The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0138 Two More National Levels? The Majesty Is On Full Display! Emperor Vs Emperor!

0138 Two more national-level ones? Showing off their majesty! Emperor VS Emperor!


Otori Cyotaroh took off his weight and threw up the tennis ball in his hand.

All of a sudden.

Kikumaru Eiji, who was about to hit the ball across the court, could only suppress the shock in his heart.

With his eyes fixed on Otori Cyotaroh, he raised the racquet he was about to wave.

"One ball...enters the soul!!"


The moment the ball hit the ball, Kikumaru Eiji's expression changed drastically.

Fuji Syusuke and Tezuka Kunimitsu in the Seigaku dugout.

Kite Eishirou and Tachibana Yoshihei in the audience were both stunned.


"Hyotei scores! Score 15-0!"

In the blink of an eye, the tennis ball hit Kikumaru Eiji's feet and bounced out of the court.

The speed of this heavy shot serve...

It far exceeded any ball that Feng Changchang hit in the first game.

Kikumaru Eiji looked at the obvious ball mark beside his feet, and murmured to himself in shock: "How... how is it possible!! I didn't even see it at all...

The entire audience also came to their senses at this moment.

"Heavy artillery serve......Kikumaru Eiji, he didn't react at all this time!!"

"Wasn't he able to fight back before? Why can't he fight back now?!"

"Nonsense! What else could it be because of? It must be that the ball is going too fast!!"

"It's too exaggerated!! Didn't the ball speed exceed 200KM/H before? Can it be faster? How fast is this heavy artillery serve!!"

"I'm afraid the ball speed has increased a lot! Otherwise, Kikumaru Eiji's body wouldn't have no reaction at all!"

"Hyotei...will the progress of these guys never stop?"

Where everyone at Fudomine was sitting, Fu Xing and the others stared blankly at Otori Cyotaroh's shot.

" fast is this ball? Can you see it clearly?"

Tachibana Yoshihei took a deep breath and stared deeply at Otori Cyotaroh in the court.

"I don't know the exact speed of the ball! Because the ball just now... I didn't catch it either!

"What?!" Tachibana Jiping's answer made Tachibana and others' eyes widen.

The opponent is a national-level player!!

And the visual ability is stronger than ordinary people!!

But... I couldn't catch Otori Cyotaroh's ball?!

Tachibana Jippei spoke again at this time: "In the past, Otori Cyotaroh's heavy artillery serve was close to 210KM/H! Now it seems...this month has passed! He has improved again!"

"He should have passed the 210KM/H threshold!"

"Even! I guess...he has reached the national level!"

This time.

Juxing and others were even more speechless.

National level?!

Another national level?!


Is it really just one?!

Like Otori Cyotaroh, Ryo Anato took off the strap-on...

How has the opponent's strength changed in this month?

Could it be...the second national doubles combination?!

At the same time, Higa Middle-School and Yamabuki Middle-School quickly realized this because of the presence of Kite Eishirou and Hata Yuya.

They swallowed their saliva and obviously didn’t know what to say anymore!!

Headed by Bei Xiao......

Hyotei's main selection is entering the first echelon of Japanese junior high school tennis one by one!!

Starting with Oshitari Yuushi, Kabaji Munehiro!

Now it’s Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh again!!

Although Akutsu Jin did not show a national level in the Kanto Tournament, the probability that the opponent is a national level is increasing!!

After all, everyone knows... This Hyotei "beast" is also a terrifying genius!!

Doesn’t that mean………….

In addition to Hiyoshi Wakashi as a substitute and Akutakawa Jirou as one of the main selections,

The number of national-level candidates currently selected by Hyotei... at least 6-7?!

"Hyotei scores! Score 30-0!"

"Hyotei scores! Score 40-0!"

Otori Cyotaroh's heavy artillery serve in the court was really like invisible cannonballs, exploding in the court where Oishi Syuichirou and Kikumaru Eiji were.

Mamoru Inoue and Saori Shiba who were watching the game were so frightened that they forgot to lift their cameras.

"Again...double national doubles..."

"Mr. Nanjiro, does Seigaku still have a chance in this game?"

When Inoue Mamoru spoke in a daze, he turned to look at Echizen Nanjiro, who had a calm expression next to him and even started to yawn again.

"Really, Inoue! What chance can there be with such a disparity in strength?"

"It cannot be said that these little guys like Seigaku have no talent at all, but they are given too little time!"

"If the old lady Ryūzaki had trained these little guys properly in the first grade, plus my training in the last half month, this game wouldn't have turned out like this!"

