The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0185 TannhäUser Was Broken? Symphony Serve! ! Evenly Matched?

0185 Tannhäuser was defeated? Symphony serve!! Evenly matched?

In the main control room.

Kurobe Yukio and the others looked at the surveillance screen, Atobe Keigo and Tokugawa Kazuya who had already stood in court.

"Head coach! Let the junior high school students who just graduated from junior high school compete with Tokugawa classmates... Isn't it too much pressure?"

"Moreover! The scores of the three rounds... even if Atobe Keigo-san is probably the strongest among the six junior high school students who went up the mountain!"

"Facing Tokugawa-san, it's not easy to win the score!"

“What decision should I make if I lose training camp?”

Kurobe Yukio asked softly.

He was not only asking, but also wanted to know more about why Mifūne Nyudō made such an arrangement.

三 Mifūne Nyudō San heard this, with a hint of amusement in the corner of his eyes, and slowly said: "Isn't it easy to win? Haha.

"You know what the heck! When this brat Atobe Keigo first came up the mountain... he was already strong enough to challenge an army!"

"This month...if he can't even win three games from Tokugawa, will I let him go?"

As soon as these words came out.

The three of them, Kurobe Yukio, opened their mouths in slight astonishment.

Did you have the strength to challenge the First Army a month ago?! can't be possible?!

They had personally seen Atobe Keigo's performance on the court in the knockout rounds before!

Although I know that the other party is hiding something, he shouldn’t be hiding so much!!

Compared with the doubts in their hearts, they will not doubt what Mifūne Nyudō said.

after all!

During this month, the other party and Atobe Keigo were all in the mountains.

With Atobe Keigo and their strength, the other party has the most say!!

No. 1 training court.

"Junior high school student Atobe Keigo versus high school student Tokugawa Kazuya!"

"Challenger serve!"

"Game start!"

After the referee announced the start of the game, Atobe Keigo already held a tennis ball in his hand and looked calmly at Tokugawa Kazuya across the court.

outside the court.

The high school students in the training court on the 2-16th are also staring at the upcoming game.

"I didn't expect that the coaching staff actually arranged Tokugawa Kazuya as the opponent of these 25 junior high school students!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Who doesn't know that Tanegashima-senpai and Tokugawa-senpai of the No. 1 training court cannot be treated as players of the ordinary No. 1 training court!"

"This guy Tokugawa...Although he is usually a bit arrogant! But I have to say that with this guy's current strength, even if he returns with an army! He is probably among the top ten!"

"That's right! When Tokugawa Kazuya returned from overseas, he also fought from Court 16 to Court 1 alone! If he hadn't been targeted by that guy... I'm afraid he might also be in the army now. It’s in!"

"I heard that Tokugawa also went up the mountain after being injured by Bei Xiao?!"

"It is said that he is! Anyway, he disappeared some time ago! He only appeared before the junior high school students came to the training camp!"

"Perhaps only Tanegashima-senpai and Ghost Boss can know..."

Regarding the match between Atobe Keigo and Tokugawa Kazuya, the high school students obviously all stood behind Tokugawa Kazuya.

In their view, this game is completely without any suspense.

And here are the junior high school students.

Others also looked at Seiichi Yukimura and Shiraishi Kuranosuke, seeming to want to learn more about Atobe Kage's strength from them.

But they didn't know much about Tokugawa Kazuya.

Even if he knew that the other party was a "special" high school student like Irie Kanata and others in the training camp.

However, since I have not seen the opponent play in person, I cannot give an accurate judgment.

As for Atobe Keigo....

Both of them only gave a "very strong" answer.

In the competition court.

Atobe Keigo faced Tokugawa Kazuya and already raised his hand to serve.

Although he has a high-profile and arrogant personality, it does not mean that he is stupid.

Since Tokugawa Kazuya is in the mouths of Anado Ryo and others, being able to be in a "small group" with Oni Jujiro and the others also represents the strength of the other party.


As soon as he started, he made a Tannhäuser serve that made all junior high school students stunned!



Tokugawa Kazuya looked at the tennis ball that landed on the ground, relying on his own rotation to "grab" the court ground and slide past him.

A look of surprise also flashed in his eyes.

"Junior high school student Atobe Keigo scores! The score is 15-0!"

The referee's voice announcing the score also surprised the high school students watching outside the court.

They obviously didn't expect that Atobe Keigo could still play such a non-bounce serve.

Facing Tokugawa Kazuya, he directly completed an ACE ball at the beginning!

The expressions of Oni Jujiro and the three others did not change much.

