There are trees in the mountains, and there are branches in the trees.

In the past, when she used to enjoy human contact. Her beauty has also captured many young teenagers. They also looked at her with such enthusiastic eyes, but when they saw her bloodthirsty side, when they saw her incarnated in blood, their eyes It's all indifference and fear that have changed. No more affection.

But the man in front of her seemed to have seen her terrible. Turned into a sea of ​​blood? Now that he has seen L, he still has such a look in his eyes. He really is a seed of infatuation, and according to human aesthetics, he seems to be a very good-looking type.

But so what.. the looks of the class don't make sense to her. She never judges people by their looks. No matter how handsome and beautiful she is, she won't let her move: no matter how affectionate she is, she is not interested in human beings, and it is best that everyone don't even say a word. Seeing each other is just a cold miss.

Yu Ji, who was a little restless in her heart, got off the bed, stepped on the floor of the room with her jade feet, and didn't stain the dust, and then missed Roy's side like this. Go to the door.

Roy grabbed her slender white wrist and said, "::Where is the beauty going?" Two?"

This is a bit of an apprentice.

Yu Ji understands human speech. I also know what 'beautiful' means. She frowned slightly, and her name was also a little shy and embarrassed. But he still replied in a soaring and indifferent noise. _":leave here."

Roy didn't let go of her. Still holding tight, Yu Ji struggled for a while, startled.

He was surprised to find that his strength could not break free, and he began to suspect that he was so weak now?

Although Roy broke her blood wave = fist and knocked her out before, but Roy did not exert all his strength and took most of his strength. The external performance is not exaggerated. So in Yu Ji's opinion, although Roy is As a human being is already outrageous, but not to the point of being completely inhuman

She just thought that she was trying to suppress the urge to **** blood now. - Physical strength can only be exerted =- 20% will be defeated by Roy. If she really did her best, she could easily defeat Roy.

"Where can you go out of here? Better stay."

Roy's tone is domineering, born of his own majesty. It is impossible to refuse.

Lu Ji didn't particularly dislike this kind of domineering. She just glanced back at him with her scarlet eyes like a jade boat. Dao: ".I'm not human."

She thought that Roy would let her go

But Roy never let go. He smiled, - "." Exactly. I don't look like a human anymore. "

Yu Ji just thought he was talking about his unusual power, she was silent = if it was according to the standard of ordinary people. He wasn't really human anymore.

He is in contact with humans, so he is hidden in the mountains, but the sage once said that he is hidden in the wild. If you really want to avoid contact with humans, the highest state of seclusion is to be hidden in a human city. Or in the imperial court. "

Roy felt that he was able to speak again.

Yu Ji was at a loss, she asked after thinking about it. ".-.Who is this saint?

How could she not know what saint said that

"This saint is me!"

Roy said cheekily.

This sentence was first heard in the Jin Dynasty. How could someone say it in the late Qin Dynasty?

Unable to bear, Yu Ji smiled, her beautiful smiling face was like the beauty of Yu Mei.

Roy looked at her beautiful face like this, and said again, "..I know your physical condition is not right. If you go back to the deep mountains now, the people who were like Fangtu before will still find you, even if You're not afraid of L, but don't you find it troublesome? And if you accidentally let them trigger your blood-sucking movement, that's a very dangerous thing."

The voice fell. Yu Ji's complexion changed drastically. She never thought that Roy could see through her true identity. This is the knowledge of immortality that not many people have understood since the Shang Dynasty.

'But he seems to have said it, yes. ’

But soon. Yu Ji's expression became hesitant,

Seeing (Okay Zhao) she hesitated, Roy said again._ "It's different if you stay here, those alchemists dare not come to you if they really dare to come. I will kill them all. And you are in No one will bother you here. You can completely ignore anyone. It is truly hidden in the city and in the DPRK.”

Roy's tone became bold and domineering again, and that confidence made it easy to believe him.

"Those people are really annoying, they're annoying me::=: Maybe. You can try as he says--try?'

She thought so.

Lu Ji is not someone who is soft and decisive, since she has made a decision, she will take action, she pursed her lips and said softly, "...what should I call you?

"I've already called you Beauty. You call me Taiwang and that's the land. One"

Roy's mouth twitched, revealing a triumphant smile.

Leave you first. The rest will be later

King :=

Ji Jiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She had experienced the Shang Dynasty, and had also seen King Zhou of Shang and Sister Su. She remembered that the fox with powerful illusions had confused King Zhou, and King Zhou had always called Sister Su, 'Beauty, And Sister Su also called King Zhou the "Great King".

Making trouble, how did I change and

Chapter 21 The True Man and the True Ancestor

Now that she has decided to stay here, Yu Ji will not break her promise. With her slender jade arm, Roy finally let go of her this time.

Yu Ji rubbed her white wrist and there was a red mark on her fat-like skin. She knew how much strength Roy used just now, and how afraid she was to run like this.

She sat back on the bed again and put her hands around her knees. A pair of snow feet came together. The chin rested on the knees, and the wine red eyes stared at Roy. Continue to stare at him.

But soon, she just felt a little numbness in her body. Roy's gaze was too aggressive. I don't know if his spirit was too strong or for some other reason. His gaze was like substance, which made Yu Ji It feels as if the places he sees are touched by him.

Yu Ji's case was suffocated by the cold soldier, and Bo was carefully grabbed by the side. Covered it on his jade feet. Her ten cardamom toes curled up slightly, as if nervous and shy. Before, Roy's eyes had always been on her.

Looking at Yu Ji's seemingly invisible, but actually very obvious movements, Roy laughed in a low voice, and he pulled two beds and placed them opposite her.

There were no chairs in the Qin Dynasty. In the pre-Qin period, people knelt on the futon until

In fact, it is like a modern sofa: z for people to rest, and a luxurious screen is placed behind the bed. It will look luxurious in no time

Of course, this kind of bed is only available to wealthy people, but ordinary people can't afford it.

"What the **** are you doing?_L"

Seeing Roy so close to him, Yu Ji felt a little irritable again. When I first saw him before, I only thought that this person was domineering and arrogant, and he followed his words. The thousands of soldiers and soldiers obeyed their orders, and at first glance they were heroes.

But now he is simply a rogue, and he has clearly put on a cold face that is thousands of miles away. He can even stick his cold **** with his hot face.

Roy doesn't think there is anything wrong with him. Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, is called "The Widow Terminator". He relies on such a dead skin. Only dare to watch from a distance. It will never be possible to get her.

Yu Ji can be said to be a fairy who is completely out of touch with human society, and will never allow herself to be integrated into human society. In the face of such a woman, you must take the initiative, otherwise it will be impossible to have an intersection with her life.

"I want to share with you the history of the past."

Roy was very curious about the ancient history of this great land in China, and there happened to be a living history book in front of him. Chatting with Ji Yu could not only understand the history of the past, but also have a topic with her, so as not to be so bored. Kill two birds with one stone.

Yu Ji bit her lip and didn't speak. She swore to ignore this inexplicable guy in front of her

But soon she couldn't take it anymore. Roy just stared at her like this. She didn't speak and he didn't move, as if he was competing with who has the better endurance. Especially his Qieguang-he kept weighing her up and down, making Yu Ji feel only herself There are ants on the skin.

"Whatever you want, as long as I know, I will tell you."

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