The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0171This Is The Junior High School Student From Hyotei!

0171This is the junior high school student from Hyotei!

In the junior high school student team.

Atobe Keigo They have selected high school students to leave the central court and wait for the game to start.

Half a minute later.

For example, Seiichi Yukimura, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, and Kintarou Tooyama soon found themselves in high school.

Even everyone in Seigaku is the same.

for them.

Although choosing a junior high school student who is not as strong as yourself is indeed a choice that will not be eliminated.


They also want to prove themselves.

At the national conference, they were no match for the main candidates of the Water Emperor led by Beibao!

But when it comes to the Japan U-17 training camp, they don’t want to fall behind Hyotei again!


Isn't the ultimate goal of this training camp just for the pitiful number of junior high school student representatives?

If you don’t even dare to make the same choice as Hyotei at this time...

Why should they compete with Atobe Keigo and others?!

As junior high school students chose high school students one after another, some of the remaining junior high school students became more and more entangled.

Most of them are only at the Guandong level.

These people both looked at each other, obviously more wanting to challenge each other and form a competition.

But when Seiichi Yukimura left the central court, he suddenly turned his head and looked at them: "Although you are challenging each other now, you are indeed more confident about staying!"

"But don't forget! This is the Japan U-17 training camp! If you just want to stay..."

"I'm afraid that with the methods of these three coaches! By arranging middle school students and high school students to face off on the first day, your opponents in the future will not be just the middle school students you want to choose now! But more high school students!"

"Why don't you go all out to fight and let the three of them see more of your possibilities!"

His words gave mixed expressions to the junior high school students who had not yet made a choice.

The high school students who had not yet been chosen had sneers on their lips.

I was originally worried about those junior high school students competing against each other, but now it seems I no longer have such worries!

On the high platform.

The three of them, Kurobe Yukio, also looked at Seiichi Yukimura.

"What a thorough thought! The Son of a bit interesting!"

"I can only say that this is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people! Geniuses think about the future, while ordinary people are only qualified to think about the present!"

"He and that kid named Atobe Keigo will probably be the leaders of these junior high school students in the future!"


With 10 minutes left, both junior high school students and high school students completed the match.

There are a total of 8 competition courts in the central court.

As the eight referees in the training camp all sit on the referee's chair, it also means that the knockout competition will officially begin as soon as they enter the training camp!

"Site 1! Junior high school student Atobe Keigo versus high school student Matsuno Taichi!"

"Site 2! Junior high school student Oshitari Yuushi versus high school student Umino Daisuke!"

"Site 3! Junior high school student Kabaji Munehiro versus high school student Ryo Shimogawara!"

"Site No. 8! Junior high school student Seiichi Yukimura versus high school student Mita Kyomura!"

Atobe Keigo and others, who were the first to pick their opponents, naturally ranked among the top 7 players.

And No. 8 is Seiichi Yukimura!

When the eight people walked onto the court together, the high school students they faced also walked to the opposite side of them with disdain.

The remaining junior high school students and high school students watched the eight games that were about to begin with various expressions.

These eight games are also the first wave of tests between high school students and junior high school students to test each other's strength!!

Kirihara Akaya and the others were also cheering for Seiichi Yukimura in the spectator stands.

And Shiraishi Kuranosuke stands with Fuji Syusuke.

"Although Hyotei's strength in the main selection is obvious to all! And Seiichi Yukimura's strength is also very strong!"

"But they are all high school students after all! I don't know if they will have a hard time..."

There was still some uncertainty in Shiraishi Kuranosuke's words.

In his heart, he still hopes that Atobe Keigo and others can win the game.

If they cannot win, the junior high school students present may have even more hopelessness.

Fuji Syusuke shook his head and spoke softly: "I don't think so! As Atobe Keigo said before, it is the first time for them to step into the Japan U-17 training camp. The strength of these high school students... may not be the same. It’s so exaggerated as we imagined!”

While the two were talking.

The very back of the viewing area.

Four figures wearing red and white uniforms appeared.

None other than Oni Jujiro, Irie Kanata, Tanegashima Shuji and Tokugawa Kazuya!

Irie Kanata and Tanegashima Shuji are obviously more interested in the competition in the court, while Oni Jujiro and Tokugawa Kazuya don't have much emotion.

Irie Kanata looked at Atobe Keigo and the seven players, the corner of her mouth raised slightly: "There are seven Hyotei junior high school students! Are these the players trained by Bei Xiao himself? They look pretty good~"

Tanegashima Shuji crossed his arms and said, "We won't know until the game starts! I learned from Coach Saito that Hyotei Gakuen, under the leadership of Bei Xiao, won the national championship this year without losing a game. Woolen cloth!"

