But Roy didn't care what others thought. He was just interested in the words of the Fang.

In the Zhou royal family, there is actually a Zai about Yu Ji, and the ancestor of Zhou Wang Ji's surname is Emperor Ku, the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor. This way - think. Yu Ji is really an extremely ancient goddess, living from the earlier period of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the present.

From this Fangtukou, Roy knew some of Yu Ji's past.

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Seeing that Roy didn't speak, the soldier who came with him knelt down and said. "General. I also hope that you focus on the overall situation and don't be fooled by the demon girl."

".::When we were in Wuxian, we all saw the demon girl turned from blood to human body. She even wanted to kill us all, and the general name was lost to save our lives_ We survived All the officers and men thought that you would deal with that demon girl. But they didn't expect you to be fooled by her."

There were more than 2,000 people who saw Yu Ji's sea of ​​​​blood form. Unless Roy kills all these soldiers. Otherwise, there is no way to hide this matter, although he is very good at the welfare of the 2,000 personal soldiers he brought with him at first. The salaries were high, but Roy expected that some of the 2,000 people would betray.

The alchemist continued, "When I came to Pengcheng, I already knew from the nearby villages that some chickens and sheep raised by farmers had been drained of blood a while ago, and not long ago, there were even more soldiers in the army. The tragic death is all blood loss. This must be that the monster is gradually recovering its strength and needs blood. If it is not killed before she recovers, I am afraid that the whole body will be killed.

Every Chu army is in danger⊥”


"::It's not that I am alarming, but that monster has this ability. Now that the immortal realm is declining, there is no such thing as Taigongwang, and it is even more difficult to stop this monster⊥"

The words of the alchemist made everyone present horrified. Although the First Emperor had already burned books and scolded scholars, immortality and magic were not as completely concealed as they are in modern times. These rebel leaders and the descendants of many ancient nobles_Naturally know the mystery The existence of it, even the first emperor was obsessed with it.

Sitting at the top, Xiongxiao, the king of Chu, looked at Roy, and the corner of his mouth unknowingly showed a smile. I feel like I'm winning.

Even if Roy chooses to kill Yu Ji now, it is true that he is bewitched by the demon girl. There are many reasons for him to release his military power. Except for some of Roy's personal soldiers, the rest of the soldiers will never rebel. You spread some rumors. Instead, you can let those pong soil be grateful to him, King Huai of Chu.

And if Roy chooses to protect Yu Ji. That's what King Huai of Chu was willing to see. Isn't this evidence that he was bewitched by the truth.

According to King Huai of Chu's understanding, he felt that Roy was deeply infatuated, and he would definitely choose to maintain it.

When he came to Xiangfu, he had brought his own hundred guards. Even if Roy rioted here, he would be sure to ensure his own safety. As for Roy before, he would kill hundreds of people in every battle on the battlefield. Wang Xiong thought it was impossible. It couldn't be called a human at all. It must be the demon girl who helped him to do it.

And now there are many alchemists invited by him to help out. Still afraid of the monster

You can only blame yourself for being greedy for beauty.

Xiong Xin sighed in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more excited he was, and he was ready for the interrogation.

Roy stood up at this time, he looked at Xiong Xin and the Ji surnamed Fang Tu with a smile and asked; "It's over"

"Uh. Finished"

Fang Shi was stunned, he didn't expect Roy to be so calm.

"Since it's over. Then you can be a companion on the Huangquan Road"_""

"Hahahaha, I wanted you to live longer. But since you brought it to your door, I have no reason to accept it! Today, I will be the king of Chu."

Roy took a step forward while laughing, and a majestic and terrifying aura emanated from his stalwart body. The aura seemed to be transformed into substance, making the entire Xiangfu tremble. Just standing in front of him. It made people have a kind of fear of splitting the liver and gallbladder. The alchemist Ji surnamed had many techniques before he used it, and his internal organs were shattered by Roy's momentum. In the eyes of others, this alchemist was directly scared to death by Roy.

Chapter 42: Seal you 'King of Han'

Fang Tu, surnamed Ji, was frightened to death, and his internal organs were shattered by Roy's powerful aura. These parties are just ordinary magicians in the Godslayer world, and with Roy Godslayer's ultimate strength, he can be slaughtered into powder at the click of a finger.

Roy grabbed it with his left hand, and Yin Songyi, the former Chu country commander, was so frightened that he stumbled and fell to the ground = shouting 'help'" and he was about to crawl out.

