The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0198 U-17 World Cup Is About To Start! Teams Get Ready!

01980-17 The World Cup is about to start! Teams are getting ready!

One month later.

Inside the U.S. U-17 training camp.

In a training court.

Two figures holding rackets were in a training court, constantly running back and forth in their own half of the court.

The sound of hitting the ball came and went at the same time.

outside the court.

Reinhardt and Echizen Ryoga also stopped to watch with different expressions.

"As expected of your brother...Ryoga!"

"As a descendant of a legendary samurai, Ryoma's personal strength was far from being a qualified member of the U.S. U-17 team when he first came to the training camp!"

"But now, he is indeed qualified enough!"

Reinhard spoke softly.

His eyes were fixed on Echizen Ryoma, who was wearing a baseball cap in the court, and there was obviously some relief in his tone.

After listening to his words, Echizen Ryoga smiled nonchalantly: "Reinhardt, you don't need to go out of your way to praise me in front of me!"

"The training resources he has used this month are more than any other player in the training camp, right? You and Dudu will take turns to be his sparring partners..."

"If the improvement is too slow under this situation, then I will be embarrassed to take him to the U.S. U-17, right?"

While speaking, Echizen Ryoga also set his sights on the other half of the training court.

"It's this guy..."

"Bei Xiao was actually willing to let you have such a genius. To be honest! I thought he had reached some kind of agreement with you secretly! He became an undercover agent for the U-17 in Germany!"

Reinhard smiled dumbly.

"Ryoga! You really don't know how to answer your joke!"

"But it's true! Akutsu's strength and talent are indeed unique, and even rare among all tennis players in this era!"

"I can only say that Bei Xiao was able to discover such a genius! He has made great contributions to the world of tennis!"

Reinhardt's evaluation of Akutsu Jin, who was sparring with Echizen Ryoma in the court, was undoubtedly higher.

While the two were talking.


I saw Akutsu Jin in the court making a backhand swing in front of the net. After inducing Echizen Ryoma to move his feet, he lowered his arm and hit a short ball.

The tennis ball hit the ground and stopped rolling, and Echizen Ryoma stared in Akutsu Jin's direction unhappily.

"It's this kind of ball again... again!!"

But Akutsu Jin curled his lips.

"Qi... brat! I'm done sparring with you today!"

"The reaction is still as slow as a tortoise! ​​How on earth did Chico and the others tolerate sparring with stupid guys like you for so long!"

His words made Echizen Ryoma tighten his grip on the racquet in his hand.

But before he could say anything to retort, both of them heard Reinhardt's voice outside the court: "Akutsu! Ryoma! Your training is over today!"

"We can leave for Melbourne tomorrow!"

"Have a good rest today!"

Hear his words.

Akutsu Jin and Echizen Ryoma both looked serious.


The two of them were not nervous.

But excited!!

The former came to the United States U-17 for training directly after the national conference.

He is well aware of how amazing his strength has improved over the past two months.


When Echizen Ryoga brought Echizen Ryoma to the U.S. U-17 training camp, he also learned about Atobe Keigo's strength from the two of them.

He also learned about Bei Xiao's record of sealing Byōdōin Hōō.


He just wants to show Bei Xiao and Atobe Keigo quickly what level of strength he has reached now!!

The latter is equally anxious to prove his strength in the U-17 World Cup!!

Compared to the Japan U-17 training camp, I almost relied on my own training and steadily improved in strength.

After coming to the U.S. U-17, Echizen Ryoma believes that he has improved much faster!!

He feels that now... he can definitely defeat the high school students in Japan U-17's No. 1 training court!!

"Got it! Reinhardt!"

The two had an unprecedented tacit understanding at this moment, and they spoke in unison.

Then they looked at each other unhappily, each holding a racquet and walking towards the two exit gates of the training court.

To this.

Reinhardt and Echizen Ryoga saw it and shook their heads helplessly.

the other side.

Japan U-17 training camp.

In the central court.

Three Mifūne Nyudō and Kurobe Yukio stood on a high platform.

Under the high platform, the high school students and junior high school students headed by Byōdōin Hōō looked at the three Mifūne Nyudō and others.

Kurobe Yukio looked at Mifūne Nyudō San at this time. After getting the signal from the opponent's head, he picked up a list in his hand.

"Now...announce the list of members of the Japan U-17 team that will participate in the U-17 World Cup this year!"