Irie Kanata and Oni Jujiro couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Not lost a game?!"

"How envious! At that time, the national championship was won by Makinofuji, led by that guy from Byodoin..."

Tokugawa Kazuya did not speak at this time.

First, because he had trained overseas before and had never been exposed to the National Conference for Junior High School Students.

The second is... The appearance of the names of Bei Xiao and Byōdōin Hōō made him have no idea of ​​talking to them.

Almost as soon as Irie Kanata finished speaking, all 8 games in the central court started.

The right to serve in the first game is in the hands of junior high school students!

12 minutes later.

As Hiyoshi Wakashi hit a powerful volley, his opponent, a high school student, was hit until his face was covered in blood and he fainted in the court.

Everyone in the audience looked at the medical team who rushed into the central court carrying a stretcher for the seventh time with stunned expressions.

In the high school team.

When the first high school player exclaimed: "Impossible!!! How can this be the level of junior high school students?! They are all national level and Kanto level?!"

The other high school students couldn't help but started to tremble and say: "Damn it! Why are junior high school students like them so much better at the same level!!"

"Seven people...all of them can't stand up..."

"Crazy people!! These junior high school students are not playing ball! They are simply committing violence!!"

"Don't you care about the training camp?! Damn it!!"

"Akagi had his elbow broken directly by that junior high school student named Atobe Keigo!!"

"Makisuke is a national-level threshold player...His eyes were so beaten by this junior high school student named Oshitari Yuushi!! Devil...These junior high school students are all It’s the devil!!”

The fears of the high school students all converged on the seven Atobe Keigos.

Compared to them, Shiraishi Kuranosuke and others in the junior high school student team just swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and their expressions did not change much.

after all.

Hyotei was choosing the "violent" behavior in court earlier than these high school students.


Seeing the high school students who were "destroyed" in the hands of Atobe Keigo and others, they couldn't help but feel fear and jealousy in their hearts.

Even Akutakawa Jirou and Hiyoshi Wakashi, who are at the Kanto level, are so ruthless that players of the same level cannot resist them!!

Atobe Keigo breaks the elbow of his opponent's high school student.

Oshitari Yuushi's spin destroyed one of his opponent's eyes.

Even if Kabaji Munehiro did not open the door to the limit of his talents, he hit his opponent in the abdomen with a "megaton bomb", causing him to vomit blood and faint.

Otori Cyotaroh's heavy artillery serve almost reproduced the scene against Shonan Kamijou Reiji. In the first game, his opponent couldn't even stand on his legs.

Ryo Anato kept putting pressure on his opponent in front of the net and used his own volley in front of the net. He hit his opponent until he lost his fighting spirit and was hit in the jaw by a ball. He gave up with his hands up!!

This kind of scene also made Seiichi Yukimura, the eighth junior high school student competing together, feel complicated.

I originally felt that the high school students I faced were not strong, just average Kanto level.

Also thinking about not ending the game too quickly.

Just warm up!

As a result, he saw Atobe Keigo and others finishing the game one after another. He did not want to fall behind the seven players and accelerated the progress of the game.

Eight games……….

Only his opponent still has the ability to set the court on his own after the game.

However, the high school student was also hit hard by Seiichi Yukimura.

When he walked down the court, his expression was dull and his steps were stumbling.

On the high platform.

Kurobe Yukio and the other three had stiff expressions.

Saitō Itaru rubbed his temples and said helplessly: "Should... we need to restrict them? If we continue to play like this in the future, there will not be enough medical beds in the training camp!"

Takushoku Ryūji took a deep look at the seven Atobe Keigo people in the court, and said in a deep voice: "The key is, their style of play will probably arouse public anger!"

What the head coach is more afraid of is... that they will be targeted by high school students before they have grown up!"

Yukio Kurobe sighed: "This guy Bei Xiao... is not in the training camp, so the players under him are in such trouble!"

at the same time.

Behind the spectator seats.

The expressions of Oni Jujiro and the four others were also a little complicated.

Not only because of the strength shown by Atobe Keigo and others, but also the "violence" in their playing style.


They observed something special about Atobe Keigo, Oshitari Yuushi and Seiichi Yukimura.

Tanegashima Shuji's eyes flickered, and his tone was not as relaxed as before: "None of them used their full strength! There is no doubt that except these three little guys! Everyone else is at the top of their respective levels!"

Oni Jujiro said in a deep voice: "These junior high school students in Hyotei are all exposed to sweet spot technology! Although they are not used deliberately, it can be seen from their hitting!"