For Roy. Since this Chu State Ling Yin conspired with King Huai Xiong Xin, then they were all dead. Roy grabbed the back of Song Yi's neck with his left hand. With a little effort, many senior officials of Chu State who were present heard the 'crunch'. The sound of neck snapping.

Roy lifted Song Yi's body with his left hand. Like a rag, he threw it back at will and knocked down two tables.

"Come on, come on, go up the mountain"

Under the fright, Xiong Xin shouted too loudly, only to hear a murmur outside the house. The "Six Seven Three" personal soldiers and Fang Shi, who were brought by King Huai of Chu, rushed in immediately. The entire hall was in a panic.

Liu Ji looked at this chaotic scene, she gritted her teeth and stood up from her seat, directly to the guards of King Huai of Chu who are you, how dare you to break into General Xiang's mansion, you deserve to be killed."

Xiao He wanted to catch Liu Ji, but he was two steps slower and killed when he saw Liu Ji draw his sword. He complained and hurriedly hid under the table. Xiao He was originally a civilian official who could do in this chaos, and that was to try his best to save his life.

Although Liu Ji's force is not comparable to those of the fierce generals, he has been trained in the barracks for a period of time. It is also much stronger than the guards of the ship. In addition, she holds a sword that cuts iron like mud. Every time the weapons collide, she cuts off the weapons of the guards of King Huai of Chu. Killed several people in a row

When Fang Tu saw Liu Ji Wuyong, he was preparing alchemy to deal with her. However, hitting Liu Ji every time the alchemy is used has no effect on her = time makes these alchemists a little dazed

One Fang Shi had some insight. He fixed his eyes and said in a panic, ": This person actually has the blood of the Red Dragon. = The ordinary techniques are useless to her, and the sword in her hand is not of ordinary quality. Be careful!"

Liu committed himself to the blood of the Chilong. She has a very high level of magic power, and ordinary magic and alchemy cannot affect her. In addition, Liu Ji also holds Huaxia's "Sword of Emperor Dao". Under the combination of the two, the so-called alchemy is simply a toy in front of it.

At the beginning, Liu Ji was startled when she saw those strange alchemy, what lightning and thunder were flying around, but when she found out that these things hit her, it didn't matter, she immediately smiled proudly. Go directly to the alchemist group to kill. That is simply tiger into the sheep.

"Small skills in carving. Gorgeous. _You Fang Shi are really misleading the country."

She chopped down several people in a row, killing the crying father and mother of these square earth. These alchemists are also unlucky to meet such a guy who is almost magical


, On the other hand, Roy didn't use any common methods, just relying on his own martial arts and strength, that is, holding a magic check to kill the relatives brought by King Huai of Chu in the blink of an eye. In front of Roy, those hundreds of soldiers who had undergone rigorous training were not all enemies, and in a short period of time, the sky was everywhere. Rivers of blood.

Seeing that Roy didn't even have a drop of blood on his body, he killed all the hundreds of elite soldiers. He stood in a pool of blood like a demon king. They are all quiet. One by one, watch the nose and nose, watch the heart. For fear that Roy would notice them.

"Xiang Ji:: You can't kill me, I am the King Huai of Chu, if you kill me, it will be killing the king. The world will not allow you."

Chu Huaiwang Xiong Xin was frightened and the **** was flowing. He sat on the ground with trembling legs and cried out.

If Roy really wants to be an emperor, he will naturally cherish his reputation. He will not use this method of flipping the chessboard unless he has to. But Roy didn't come here to be an emperor at all, so he naturally doesn't care about his reputation. Even the worse his reputation is, the better it is for his purposes.

"If you are smarter in the evening, I will not kill you. At most, I will put you under house arrest and let you spend the rest of your life, but there is a way for you to go. Then go to the Yellow Springs of Hell."

When King Huai of Chu mentioned Yu Ji, Roy wanted to kill him. If he didn't mention Yu Ji and continued to play political games with Roy, Roy would continue to play with him. But if he had to choose the wrong path, Roy would not be polite to him.

Roy grabbed King Huai of Chu and twisted his arm gently, that is, twisted his head off. Then he threw his body to the side holding King Huai's head with his left hand. He turned around and faced the high-ranking nobles of Chu State who were present, and said with a smile, now that King Huai of Chu is dead, I will be regarded as "The Overlord of Western Chu".

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