Even though it was their first time to see Atobe Keigo play this kind of serve, they didn't think it was anything surprising.

I just silently thought about how Tokugawa Kazuya would respond to this kind of service.

“Nice serve! In terms of the spinning technique alone, it’s really unique!”

"It should be caused by the reverse rotation of the Zero Serve...right?"

Tokugawa Kazuya looked in the direction of Atobe Keigo and said calmly.

Atobe Keigo saw the essence of his own Tannhäuser serve after just watching the opponent's goal.

He slapped the tennis ball with no surprise or surprise on his face.

If Tokugawa Kazuya doesn't even have this kind of insight, then the opponent is not qualified to become a player that so many people take seriously in the training camp.

"Then let's try and see if we can fight back!"


Atobe Keigo said, throwing the ball again and swinging the racket.



When the tennis ball hit the court floor this time, Tokugawa Kazuya had already reached the landing point and completed the action of initiating the racket!

However, there were some mistakes in his control of timing.

The swing speed is a little off.


Although the tennis ball was provoked, the flight path caused the ball to hit the net.

"Let! Junior high school student Atobe Keigo scores! The score is 30-0!"

Atobe Keigo looked deeply at Tokugawa Kazuya at this time, and had a new understanding of the other party's strength.

Compared to the match between him and Tezuka Kunimitsu at the national conference, although Tannhäuser served did not undergo a fundamental transformation in this month, his ball spin also improved a lot.

This also causes the ball to slide faster due to the rotational force generated when it hits the ground.

But he didn't expect that Tokugawa Kazuya almost completed the counterattack with the second ball.

The third goal!



Not surprisingly!

Tokugawa Kazuya has completely controlled the timing of Tannhäuser's return this time. Even after the tennis ball hit the ground and the ball's spin had not reached the extreme, he completed the return.

Atobe Keigo, who was mentally prepared, did not hesitate, holding the racket and quickly heading towards the opponent's counter attack point.


Backhand swing with one arm.

A flash of golden light burst out from the ball he hit.

This scene made Tokugawa Kazuya look cold.

Light hitting!!

A month in the mountains......

Among these six junior high school students, there are also Kintarou Tooyama who blocked Oni Jujiro's black tomahawk, and Kabaji Munehiro who hit the light shot on the No. 2 training court...

Now he is the third guy to master light hitting...

"Then try it and see if your light ball can threaten me!!"


Tokugawa Kazuya said to himself, and he also waved the racquet with one hand and met Atobe Keigo's ball head-on.



The confrontation between the two in the court made the high school students around them look stunned.

They didn't expect it!

In addition to Kintarou Tooyama, Atobe Keigo was also able to fight like this with Oni Jujiro and a member of the "small group".

This is the first game!

They just hit each other with light balls!!





"Junior high school student Atobe Keigo scores! End of the game! Score 1-0! Change of serve!"

When Atobe Keigo won his first serve game.

After the high school students outside the court reacted, they became a little impatient.

"Tokugawa actually lost a game to this junior high school student?!"

"Impossible...Did Tokugawa let himself go?! Even though he came down from the mountain, I don't think this junior high school student can threaten Tokugawa!"

"There must be a threat. After all, he is another junior high school student who can hit the ball! But the key is that as long as Tokugawa wins 3 games in this game by this Atobe Keigo, he will lose!"

"Yes! I'm still waiting to see these junior high school students kneeling in front of our court!! These junior high school students are simply..."

"Pssssssssss! You're looking for death! Those junior high school students can't hear it! Besides, what if Tokugawa Kazuya defeats this junior high school student? Don't forget! He may not be helping our high school The reason for giving birth to a baby is most likely because of a grudge against Bei Xiao!"

"Yes, yes! Besides, even if this Atobe Keigo loses, it's not really a shame! But if we dare to laugh at him... let alone him!! Those junior high school students who went down the mountain with him You will definitely settle the score with us! Don’t say you forgot Migihashi Itarou’s fate so quickly!”

"Damn it! Are we going to be oppressed like this by these junior high school students!"

Irie Kanata and the others listened to the discussions of the high school students.

A disdainful coldness flashed in his eyes.

At this time, I am still thinking about such things.

Tanegashima Shuji held his chin and spoke leisurely: "So... sometimes when I think about the ideas of the Byodoin guy, I do unconsciously agree with them!"

Irie Kanata and Oni Jujiro looked serious, but they didn't say anything.

Tanegashima Shuji seemed to realize that what he said seemed a bit inappropriate. He smiled and turned to look at the competition court.

All three of them knew it.

