The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0193 Asura Of The Phoenix! World Football Skills For Free? Light Ball Destroys!

0193 Asura of the Phoenix! A world-class skill that costs nothing? Destroy with just one shot!

"Ah... Shura Shinto!!"

"Byōdōin Hōō is also the player who started Asura Shinto?!"

Court side.

Echizen Ryoma looked at Byōdōin Hōō who turned on Asura Shinto in the court, his eyes widened and he exclaimed.

as same as him.

The junior high school students apparently also found out at this moment that Byōdōin Hōō could actually activate Asura Shinto.

Echizen Ryoga's expression did not change at all, but he put the last uneaten orange in his hand into his mouth with a slight smile.

"Little one, don't be so fussy!"

"If Byōdōin Hōō can't even activate Asura Shinto, how can he become the leader of the Japan U-17 representative team?"

"Asura Shinto and the Seamless Ultimate Gate, whether these two forces can be opened does not represent a player's strength, but players who can embark on either path...can be considered to have truly found it. Someone who is on his own tennis path!”

"Just like the old man...he is waiting for you to open the door to the limit of seamlessness!"

"But... obviously you can't do it yet!"

After hearing this, Echizen Ryoma immediately turned to stare at the other party, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone: "Stop talking sarcastically! Could it be that you have opened the door to the limit of seamlessness?! Even if your current strength may be stronger than mine, There is a limit to how strong you can be, right? Can you be stronger than these two guys, Bei Xiao and Byōdōin Hōō?"

But the next second.

He was shocked when he saw Echizen Ryoga tilting his head and staring at him, with a look of confidence inadvertently showing in his eyes.

"Haha, little one! Although saying this is a bit of a shock to you..."

"But! Just because I wanted to have a good match with Bei Xiao, I joined the U.S. U-17! Otherwise, I'm not interested in the U-17 World Cup..."

"As for Byōdōin Hōō... to me, it's just not bad!"

These words made Echizen Ryoma look at his brother in confusion. He vaguely felt that... his brother, whom he had not seen for many years, seemed to be much stronger than he expected!

At a certain moment, he even felt as if he was facing the Northern Fan.

The pressure from the other party almost made him breathless in the other party's chuckle.

And inside the court.

Bei Xiao looked at Byōdōin Hōō who turned on Asura Shinto, and his expression did not waver at all.

He already knows this!

The opponent's powerful aura and the chilling and strange aura coming from the abyss of hell were not enough to directly affect him.


at the same time.

The bright silver tiger head lines on Bei Xiao's forehead flashed across his forehead.

The next second.

Under the gaze of everyone in the audience, the aura of Asura Shinto also emerged from Bixiao's body.

All of a sudden.

The two Asura Shinto auras, which have the same origin but belong to different players, suddenly started to compete in the court.

Everyone from the First Army, a few people from Irie Kanata and junior high school students.

Almost at the same time, they all took a step back.

The momentum of the two Asura Shintos really made them feel extremely overwhelmed.

When Byōdōin Hōō in the court saw Bei Xiao opening Asura Shinto, there was no surprise in his eyes.

on the contrary!

He was completely immersed in excitement and violent emotions.

Only players who have activated Asura Shinto know how much satisfaction and sense of achievement they can get from defeating the opponent if they are players who have activated Asura Shinto like themselves!


On the same road, even with the same desire to win, I am the one who can go further and be stronger!!

"Bei Xiao!!"

"Now you...are qualified enough to receive the tennis ball that belongs to me, Byōdōin Hōō!!"


"Spanish Bullfighting——"


When Byōdōin Hōō raised his hand to serve, a serve with a very strong topspin came out of his hand.

The tennis ball flies over the net.

The body of the ball seemed to be covered by the shadow of a wild bull, charging towards Bei Xiao.

The appearance of this ball made all the junior high school students' eyes widen.

Because they only know that this ball is not simple, but they cannot see the essence of the skill at all.

If they were to stand on the court instead of Bei Xiao and face this ball, they would not know how to respond at this moment.

It can be electric and flint.

Just because those junior high school students couldn't respond doesn't mean Bei Xiao can't do it!

He knew very well the technical nature of the "Spanish bullfight" that Byōdōin Hōō was currently performing.

When the opponent wanders around the world, by playing against powerful tennis players from all over the world, the understanding and skills of playing with them are summarized, and the special skills are formed!

Every ball is almost a representation of a skill!

Such skills are also called----world skills!


"The strength of topspin is good, but the backlash is not enough!"


