The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0159 A Ball For A Ball! Fair Enough! The Military Advisor Also Fell? !

0159—A ball for a ball! Fair enough! The strategist also fell?!

"Synchronization... synchronization!! You actually turned on synchronization!!"

Yanagi Renji's unbelievable exclamation sounded in the silent court at this moment.

Under his exclamation.

At least half of the people in the audience stood up from their seats.

"Synchronization! Yesterday, I found it incredible after Seigaku's golden pair activated synchronization, and now Song Zhongliang and Otori Cyotaroh also activated synchronization!

"Yes!! And they are also national-level players!! Two national-level players... Anyway, I have never seen it before!!"

"What kind of strength will their strength reach?! Originally, Rikkai's side was inexplicably pulled away from the score and fell into a disadvantage! Now it's even worse!!"

"Sure enough, it is simply impossible to win a game from Hyotei! Winning two points is probably the result of Rikkai's full effort!"

"Chotaro!! Shishido-senpai!! Come on!! You are Hyotei's number one doubles!!"

"That's right!! Defeat these two guys, Rikkai! Let's end the game!!"

“Let them know what real doubles are!!”

The exclamations of students from various schools in the auditorium and the surprised cheers of the Hyotei cheerleaders also echoed throughout the audience at this moment.

In the Yamabuki Middle-School team.

Although Sengoku Kiyosumi and others guessed from Bantian Yuya's previous reminder that Anado Ryo and Otori Cyotaroh were trying to start their own synchrony.

But when they actually saw this pair of doubles, who had been working together for less than half a year, start synchronizing, they were speechless one by one.

And Mikiya Banda always had a smile on his face.

Different from his usual signature smile.

Now he is sincerely happy that Anato Ryo and Otori Cyotaroh can start their synchrony.

As someone who has been a doubles tennis coach for decades, Bantian’s biggest wish in “620” is to witness groups of young partners starting synchronization!

This means that they had a teammate to fight alongside in the early stages of their tennis careers!

This is undoubtedly an extremely valuable thing for a doubles player!!


And Rikkai is in the dugout.

Even Seiichi Yukimura, who was emotionally stable, could not help but frown again at this time.

He knew very well that Yanagi Renji was still collecting data in the previous game!

The collection is now clearly complete.

But in the face of the data really still useful?

As for Marui Bunta and others, they have also opened their mouths. Obviously, they still cannot accept the fact that Anato Ryo and the two have activated synchronization.

at the same time.

In the competition court.

Due to Kirihara Akaya fault, the referee also gave a penalty and served twice.

Otori Cyotaroh looked at Yanagi Renji with a complicated expression, his eyes cold.

"What? Turning on synchronization exceeds your data collection?"

"Data tennis... isn't that great!"

Yanagi Renji tightened his grip on the racquet.

Even if his reason tells him, the game is not over yet!

You have to calm down!


Seeing the synchronized auras emanating from Otori Cyotaroh and Anato Ryo, he began to panic in his heart.

On the one hand, he was not sure whether the data he had just spent so long collecting was still useful.

on the other hand.…………

Dual national level synchronization...

This is the first of its kind in the Japanese junior high school tennis world!!

"Kombu head! Stop inking! Do you want to give points?" At this time, Ryo Anato spoke disdainfully to Kirihara Akaya, who had almost exceeded the serve time limit but still didn't serve.

Kirihara Akaya's expression changed rapidly.


"So what if it's the same tune!!"


"Get blood!!"

Kirihara Akaya's inner emotions fluctuated violently at this moment.

Disadvantage in score!

Shocking synchronicity!

The oppression and humiliation brought to him by Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh.

Everything at this moment made him become uncontrollably angry.

His eyes turned blood red in an instant.

as he yelled and took out another tennis ball.

When he squeezed the ball with his fingers and threw it up, his skin began to turn red!

The last thing that changed was his hair...

It was as white as snow, giving him a strange and dangerous aura.


It finally started in this game!!


When the sound of serve sounded in the court, a very fast ball shadow passed through the midair of the court.

While the ball's body was spinning extremely hard, it also brought the tennis ball and crashed in front of Ryo Anato.


The tennis ball hit the ground and bounced up. The angle suddenly began to change irregularly, and it hit Ryo Anato's knees.

Knuckles serve!!

Then he used the rotation of the ball to create an extremely powerful spinning serve.

After the ball hits the ground, it will bounce in unexpected directions.

This is also Kirihara Akaya's favorite skill to hurt people under "Demon Transformation".

There are quite a few junior high school students who fell under this ball!!


