here knew Roy, there was nothing wrong with showing humility in the face of such a person who looked like a great nobleman. , if you are lucky. Maybe you can also catch the line of a too personable.

Roy ignored these people, this is the arrogance that a great noble should have, and he went to a very quiet seat on the edge under the guidance of the waiter. Sitting here, you can see the streets and the palaces in the distance. It is a beautiful scenery.

No one wondered why Roy was alone without an entourage, as if they had forgotten the question.

Not long after, a dress shines. A man in his forties with a slightly fatter figure came over and held his hands in front of him. He bowed slightly. Showing the businessman's unique smile: the smile that makes money with anger and anger, said the lord, this guy is the boss here. Don't know what you ordered?_"

"Sit down, I have some questions for you.

Roy pointed to the chair opposite him. At the same time, L see God's face activated.

This power is usually a passive form _ it will make people spontaneously have a good impression of Roy, feel trust in him and take the initiative to initiate it. This power is the most terrifying human-distorting magic, which can instantly turn people into their own devout followers.

The boss didn't say a word, and sat down on Roy's ground obediently.

"Tell me, what is this country called?"

To be able to afford such a luxurious restaurant - apparently the owner here is well informed. It is very likely that he had been sponsored by a powerful and powerful noble dragon.

"If you go back to your lord, this is Lugnica, the Lionheart Kingdom!"

"Lionica, the Kingdom of Lionheart..."

Roy heard the words and looked out the window. On the flag raised by the palace complex in the center of the city, the drawing was indeed a creature similar to a lion.

"I thought it was Lugnica, the pro-dragon kingdom.,"

Roy smiled. It seems that he arrived a little early.

Chapter 5 Silver-haired half-elf

The longest and oldest country on this continent is the Phorakian Empire in the south, followed by the Northern Kingdom of Gustik, which lives in the bitter cold zone in the north, and finally the Holy Kingdom of Gustik was founded by the first-generation 'Lion King'. Established. The country where Roy is now located is Lugnica, the Lionheart Kingdom in the east.

The Flakia Empire and the Lionheart Kingdom Lugnica are adjacent to each other, and the two countries are located in a place with a suitable climate. The land is fertile, and the economic development is much more developed than that of the Northland and some other small countries. There have been countless battles in this Western Pacific country over the years.

The Holy Kingdom of Gustik, a northern country, has heavy snowfall all year round. In this cold climate, this country is completely unsuitable for planting any crops and raising livestock. This is a place that is not suitable for life, but fortunately there are two kinds of spirit beasts called 'Odgrass'. With the help of this spirit beast.. Human beings in the north have obtained spirits and microbes. The support of the elves is the hardest thing to survive on this cold land

That's why 'Odgrass' is honored as the Mother of Nations in the Holy Kingdom of Gustic. Even the king of this country and the leader of the Gustic Church were chosen by 'Odgrass'.

It is also because of the existence of this northern kingdom that the Flakia Empire and the Lionheart Kingdom Lugnica did not have a super-large war that could destroy the other country, just for fear of being picked up by the northern kingdom.

And this perfect three-fish-shaped structure has lasted for hundreds of years.

'Yep. like the Three Kingdoms period

Roy nodded secretly when he heard the history told by the boss in front of him.

"Ah, that's right. Not long ago, there was a man named 'Hexin' in the West who united many small countries to form a federation called 'Kalaraki City-State' and that Hexin also called himself the Wasteland Hexin' ."

The owner of the restaurant seemed to have just remembered something, and quickly told Roy what he knew.

"This is the news that just came to Lugnica from a Western merchant. The 'Hexin' seems to be very good at doing business. Now the merchants have a very high status in the city-state of Kararaki, and many merchants from the empire and kingdom have rushed there. I'm also considering whether to open a store there."

The boss explained the news he just got to Roy in detail.

In the previous introduction, Roy also knew that the western land is a place where many small countries compete for hegemony, where the land is relatively barren. Although it is not like the Holy Kingdom of Gustic, the kingdom of the north, it cannot even grow crops. But in the eyes of the empire and the kingdom, it is still two poor and savage places. Therefore, the two Pacific countries have not been interested in it for so many years.

Therefore, many small countries can survive on that barren land.

But now, there is a man named "He" who has suddenly emerged. Unite many small countries together in a united manner. Formed a huge alliance. Barely became the fourth power that can compete with the other three

'Interestingly, in the empire and kingdom the merchants have a low status, this is a country of aristocracy. However, in the city-state of Kararaki, the merchants have obtained the highest status, and whoever is richer will have a higher status. It is like:.: capital

Roy showed an interested look. He had a basic understanding of the work "Starting From Zero". But what is the setting

have come here. Roy is the one who has seen cultural species and natural scenery that are different from the earth

And he. Now the book is to understand the political structure of the world today.

"Hexin in the wasteland?"

Roy showed an attitude of wanting to know more about this person.

When the boss saw the needle, he quickly searched the memory in his mind, and introduced the person called 'Hexin' to Roy.

It seems that there was no celebrity named 'Hexin' before, and he claimed to be from the country opposite the Great Falls. But this is obviously a joke. "


Hearing the boss's introduction, Roy quickly confirmed his identity: Hexin'.

This person called 'Hexin' is very likely to be from the future; Lai Yuejing' = like, is a transmigrator.

Of course, this crossing is not a crossing from across the world like Roy, but from the earth of this world.

After coming to this different world, Roy found that the structure of this world is very strange.

One is the different world he is in now, and the other is the earth of this world. Under some specific circumstances, it is possible that these two worlds can communicate with each other and traverse.

Roy inquired about some other situations from the boss, such as the witch he was most interested in.

It is different from the era hundreds of years later (cai). The "witch" in this era is not a taboo topic. Although people are also afraid of witches, it is only a fear of the unknown. In people's impression, a witch is a kind of strange and inexplicable existence, but it is not Let A dare not even mention it.

"Pride, lust, laziness, lust, gluttony, and anger, these six witches are common sense known to many people. Many big figures are chasing witches, but we businessmen don't like them at all."

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