Bei Xiao's eyes were now blessed by the Hai Zhu Talisman.

The third stage of the Haizhu spell is enough for Bei Xiao to see clearly the world-class skills played by Byōdōin Hōō in a short period of time!

Picking up racquet, a front court lob appeared.

"Hmph!" Byōdōin Hōō frowned slightly, he didn't expect Bei Xiao to counterattack his world skills so easily.

After all, this is the first time for the other party to deal with it!

He snorted coldly, but it was impossible for him to give up the attack.


Quickly surfing the net, the backhand racquet was swung out before the tennis ball completely fell.

"Flame Firebird Dance——"



At the same time as the sound of hitting the ball was heard, some kind of bird call sounded in the ears of everyone present almost at the same time.

The ball was like a flamingo spreading its wings, heading towards Bei Xiao's defensive space.

If we say "Spanish bullfighting" is a combination of kick serve and strength.

So the current "Fire Bird Dance" is the ultimate exertion of volley in front of the net.

In Bei Xiao's eyes, the speed at which the ball was flying had exceeded the "Firebird Shadow" that was just a confusing image.

While running to chase the ball, the three-stage sensitive rabbit charm is activated almost instantly when the ball is about to hit the ground.

His already slow speed increased to an astonishing level in the blink of an eye!

It was just when Byōdōin Hōō thought that he would definitely be able to score, he counterattacked with his backhand!


The return of this ball caused Byōdōin Hōō to tighten his grip on the racquet a little more.

He realized...

I'm afraid his world-class skills may not be what he wants to gain the advantage in the game first!



In the court, Bei Xiao and Byōdōin Hōō's offense and defense continued.

But the longer it dragged on, the more shocked the faces of everyone in the army became.

Tohno Atsukyo was startled and said: " is it possible! The master has already demonstrated! Six world skills! Why did this Bei Xiao fight back?!"

"Has he studied the master in advance?! Every move in this world's game... is almost the ultimate in a skill!!"

"Doesn't this junior high school student have any shortcomings in his physical fitness and skills?"

His words are undoubtedly what the rest of the army are thinking.

Mitsuya Akuto had endured the shock in his heart at this time, opened his computer and started typing on the keyboard.

At some point, Saitō Itaru and Takashi Ryuuji appeared next to him.

"Akuto-san, I think there is no need for you to measure Bei Xiao's physical fitness!"

After hearing what Saitō Itaru said, Mitsuya Akuto pointed his finger.

He looked up at Saitō Itaru and the two, with complex expressions in his eyes, and asked tentatively: "Why? Has the complete calculation been completed before the training camp? What was the result?"

Saitō Itaru and Takashi Ryuuji shook their heads.

"No! Although the game videos between Bei Xiao and Oni Jujiro-san, as well as the games between Tanegashima Shuji-san and Irie Kanata-san are all preserved!"

“We also try to do analysis!”

"But the conclusions reached in the end cannot be uniformly adapted!"

"In other words, Bei Xiao's physical data cannot be accurately measured to a certain extent without his cooperation!"

"Even if you get the result now, there is a high probability that there will be a huge error!"

"Unless Byōdōin Hōō-san can force out Bei Xiao's full strength!"

"But if this is really done, the calculation will be meaningless!"

This time.

Everyone in the first army was completely dumbfounded.

Only then did they realize...

It turns out that when Bei Xiao defeated Oni Jujiro and the others in the training camp... he didn't even try his best!!

This strength... even among world-class players, he is definitely not a threshold player!

Even... at least no less than their chief general in the court, Byōdōin Hōō!

Junior high school student here.

Whether it's Shitenhouji, Higa Naka, or Seigaku who have a good relationship with Hyotei Gakuen.

He is still the popular Rikkai who once had great conflicts.

In their hearts, Bei Xiao's strength continues to rise even though it exceeds their understanding time and time again.

Every time Bei Xiao hits back, their hearts beat faster.

Irie Kanata and Tanegashima Shuji also had wry smiles on their faces.

"This guy...why does he feel so much stronger?" the former said, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

The latter shook his head: "Feeling? He's obviously become stronger, right?"

"In the previous match between him and Oni, Asura Shinto's performance in terms of speed, strength, and even reaction and skills... was a bit worse than it is now!"

"Now he... I'm afraid that even if he activates ghosts and gods from different dimensions, he will definitely not be his opponent!"

After saying that, Tanegashima Shuji also looked deeply at Byōdōin Hōō in the court.

