The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0148 The Lucky Draw Of Fate! Semi-Final Opponent! Shitenhouji!

0148 The lucky draw of fate! Semifinal opponent! Shitenhouji!

Tokyo Genji Gymnasium.

In a conference room.

Oshitari Yuushi, Oshitari Kenya, Yanagi Renji and Lion Music Middle-School Minister Yayama Yuta~ appeared one after another.

Before the draw begins.

Oshitari Yuushi looked at his cousin Oshitari Kenya, raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Kenya, I didn't expect that Shitenhouji would let you participate in the lottery! Is it possible that Shiraishi Hidashi doesn't think you have the best luck?"

Oshitari Kenya's mouth twitched.

He has never known how to get along with his cousin.

Just because the other party is so smart that I was often "bullied" by the other party when I was a child

"Hmph! It doesn't matter who comes to draw lots! Aren't you also here to represent Hyotei?"

Oshitari Yuushi chuckled lightly, put the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said nothing more.

Yanagi Renji, on the other hand, looked calm, as if he was just an outsider!

The person with the most complex expression present was undoubtedly Yuta Hachiyama, the director of the Tennis Department of Lion Middle School.

Although he reached the semi-finals of the national conference!

But he knew it very well.

There is still a big gap between the strength of Lions this year and the three teams in front of them.

Not to mention the two ridiculously strong teams of King Rikkai and Hyotei Gakuen.

Just looking at Shitenhouji, the top team in Kansai, and Lion Middle-School are no match at all!

Not to mention, Chitose Senri, who was once one of the two aces in the team, is now one of Shitenhouji's regular candidates!

When he thought of this, Yayama Yuta's face became even more depressed.

He was ready to lose first in the second day of the national conference today.


The drawing begins!

Although there are 4 teams drawing lots, in fact only Shitenhouji, who won the game first yesterday afternoon, will be drawn!

The other three people came more to witness the result of the draw!

Oshitari Kenya is under a lot of pressure.

On one side is Hyotei Gakuen, represented by his cousin Oshitari Yuushi!

On the other side is King Rikkai represented by "strategist" Yanagi Renji!

If these two teams are drawn, it will be enough for Shitenhouji to face the intensity equivalent to the "finals" in advance.

When he put his hand into the lottery tube, his eyes were fixed on Yayama Yuta.

Lion fun!! Lion fun!!

I drew Lion Music Middle-School. Although they are not weak, at least I can win them without any problem!!

If this is the case, the worst this year will be a national runner-up!!


When he took out the lottery ticket, he was afraid to read it.

The organizer's staff took the signature paper and opened it neatly.

Then it appeared in front of Oshitari Yuushi and the others: "Semifinals Group A! Shitenhouji vs. Hyotei Gakuen!"

"Group B in the semi-finals will be automatically divided! Rikkai University will face Lion Middle-School!"

Unlike Yanagi Renji nodded calmly, turned around and left the conference room.

As the head of the Lions Middle-School Tennis Department, Yayama Yuta reluctantly accepted this result.

The expressions of Oshitari Yuushi and Oshitari Kenya are in sharp contrast.

The corner of the former's mouth raised slightly, and he patted his cousin's shoulder with one hand: "Kenya, I didn't expect you to really hit our Hyotei! Could it be because you and I were both present? So the magnetic field is particularly suitable. ?”

"But that's okay! The minister said before that if he is drawn with you in the semi-finals, then he will wait for that reckless first-year brat in your team at the No. 3 position of singles!"

"Please tell your minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke!"

With that said, he put his pockets in his pocket and walked slowly out the door.

Oshitari Kenya’s expression is uglier than eating a fly!

Just because Hyotei Gakuen is undoubtedly the opponent Shitenhouji least wants to face in the semi-finals!!

Even though I know that Atobe Keigo was injured in yesterday's game and will not play today.

But Hyotei’s strength is not something that can be competed without Atobe Keigo!!

" have to go back quickly to discuss countermeasures with Ash and the others!!"

9:30 am.

After the semi-final draw results came out, the organizers also put them on the big screen in the stadium.

Students from various schools in Kanto and Kansai basically gathered together and looked up at the grouping situation on the big screen.

"Our Lion Middle-School actually faced off against Rikkai?! This... How can we fight!!"

"What are you going to do? You Lions Middle-School can reach the semi-finals of the national conference this year despite losing the Kyushu duo. Just laugh! Are you really planning to compete for the championship?"

"That is to say! Both the semi-finals and the finals are based on real team strength! Don't say Rikkai is big! Can you beat the other two teams?"

"You... Huh!! Just wait!! Our Shishi Raku Middle-School is not as weak as you think!! Maybe Rikkai will lose to us!! We Shishi Raku are all over Kansai Rich family!"

"You are such an idiot! It's already the national competition, and you still don't know how much your school weighs!!"