This ball was nothing at all in front of Anato Ryo!

Without the blessing of Selfless State, the "demonized" Kirihara Akaya is still only at the Kanto level!

The speed and spin of the ball are clearly visible in Gohu's bright eyes!

Not to mention, when in a synchronized state, he can also synchronize with Otori Cyotaroh's observation of the ball in the frontcourt.

"Last time Atobe woke you up with a ball..."


"Let you review this feeling again!"


Anato Ryo's body sank down, and he swung his forehand from the baseline position of receiving the ball and hit a serve half volley!!

A ball shadow that even Yanagi Renji couldn't react to flashed across the court in an instant.

Kirihara Akaya, who was "demonized", stood there with a ferocious expression.

"Destroy you!! Destroy you!!"

In his madness, he could only see an afterimage of the ball's trajectory, but he still swung the racquet directly towards it without any scruples.




After the tennis ball hit the ground and bounced up, it suddenly accelerated!

Kirihara Akaya not only missed the racquet, but was also hit in the head by Ryo Nongto.

As the whole person screamed, his body fell backwards.

He fell to the ground with blood all over his face, and even his consciousness began to blur.

He could hardly feel anything except pain.


Looking at Kirihara Akaya who was knocked back from the "demonized" state by Ryo Anato's ball, and the blood and pained expression on the opponent's face.

Yanagi Renji shouted in horror and ran towards the other party.

The entire audience stared blankly at Kirihara Akaya, who fell to the ground and wailed.

They all have only one thought in their minds at this moment...

Hyotei's counterattack begins!!

A few minutes later.

In the court, Kirihara Akaya's head was bandaged with blood-oozing gauze, and Seiichi Yukimura and Yanagi Renji stood beside each other.

The former looked at Kirihara Akaya's dazed expression and said in a deep voice to Yanagi Renji: "This is the consequence of your goal..."

"If this continues, Kirihaya won't be the only one who gets hurt!"

"Forfeit! This game is over!"

Yanagi Renji was silent for a moment.

"If we lose this game, the probability that Rikkai will win the national championship is less than 10%!"

"So, Yukimura! Sorry! I can't promise you!"

With that said, he spoke to Kirihara Akaya under the complicated gaze of Seiichi Yukimura: "Kirihaya! In the next game, you just have to hit the ball to Hyotei Gakuen's court! The rest... leave it to me! "

"Protect yourself! Do you hear me?"

Kirihara Akaya still can't concentrate.

Even though his ears were ringing and he was dizzy, he could still understand Yanagi Renji's explanation.

He originally wanted to show off his strength, but when he saw Yanagi Renji's serious gaze, he nodded silently and said, "I understand..."

Seiichi Yukimura also didn't know what to say. He glanced at the cold-looking Ryo Anato and the two people across the court, sighed deeply, turned around and walked out of the court.

He knew exactly what the outcome of Yanagi Renji's choice would be.

But now he can only respect the other party.

Because they all have the same goal!

It’s not just Rikkai’s third consecutive championship!!

Also for Genichiro Sanada!!

When the game starts again.

The score in the court came to 0-15!

Even though Ryo Anato injured Kirihara Akaya, his counterattack did not constitute a malicious foul under Hawkeye's replay.

Yanagi Renji stood opposite Anato Ryo, who still exuded the same aura, and the pressure in his heart was almost like a mountain pressing on him.


Kirihara Akaya also lost the arrogance of the previous game. After hitting a serve that barely managed to pass the net, Ryo Akaya stepped forward to complete the counterattack!

The ball was clearly heading towards Yanagi Renji!!

Yanagi Renji's expression was solemn.

He is well aware that synchronization is the "miracle" for doubles players

But it is essentially impossible to improve the personal strength of doubles players. It can only improve the tacit understanding between a pair of doubles players to the extreme!!


Even if he is alone!!

Even the data he collected during the game will lose most of its accuracy due to the appearance of the two opponents synchronizing!


He still has a chance to turn defeat into victory!!

It’s just...a matter of probability!!


Anyway, his face was completely broken, and Yanagi Renji did not hesitate to start firing off his most lethal counterattack, heading straight towards Otori Cyotaroh!!

"This is the second time... Who do you think you can hurt with this kind of ball?!"

Otori Cyotaroh blocked Racquet in front of him with his backhand and completed a straight pass.

And Yanagi Renji was not slow either. He chased the ball with all his strength.




At the beginning of the game, the ones who made the save were Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh...

But now, this person has become Yanagi Renji!!

Almost at the limit, he reached this goal.


