The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0191 One Game Ends Everything? ! Betting On Your Tennis Career? !

0191 One set ends everything?! Betting on your tennis career?!

Looking at Bei Xiao who was surrounded by Atobe Keigo and others at the entrance of the central court, Takushoku Ryuuji stared at Yukio Kurobe.

"Kurobe! Haven't you been watching the surveillance camera?! When did Bei Xiao enter the training camp? Did you open the door for him?"

The same goes for Saitō Itaru. He didn't expect Yukio Kurobe to be so courageous!

They actually let people in directly!

Even if you know that the other person will show up sooner or later, you still have to look at the occasion!

Now that Yijun has just returned and his internal affairs have not been settled, how can he let Bei Xiao appear?

Kurobe Yukio was stared at by the two men, and he immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Stop joking! How could I open the door for him! He had to hold the German U-17 Expedition Wolf Head Badge before he could come in!

"This guy...must have sneaked in by himself!"

"The key could it be such a coincidence?! As soon as the front foot of the first army arrived, he appeared on the back foot!"

"The people who have contact with him in the training camp don't have communication equipment in their hands! Moreover, Atobe Keigo and the others just found out that Yijun is coming back!"

His words made Saitō Itaru and Takashi Ryuuji's eyes flicker.


They also discovered the problem!

The three people spoke quietly, and others did not notice.

And the other side.

Tokugawa Kazuya's eyes were almost on fire when he looked at Bei Xiao.

Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata both saw it.

But the two could only shake their heads helplessly, and just looked at each other, invisibly "sandwiching" Tokugawa Kazuya in the middle.

Afraid that the other party would get angry, he went to Bei Xiao directly!

The other party was like this before, but Beichang was forced to lie on the bed for almost two months.

If Mifūne Nyudō and Yukio Kurobe hadn't planned to give each other another chance, they would no longer be in the training camp.


If Bei Xiao was still a "guest" at that time, now Bei Xiao is an enemy.

They don’t think that if Tokugawa Kazuya provokes Bei Xiao again, the other party will show mercy to him!


Just as Yukio Kurobe and the other three were wondering why Bei Xiao appeared here so coincidentally.

The two of them and Tanegashima Shuji couldn't help but think in their hearts.

Is it a coincidence...or did someone inform Bei Xiao that Yijun will be back today?!

No matter what they think.

Bei Xiao's attention at this time was on the Atobe Keigo7 people in front of him.

"Buchou! I've activated Asura Shinto! You're right, that old guy Mifūne Nyudō San does have his own uniqueness! That Tokugawa Kazuya! I was defeated yesterday too!

"If Yukio Kurobe and the others hadn't stopped him, I would have killed him yesterday!"

"Minister! I have also completely combined the black hole technique with the sweet spot technique and spin! Before, it was only effective in defending power balls! Now on the offensive end, I can also rely on this trick as a trump card!"

"Minister! We also made it to the No. 3 training court on our own!"


Seeing Atobe Keigo and others telling him about their training results as if "showing off", the corners of Bei Xiao's mouth raised slightly.

He knows that these guys just want to get their own approval!

"It's pretty least it's much better than a month ago!"

"However, you seem to have forgotten! It seems that we are still rivals, right?"

Hearing this, Atobe Keigo and the others' smiles froze, and they looked at each other in confusion.

Oshitari Yuushi spoke slowly at this time: "Minister! Although I don't know why you showed up here today, the worst thing is that we will follow you!"

"JapanU-17 seems not suitable for us!"

These words made Anato Ryo and the others extremely moved.

After all, the attitudes of Byōdōin Hōō, Yijun and others were just there.

Do you want them to bow their heads?

They even made plans at this moment.

If the German U-17 team does not accept them, they will find U-17 teams from other countries.

The worst-case scenario is that they won't have a chance to play. They can just sit in the audience and cheer for the German and American U-17 teams of Bei Xiao and Akutsu Jin!

Bei Xiao snorted coldly: "One code equals one code! As the head of the tennis department, I will not watch you being bullied!"

“However, if you don’t want to be humiliated, you must use your own strength to fight back.”

As soon as these words came out, Atobe Keigo and the others lowered their heads subconsciously.

they know.

Although I keep saying that Japan U-17 is not suitable for me, I am more afraid of being targeted by Byōdōin Hōō.

After all, he is a world-class player and the captain of the Japan U-17 team!

Coupled with their relationship with Bei Xiao, it is not easy to train stably in the Japan U-17 representative team!

Bei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly at this time.

"Let's go! Follow me!"

As he spoke, he was already walking towards Byōdōin Hōō and others with his tennis bag on his back.

Atobe Keigo and the others immediately followed Bei Xiao when they saw him.

