The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0157The Power Of Data! Selfless Kirihaya! Shishido Was Injured?

0157 The power of data! Selfless Kirihaya! Shishito is injured?

Inside the Hyotei dugout.

Atobe Keigo and others, who also noticed Yanagi Renji's actions, could not help but frown at this time.

“This guy Yanagi Renji actually predicted Chotaro’s serve position in advance!”

"Hmm! He didn't want to capture the trajectory of the heavy artillery serve at all, he just looked at Chotaro's swing and moved his feet!"

"Is this the data tennis of military advisors... But only relying on data analysis, we can achieve these ten points

Bei Xiao listened to Atobe Keigo's words and said calmly: "Data tennis is not only collection, but also has two links: analysis and output!"

"Although Chotaro's strength has been greatly improved compared to the Kanto Conference, from the Kanto level to the national level! The ball speed of the heavy artillery serve has also improved accordingly!"

"However, one thing that remains unchanged is...his habit of serving!"

"You can control the landing point of the ball, but you also subconsciously hit the landing point where you are more confident!"

"If you want to calculate a person's deliberate behavior, it is not easy! But subconscious and subconscious actions are much simpler!"

"Yanagi Renji should have collected quite a lot of information on Chotaro's games! He measured his serving habits and ball landing patterns! He is indeed very well prepared..."

When Bei Xiao finished speaking.

Otori Cyotaroh in the court has once again hit a heavy serve.

And when most people in the audience thought this ball could be scored.

The moment the ball hit the ground and bounced up, the sound of hitting the ball from Yanagi Renji's racquet also sounded.

Fight back!

Seeing this scene, Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh's eyes darkened even though they had just been prepared.

Shishido Ryoh didn't hesitate and set off to finish volley in front of the net!

Counterattack with heavy artillery serve, but it doesn’t mean that you can score in Hyotei’s hands!

Furthermore, Kirihara Akaya, who is facing him in the frontcourt... is only Kanto-level!

"Hey! Hyotei's! Are you giving me a chance to play?"

"Stop looking down on others!"

The next second, Ryo Anato originally thought that his ball hit back to Kirihara Akaya, and it was impossible for the opponent to react and hit back.

But the opponent suddenly turned back, seeming to have predicted his return shot in advance.

Not only did it appear at the landing point, a dazzling light also burst out from the opponent's body.

"This is... Selfless State?!" When Akira Anato was stunned, Kirihara Akaya had already sneered and waved the racquet.


A precise sideline press volley to complete the score!

"Big score from Rikkai! Score 15-15!"

All the junior high school students from all schools who came to watch this game looked at Kirihara Akaya who scored the score and Yanagi Renji who responded with a heavy serve with surprised expressions.

"This...why is this different from what I thought at first!"

"Yanagi Renji actually hit back at the heavy artillery serve! Has he already seen through the heavy artillery serve?"

"When did Rikkai Dai, a sophomore, start Selfless State?! His strength was obvious a month ago... Is this Rikkai Dai now?"

"I thought that Hyotei's serve game in the first game would be won easily! Actually, during the second ball, Rikkai's side counterattacked!"

"Yes! Ryo Anato is a national-level player, and he is undoubtedly the defensive gate in front of the net! During the Kanto Conference, he was also the first choice for Rikkai, and Marui Bunta didn't even win a goal from him, right? "

"Under Selfless State... Kirihara Akaya's strength is probably at the national level, right?"

"Rikkai's great revenge is really no joke!"

Compared to the students from various schools in the audience, they were amazed by the strength shown by Yanagi Renji.

In the teams of Seigaku and Shitenhouji, Tezuka Kunimitsu and others and Shiraishi Kuranosuke also saw more things.

Tezuka Kunimitsu spoke slowly: "The military counselor's data tennis is indeed unique!"

Fuji Syusuke nodded: "Yeah! If you don't see it with your own eyes, it would be hard for anyone to believe that this can be done!"

The words of the two people made Kintarou Tooyama puzzled: "Brother Tezuka! Brother Fuji! What are you talking about? Is that the squinting one on the court? What is data tennis?"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke naturally would not leave this kind of "science popularization" work to the people at Seigaku. He also explained roughly what data tennis is.

Kintarou Tooyama nodded thoughtfully: "So, this squinty-eyed guy is different from you, Shiraishi. You are a heavy artillery serve that relies on physical reactions to fight back! But he relies on advance analysis and prediction?" "

When Shiraishi Kuranosuke nodded, Inui Sadaharu from the Seigaku team adjusted his black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Renji's achievements in data tennis are indeed beyond my reach...His analysis of data control and application are above me!"

