The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0143 The End? ! Finally Open The Heavenly Clothes! Aichi Shines!

End of 0143?! The sky is finally opened! The glory of Aichi!


"'s over! This game! I am the one who wins in the end!"

Atobe Keigo, who was about to hit the last ball, looked at the embarrassed Tezuka Kunimitsu on the other side of the court and said in a deep voice.

When he said these words.

The entrance to the court auditorium.


I saw two teams wearing different uniforms slowly walking in.

It was Shitenhouji, headed by Shiraishi Kuranosuke, and the people of Tachibana, headed by Seiichi Yukimura.

The appearance of the two teams immediately attracted the attention of many junior high school students watching the game.

"Shitenhouji and Rikkai are great! Have they finished the game?"

"Nonsense! People are already here, so they didn't necessarily come to watch the game because they forfeited the game! The 8-to-4 game was over in an hour!"

"Yes! After all, the opponents we faced were all well-established and strong schools! We actually won so easily!"

"Are you observing the enemy's situation? It's just the right time! You can directly witness the result of this emperor's battle!"

Seiichi Yukimura and Shiraishi Kuranosuke ignored the buzzing chatter in their ears.

Just after seeing Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu playing, they all paid attention to the score in the court.



This score made them all frown!

They didn't expect that Tezuka Kunimitsu would lose right away!

Watanabe Xiu and Yanagi Renji also consciously walked towards the auditorium on both sides. Of course, they were not looking for a seat to sit down, but wanted to know what happened in the previous game.


In the court.

Tezuka Kunimitsu noticed the arrival of Seiichi Yukimura and others. He squatted slightly and got ready to catch the ball.

"Atobe! Come on!"

Atobe Keigo took a deep look at Tezuka Kunimitsu, who still had high fighting spirit, and said no more.


A powerful flat serve is his best response to Tezuka Kunimitsu!


This game is once again in a state of anxiety!

One side has wanted to win for so long, just to compete with the man in front of him with all his strength!

On the other hand, relying on their own beliefs and fighting spirit, and also for their own tennis beliefs, they try their best to finish every game without leaving any regrets!

While the sound of hitting the ball continued.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Seiichi Yukimura also roughly learned about the competition between Hyotei and Seigaku from Watanabe Shu.

Except for Kintarou Tooyama, everyone on the two teams looked extremely solemn.

Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh advanced to the national level!

The previous "serve battle" between Tezuka Kunimitsu and Atobe Keigo.

In addition, Atobe Keigo did not know what kind of method he used now, and he counterattacked Tezuka Kunimitsu's Zero Serve and was unable to use powerful spinning skills such as Domain and Phantom!

This puts great pressure on everyone in both teams!

"Ahhh! So awesome, so awesome! Shiraishi! I really want to play against the Hyotei players! And Seigaku! They look awesome too!"

"It would be great if both of their teams could advance!"

Seeing Kintarou Tooyama leaning on the railing watching the match between Tezuka Kunimitsu and Atobe Keigo, shouting words, Shiraishi Kuranosuke covered his forehead and smiled bitterly.

Sometimes he really envies Kintarou Tooyama for having such a mentality.

3 minutes!

5 minutes!

10 minutes!


As Tezuka Kunimitsu and Atobe Keigo continued to hit the ball in the court, the eyes of everyone in the court were filled with astonishment.

Among them are Rikkai Yama and Shitenhouji.

Everyone can see that Atobe Keigo has an absolute offensive advantage.

Seiichi Yukimura and Shiraishi Kuranosuke, both national-level players, were shocked with every shot they made.

I feel that there is no way I can be the opponent of the two people above me!

Even if you use your own cards, you probably won't be able to fight these two guys!

Their strength has exceeded his knowledge of the national level!

The former is when no one notices, the eyes tremble.

He originally thought that when he led the team to the national conference, there was only one person who could be his opponent!

Bei Xiao!!


Now, whether it is Atobe Keigo who has the advantage in the court, or Tezuka Kunimitsu who is defending desperately just to prevent the game from ending.

All of them put a lot of pressure on him!!

This makes Seiichi Yukimura's heart extremely complicated!!

If I were standing on the court by myself... could I really win?

In the court.

Atobe Keigo's condition is even worse.

His eyes were bloodshot before, but now they are blood red.


His current situation is completely different from the "Akame" state of Kirin Kaiya.

My eyes have endured Asura Shinto's power for too long!

If this match hadn't been against Tezuka Kunimitsu, he would never have used this power again!

