The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0183 The Realm Of God On The Right Hand? ! One Ball And One Skin? !

0183 The Realm of God on the Right Hand?! One ball and one layer of skin?!

"Second game! Singles No. 3!"

"Players enter!"

After the game of Doubles No. 2 ended, the referee did not pay attention to the outside discussion, and just announced the start of the next game of Singles No. 3!



Just when all the high school students thought that the players on the No. 2 training court should only be players with relatively stronger personal strength.

I saw Migihashi Itarou holding the racquet and walking straight into the court.

He raised the racquet in his hand and pointed it directly at Atobe Keigo and others: "You guys! You have to beat me anyway and I don't want to waste time on you!"

"Come on!!"

There was absolute confidence and pride in his tone.

Originally, he never thought about playing in the singles No. 3 position.

But Doubles No. 2 lost too outrageously!!

Every word he heard from the high school students outside the court made him feel extremely aggrieved!

Therefore, as the gatekeeper of training court No. 2...

He must stand up and do something!!

It’s not just about letting high school students know that high school students in the Japan U-17 training camp will never suffer the same consequences as junior high school students again and again!!

I also want Atobe Keigo and others to know...

Even if they come down from the mountain...junior high school students want to crush high school students?!

Don’t even think about it!!

at this time.

Seeing Migihashi Itarou playing as a player, Atobe Keigo subconsciously wanted to hold the racquet and walk to the court.


"Atobe...just leave this game to me!"

"Wait until Court No. 1 is your time to show off!"

Oshitari Yuushi spoke softly, held Atobe Keigo's shoulders, and walked towards the court holding the racquet.

Atobe Keigo was stunned, but didn't say anything.

Just looking at Oshitari Yuushi's back, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The others at Hyotei have no intention of stopping Oshitari Yuushi!

To know.

Although the No. 2 training court in the Japan U-17 training camp is already considered a place with extremely strong high school students.

But only everyone in Hyotei knows that even Oshitari Yuushi, who has not entered the training camp a month ago, is already infinitely close to the standard of the No. 2 training court!

Hyotei is selected!

A genius whose strength is second only to Bei Xiao, Atobe Keigo, and Akutsu Jin!

Just a gatekeeper of the No. 2 training court...

Can it really pose a threat to it?!

outside the court.

Chitose Senri and the others saw a look of surprise on their faces when Oshitari Yuushi came on the court.

"It's Oshitari Yuushi! Is he confident that he can defeat the gatekeeper of training court No. 2?"

"If you lose......challenge Training Court No. 2, you will fail!"

"Yeah! I thought it would be Atobe Keigo! After all, if Oshitari Yuushi and Kabaji Munehiro play as a doubles combination on Doubles No. 1, they should be able to win the Doubles No. 1 game!"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke and the other three listened to their words with a slight smile in their eyes.

Although the three of them did not have a clear idea of ​​the strength of Hyotei's main players at the national conference before.


This month on the mountain was enough for the three of them to have a new understanding of the Atobe Keigo people!

Oshitari Yuushi...the opponent's strength is not that simple!!

Irie Kanata and Oni Jujiro also cast their eyes on Oshitari Yuushi, who was standing in the court at this time.

"Is he the little guy who combined the black hole and the rotating sweet spot before?" the latter asked slowly.

"Yeah! I also watched his previous games. Although the hitting is still the same, but after a month on the mountain, I don't think his control of this ability has weakened!" Irie Kanata said, his eyes slightly Flashing.

For those who can control the "black hole" they have developed and transform the essence into other hitting forms...

For Irie Kanata, this junior high school student in front of him has always interested him!

In the competition court.

Migihashi Itarou held the tennis ball in his hand and looked at Oshitari Yuushi across the court with contempt in his eyes.

"Junior high school student! I hope you won't disappoint me too much!"

Oshitari Yuushi didn't care about the other party's provocation. He just adjusted the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said calmly: "Stop talking nonsense... Let's get started."

Migihashi Itarou's eyes twitched.

He snorted and raised his hand to serve!!

I have to say, as the gatekeeper of the No. 2 training court.

His personal strength is undoubtedly a level higher than that of Naga Kensuke and Yamashita Yuya who played before.

Not only because he is a singles player himself, but also because his control of sweet spot skills has reached the level of 10 goals!!

That’s right!!

In the Japan U-17 training camp, although training courts 1-16 are all reserve members of the first army.