Just like before, following Bei Xiao as the Water Emperor's main candidate and facing all opponents!

Bei Xiao knew very well at this time that Atobe Keigo and the others were not only dissatisfied with Byōdōin Hōō's attitude just now, but also feared each other's strength.

Although he said that as long as he has the strength, he can resist!

But with Atobe Keigo's current strength, the imminent issues no longer give them time to continue to improve.


As their minister, today is the last time to help them!

After all, Bei Xiao is not cold-blooded enough to let Atobe Keigo and the others really resist the threat of Japan U-17's large army alone.

Not to mention Byōdōin Hōō, a guy with the same domineering personality as himself.

Fuji Syusuke and the others, junior high school students, had already been pushed aside by Kurobe Yukio when Bei Xiao and the others came over.

What happens next is obviously beyond their control!

Kurobe Yukio and the other three also took the initiative to walk in front of Bei Xiao.

"Classmate Bei Xiao! Long time no see! If I remember correctly, you should be training at the German U-17 training camp!"

"You came all the way to us. You must have just gotten off the plane, right? Why don't you go to the players' dormitory and take a rest! Let's talk about other things when we find the head coach! How about that?"

After listening to Yukio Kurobe's words, Bei Xiao turned his attention to Byōdōin Hōō and said, "No need to bother! You don't have to pretend not to know the purpose of my coming!" 1

"I'm not looking for Mifūne Nyudō San...I'm looking for him!"

Bei Xiao said, and directed his light towards Byōdōin Hōō again.

Since the latter saw Bei Xiao, his expression has obviously not relaxed.

When the two looked at each other, everyone in the army stood behind Byōdōin Hōō except Tsukimitsu Ochi who was standing on one side.

Bei Xiao!!

When they went on the expedition, they were also aware of what the other party was doing at the Japan U-17 training camp.

The situation at this time made Kurobe Yukio and the other three feel bitter.

This kind of mess...

They didn’t know what to do for a while!

At this critical moment, Mifūne Nyudōsan, the head coach, was not present!

Just when Yukio Kurobe didn't know how to speak to break the current situation.

Byōdōin Hōō spoke in a deep voice: "Bei Xiao, I know you are here to see me this time! I was very curious after learning about what you did in the training camp!"

"To think there is a junior high school student like you!"

"Not only did I defeat that loser Tokugawa Kazuya, I even defeated this guy Oni!"

"Don't worry! Everything will come to an end today!"

"But...before that!"

"I also want to know, if you can show up at the training camp now, is it possible that you have been keeping an eye on me in Germany?"

When he spoke, he stared into Bei Xiao's eyes, as if he wanted to see something.

Byōdōin Hōō is no fool.

He didn't believe Bei Xiao's appearance was a coincidence!

Only the members of the first army and the third Mifūne Nyudō knew the time of the expedition's return.

He didn't think it was Mifūne Nyudō who specifically told Bei Xiao!

Then there is only one possibility!!

Someone in Yijun is in contact with Bei Xiao!!


"Oops! I'm sorry! Byodo-in, Bei Xiao is my friend!"

"I heard that he wanted to talk to you, so I told him the time of our return!"

"I just didn't expect him to come so quickly..."

Only the playful words sounded from behind.

Echizen Ryoga slowly walked towards the crowd with his dumb brother Echizen Ryoma who looked stunned.

Hear his words.

Byōdōin Hōō, the entire army, Oni Jujiro and Kurobe Yukio all frowned.

They all looked at Echizen Ryoga with a little evil look.

For Byōdōin Hōō and everyone in the First Army, they now regret in their hearts that they allowed this mysterious Echizen Ryoga to join the First Army and follow them back to the training camp.

Oni Jujiro and the others, as well as Yukio Kurobe, began to have great doubts about Echizen Ryoga's stance.

Byōdōin Hōō watched as Echizen Ryoga's arm hooked on Bei Xiao's shoulder.

He stared at the other party coldly and spoke again: "It is indeed! Were you the undercover Bei Xiao who infiltrated Japan U-17 from the beginning?"

Echizen Ryoga was about to speak, but Bei Xiao threw him off his shoulder first.

"Don't make things too complicated!"

"This guy and I came to JapanU-17 for different reasons!"

"I just came to you to play a game, and he is just preparing to take his brother away from Japan U-17!"

After hearing Bei Xiao's words, Echizen Ryoga did not continue to put his arm on his arm, but bit the orange in his hand without hesitation, with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth.

This time.

Everyone present also understood the matter.

Good guy!

I came to JapanU-17 together to find a relationship.

Byōdōin Hōō's eyes flashed with anger.

"Hmph! One came to compete with me! The other wanted to take someone away from the training camp..."

"What do you two think the Japan U-17 training camp is?!"

