I have to say that the nine-tailed fox is really powerful, and any of her incarnations is such a troublesome character.

Who would be okay with such a troublesome spirit around. ",

Roy leaf channel.

Su Jiji: - It looks like the kind of person who can't be honest will definitely keep making trouble for you, and you can't kill them. The seal can't be done, if it is really with you. That would definitely be annoying. Even a saint can be driven crazy by this fox with endless methods

If you want to describe it, then Sister Su is very similar to the evil **** Loki. It is a female fox that is full of malice...and is extremely dangerous and cunning.

"Migu~ Mrs. Roy is right. This Bichi fox really hates who wants to stay with her all the time⊥"

During the conversation, the two walked to the place where Sister Su was silent. After hearing Roy's words, the beautiful eyes in front of Yuzao narrowed and said cheerfully.

Her legs were hidden under the robes of the Chinese clothes, which made people indistinct, but they were only the delicate snow-white ankles exposed between the clothes and the shoes. Let A be able to root like how slender and slender her jade legs are.

Tamamo-mae hopped forward like a little rabbit, smiling coquettishly. The bells hanging on her body tinkled, and Wang Pei on her waist also tinkled as she walked.

Apparently Tamamomae had a very good sense of Roy. I think their views are very similar to what he hates, and he hates it too.. You must know that Sister Su's fox-like man will be fascinated by him and say good things for her, even some men until they are killed by her. . Still don't know where to go.

She babbled non-stop, bringing bursts of laughter and laughter to this ancient cypress forest, making people's mood brighter.

'What a lovely fox

Rover sighed inwardly, he really wanted to keep this fox by his side, and it would make people happy to hear her talk in that snarky tone like a day lark every day. The system of wives and four concubines is very contradictory, but the idea of ​​z people living in slave and feudal society is very modern.

Even Lu Ji's way of thinking is ancient. She takes three wives and four concubines for men for granted.

Think of Yu Ji. Roy had found something wrong. He had been talking to Tamamo before all the way, but he had forgotten Chu Meiren.

He hurriedly turned his head and saw that Yu Ji was silently embarrassing them like an angry little daughter-in-law behind him and Yuzao.

See Roy looking back. Lu Meiren is the quiet way, "One =: Taiwang ="

Although Yu Ji always likes to stand in the corner, is too tired to attract attention, and quietly listens to secret observations when other people speak, but Roy and

The scene where Yuzao's former two people were chatting made her forget all made Lu Meiren still feel depressed. _

Not angry. It's a kind of helpless and slightly wronged feeling that I have become a superfluous person

Luo Wu was a little embarrassed. But he is thick-skinned. Pretend that you don't know anything about the office and say to Yu Ji.... Why is the beauty walking behind alone, this king knows that you don't like to be in contact with people. But Xiaoyu should not be human. "

Having said this, Roy grabbed Yu Ji Haobai's wrist and pulled her to his side and walked side by side.

Why does it seem like I'm doing something wrong?

Yu Mei's heart murmured, but when she saw Roy pulling her over, she hugged her slender and soft waist again. Holding her in his arms, no matter how you look at it, she is a close lover.

immediately. When Yu Ji saw the envy in Yuzaoqian's eyes again, the unpleasantness in her heart disappeared immediately. Her cheeks were slightly red, and her lips were pressed together, revealing a reserved and gentle smile.

Migu~ Xiaoyu I can find a good husband when I'm in office, but I want to be a good wife of Shushu.

Seeing Roy and Yu Ji kissing me there, I was like a light bulb. Tamamo-mae, who was still excited before, immediately collapsed, and the pair of cute fox ears turned shrugged.

While chatting and laughing, the few people also walked to a pit. Sister Su's body gradually returned to its original state in the pit. _

Chapter 62 The Dark Department of Beautiful Men

Roy, Tamao Mae and Yu Ji stood in the huge pit, watching the mud inside slowly transform into a human shape, this = the mud gradually gave birth to bones, blood vessels, nerves, muscles and other human substances.. Then On the surface of the muscles, a layer of white and delicate skin was born, and she became a mature woman with an enchanting body and charming all beings.

However, the appearance of Sister Su's resurrection is really disgusting. The body of a beautiful woman is actually made of this material, so it is no wonder that there is a saying in Taoism and Buddhism that all women in pink and pink are skeletons.