Almost all high school students also know that only high school students in the No. 1 training court are qualified to advance to the first army!

They are all high school students with the ability to play 10 games in a row!

And Migihashi Itarou is also an exception!

As the gatekeeper of the No. 2 training court, his personal strength is also qualified to advance to the first army!

He just wanted to advance to the No. 1 training court, but he failed many times!

But his strength has also been recognized by many No. 1 training court high school students!

Oshitari Yuushi looked at the other party's serve without any change in his expression.

Even the serve ball played by the high school students on the 3rd training court is faster and more powerful.

But it doesn’t mean that such a serve can score in his hands!


There was no rush to attack, he just came to the point where the ball dropped and returned the ball steadily with his backhand.

Looking at the tennis ball returning the same way, Migihashi Itarou narrowed his eyes slightly, and his evaluation of Oshitari Yuushi's strength was slightly higher.

Because the high school students in Court No. 3 can’t respond so easily to their own serve!


The game has just begun!!

The sounds of hitting balls from both sides continued to ring out in the court.

After the first goal, the game fell into a "stalemate".

2 minutes!

5 minutes!

As the time of the game continued to lengthen, Chitose Senri and others in the court also noticed something was wrong!

"How do you feel... Oshitari Yuushi's ball almost hits Migihashi Itarou's right court?"

"Yeah! From the beginning of the game to now, the probability of catching the ball in the court on the right side of Taro Duanfu is as high as 95%! The success rate of catching the ball...100%!"

"Agan! I'm afraid this Migihashi Itarou has methods similar to those in the Tezuka field!"

"It's possible! Although I can't clearly distinguish the spin on the ball, I can see that several of the balls Oshitari Yuushi obviously hit back towards the left court, but the path of the ball has changed slightly!"

While a few people were talking softly, many high school students on the side had expressions of amusement on their faces.

"Tsk tsk tsk... It seems that this junior high school student has fallen into the realm of God on the right!"

"That's right! The right half of the right end is impossible to break! If you want to defeat him, it is obviously impossible for this junior high school student to do it!"

"The right half of the court cannot be broken. On the right end, he only needs to defend the left court with all his strength! His defense...even the guy on the No. 1 court will have a headache.


"The key is that this junior high school student really thinks that the right half is the defensive space on the right end! He actually keeps hitting the right half of the court! How naive!"

Their words changed the expressions of Inui Sadaharu and others who had some thoughts about the situation before.

Seiichi Yukimura and Shiraishi Kuranosuke looked at each other at this time.

The former spoke softly: "It's really not about controlling rotation! It's about having a special obsession with the defense of one's right half!"

The latter nodded: "Well! He doesn't need to consider the defense of the right half of the court at all. He only needs to focus on the defense of the left half! His body balance is very extreme!"

"The reaction speed, footwork speed and body strength of the right side of the body should exceed the level of Court No. 2! But the left side of the body is relatively mediocre!"

"The Realm of God...the invincible defense of the right court! As a result, he will return to the left half of the court after almost every ball is played! It even makes people feel that his right half of the court is open for defense!"

"Sure enough! The gatekeeper of Training Court No. 2 is not something ordinary high school students can compare to!"

The words of the two almost made Inui Sadaharu and others understand the situation of the game at this time!

And the rest area in the court.

Atobe Keigo and the others naturally saw something "wrong" with Migihashi Itarou.

However, although Anato Ryo and the other four had some worries on their faces.

But Atobe Keigo and Kabaji Munehiro don't have any special expressions.

The realm of God?!

This guy's worthy of the title of "God"!?

In the competition court.


After Migihashi Itarou once again responded to Oshitari Yuushi's shot in his right half, he looked in the direction of Oshitari Yuushi with complicated eyes.

"Hey!! Junior high school student!! Don't waste your efforts!!"

"You can't score from me!"

"There is only one outcome to this game!! That is you get the defeat you deserve!!"

Although he shouted and expressed his confidence again.

But he was already starting to panic!

That’s right!!

The realm of God!!

Migihashi Itarou knows very well how terrifying his defensive abilities are!!

However... it was also the first time that he encountered an opponent who remained calm under such tight defense!!

Even the guys on the No. 1 training court will lose some of their concentration in the game after being unable to score from him for a long time!

So much so that he found an opportunity to counterattack and score!

But now Oshitari Yuushi...

But I couldn’t score from the opponent!!

what is this!!!