"At least, I can't analyze the landing pattern of the heavy artillery serve at all! Moreover, "Mito Ryo's electric shock habits and movements were also analyzed by him, and they were synchronized to Kirihaya Akanishi Jin before the game.

"This game! Rikkai has a big advantage!"

When Inui Sadaharu spoke, there was also a hint of admiration in his eyes.

His path to data tennis was led by his former elementary school classmate Yanagi Renji.

When he was just a metropolitan conference-level player, his opponent was already one of Rikkai's "Big Three".

Now, the other party has done something that he couldn't do.

This is enough to put Inui Sadaharu to shame!

With Inui Sadaharu's summary, Seigaku and Shitenhouji couldn't help but look into the court again.

It was different from the buzz in the audience.

Both players' benches seemed very calm.

After all, Atobe Keigo and the others already noticed something unusual when they scored the first ball.

Whether it was Yanagi Renji's counterattack with heavy artillery serve, or Ryo Anato's counterattack route was also predicted in advance.

They are all within their expectations!

The only thing that slightly surprised them was that Kirihara Akaya actually activated Selfless State.

And it was displayed directly at the beginning of the game!

To know!

Selfless State's physical exertion on players is no joke!

If the game starts with action, it almost means that Yanagi Renji and Kirihara Akaya will end this doubles number two game within 20 minutes!

"Do you want to strike first and take advantage of Chotaro and the others' data to directly open up the score..."

"This game is much more interesting than I imagined!"

"Double national level versus double national level... Seiichi Yukimura is back and it's really different..."

"Qi! It's so embarrassing for Ryo Anato and Chotaro! They were actually scored by such rubbish data! That seaweed leader... is just as annoying as that Seigaku brat!"

Atobe Keigo and others' voices sounded one after another.

Bei Xiao looked at the court indifferently, as if Anato Ryo and Yanagi Renji had not scored just now.

In the court.



"Isn't it national level? You actually scored!"

"Hyotei's! Isn't it crazy? In today's game! The winner will be us, Rikkai!"


"Big score from Rikkai! Score 15-30!"


"Hyotei scores! Score 30-30!"

"Rikkai big score! End of the game! Score 0-1! Change of serve!"

When the first game ended, Yanagi Renji and Kirihara Akaya broke serve in front of the horrified eyes of the entire school audience.

Ryo Anato also narrowed his eyes and took a deep look at Kirihaya, who had been talking "trash" to him during the game just now.

"What? You were broken, are you unhappy?"

"It's just the beginning!"

"You Hyotei brought great shame to us Rikkai in the Kanto Tournament. Now let's get some interest from you two guys!"

Kirihara Akaya seemed to notice Anato Ryo's eyes, he raised his chin and spoke proudly.

With his confident look, he obviously felt that he had the competition on the second floor of the doubles under control.

In his heart.

In terms of personal strength!

Although he cannot be said to be truly national-level when he started Selfless State, he has also touched the threshold of national-level!

Yanagi Renji is a solid national-level player!

Coupled with the data analysis provided by the other party, the batting habits of Ryo Tobato and Otori Cyotaroh were almost completely analyzed in detail.

You only need to compare the data according to the batting movements of Ryo Anato and your own position, and make a choice based on maximizing the probability, and you can predict the landing point of the return shot in advance!

Ryo Anato responded coldly to Kirihara Akaya's words at this time (cfed): "Really... Let's see the final result!"

Instead of arguing with the opponent, Shishido Ryoh wanted to slap the opponent in the face with the final result of the game.

He turned to look at Otori Cyotaroh and saw that the other party was a little discouraged because he did not win the first serve game.

He immediately spoke softly: "Chotaro, don't worry so much! This game has just begun! Since you haven't lost, let's continue to fight!"

"Even if the heavy artillery serve has no effect on the two guys opposite the court, is our national-level strength fake?"

"Hyotei... I haven't lost a game this year! I didn't want to be the first person in the team to lose a game! Chotaro! Don't you?"

When Otori Cyotaroh heard this, his expression dropped.

Instead, there was a firm response: "No!! This game must not be lost!!"

At this time, the words Bei Xiao said during the morning game appeared in their minds almost at the same time.

"Since you want to win, you still have to win beautifully!"

Although the score can no longer achieve the result of zero seal.

But the final result of the game......

Must win!

As the second game begins.

Yanagi Renji and Kirihara Akaya's offensive is still fierce.