He just feels like his eyes are being pricked by needles every second!!

And Tezuka Kunimitsu isn't much better.

How can he still look like the emperor of Seigaku now!

In these 10 minutes, he made many saves, and his blue and white jersey was already dirty and torn.

Let him persist until now...

Only faith!!

"Tezuka!! I want to win!!"

"Uncle, get out of here!!"

Atobe Keigo, who seemed to be determined and desperate, rushed towards the frontcourt with the racquet in both hands.

What a physical exertion!

What a burden on the eyesight!

What to prepare in advance and predict the path of the ball...

All this was forgotten.

He wants it!!

The only victory is this goal!!

Take off on one foot in front of the net and use your waist to drive your arms.


Golden light suddenly appeared!!

Light ball strikes again!!

This time the light was clearly visible to everyone watching the game.

Especially Bei Xiao and Echizen Nanjiro.

Their brows all frowned, because the power of Atobe Keigo's shot was really a light shot!!

It’s not a “bare ball” that barely reaches the threshold with just half a foot!!

With the current Tezuka Kunimitsu... the probability of counterattack is almost zero!!

Even... ...if it's hard-wired!

The chance of injury is at least 90%!!

At this time, the two of them could only watch Tezuka Kunimitsu make his own choice.

Regardless of whether Tezuka Kunimitsu is a member of the German U-17 team.

Regardless of whether Tezuka Kunimitsu is a junior that Echizen Nanjiro appreciates.

When you stand in court, you have to bear the consequences of your choices!

in a blink.

Atobe Keigo's light shot flew over the top of the net.

The strongest shot he hit in this game, a shot that would make even Akutsu Jin feel like a formidable enemy, has already hit Tezuka Kunimitsu!

Tezuka Kunimitsu stood there without any intention of dodging!

When Seigaku faced off against Hyotei, he knew that this would be Seigaku's last battle at this year's national tournament!!

Even if I win Atobe Keigo!

In a team competition, it is also impossible for Seigaku to defeat Hyotei!


This is no reason for him to give up!!

Scenes from the past flashed through his mind.

From the first time he had his own racquet.

When he was in junior high school, he stood on the court of the national team tennis match full of unconfidence that only he knew.

Because of the name Echizen Nanjiro, I joined Seigaku!

His arm was injured by Takeshi Takeshi

Injuries! Frustrations! Becoming the pillar of Seigaku! And then being brought into the German U-17 training camp by Bei Xiao!


The self standing in court now...

He lost too many things during this journey, but there was only one thing that he always held tightly in his hands!!


A dazzling brilliance that was completely natural shone out from him.

Even this light directly enveloped the racquet in his hand!!

"It has never abandoned me. Now it's time for me to really hold onto it! Lead it to defeat all opponents!!"



Tezuka Kunimitsu didn't know how he waved the racquet in his hand.

Angle, hitting point, force exertion method…………

These are all completely subconscious actions of the body.

He clearly felt...the ball on the racquet was heavy!

However, there was a voice inside him telling him!

You can definitely fight back!!


A golden ball flashed past that only Bei Xiao and Echizen Nanjiro could accurately capture.

Atobe Keigo couldn't help but widen his eyes at this moment and froze on the spot.

He was still in a state of horror when he saw Tezuka Kunimitsu's body blooming with bright light.


The tennis ball bounced high into the bottom corner of Atobe Keigo's backcourt, leaving only a distinct mark.

The bounce height is almost the same as the height of the last row of the auditorium.

The direction of the fall was obviously the position in Hyotei's dugout.


Oshitari Yuushi and the others didn't notice, but at this moment a hand raised up and caught the falling tennis ball.

Bei Xiao looked at the tennis ball in his hand that was blackened by friction, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Good shot..."

And this whisper also made everyone in the Hyotei dugout come to their senses.

Sakaki Taro stood up and looked at Tezuka Kunimitsu, who was shrouded in bright golden light in the court, and said in disbelief: "It's... perfect!!"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking.

In the audience, Tachibana Yoshihei and the others also stood up one by one.


The third door that is said to be the most difficult to open in the Selfless State!!

it turns out…………

It turned on at this moment!!

Tezuka Kunimitsu…

Genius!! Real genius!!

At this time, the students from each school opened their mouths wide, showing expressions of disbelief.

"Did I hear you right?! Seamless?! Coach Hyotei Sakaki Taro said... Tezuka. Kunimitsu has opened the door to the limit of seamlessness?!"