"My foundation is too bad! I can't save you!"

These words also made Mamoru Inoue helpless and captured the special meaning of Echizen Nanjiro's words.

"Mr. Nanjiro... By the way! On the day of the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference, did you know that Bei Xiao was going to deal with Coach Ryūzaki?"

Echizen Nanjiro raised his eyebrows slightly: "Inoue! It's been so long, I even forgot about it!"

This perfunctory attitude immediately made Yugogami understand.

The Echizen Nanjiro in front of me must have known something at that time!!

But Inoue Mamoru couldn't ask further questions. He could only sigh and turned to look at the competition court again.

And at this time.

Otori Cyotaroh has already won the fifth game with 4 heavy artillery serves at full strength.


And the sixth game.

As a serve player, Oishi Syuichirou stood there and didn't know what to do.

Kikumaru Eiji stood in front of the net with a pale expression.

They stood on the court confidently, but now the images of what it would be like to lose the game kept popping up in their minds.

One round left...

"Oishi!! Leave no regrets on the ground!!"

Tezuka Kunimitsu's voice came from the side of the court.

The two of them looked in the direction of their own players' bench, and when they saw Tezuka Kunimitsu, they all stood up to cheer for them.

"Seigaku!! Seigaku!!"

The Seigaku students in the auditorium also started shouting.

At this moment, the haze in the two people's hearts slowly dissipated.

What replaced it was the last fighting spirit in a desperate situation!

"Eiji!! Let's go together!! Finish this game!!"


As their fighting spirit surged together, a pure white halo suddenly emerged from their bodies.

Oishi Syuichirou, who was already engrossed in the game, did not notice this scene.

But Ryo Anato and everyone watching the game could see it clearly.


With Oishi Syuichirou serving, the sixth game officially began.

In the court, Ryo Anato, Otori Cyotaroh and Oishi Syuichirou were fighting back and forth.

There were also exclamations in the audience at this time.

"Synchronicity!! It's synchronicity!! The golden combination of Seigaku has actually entered the miracle of doubles!!"

"Is this synchronicity?! Legend has it that in a synchronic state, the tacit understanding between the doubles group will reach an unprecedented level!! You can understand your partner's thoughts without any communication at all!!"

"Does Seigaku still have a chance in this game?!"

"A miracle happened...can the game be reversed?"

"I don't know...but since it's the same tune, it should be able to change, right?!"

Whether it’s Yamabuki, Fudomine or Higa Middle-School.

Their eyes were full of surprise and expectation.

Although they all know that Shishido Ryoh is a national-level player!

But with the support of Synchro, can Oishi Syuichirou and Kikumaru Eiji, as Kanto-level players, launch a counterattack?!

Echizen Nanjiro's eyes also showed a little surprise.

But he just nodded slightly.

In the eyes of outsiders, synchrony is already a miracle of doubles, but in his's still far from it!

He just felt that Oishi Syuichirou and Oishi Syuichirou had not embarrassed him in this match!

In the Seigaku dugout, Tezuka Kunimitsu and the others were also pleasantly surprised.

The emergence of Synchro not only represents more hope for this game, but also represents that Oishi Syuichirou and Kikumaru Eiji have transformed again in this game!

And inside the Hyotei dugout.

Atobe Keigo and others obviously did not expect that Oishi Syuichirou could give such a surprise in the last game.

“Is this the same tune? The level of tacit understanding is almost unimaginable!”

"Between offense and defense, if we only face a doubles combination of the same level, I'm afraid we can suppress our opponents until they can't breathe!"

Atobe Keigo said, obviously recognizing the power of synchronization.

Bei Xiao said calmly: "If in a doubles competition, ordinary doubles combinations can only maximize the strength of two people to the point of 1+1=2, then synchronization improves the final result to B!"

"At least, with the current performance of Oishi Syuichirou and Oishi Syuichirou, Rikkai's group of Kanto-level doubles is no match for them in the Kanto Tournament!"

"But even so...miracles are just empty talk in the face of absolute strength!" Akutsu Jin took over.

Everyone in Hyotei also chuckled lightly and said nothing.


4 minutes later.


"Hyotei scores!"

"The game is over! The score is 6-0!"

"The winner of this doubles No. 2 match is... Hyotei Gakuen and Otori Cyotaroh!"

"The total score is 10!"

"The next game is singles No. 3! Players from both sides please be ready for the game!"

In silence, the referee announced the result of the game.

