The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0195 The Eighth Consciousness! No One Is Aware Of It! Human Forbidden Zone! ?

0195 The eighth consciousness! All knowledge appears! Human forbidden zone!?



"Then let's see if you are just pretending!"

The whispers from Bei Xiao's mouth reached Byōdōin Hōō's ears.

Although the latter was a little stunned at first.


But he quickly spoke coldly.

When he raised his hand to throw up the tennis ball in his hand, his momentum rose to the extreme with the blessing of the skeleton pirate from another dimension and Asura Shinto.

“Spanish Bullfight————”


The world-class skills he played again have made new breakthroughs in terms of ball strength and skills!


Except for Bei Xiao, who is his opponent at the moment, and a few people watching the game, it can be felt.

His serve contained some kind of terrifying spiritual power!

This extra mental power undoubtedly comes from his different dimension!

Skeleton pirates!

If the "Spanish Bullfight" he played before was just like a violent bull charging at Bei Xiao.

So now....

It was a group of enraged wild bulls, charging towards him with the momentum to trample Bei Xiao to the ground.

Everyone outside the court was tense.

Whether they are the First Army or junior high school students, they can all deeply feel the terror of Byōdōin Hōō at this moment.

in their eyes.

The storm has arrived.

Bei Xiao is like a lonely boat in the vast ocean, about to be swallowed up by storms and waves in the dark night with thunder and lightning.


The ball hit the court hard at the same time.

In Bei Xiao's conscious world.

Byōdōin Hōō has transformed into a skeleton pirate, holding a scimitar blade and charging towards Bei Xiao.

The chill and cruelty in his eyes can almost be said to be a vivid display of his own tennis dominance!



What happened in an instant made Byōdōin Hōō's expression froze.


Everyone in the court, including Echizen Ryoga, could not help but open their mouths slightly.

Because Bei Xiao, who was standing at the baseline position for receiving the ball, took a step forward with a racquet in hand, and the same shocking figure suddenly appeared behind him.

The only difference is.

The triggering action "they" made.

Backhand whipping, diagonal straight whipping, forehand chipping, backhand picking...

A total of ten Bei Xiao's counterattack gestures appeared at the same time.

Byōdōin Hōō was stunned.


The dull sound of hitting the ball resounded throughout the entire court.


Most people didn't even see the way Bei Xiao hit the ball clearly, they just knew through hearing that he had completed the return hit.

And the result of this return shot...


Byōdōin Hōō felt a shock coming from his feet.

At this time, the stunned expression was clearly visible on his stiff face.

When everyone saw the figures hitting the ball behind Bei Xiao, they disappeared.

They also stayed where they were, speechless.

What on earth just happened!?

Bei Xiao fought back?!


What did he do?!

The first person to react was none other than the one sitting on the referee's chair... Oni Jujiro

His whole body was trembling faintly.

There was an incredible look of horror in a pair of eyes.


He has already seen the changes in Bei Xiao!

"The eighth consciousness!! No knowledge..."

"Bei Xiao! I guessed it right?!"

He didn't even care about his status as a referee at the moment and asked Bei Xiao who was standing in the court.

In the silent central court, his words were clearly heard by everyone.

Bei Xiao looked up at the opponent expressionlessly: "Oni Jujiro, you can announce the score! Don't forget, I am a player of the German U-17 team!"

"Is it possible that you still want to hear the truth about my strength from my mouth?"

As soon as these words came out, Oni Jujiro couldn't help but his eyes were shocked.

He knows it very well!

Even though Bei Xiao refused to answer his own question, he did not deny the implication!


"You are indeed a genius to the extreme. Even just your talent makes people feel frightened!"

"Bei Xiao scores! End of the game! Score 0-2! Change of serve!"

After he announced the score.

Byōdōin Hōō, who was standing at the other end of the court, also came to his senses.

He looked at a new ball mark that appeared on his court again.

The racquet handle in his hand once again withstood his strong grip, as if it would be crushed by him in the next second.

"Bei Xiao......Is this your trump card?"

"The eighth on earth did you do it?!"

"This is obviously...a real restricted area!!"

He doesn't know what kind of mood he has in his heart now.

Surprised? That’s for sure!

The eighth consciousness is omniscience!

This gate is completely closed to humans.

Almost never anyone can turn it on!

And those who can open it......

Without exception!!