"Look at how Tachibana Yoshihei and the others look! They must be inseparable!!"

...Please give me flowers...

"I have never seen anyone who can open the third door!!"

"Who has seen it? I haven't seen it either!! But did you see that ball just now? I thought Atobe Keigo's glowing ball could destroy the court!! Tezuka Kunimitsu was stunned and hit it back with one hand!!"


!!In addition to the ultimate power of seamlessness, how else can we explain this ball?!"

"Crazy, crazy! Emperor Seigaku has actually entered the door to the limit of seamlessness! This door only appeared in rumors!!"

"Minister!! Come on!!"

"Minister!! Come on!!"

In the auditorium, there were not only exclamations from students from each school, but also shouts from Seigaku students.

Seiichi Yukimura and Shiraishi Kuranosuke also stared blankly at Tezuka Kunimitsu standing in the court.

Especially Chitose Senri.

"It's perfect... Ever since I opened Selfless State, I've been studying how to open the three doors!"

"Now, even though I have worked very hard, it has only opened a door to the limit of my talents!"

"I know Tezuka Kunimitsu's talent is very strong. He can open two doors even if his arm is injured...but I never expected! He can even open the last legendary door!"

When he spoke, no one knew how to appease the other.

Kintarou Tooyama, on the other hand, looked fascinated as he looked at the dazzling light all over Tezuka Kunimitsu that came from the limit of perfection.


He was completely fascinated by it!

In the entire competition arena, there were only two people who were not so excited.

Echizen Nanjiro!

"It's true... Every one of my little ones now makes me feel like I'm getting older!"

"First he was a little guy who came into contact with Asura Shinto, and now he is a little guy who opened up the Heavenly Clothes..."

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The muttering in his mouth was clearly heard by Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori.

When Echizen Nanjiro spoke, there was a hint of excitement in his tone.

How could he not see that Tezuka Kunimitsu was the person qualified to open the ultimate door to perfection?

But he didn't expect that the other party would open it earlier than he thought!

"Mr. Nanjiro! What a perfect match?! Can Tezuka-san win the competition?!"

When Inoue Mamoru asked about the result of the game again, Echizen Nanjiro curled his lips and said: "Inoue, you are such a boring guy! This is why you can only be a tennis reporter and not a tennis player!"

"It's not because of talent, it's just because you don't have the qualifications to be a real tennis player at all!"

After Inoue Mamoru heard this, he subconsciously wanted to refute.

But when he saw that Echizen Nanjiro had no idea of ​​paying attention to him, he could only close his mouth in frustration.

He knew that Echizen Nanjiro was almost losing his patience with him.

Inside the Imperial Football Stadium.

Akutsu Jin and the others looked at the blackened tennis ball in Bei Xiao's hand.

Then he looked at the status of Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu in the court.

His brows were furrowed.

Oshitari Yuushi said helplessly: "It's perfect... Who would have thought that Tezuka Kunimitsu would open this door at this time!"

"Atobe's eyes have reached their limit... Even if he loses this game, he won't lose unjustly!"

He wasn't adding insult to injury, let alone seeing Atobe Keigo's joke.

He's just giving his own opinion based on the current game situation.

Just as he said.

Atobe Keigo has reached his limit!

Except that he is still standing on the court, but his body can hardly support him to continue playing.

The most important thing is his eyes!

The faint purple aura that was originally there has completely disappeared, and the load on his eyes can no longer support Asura Shinto's power!

Him now.

Even opening your eyes is extremely difficult!

And Tezuka Kunimitsu is in high spirits!

At the limit of flawlessness, his strength is at the pinnacle of this game!

The referee also announced the score of the goal just a few seconds ago!


Bei Xiao's eyes were fixed on Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu just like Oshitari Yuushi and others.

This game is for him.

Winning or losing doesn’t matter!

Atobe Keigo wins because the opponent is from Hyotei Gakuen!

Tezuka Kunimitsu wins, Bei Xiao is also happy to see it.

After all, being able to defeat Atobe Keigo further proves that the opponent's strength and talent are the right choice for Germany's U-17!

And the thing that he cared about most at this time also had the perfect answer!

Tezuka Kunimitsu opens the door to the ultimate in seamlessness!

Or to be more precise, it should be the three days of reserved light...the radiance of Aichi

The strange movements of the tiger talisman in his body made Bei Xiao's lips rise.

When Tezuka Kunimitsu returns to Germany, it will be time to harvest the opponent for the second time!

【1.5W words per day! Please order all!】

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