"That's right! What I'm paying more attention to right now is the match between Hyotei and Shitenhouji! Did you hear about it? Hyotei and Shitenhouji met outside the gym this morning! Shitenhouji, the genius first-year student, challenged Bei Xiao, and Bei Xiao agreed. !!"

"Really? That first-year guy named Kintarou Tooyama is pretty good! But can Bei Xiao deal with him? He's just a first-year brat!"

"That's for sure! Many people have seen it!"

"So will they play in the semifinals?"

"No way! If we arrange a competition between the first-year students and Bei Xiao, wouldn't we just give Hyotei a point?"

"Just go and see and you'll find out!! Anyway, I'm not interested in Rikkai fighting lions!!"

"Let's go! Let's go together! It's too late and we can't even get a seat!!"


While the students from each school were discussing, some people with quick reactions had already run towards the arena where the Group A semi-finals were played.

Although there are many seats in the auditorium of the National Convention.

But who doesn’t know how big the Hyotei Gakuen cheerleading team is?

In addition, Hyotei Gakuen is already the most watched team this year.

The match between Hyotei and Shitenhouji is, in many people’s minds, the match between the strongest in Kanto and the strongest in Kansai!

Most people are not willing to miss such an exciting game.

It's 10 a.m. sharp.

In the auditorium of the arena for the semi-final Group A match.

By now the seats were packed.


Outside the arena, there were a large number of spectators who had not had time to enter the venue but were stopped by the organizer's staff.

no way!

There were so many people that the competition on the second day of the national conference was even more exciting than the first day!

And the same!

In the auditorium.

Students from Seigaku, Fudomine, Yamabuki, Higa Middle-School and other schools were almost all sitting in their seats waiting for the game to start.

The reason they came to watch this game was simple.

Firstly, because this is Hyotei Gakuen’s game, and secondly, because this game is more interesting than Rikkai vs. Shiraku Middle-School!

In the team of Seigaku and others, Echizen Ryoma is sitting next to Tezuka Kunimitsu with gauze tied around his body.

Although Akutsu Jin's goal yesterday knocked him unconscious, he reacted quickly and only hit his head on the ground when he fell to the ground, causing a slight concussion.

In addition, he has opened the limit of selflessness and countless tempers, which consumes too much energy on his own body.

That's why he lost consciousness.

He looked at the Hyotei people walking into the players' bench from the tunnel entrance, and he couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

Tezuka Kunimitsu naturally heard it clearly.

"Echizen, you are still feeling unhappy because of yesterday's game, right..."

"I...I didn't!"

"Have you ever thought that you are not ready to compete with Akutsu Jin at all? This preparation does not only refer to your inner state! It also refers to your own strength!"

Tezuka Kunimitsu said, turning to look at Echizen Ryoma.

The latter's expression was a bit ugly.

Because these words are undoubtedly equivalent to telling him directly that his strength is not enough!

Seeing that he was silent, Tezuka Kunimitsu shook his head: "At your current age, your strength is already beyond that of most people! So what you need is the accumulation of time! It is also the accumulation of strength!"

"You are very competitive and are not willing to lose to any opponent. This is a good thing!"

"But in the end, all this depends on the racquet in your hand as your confidence to refuse to admit defeat!"

"After the national conference, the Japan U17 training camp will definitely send you an invitation. It's a good opportunity! You can get in touch with more powerful tennis players!"

"I hope you can remember what I said today! Let me see you in the court of the U-17 World Cup!"

"It's not just because of your talent, nor because I want you to be the pillar of Seigaku! I just think that you can do it if you just try your best!"

The words fell.

Echizen Ryoma stared blankly at Tezuka Kunimitsu beside him, his eyes flickering for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

When everyone from Hyotei, led by Bei Xiao, and Shitenhouji, led by Shiraishi Kuranosuke, were sitting in the players' box.

Bei Xiao took the player lineup handed over by Sakaki Taro and glanced at Oshitari Yuushi and the others.

"I'll play singles No. 3! It's the semi-finals, you can decide on the other places by yourself?"

If these words were heard by students from various schools in the audience, they would probably not know what to say.

The quota of players in the semi-finals is decided?!

I'm afraid only Hyotei Gakuen has this confidence!!

Sakaki Taro didn't have any objections.

After all, although Shitenhouji is not weak, he also knows that Hyotei Gakuen will win this semi-final, and even the final, it is a sure thing!!

When Oshitari Yuushi and the others heard this, they all had playful smiles on their faces.

He took the player appearance order list from Bei Xiao's hand and began to study it together.

On the other side is Shitenhouji in the players' box.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke, Watanabe Xiu and others all seemed to have a headache.

"Sorry Shiraishi! Ash! And everyone..."

"It would be great if I drew Lion Music Middle-School!"

Oshitari Kenya couldn't help but apologize again at this time.

But Shiraishi Kuranosuke and the others obviously didn't blame him.