"High school students! No.1 Byōdōin Hōō, No.2 Tanegashima Shuji, No.3 Duke Watanabe, No.4 Oni Jujiro, No.5 Tokugawa Kazuya, No.6 Omagari, No.7 Kimijima, No.8 Tohno Atsukyo , No.9 Tsukimitsu Ochi, No.10 Mōri Juzaburō, No.11 Irie Kanata, No.12 Mitsuya Akuto!”

After hearing the list of high school students.

Most of the high school students behind Byōdōin Hōō showed confident smiles.

And the high school students whose names were not called.

Like Hara Tetsuya and Hei Shinyuki!

Although there was still disappointment in his eyes, he did not express any objection or dissatisfaction with the result.

Because during the month of training that just ended.

They know very well that their strength is indeed not enough to become a member of the high school representative!

After Yukio Kurobe paused for a moment, he glanced at the team of junior high school students on the other side and spoke again.


"Announce the number of representatives for junior high school students!"

"No.1 Atobe Keigo, No.2 Seiichi Yukimura, No.3 Oshitari Yuushi, No.4 Kabaji Munehiro, No.5 Kintarou Tooyama, No.6 Shiraishi Kuranosuke!"

Hear the list of the top six junior high school students.

Whether they were junior high school students or high school students from the First Army on the other side.

None of them were surprised.

Because the strength of these six junior high school students is no matter when they came down from the mountain a month ago or now!

There is no doubt that it ranks in the top 6.

"No.7 Anato Ryo, No.8 Niou Masaharu, No.9 Otori Cyotaroh, No.10 Fuji Syusuke, No.11 Kite Eishirou, No.12 Akutakawa Jirou, No.13 Hiyoshi Wakashi, No.14 Ishida Gin, No.15 Oshitari Kenya…”

"No.16 Kirihara Akaya!!"

"In addition! Inui Sadaharu will go to Melbourne as a team assistant!!"


When he announced the list of all junior high school students selected.

The 10 junior high school students who were selected after Atobe Keigo all showed joy.

After all, this means that their training and strength have been recognized by Yukio Kurobe and Mifūne Nyudō.

Fuji Syusuke also softly comforted Momoshiro Takeshi and the others who were not selected, and then turned to Inui Sadaharu, who was able to start with the team: "Agan! Let's work hard together! Although you have no chance to stand in the U-17 this year On the court of the World Cup!”

"But...I believe next time! When we all become high school students, you will definitely have the opportunity to become a member of the First Army!"

Inui Sadaharu adjusted the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, nodded and said: "Well! Although I am only going to the game with you as a team assistant this time, I am already working hard to learn data analysis from Akuto-senpai!"

"I believe that I can definitely take over his position as the master of data analysis in the First Army in the future!!"

the other side.

When Seiichi Yukimura heard that Kirihara Akaya was able to enter the junior high school representative team as the last one, his slightly nervous expression relaxed.


Rikkai hopes that in the future he will have the opportunity to see a stronger world of tennis!

Even if he knew it, with Kirihara Akaya's strength, it was unlikely that she would stand on the world's court!


Even if there is only one chance, it is an excellent experience for Kirihara Akaya!!

Kirihara Akaya himself was also very excited. When Yukio Kurobe announced the list, he almost thought that he was not qualified to be selected!!

"Minister!! I...I was selected!!"

"Haha, Kirihaya! Congratulations! Being selected means that your progress has been recognized! So, I also hope that you can seize this opportunity! After all, I, Renji, and Sanada have entrusted Rikkai's future to you! !”

Seiichi Yukimura smiled and spoke, and at the same time he patted the other party's shoulder.

Even without exerting force, Kirihara Akaya could still feel Seiichi Yukimura's expectations for him.

Immediately he nodded heavily: "Don't worry, Minister! I will definitely continue to work hard! I will definitely regain the great glory of King Rikkai!!"

Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Senri looked at each other, with a little helplessness and bitterness on their faces.

As the well-known "Kyushu duo" in the Japanese tennis community, the two of them did not expect that they could not even rank among the top 16 in the Japan U-17 training camp.

Although both of them felt a little reluctant.


But they will not question the list announced by Yukio Kurobe.

After all, it's among the top 16.

No matter who it is, they themselves are not sure that they can truly defeat it now.

"Chitose, it seems that our tennis career has begun to lose touch with theirs at this moment..." Tachibana Yoshihei said with some emotion in his tone.