All of them have become players who have attracted attention in an era in the history of world tennis!!


This also made him feel a trace of unspeakable fear as he had just opened the skeleton pirate from another dimension!

This fear is not just because of Bei Xiao's strength after opening the eighth consciousness.

It’s even more because of Bei Xiao’s talent as a tennis player!!

Byōdōin Hōō admits from the bottom of his heart that he is not a talented tennis player.

He is just hard enough on himself!!

Just to truly be able to catch up with the footsteps of the world's top geniuses.

Just when he thought he could catch up.

Even...after possessing the strength to surpass those geniuses.

He saw Bei Xiao with his eighth consciousness activated in front of him, and the fear in his heart about his talent made him realize...

Even though he had tried his best, there was still a genius beyond his knowledge running fast in front of him.

This undoubtedly made the fear in his heart begin to increase uncontrollably!!

outside the court.

The word "eighth consciousness" has left most people in a state of confusion.

Only Duke and Watanabe, Yukio Kurobe and others in the first army, Irie Kanata and Echizen Ryoga had different expressions.

They naturally know what the eighth consciousness represents.

Irie-senpai! What is the eighth consciousness, unconsciousness?!"

"That's right! Why do the expressions of Uncle Oni and Uncle Byodoin look so strange! And why did Bei Xiao score a point? Did you see where his attack landed?! Where is it?"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Kintarou Tooyama looked at Irie Kanata beside them and asked in unison.

The two people's questions also attracted the attention of all the junior high school students present.

Echizen Ryoma couldn't help but take a few steps in their direction.

Originally, he wanted to ask his brother Echizen Ryoga, but seeing that Shiraishi Kuranosuke spoke first, he also took the opportunity to listen.

Irie Kanata couldn't help but smile bitterly when she saw so many pairs of eyes staring at her.

He didn't show off, but spoke slowly with a bit of solemnity in his tone:

"The eighth consciousness is the realm of consciousness beyond the five senses of the human body!"

"In a sense, it can even completely push its body's reaction movements to a level that exceeds the limits of the human body!"

"That is to say, in this state, all the player's actions are faster than subconscious actions!"

"For example..."

"Just like when a person feels hungry, there must be a reaction in the body function first! Then the consciousness of hunger will be generated deep in the brain!"

"Wuwuji... means that your body's reaction speed exceeds the speed of your brain's consciousness!"

"The shooting movements of Bei Xiao that looked like afterimages that we just saw were actually all his own!"

"It's just because our reaction nerves can't keep up with him that this picture appears visually!"

"Our 0.01 second and his 0.01 second are no longer the same unit of measurement after he opened his eighth consciousness!"

This explanation made the junior high school students freeze in place.

They even subconsciously thought, Irie Kanata is crazy!!

Is this really something humans can do?!

One of the major competitive elements of tennis is the player's reaction ability!!

If you follow what the other person said.

Doesn't it mean that once an opponent faces Bei Xiao, who is now unconscious, he will be completely unable to match the opponent in terms of reaction speed?!

after all!

No matter how intense the training is, if one's reaction speed is raised to the limit, it will not exceed the range that normal people should have!!

Coupled with Bei Xiao's extremely exaggerated strength, speed and endurance...

this moment!!

Can anyone really defeat each other in court!?

turn out to be…………

This is its true trump card!!

The most powerful trump card that has never been shown in front of anyone and has a winning strike!!

At a time when the hearts of junior high school students are in turmoil.

Echizen Ryoga was staying alone not far from the court, looking deeply at Bei Xiao at this time.

to be honest!

When he knew that Bei Xiao defeated Oni Jujiro and Reinhardt, two world-class players.

Although it is inevitable that surprising and unexpected thoughts will appear in my heart.

But he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, when he first came into contact with Bei Xiao, he knew that the other person not only had extremely terrifying tennis talent, but also had extraordinary miraculous qualities.

This kind of miraculous color is like the kind of people who are favored by God.

As long as the other party wants to do anything, they can quickly reach an amazing level in a certain field.


When Bei Xiao forced Byōdōin Hōō to activate the Skeleton Pirates from another dimension, he still wondered whether the opponent would be in a bit of a tough fight.

At least, Byōdōin Hōō in this state is already in the first echelon of high school students.

Even the top talents from various countries, or even the captain of the U-17 representative team, would not be able to deal with it without mustering their 120,000 points.