The doubts in my heart began to gradually amplify at this moment!!!

...Please give me flowers...

Moreover, what makes him even more concerned is that...the opponent should have long been aware of his strong defensive power in the right half!

However, the opponent's offense still goes more towards the right half!

Different from what Inui Sadaharu observed outside the court, as Oshitari Yuushi's current opponent, Migihashi Itarou can clearly feel...

Oshitari Yuushi deliberately hit the ball to his right half court position after a few rounds of this ball exchange!!

It seems that the trajectory of the counterattack is towards the left half.

However, the side spin added to the ball by the opponent caused temporary changes in the trajectory of the ball.

Migihashi Itarou already had a premonition in his heart that he couldn't even believe.

The he trying to attack his own divine realm head-on!?

When Oshitari Yuushi heard him yelling, a playful chuckle appeared on his plain face.

"You have obviously guessed what I am going to do, but you still maintain your inner pride and arrogance?"

"The gatekeeper of training court No. 2... is really disappointing!"

"Forget it! The warm-up is over!"

"Since you think your so-called divine realm is so indestructible, then break it at this moment!"

When he finished speaking, his body had already appeared in front of the ball just as the tennis ball was about to land in the midfield position.


He hit a forehand shot from the right side of Migihashi Itarou's court.

The dull sound of hitting the ball and the almost complete loss of spin on the ball made Migihashi Itarou look stunned.

But his body didn't react slowly, and he took quick steps to chase the ball.

But the appearance of this goal has made Irie Kanata and Oni Jujiro, who were silently watching the game outside the court, slightly stunned.


It’s not without spin!

But the rotation speed of this ball is beyond the range that players with ordinary visual ability can capture!!


Sweat from the pain on his forehead and arms fell on Migihashi Itarou's wounds, making him feel even more painful. At the same time, the anger in his shouts was even more undisguised!

"The score of the goal just now hasn't been announced yet!"


"Asshole!! Asshole!!"

The screams and the sound of the racquet falling sent chills down the backs of the high school students watching the game.

But just when most people thought that the opponent could complete the counterattack like before.

Oshitari Yuushi looked at Migihashi Itarou calmly, and said calmly amidst the horrified eyes of the audience: "Since you still have the energy to yell, then get up quickly and continue the game..."

"As the gatekeeper of the No. 2 training court, even if the so-called God's Domain is broken, you shouldn't give up the game directly, right?"

I saw that the tennis ball on the racquet began to tremble sharply on the racket surface, as if it was suddenly wound up.

"Oshitari feels...even more...I can't say it! Anyway, it's weird!"

The referee sitting on the referee's chair was also slightly dumbfounded.

"Atobe-senpai! How did you train on the mountain? I feel like Oshitari-senpai is more...violent than Kutsu-senpai!"

"That's right!" He said, looking at the referee sitting on the referee's chair.

"His previous rotational unloading skills seem to have made new breakthroughs, right?"

"If I weren't thinking about how to give a loser like you an unforgettable game, I wouldn't want to waste so much time with you!"

"That's really embarrassing..."

"Oh oh oh!! Ahem...junior high school student Oshitari Yuushi scored! The score is 0-15!"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

"Why should a useless gatekeeper like this stand in front of Hyotei and show off his power?"


Before he could feel the weight of the ball, Migihashi Itarou, who was caught off guard, reacted.

The tennis ball was like a sharp dagger, cutting along the surface of his racquet racket and onto his arm.

When the referee announced the score, Ryo Anato, who was sitting on the sidelines watching Oshitari Yuushi's goal, also twitched slightly at the corners of his eyes.

The skin on the opponent's arm seemed to have been cut off by some sharp weapon.

"How dare you...ahhhh!!"

First time meeting.


The calm gaze made the referee say "ah".

After all, he had seen a lot of injured players in the Japan U-17 training camp, but this kind of trauma where the next layer of skin was torn apart by the rotation of a tennis ball, he also

"I really don't want this guy to give up! Oshitari's rotational cutting power... this has just begun!"

The obvious color difference of the skin and the scarlet color of the blood were enough to give everyone goosebumps.

"Oshitari will naturally make progress in the mountains..."

In the blink of an eye, Migihashi Itarou's racquet had blocked Oshitari Yuushi's counterattack.

They stared at Migihashi Itarou, who was covering his arm that was stained red with blood, with a face full of pain, and all of them opened their mouths and were speechless.

Atobe Keigo listened and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

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