This save made Seiichi Yukimura in the Rikkai dugout stand up with his eyes widened and exclaimed: "Renji!! Get out of the way!!"

Yanagi Renji felt the stinging pain from the scratches on his knees and elbows. Without thinking, he stood up and turned to look at

Opposite the court.

Just because he knows it too.

The path of this save was a Lob!!

Although he was not sure where his ball would land.


Ever since he learned about Otori Cyotaroh's heavy serve speed, he understood one thing!!

Playing Lob against Otori Cyotaroh will undoubtedly give the opponent an excellent opportunity!

Just as he stood up, he didn't even have time to turn around.

Otori Cyotaroh's cold words came from behind.

"A ball for a ball...fair enough!"

—Ball!! Into the soul!!”


The sound of hitting the ball echoed throughout the entire court.

In the eyes of Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu, they all saw an extremely fast ball hit by Otori Cyotaroh.

The moment it hit the court.

The floor of the court was slightly sunken.

And the direction in which the ball bounced was surprisingly Yanagi Renji’s back!!




The muffled sound of the tennis ball hitting Yanagi Renji's back, and the painful scream as he was knocked to the ground again by the force of the heavy artillery serve.


There was a faint sound of bone dislocation in his back, and only the referee and Otori Cyotaroh who were relatively close to him in the court could hear it!!

Everyone in the audience looked at Otori Cyotaroh who hit this shot.


The students at Rikkai University, Seiichi Yukimura and others looked at Yanagi Renji in horror as he fell to the ground and was shaking, unable to do anything.

The referee was also dumbfounded.

In this Doubles No. 2 game... is it possible that the medical team needs to be called again?!

The game is not over yet.

Three players have been injured already!!

In the entire competition court, including himself as the referee, he is just one person!!

But now was not the time to think about this. He took a deep look at Otori Cyotaroh who hit the ball and called the medical team to the court again.

Everyone in Rikkai rushed towards the court this time.

The ball suffered by Yanagi Renji will definitely not be lighter than that suffered by Kirihara Akaya!!

"You guy!! You still have to hit someone or play ball!!"

"Damn it!! First it was Sanada! Now it's Kirihaya and Renji!! You Hyotei are just too much!!"

"Asshole!! This is how you Hyotei compete!"

Marui Bunta and others angrily spoke to Otori Cyotaroh who was standing in front of the net.

After hearing their words, Otori Cyotaroh and Ryo Anato, who came up from the backcourt, looked at them coldly.

Obviously, both of them had no fear at all.

Seiichi Yukimura couldn't care about Marui Bunta and the others at this time. He just looked at Yanagi Renji who fell to the ground and fainted.


The doctor of the medical team shook his head: "The place where the tennis ball hit happened to be the spine! The current 1.7 situation can only be sent to the hospital for detailed examination!"

Seiichi Yukimura's face suddenly turned pale.

He didn't expect that this ball would actually hurt his spine!

Half a minute later.

As everyone in the audience watched Yanagi Renji being carried away from the court on a stretcher by the medical team.

Even if the referee hasn't announced anything yet, they know the result of this game.

As they expected.

The referee announced that Yanagi Renji was injured and could not continue the game, so Rikkai forfeited, and doubles number two's game ended!

The winners are Hyotei Academy Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh!

This result made Marui Bunta and others who were still in the court shout their dissatisfaction.

All the Rikkai college students in the audience were making a lot of noise at this time.

Words like "shady" and "malicious foul" came out of their mouths one after another.

The organizers and referees frowned.

The students from various schools in the auditorium also looked at each other in confusion.

After all, this is the first time such a thing has happened at the national conference.

"I'm afraid those people like Rikkai are trying to put pressure on the organizers!! But Hyotei did strike a bit too harshly! In a doubles game, two Rikkai players were directly injured!"

"What a cruel ass! Don't forget! The one who strikes first in this match is Rikkai!"

"That's right! These guys like Rikkai clearly can't afford to lose!"

"Nonsense!! Who doesn't know that Rikkai wants to win three consecutive championships in the country?! Hyotei's overall strength can be seen in the Kanto Tournament, it is stronger than Rikkai! If doubles No. 2

If they lose, then they won't win the national conference championship this year?"

"Keep your voice down! Sanada Genichiro was deposed in the hands of Atobe Keigo. Looking at Yanagi Renji just now, I guess the ball was not light! Everyone fainted! Rikkai Yamato Hyotei

It’s almost a complete feud! We just have to watch it honestly!”

"That's right! No matter how big the fuss, the organizer is still here! We can just watch the show!"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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