Who is Byōdōin Hōō, the No. 1 player in the Japan U-17 training camp today!

A domineering and arrogant person who only speaks based on his strength.

In the eyes of Yukio Kurobe and others, the high school students in the training court on training camps 1-5 are considered players worthy of training.

So in the eyes of Byōdōin Hōō, except for Yijun, the other players in the training camp are just trash.

If he hadn't spent a lot of time in the training camp, I'm afraid the high school students in the training camp would be worse than they are now.

We need a lot less talent!!

Waste...should be destroyed!

This is the opponent’s domineering tennis!!

And Tokugawa Kazuya... was also "destroyed" by the opponent because he fought all the way to the No. 1 training court, but made a provocation to the status of the first army.

In the team of junior high school students.

Compared to Seiichi Yukimura, Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Kintarou Tooyama's calm expressions when Atobe Keigo won the first serve game.

The other junior high school students all had their eyes widened.

They know Atobe Keigo is strong.

Whether it was the opponent before at the national conference or now after coming down from the mountain after special training.

But they never expected that the other party would actually suppress Tokugawa Kazuya!!

Tokugawa Kazuya is above the level of the No. 1 training court!!

But with the facts in front of them, they could only suppress the complex emotions in their hearts and continue to focus on the game that was not over yet.

People watching the game in court had different thoughts.

In the court, Tokugawa Kazuya and Atobe Keigo did not pay attention to them.

The former is holding a tennis ball and staring at Atobe Keigo.

"It's stronger than I thought...but! It was just a warm-up!"

"Now, is the real game!"

"Atobe Keigo! I remember your name!"

While speaking lightly, he also threw up the tennis ball in his hand.

The whole person's arm holding the racket fell backward at an exaggerated angle.

Atobe Keigo narrowed his eyes.


When Tokugawa Kazuya's serve hit 533 sounded in his ears.

A colorful dazzling light lit up from the tennis ball he hit.

The appearance of this ball made Oshitari Yuushi and others sitting in the rest area frown involuntarily.

As soon as these words came out.

And inside the court.

"Tokugawa played a phantom serve!!"

Perhaps from the perspective of rotation, the other party can give some new opinions.

Anato Ryo and the others' eyes also lit up.

"It seems that there is no suspense in the second game!"

"With just this serve, Tokugawa was able to hit all the way to the No. 1 training court! Now this ball feels even stronger!! I didn't even see the shadow of the ball clearly!!"

"When the time comes, you can ask Atobe about the technique of using this ball! After all, his insight is much better than mine! He can see the details of the application more clearly than I do!"

"The skill of this shot is really refreshing!"

On serve, his opinions are undoubtedly beyond the ability of the narrators and others to judge.

They also subconsciously looked in the direction of Oshitari Yuushi.


What they care about is not the technical analysis of Symphony serve, but Oshitari Yuushi's confidence that Atobe Keigo can definitely complete the crack.

"Is that so..."

"Is it caused by rotation? I feel like it suddenly changed the landing point in an instant!"

"What happened to the glare just now?"

"High school student Tokugawa Kazuya scores! Score 15-0!"

"But now...if we know how this ball is hit, it is only a matter of time before we can crack it!"

"It's a fantasy serve!!"

His words made Anato Ryo and others slightly stunned.

"Although the speed of this ball is eye-catching enough, it has deliberately increased the rotation and used the positive sunlight to produce a visual impact, making the ball produce colorful glare in human vision.

Their discussion made Oshitari Yuushi raise his head and look in the direction of the sun.


"Is it my imagination?"

Just as Oshitari Yuushi said, Atobe Keigo looked at the ball mark beside him and the dazzling sunshine in the sky, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Oshitari Yuushi did not respond immediately, but at this time the high school students outside the court were already exclaiming.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

After the tennis ball hit the ground from his side and bounced out of the court, the referee announced the score.

But Oshitari Yuushi shook his head: "I can see it, and I believe Atobe has noticed it too! If he had just entered the training camp, he might have been frightened by this goal!"

Otori Cyotaroh shook his head helplessly: "Oshitari-senpai! I still can't analyze the technical essence of this ball! If you want to learn from it, it will be quite difficult!"

"Chotaro, you can use your heavy artillery serve as a reference!"

This creates an illusion so that the receiver cannot catch the ball quickly!”

"This Atobe Keigo is already dumbfounded!! He didn't even react!!"

Otori Cyotaroh stared at the position of the ball mark and said in a deep voice: "The speed of this ball is no less than that of my heavy artillery serve! But it's not just that! There is also a spin on the ball that I can't see through!"

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