His angry shout almost made most of the people present tremble inwardly.

Bei Xiao and Echizen Ryoga's expressions did not change at all.

"Byōdōin Hōō"

"Since you just said that everything will be settled today, let's use tennis to do the talking!"

"We just got off the plane, so I shouldn't be taking advantage of you!"

Bei Xiao said and walked to the rest area aside.

While putting down his tennis bag, he took out his scarlet-spotted racquet from the bag.

Byōdōin Hōō saw this.


Without hesitation, Ji took out the racquet from his tennis bag.

"You can fight...but what's the cost of winning or losing?"

When you use tennis to deal with problems, you have to show your sincerity first, right?"

Hearing what he said, everyone in the army looked at each other and walked towards the outside of the court.

They knew that Bei Xiao and their leader were destined to have a game!

Just when Kurobe Yukio wanted to persuade him to say something, Saitō Itaru pulled him into his ear and whispered softly: "What we say in this situation is of no use!"

"Hurry up and contact the head coach! If he is here, at least we can finish it no matter what!"

"Besides! The identity of Echizen Ryoma and Echizen Ryoga is also a problem! Only the head coach can handle it!"

After hearing this, Kurobe Yukio nodded subconsciously.

At the moment, he walked silently towards the distance, trying to contact Mifūne Nyudō San.

Bei Xiao, who returned to the court, glanced at Atobe Keigo and others, and then at Echizen Ryoga, who was looking forward to the show.

He said calmly: "One set determines the outcome! I won, and I don't want them to suffer what happened just now at the Japan U-17 training camp! And... you are so bad

Let’s apologize!”

"Besides, this guy takes people away! JapanU-17 is released!"

Byōdōin Hōō's expression darkened: "I have quite a big appetite! People who don't know would think I was playing for the German U-17!"

"Why should I agree to such a condition?"

"You know...the challenger is you! Not me!"

Bei Xiao didn't respond, just looked at the other party.

In his heart, Byōdōin Hōō would definitely agree.

as expected.

Seeing that Bei Xiao remained silent, Byōdōin Hōō spat: "In that case, let's take your tennis career as a bet!"

After hearing this, Atobe Keigo and the others gritted their teeth and lowered their heads and stopped talking.

"Do you dare?"

After coming back to his senses, he saw that Bei Xiao was not joking.

The former said leisurely: "I'm so sorry! I obviously want to take the little one away, but I bother you to play this game!"

With that said, he walked towards the court referee's chair.

Tsukimitsu Ochi also looked at Bei Xiao with complicated eyes, who was already holding a racquet and walked to the baseline position at one end of the court, then turned around and left with Atobe Keigo and the others who were looking anxious.

Echizen Ryoga and Echizen Ryoma were standing behind Bei Xiao at this time.

Atobe Keigo wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Tsukimitsu Ochi: "This is Bei Xiao's decision! He is not just for you! Without the conflict between you and the general, he also wants to find the leader.

He didn't seem to take it to heart at all, Byōdōin Hōō told him to use his tennis career as a bet for the outcome of this match.

"The referee's choice...three Mifūne Nyudō three is not here! Oni Jujiro, do you have any questions?"

"Senior Yuezhi! You..."

Are the stakes so high?......

It’s because I want to take advantage of this opportunity to destroy Bei Xiao openly!

But Bei Xiao just nodded slightly in front of everyone.

"Then let's get started!"

when he made his request.

"Get away! Besides! Isn't 500W rice gold too much for this game? Your brother should be worth this price, right?"

Oni Jujiro also looked at Bei Xiao in astonishment at this time.

If we can use this game to defeat Bei Xiao and prevent him from participating in good games...

Irie Kanata and Tanegashima Shuji saw this.

Echizen Ryoga's smiling face suddenly froze: "Bei Xiao! Are you kidding me?"

Atobe Keigo and the others suddenly became anxious.

He also said in a deep voice: "No problem!"

For this year's U-17 World Cup, Bei Xiao, a junior high school student, joined the German U-17

They know very well that Byōdōin Hōō is not just for the face of the Japan U-17 training camp.

"So, if you are really worried, instead of disturbing him with your useless emotions, why not just cheer him up on the side of the court!"

Bei Xiao didn't even look at Zhou Zhou.

It’s so powerful!

Oni Jujiro and the others also frowned slightly.

Lima pulled Tokugawa Kazuya, whose expression was still a little dull, towards the outside because Bei Xiao was going to compete with Byōdōin Hōō.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

But soon he saw that Bei Xiao didn't pay attention to him anymore, and he shook his head helplessly: "Okay! I understand! You are treating me like that guy from Matas!"

There will be a game!”

It definitely saved a lot of trouble for future games!

They didn't want Bei Xiao to risk the opponent's tennis career because of them.

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