"Spanish bullfighting, Yandong firebird dance, Libyan hail..."

"Every move of these skills is enough to give people a headache! Even if I face Byodoin, which has all the skills in the world, I don't know if I can cope with these complicated skills!"

"But! This guy Bei Xiao has counterattacked all these world skills with just his insight, physical fitness and batting skills!"

...Please give me flowers...

"If I hadn't seen this scene with my own eyes, even if you told me he was the captain of the German U-17 team...Polk! I wouldn't have been surprised!"

In response to Tanegashima Shuji's sigh, Irie Kanata nodded and sighed.

And the whole conversation between the two people

Tokugawa Kazuya, who had heard everything in his ears, no longer knew what he was thinking in his heart.


At a loss?!


Or is it anger and powerlessness?!

Under the mixed emotions, he also felt that he was a little ridiculous.

These two men in the court...

Is it really something he can challenge?!

The man who also entered hell and mastered Asura Shinto unconsciously began to shrink back.


"Bei Xiao scores! Score 0-15!"


"Bei Xiao scores! Score 0-30!"

The second game lasted for 15 minutes, but only 2 goals were scored.

And the reason why Byōdōin Hōō's rhythm was disrupted after a 15-minute fierce battle with Bei Xiao was precisely because of Bei Xiao's two goals!

He never expected...

Turn on Asura Shinto, perform various world-class skills, and even gain the advantage of serving first.

They are actually the team at a disadvantage!!

Even though I know that at times like this, I need to maintain a certain degree of rationality and calmness.


Under Asura Shinto, his desire to win is constantly amplified.

Bei Xiao looked at the score ahead of him, but showed no emotion at all.


Byōdōin Hōō's inner anger could no longer be controlled.

"World Skills..."

"Being able to complete every skill to this point is really enough to be proud of!"

"But, in the final analysis... just because it's complicated doesn't mean it's useful!"

“While focusing on skills, you subconsciously ignore sweet spot skills, which leads to loopholes in the combination of your hitting skills and sweet spots for each ball that you are not even aware of!

“Byōdōin Hōō…..This lesson is given to you for free!”

Listening to Bei Xiao standing at the baseline of catching the ball, he was still "guiding" himself.

Byōdōin Hōō was so angry that he directly raised the racquet in his hand and pointed it at Bei Xiao: "Little devil!! Don't bully others too much!!"


He didn't care about anything else and filmed serve again.

Raising his hand is a skill that has appeared before in the world - "Libya Hail"!

The ball shadows all over the sky suddenly fell like hailstones.

Bei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The same trick... the first shot didn't work, why do you think it will work with the second shot?"

As he finished speaking, his steps moved.

While ignoring the "hail" in the sky, he came to a spot where the ball fell and raised his hand to shoot.



In the eyes of everyone present and Bei Xiao.

They all couldn't help but tremble inwardly.

The terrifying power and dazzling golden light far beyond the ordinary light strike erupted from the place where the two collided.


Or Atobe Keigo and others who also control the shot of the ball outside the court.

Regardless of whether it is Oni Jujiro as the referee.

"Byōdōin Hōō, are you kidding me?"

A violent aura suddenly emerged from this shot.

In Bei Xiao's eyes, this serve has only one trajectory from beginning to end!

Hit the ball in return!!


"Bei Xiao!!"

Even the hell black battle ax played by Oni Jujiro has a certain gap in the destruction of this light strike.

The terrifying light ball bombarded by Byōdōin Hōō in the court was already impacting in the direction of Bei Xiao.


When Bei Xiao made a gesture to take the photo, Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata looked at each other!

After all, there is only one tennis ball!

"Since the world's skills can't help you... then try this shot!!"

As Echizen Ryoma heard his brother's whispers in his ears.

Bei Xiao's counterattack hit Phoenix's racquet and hit it together.

But the appearance of this ball seemed to be completely expected by Byōdōin Hōō.

A golden light appeared in the court.

"Let you understand how to hit the ball with bare balls!!"

Simply speaking in terms of the quality of the ball!

"Light strike...destruction!"

"This ball is called——Destruction!!"

The sound of hitting the ball sounded, and those "hail stones" disappeared at the same time.

Because when the ball just flew over the net, he was already standing in front of the net, raising his hand to make a forehand shot.

Facing this light strike, Bei Xiao already had an estimate in his mind.

The destruction of Byōdōin Hōō's light strike definitely surpassed the power of any light strike he had encountered before!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all of them! 2].

"Want to destroy me..."



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