Roy Moonlight calmly watched Sister Su, who had just regained her figure. She had no clothes on her body. The tall pink and willow waist were all reflected in Roy's eyes. Even the curly hair turned out to be pink.

I have to say that this tailed fox is really beautiful, and its plump body is enough to satisfy any man's fantasy.

However, Roy didn't care about her charming area, just watching the magic power transformed into a palace dress and draped over her body, what attracted Roy's attention even more was the maliciousness that this fox radiated from the bones and from the soul

At this time, Roy has confirmed. This malice is aimed at human beings, and she exudes a sense of disgust for human beings from her bones.

No wonder she said before that she thought she and Yu Ji were the same person. Su Daji probably thought that the abuse of Ji was too tired of A Lou to say this. But Sister Su didn't know. Yu Ji doesn't just hate human beings, what she blames is only the civilization constructed by human beings.

"Her existence is pure evil for mankind"

Roy said flatly, and even at this time, he began to doubt. Could it be that this fox is the problem of human nature, as one of the clones of the nine-tailed fox. She does have the ability to mess up human history and make people go in the wrong direction.

However, Roy quickly denied his idea, because the "Human Principles Correction Formula" presented by Solomon did not respond to the fox. That is to say, she has nothing to do with the human principles of this world for the time being.

"It hurts. It hurts me! Damn human. Treat me like this!

As soon as Sister Su was resurrected, she made a resentful voice L. Immediately after she noticed something was wrong, she raised her head and saw Roy and the other three watching her.

Her resentful eyes swept across Roy, Tamamo Mae, and Yuji. Tamamo said that he hates her. And call her Bichi Fox. Judging from Sister Su's own reaction, she also disliked Tamao before, and it was really interesting that she hated her own drama.

But soon, the hatred of her eye bug was restrained, and her beautiful but poisonous face like a poppy flower burst into a smile.

To the demon fox named Su Jieji, showing a grudge is the behavior of a fool. As a peerless concubine who can bring disaster to the country and the people. She is better at dancing with long sleeves and Qiao Xiaoqian.

"Giggle~ You, a waste fox with a head full of love, actually walked out of the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum. Don't you need to guard your mausoleum? You are really disgusting to think that you and I are the same person and want a leaf _ _上上" With Sister Su's bag covering her heart, she made a move to vomit

(. Xiangbi is more than Roy and Yu Ji. Su Jieji" is even more disgusted by the other own Tamamo before. She said viciously, the Q insects are constantly cursed, and she can't wait to swallow the Tamamo former life.

If she hadn't cut off her tail and let her strength drop to the point where she is now, if she still has the form of nine tails. How could it be carried like this by this human being in front of him.

Sister Su thought angrily

As the two parts of the nine-tailed fox's maliciousness, when the power-tailed fox also had the ninth form as the sun goddess. When that maliciousness takes the initiative, she can do whatever she wants

Now she has become a tail among the nine foxes, although she is free. But Su Daji also lost her ability to do whatever she wanted, which made it difficult for her to accomplish many things. Therefore, she naturally disliked Tamamo before who voluntarily gave up her power and cut off her own tail.

In particular, this female fox wanted to fall in love, which made Su Ruji feel incredible.

"You **** sour fox, you will fall in love with a scumbag in the future, and then be deceived by the man, don't come and cry in front of me"

Sister Su's words in the last ten days are to change the color of Yuzao before, longing for 'love' and 'love is Yuzao's wish. Sister Su's practice of her own pursuit in this way made her furious.

A fox as a surgical action. The tail in front of Yuzao was shrugged and pulled down, and even opened his mouth and made a 'huhu' sound. That's what Dako looks like when he's angry

Roy watched the nine-tailed fox quarrel with himself. It was very interesting.. especially when Tamamo Mae was angry. It reminded Roy of the Chow Chow he had raised in the past.

Yes, because the human soul cannot deceive, as long as the soul can be seen. Xiaoyu will find the best husband."

Tamamo-mae was angry though. , but she won't be fooled by Su Daji's words, but said proudly.


Sister Su smiled contemptuously.

The soul does not lie The strong willpower of hard work and hard work can only be seen from the quality of being a human being and the color of the soul. Even Sister Su has to admit that he is undoubtedly a rare beautiful man in the world.

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