With data analysis as the core tactic, it has a huge advantage from the start.

Objectively speaking, the personal strength of Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh is generally stronger than that of Yanagi Renji.

But once they fall into the realm of data, they even try to protect themselves from the rain.

But he couldn't really suppress the offense of Yanagi Renji.





Kirihara Akaya hit the ball straight in the frontcourt and towards Otori Cyotaroh's defensive space in the backcourt.

Otori Cyotaroh quickly rushed towards the ball without any pause.

It’s almost as close to danger as it gets.


Racquet blocked the ball before the tennis ball hit the court floor.


Otori Cyotaroh also fell down in the backcourt.

That the ball was caught by him obviously surprised Kirihara Akaya.

In his eyes, this goal should be scored directly!

Seeing the tennis ball counterattacked by Otori Cyotaroh pass over his head, Kirihara Akaya subconsciously wanted to defend.

But Yanagi Renji behind the court had already said coldly: "Leave it to me! Kirihaya!"

Upon hearing this, Kirihara Akaya immediately stopped.

I saw that Yanagi Renji had already reached the midfield position at this time.

The racquet he held in his hand also made a shooting gesture.



As he swung suddenly, a high-speed chop was struck with an extremely astonishing diagonal rotation.


The visual ability of Hyotei players is subtly trained to deal with the ball coming too fast.

The appearance of Yanagi Renji's kamatachi not only made Anato Ryo roar angrily.

It even made everyone in the Hyotei dugout look coldly!

Bei Xiao's eyes also moved to Yanagi Renji who hit the ball.

court death!

Just because Yanagi Renji's ball did not hit any court defensive openings.

Instead, he was heading in the direction of Otori Cyotaroh, who fell to the ground before he could get up while trying to save the ball!


Seiichi Yukimura, who was sitting in the Rikkai player's bench, frowned unconsciously at this time.

Yanagi Renji's goal also exceeded his expectations.

In his mind, Yanagi Renji is not a tennis player who intentionally hurts his opponent's players.

Kamaitachi's move...... Now use it this way......

Something's wrong!

But Yanagi Renji just stared at the ball he hit, as if he was waiting for something.

And when a body appeared in his eyes.



When the ball hit it suddenly appeared. Ryo Anato blocked the ball with his back.

Yanagi Renji also showed a look that was indeed true.

Even though Anato Ryo had good strength in his lower limbs and excellent balance, he couldn't control his forward body and fell to the ground.

However, his backbone meant that he did not say a word even though his back was stinging and he had a lot of skin on his palms and arms scratched because he fell in the court.

He was just shaking violently to calm down the pain he felt!


Otori Cyotaroh was the first to react and ran quickly from the backcourt in the direction of the opening.

The referee also immediately called the medical team.

And at the same time.

Everyone in the audience also looked at Yanagi Renji in shock as he caused all this.

Although they all knew that Yanagi Renji did not hit the ball in the direction of Anato Ryo.

But a Hyotei player was injured inside the court...

Has the other party really considered the consequences?!

Tezuka Kunimitsu and others, almost as soon as they came to their senses, all looked in the direction of Hyotei's player bench.

Just a glance.

They all looked stiff.

Just because they have never seen such cold expressions on Atobe Keigo's face.

In the Rikkai big players' table, Seiichi Yukimura also stood up with a frown on his face.

He glanced at Marui Bunta and others beside him who were excitedly celebrating Yanagi Renji's goal that injured Ryo Anato.

Then he looked at Yanagi Renji in the court.

"Renji, is this the way you chose..."


Inside the Hyotei dugout.

Akutsu Jin was already holding the racquet and was about to rush into the court, but he was pushed back by Bei Xiao's look.

"If you use violence to solve problems in court, you also need to use tennis to solve problems!"

After Bei Xiao said something coldly, he stood up and walked with Sakaki Taro in the direction of Anato Ryo, who was being checked for injuries by the medical team in the court.

And in the players box.

Akutsu Jin and the others obviously couldn't calm down.

Oshitari Yuushi took off his glasses at this time and said calmly: "The minister is right, violence in court can only be solved with tennis..."

"Although I don't know what will happen in the singles No. 3 game!"

"But! If I don't vent! I'm going to have a bad day!"

"Hua Chi! How about we play a completely violent tennis game in the Doubles No. 1 match?"

If Atobe Keigo is around, Kabaji Munehiro will definitely look at him and ask for his opinion.

but now...……


The firm answer already represented his attitude.

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