…………Please give me flowers…………

Kintarou Tooyama even ran to Oshitari Kenya's side and said excitedly: "Aken Aken! You smoked very well!! Although I would rather compete with Rikkai, the son of God, first, and then with Bei Xiao. Have a fight!”

"But if we hadn't defeated Rikkai, I would have made a special trip to Kanto to find Bei Xiao!!"

"When I think about being able to play a game with him right away! I'm so happy!!"

Everyone in Shitenhouji rolled their eyes helplessly at this time, and Oshitari Kenya was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say in response to Kintarou Tooyama.

Watanabe Xiu glanced at Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Chitose Senri,

Shen Sheng said: "Now it is known that Bei Xiao will be at the No. 3 position of singles. In this game... Do we really want Xiao Jin to be in the position?"

"Bei Xiao's strength... is definitely not something Xiao Jin can compete with!"

He didn't speak loudly. Kintarou Tooyama was pestering Oshitari Kenya to express his excitement, so he didn't hear Watanabe's words.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke shook his head: "That's right! And it's too dangerous for Xiao Jin to play this game! If he gets's really too risky!"

But Chitose Senri has a different opinion.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with letting Xiao Jin play this game! First, this is a game proposed by Xiao Jin himself! Bei Xiao was very sincere and took the initiative to inform him of his position in singles three.

!If we change people temporarily, what will outsiders think of us if they find out?"

"Second, what do you think Xiao Jin would think if he knew about his temper and we didn't let him play?"

"Finally! Let's take a step back! Now none of us are sure that we can defeat Bei Xiao. Instead of letting Xiao Jin face the possibility of facing the bad-tempered Akutsu Jin1 yesterday, it is better to face Bei Xiao!"

"Mr. Hyotei doesn't necessarily have to deal with the first-year students, right? And we can also focus on other competitions!"

His words made Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Watanabe Shu couldn't help but nod slightly.


Chitose Senri persuaded two people!

A few minutes later.

When Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Sakaki Taro handed over the filled-in roster of their own players to the referee, it also heralded that the game was about to begin!

Follow the referee into the game court.

Almost all the students from all schools in the audience subconsciously leaned forward and closed their mouths.

The referee's voice also came through the court's built-in broadcast: "This game is the semi-final group A of the second stage of the National Conference!"

"Hyotei Gakuen versus Shitenhouji!"

"The entire match will be a single doubles mixed format! Best of five sets!"

"The team that wins three games first will win the entire game and advance to the next round of finals!!"

"First game! Doubles number two!"

"Hyotei Gakuen Oshitari Yuushi, Otori Cyotaroh vs. Shitenhouji Oshitari Kenya, Shiraishi Kuranosuke!"

"Players from both sides enter!"

When he finished announcing the double-server roster for the first game.

All of a sudden!

The entire audience couldn't help but be stunned.

"How come Hyotei has geniuses Oshitari and Otori Cyotaroh teaming up to play doubles number two?! Is this a new tactic?"

"Who knows! But Shitenhouji is also exaggerating! Minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke actually played in this game!"

"And more! I heard that Oshitari Kenya, Shitenhouji, is Oshitari Yuushi's cousin! Could it be that they have agreed to play a game with his brother?"

"Probably not! After all, this is the semi-finals of the National Conference! We still have to focus on winning the game! I guess Shitenhouji wants to win with Shiraishi Kuranosuke's strength

Doubles No. 2 this time! Who knew Hyotei would actually have a replacement!"

"It makes sense! It should be like this! I didn't expect Hyotei doubles No. 2 to replace Ryo Anato with Yuushi Oshitari! In terms of personal strength, they are both at the national level, Ryo Anato can

Not as good as Oshitari Yuushi!”

"Tsk tsk tsk! Look! Shitenhouji's Oshitari Kenya and Shiraishi Kuranosuke don't look very good!"

In the discussion of many viewers.

Oshitari Yuushi and Shiraishi Kuranosuke both walked into the game court holding racquets.


It's also like what some viewers have seen and guessed.

Oshitari Kenya and Shiraishi Kuranosuke's faces are indeed not very good!

They really wanted to score the first point in the second doubles game!

After all, Shiraishi Kuranosuke is confident that as a national-level player, he may not be able to cope with Ryo Anato and the others.

In addition, Oshitari Kenya's foot power is not weaker than that of ordinary national-level players, and the tacit understanding between the two.

The odds of winning should be pretty good!

But I didn’t expect it!

Oshitari Yuushi actually replaced Toto Ryo and became Otori Cyotaroh's partner.


"Kenya! I didn't expect that we were destined to be together when we drew lots! Now we can actually meet in a game!"

"My partner, Minister Shiraishi, is playing this first doubles No. 2 match. Don't hold your minister back!"

"After all, as an older brother, I won't give in!"

I heard Oshitari Yuushi looking at his cousin and Yuyou said.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all of them! 9].

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