"Especially Atobe Keigo and Oshitari Yuushi! At least they are at the 8-goal level! No wonder this team was able to win this year's Junior High School National Championship without losing a single game!"

"Even Makinofuji, who was led by Byodoin back then...can't hold his head high in front of this team!"

Irie Kanata shook her head directly: "Is that just that? Tokugawa... have you discovered it? This Oshitari Yuushi... he has used black hole techniques, right?"


The expressions of Oni Jujiro and Tanegashima Shuji changed.

Black hole?!

The two subconsciously set their sights on Tokugawa Kazuya.

He took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "Senior Irie is right! Although he combined the sweet spot technology with the principle of black holes! He even deliberately concealed his technology.


"However, the spin of the tennis ball he plays cannot be deceived! As long as you look carefully, you can see that the opponent's shot is obviously weakened when he returns it! And his ball is playing against the opponent.

The racquet on the hands and body is extremely sticky!”

Bei Xiao...he taught black holes to this Oshitari Yuushi! But this Oshitari Yuushi made improvements that are more suitable for himself!"

"Improvements for the direction of the spin field!"

After he finished speaking, Tanegashima Shuji and Oni Jujiro couldn't help but start thinking about Oshitari Yuushi's batting in their minds.

With their knowledge, they naturally soon realized something was wrong.


Tokugawa Kazuya and Irie Kanata were the first to see something was wrong, but it does not mean that their insight is superior to Tanegashima Shuji and Oni Jujiro.

It's just that both of them have mastered black hole skills, so it's easier to observe this.

"As for this Seiichi Yukimura"

"The strength exceeds the national level, but there is no sweet spot..."

"But, he is actually a spiritual tennis player..."

"Well! I guess Coach Mifune is also very happy to have such a junior high school student appear!"

Naturally, it is impossible for them to know the evaluation of Atobe Keigo and the others by Oni Jujiro and the others.

After getting off the court, they returned to the team of junior high school students. The high school students who were closer to them subconsciously moved a few steps away.

Atobe Keigo and others looked at them with disdain.

Bei Xiao told them.

The Japan U-17 training camp is a place where the jungle is strong.

I want to have a voice in the training camp and not be bullied.

Then strength is their only reliance.

And obviously, these high school students who looked down on junior high school students became the first battle for Atobe Keigo and others to establish their authority in the Japan U-17 training camp!!


After the first round of competition ended, the second round of competition also began.

In the Japan U-17 training camp, time is a very luxury and no one has the right to waste it.

"You six don't need to go to the dormitory tonight. Take your tennis bags and luggage and wait outside the training camp gate! Your subsequent training will not be here!

Kurobe Yukio and the other three also began to arrange the players' training plan and training court at this time.

So almost everyone wants to go to a higher court to train!

After hearing Yukio Kurobe's arrangement, the six Atobe Keigos were obviously a little bit confused.

When all games are over!!

In the end, there are still six people left who have not been assigned: Atobe Keigo, Oshitari Yuushi, Seiichi Yukimura, Kintarou Tooyama, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, and Kabaji Munehiro!

Shiraishi Kuranosuke and others also have a rough estimate of the strength of high school students.

Although there are national-level ones, they are only a handful!!

Players like Shitenhouji's funny doubles, Rikkai's big Yagyu Lubishi, Higa's Kan Chinen and Rin Furuba [Seigaku Oishi Syuichirou, Kawamura Takashi].

The high school student team eliminated nearly 30 people!


Others had different expressions.

It is generally even the threshold of Kanto level!!

Regarding this result, although the remaining junior high school students on the team were reluctant to part with it, they could not change it.

The higher the court ranking, the greater the training intensity and the faster the improvement!

Kurobe Yukio and the three of them will not let each of them get what they want.

Most of them are Kanto-level players and doubles players.



High school students also have some fear of other junior high school students.

This camp elimination match went from morning to 7 o'clock in the evening.

There are those who are unlucky enough to be selected as national-level high school students, and there are also those who are defeated at the same level.

Whether they are high school students or junior high school students, they all know that the six Atobe Keigos will probably receive different training from this time on.

second round!!

15 people were eliminated from the junior high school student team.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

In terms of overall strength, these high school students are really no match for these junior high school students!

The remaining people also entered Court No. 13 and No. 12 one by one during the roll call of Yukio Kurobe.

Half of the people present were assigned to court numbers 14-16.

Round 4!!

In this first showdown between junior high school students and high school students, it was obvious that the junior high school students had a better record.

Training No. 1-16 Everyone present knows the strength and weakness of court.


Round 3!!

Because of the performance of Atobe Keigo and others and Seiichi Yukimura easily winning the game.

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