Now Bei Xiao once again gave him a surprise beyond imagination.

He didn't know when the other party turned on his ignorance.

But whether it was hiding all the time or the breakthrough after coming to Japan to play.

They all once again increase the opponent's talent limit infinitely!!


"It turns out that I already felt that everything had begun

It's getting boring!"

"But... now everything seems to be different from what I thought!"

"I really made a very right decision!"

Echizen Ryoga spoke softly, his originally lazy and playful eyes flashed with a fighting spirit that he had not felt for a long time.

In the competition court.

Bei Xiao held the tennis ball in hand and stood at the serve baseline position again.

Originally, he was thinking that since Byōdōin Hōō opened the other party's own different dimension.

Then, he is also thinking about showing off the different-dimensional monster he possesses!!

He was confident that Byōdōin Hōō's extradimensional power would not have any impact on his own extradimensionality.


In the end, he chose not to show it, but used the third-stage black rat spell to enter a state of ignorance.

The purpose of this game is to defeat Byōdōin Hōō!

Showing your own different dimensions can achieve the same effect.


A junior high school student who opens up another dimension is enough to attract prying eyes!

not to mention.

I don’t need to take JapanU-17 seriously, but I still have to guard against this guy Echizen Ryoga on the court!

The eighth level of consciousness is essentially a high-level improvement based on the player's physical functions.

The stronger your body function is, the more terrifying your unconscious blessing will be!

Therefore, there is no absolute restraint in the true sense.

But the power of different dimensions can be analyzed!

It's just that the difficulty of analysis is different.

Moreover, a lot of deep information can be obtained from the power of different dimensions!

And how much you get varies from person to person!

Bei Xiao didn't want 450 to reveal all its trump cards in front of Echizen Ryoga before the fight.

This is not something smart people do!

The third game begins.


When Bei Xiao raised his hand to serve.

Everyone watching this game once again witnessed the special "afterimages" caused by ignorance.

And the same!

When facing the current Bei Xiao, Byōdōin Hōō, who was supposed to have the advantage after opening the alternate-dimensional skeleton pirates, fell into a great passive position.

Less than a minute!

This gap is apart from the fact that he "self-sealed" the power of the seamless extreme gate.

There are also reasons why the opponent has been experiencing various cruel competitions and self-training outside the training camp, while he is stuck in the training camp, barely ensuring that his strength does not deteriorate.


And he knew it.

The third goal!

He put himself into Bei Xiao's situation.

Moreover, even if he doesn't want to admit it in his heart.

The current game court is like a birdcage that cannot be broken.

As the referee, Oni Jujiro looked at Byōdōin Hōō in the court who had no ability to "resist" in the hands of Bei Xiao, and he also felt sad in his heart.

And the sixth game is about to begin.

Everyone in the First Army watched as no matter how hard they fought back, Bei Xiao always found an opportunity to attack again with every ball, falling into a passive Byōdōin Hōō.

He lost to Bei Xiao.


"Bei Xiao scores! End of the game! Score 0-4! Change of serve!"

"Bei Xiao scores! End of the game! Score 5-0! Change of serve!"


Two more games followed!

Even if they were on the same starting line, Byōdōin Hōō can be said to have been moving forward, but he has been standing still for too long!

Byōdōin Hōō, the phoenix that should have spread its wings and soared to the top of the world, is now trapped in this cage with no hope of escape.

The unconscious terror was completely imprinted in their hearts at this moment.


In the stands, three figures of Mifūne Nyudō appeared!

Facing Byōdōin Hōō who opened Asura Shinto and the skeleton pirate of another dimension, Oni Jujiro helplessly realized that the gap between himself and Byōdōin Hōō was not small.

As spectators, their eyes also revealed a trace of despair.

The game has been played for a total of five rounds so far!

The absolute crushing of players in certain abilities during the game resulted in the current situation.

"Bei Xiao scores! End of the game! Score 3-0! Change of serve!"

"Bei Xiao scores! Score 15-0!"


Second goal!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

The fact is that now he has the courage to compete with Byōdōin Hōō, but he does not have the strength to compete with him before!

Tokugawa Kazuya, Irie Kanata, and Tanegashima Shuji also lost.

Now it’s Byōdōin Hōō’s turn!!

If the first two rounds were barely evenly matched, then after Bei Xiao turned on Wuwushi, he has completely crushed Byōdōin Hōō!

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