But Chitose Senri shook his head: "No! Fu! We really have no possibility of participating in the U-17 World Cup this year, but that doesn't mean there is no hope next time!"

"All I know is...I won't give up training for the next two years!"

"Two years later! I think we will definitely have the opportunity to participate in the next U-17 World Cup as high school students!"

…Please give me flowers…

Tachibana Yoshihara, who was originally in a depressed mood, smiled after hearing what the other party said.

"Yes! Even in two years... I won't stop!"


While junior high school students were discussing among themselves.

3. Mifūne Nyudō 3 stood on the high platform and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please be quiet!"

The words fell.

The junior high school students also immediately shut their mouths and looked at each other.

3 Mifūne Nyudō 3 glanced at the junior high school students and high school students below the stage.

"The selection list for high school students and junior high school students has just been announced!"

"I hope you little guys won't slack off just because you were selected!"

"Your strength is barely recognized by the training camp!"

"But, in the U-17 World Cup! Your opponents are all the most powerful talented tennis players from various countries! Every game you have to face! Every opponent! It will be a huge test!"

"So... cheer up! I don't want to hear the faces of the audience in the game auditorium full of ridicule and contempt when they see you guys!"

"Stand on the court! I just want to see you defeat your opponent and win the game!"

"Is everything clear?"

He trailed off.

Led by Byōdōin Hōō, all the selected players present responded loudly: "Yes!! Head Coach!!"



In a conference room at the German U-17 training camp.

Polk, Q.P., and Bismarck sat on one side.

Bei Xiao and Tezuka Kunimitsu sat on the other side.

As the coach, Retru sat in the main seat.

Because of the professional league, there should be a seven-man German U-17 representative team, but two players from a group of professional doubles did not attend.

And on the other side of the conference table.

A blond junior high school student sat with a somewhat uneasy expression.

Retru didn't have any unnecessary nonsense and went straight to the point: "Everyone! Because Berti and Schneider cannot return to the team immediately!"

"So, some time ago, the training camp also selected a player to temporarily replace Berti's junior high school student quota on the team! Elmer Seyfried! The third grade of junior high school! National level.

He trailed off.

Elmer Seyfried also immediately stood up and spoke to Polk and others: "Seniors! Hello! I will try my best to play every game! I will not embarrass the German U17!"

"Please give me your advice in the future!"

The three Polks glanced at him and nodded slightly.

As local German players, although they are high school students, they naturally know Elmer Seyfried.

Among junior high school students, he is also a talented player.

Bei Xiao glanced at him: "Long time no see! Seyfried!"

Seeing that Polk and the others had accepted him, Seyfried was relieved in his heart.

After hearing Bei Xiao's words, his expression suddenly changed.

Then he said awkwardly: "Bei... Bei Xiao! Yes! Long time no see!"

Except for Tezuka Kunimitsu, Polk and the others were not surprised at all by Seyfried's expression.

after all.....…

The other party and Bei Xiao once had conflicts!

When Bei Xiao wandered around the world and came to Germany, Seyfried was among the elite middle school students he defeated!


The other party, who had an arrogant and arrogant personality, was taught a hard lesson.

If Q.P and Polk hadn't arrived at the critical moment, tennis would have become each other's hobby now.

So much so that although Seyfried's personality has not changed much from other people of his age, seeing Bei Xiao is like a mouse seeing a cat.

It's not that he doesn't want revenge, but he knows that he is no match for Bei Xiao!

Bei Xiao didn't pay much attention to the other party.

After all, that incident has passed a long time ago. As long as the opponent honestly completes his own game within the team, he will not provoke him.

Then he wouldn't go out of his way to target the other party.

In the final analysis, there is no real conflict between oneself and the other party.

You're a genius, just conquer him!

Upon seeing this, Retru continued to talk about the follow-up content of this temporary meeting.

The main purpose is to relay the detailed process informed by the organizers of this year's U-17 World Cup to Bei Xiao and others.

In case something happens that affects the game.

Then there is the player situation of each team that needs to be paid attention to.

France, Switzerland, Spain, Japan, the United States...

Retru has conducted relatively detailed investigations and analyzes of almost all top-level players on the surface.

The 2-hour meeting ended.

Retru also looked at the time on his watch.

"Everyone! All that needs to be said is said!"

"Have a good rest! Tomorrow... we should start our journey this year!"

Polke and Bei Xiao also showed serious expressions on their faces.

It’s finally time to...start!

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