Everyone can see the strength shown by Oishi Syuichirou and Kikumaru Eiji after turning on synchronization.

.........Please give me flowers


This game also tells them.

Synchronicity may be a miracle, but a miracle may not change the outcome of the game!!

Otori Cyotaroh and Ryo Anato, a pair of national-level doubles, cannot be compared to Oshitari Yuushi and others in terms of personal strength.

But the gap between the national level and the Kanto level is extremely obvious!

Coherence can bring us closer, but it is not enough to transcend.



Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh walked to the net, and the pair watched as Oishi Syuichirou came out of synchronicity and lost the game, panting.

Ryo Anato spoke slowly: "You have indeed done what you said before the game! We have indeed taken your tone seriously!"

Otori Cyotaroh also had a slight smile on his lips, and echoed: "That's right! At least the strength you just showed is already stronger than the group of doubles from Rikkai in the Kanto Tournament.

Missing it! Mr. Nanjiro’s training is indeed very powerful..."

"I hope to have the opportunity to play ten more games with you two at the Japan U-17 training camp!"

The words of the two made Oishi Syuichirou, who was a little discouraged again, look at each other, stood up and each spoke:

"Okay! Next time! We will definitely not lose again!"

"That's right, that's right! Wait until Oishi and I train hard! The winner will definitely be me and Oishi!!"

When both sides walked back to the players' box.

Bei Xiao looked at the complicated expressions between Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh's brows.

"Is it because of the same tune that you feel like you are being pulled away by others?"

His words made Ryo Anato and the two of them smile bitterly and nod.


"I really can't hide it from you, Minister!"

"Senior Rokuhe and I have actually been exploring synchrony! But we have never been able to achieve it..."

"Isn't the tacit understanding between me and senior Rokuhe not enough?"

Bei Xiao said calmly: "This has nothing to do with your tacit understanding, it just takes time and opportunities! It's more about your trust in each other!"

"At this point, you can only rely on yourselves to slowly understand and explore!"

"But don't worry too much... Deliberately trying to turn on synchronization will only add obstacles to yourself!"

After hearing this, Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh looked at each other and nodded silently.

Atobe Keigo, who was sitting in the players' box, was already adjusting his breathing and mentality before the game.

Akutsu Jin and the others didn't bother him.

Everyone can see how much Atobe Keigo attaches importance to the next singles No. 3 game.

After about 5 minutes.

Under the watchful eyes of the entire audience.

The referee announced loudly: "The second game! Singles No. 3! Hyotei Gakuen Atobe Keigo vs. Seigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu!"

"Players from both sides enter!"

The words fell.

Atobe Keigo opened his eyes, his eyes flashing with fighting spirit and excitement.

Holding the racquet in his hand, he walked resolutely towards the court.

Everyone in Hyotei looked at his back with expectation in their eyes.

Akutsu Jin whispered to himself: "You shouldn't lose, right Atobe Keigo"


Inside the Seigaku dugout.

Tezuka Kunimitsu also took a deep breath and walked towards the court under the eyes of Fuji Syusuke and others.

Oishi Syuichirou clenched his fists, suppressed his nervousness and spoke softly: "Tezuka, he will win, right?"

His question was heard clearly by Echizen Ryoma and others.

But they couldn't give a definite answer right away.

They know very well that Tezuka Kunimitsu's strength has improved a lot since returning from Germany.

Even half a month ago, I often stayed with Echizen Nanjiro, completing training that seemed to them to be almost beyond ordinary people's understanding of tennis.


The opponent is Atobe Keigo!!

He was the emperor who deposed Genichiro Sanada in the Kanto Tournament and couldn't even finish the game!!

The current Emperor Seigaku versus the former Emperor Hyotei...

Don't say this game hasn't started yet.

As long as the final result of this game is not announced, no one can judge who will be the final winner of this game!!

In the auditorium.

When the students from each school heard that the two sides were Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu, many of them couldn't even sit still and stood up in their seats.

"Emperor vs. emperor!!! I didn't expect them to be in the No. 3 position of singles!!!"

"Unbelievable!! I thought I would never have the chance to see Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu compete on the same court!!"

"The game between kings and kings!! It's also a battle between the only two national-level players in Tokyo!! This year's national conference is going to be a game that has never been played before.

Let’s settle it!!”

"Can Tezuka Kunimitsu win? The Atobe Keigo now is not the same person he was last year!!"

"Who knows...but among the Seigaku team, only Tezuka Kunimitsu is qualified to stand in front of Atobe Keigo!!"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all! B].

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