The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0130 The National Conference Finally Begins! ! All Wealthy Families! !

0130 The National Conference finally starts!! All are wealthy families!!

Half a month later.

Kanto, Tokyo.

Tokyo Genji Gymnasium!

The huge crowd was divided into batches and headed towards the stadium.

The vast majority of them are junior high school students from various schools across Japan.

They wear different school uniforms and have different cheering props in their hands.

Each one of them even held up a flag representing their own school.

At first glance, it just makes people feel that it is so powerful!!!


In addition to junior high school students, there are still quite a few tennis enthusiasts among them.

Although they don't pay much attention to the Japanese junior high school tennis community.

But these people will hardly miss the last stage of the annual national competition for junior high school students.

in the crowd.

As a first-year student at Seigaku.

Horio Satoshi and the other three were also wearing "must-win" headbands, holding their homemade cheering banners with both hands, and looking up at the surroundings.

"Oh my! Why haven't Buchou, the others and Echizen arrived yet!!"

"I see that one or two schools from Kansai have already come in to complete the reports!!"

Seeing how impatient his two friends were, Horio Satoshi immediately said angrily: "Katsuro! Katsuro! Can you two stop being so irritable! After all, we at Seigaku have also made it to the national conference this year. Eh!"

"The strong ones are always the last to appear! As long as they are there!!"

Kato Katsuro looked at Horio Satoshi's complacent expression when he spoke, and he also curled his lips: "Horiio, that was also Echizen and Fugong-senpai who performed well at the Kanto Conference! It shouldn't have anything to do with you, right?"

Horio Satoshi immediately became anxious.

"Then I will also work very hard to cheer for the seniors, okay!!"

"This is a collective honor for our Seigaku Tennis Club!!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, the "good old man" Mizuno Katsuo among the three quickly tried to smooth things over.


Someone outside the crowd shouted: "Fudomine Middle-School is coming!!"


Many junior high school students from the Kanto region were present and stopped to look.

In their sight, a team wearing black jersey jackets with the word "Fudomine" embroidered on them was walking towards them.

The headed Tachibana 25 Jihei and the Kanto Conference also gave people a completely different feeling.

The originally pure black hair has now been dyed golden.

The coldness and seriousness in his eyes made many junior high school students feel nervous when they saw him, as if they were being targeted by something dangerous.

They are also today


After the Kanto Conference, they stood out from the defeated team and got a spot in the resurrection match. The training during this period gave them the confidence to face any strong enemy again!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Tachibana Jippei... I heard before that Tachibana Jippei transferred to Kanto and I was surprised! Who knew it was true!"

"Two heroes from Kyushu! One joined Shitenhouji, a famous school in Kansai! The other led a team in Kanto and entered the national competition! They are really amazing!"

"However, I heard that Fudomine's record is not very good. In addition to the champions of the regional qualifiers, the Tokyo Conference will participate in the losing group's resurrection match! The Kanto Conference was also defeated by Rikkai and entered the losing group's resurrection match! It's been a really difficult journey for them!"

"Who says it's not the case! It can only be said that Fudomine has a hard time every step of the way! But being able to reach the national conference is enough to prove that they are capable! I am really looking forward to how far they can go in the end!"

"Me too!"

In Fudomine, everyone walked into the stadium through the exclusive channel for the competition teams.

Probably less than two minutes.

One after another, more participating teams appeared one after another.

For example, Kanto Middle-School, which also advanced in the Kanto Conference, and Yamabuki Middle-School, which was "acquired" by the organizer.

On the Kansai side, Makinofuji Middle-School, a long-established and powerful school, is also on the scene.

Lion Middle-School in Kyushu, Higa Middle-School in Okinawa!

Watching teams arrive one after another.

Horio Satoshi and the other three also squeezed their way out of the crowd, wanting to see when their own Seigaku would arrive.

"Yo! Seigaku three first graders!"

"I didn't expect you guys to arrive before Minister Tezuka and the others arrived!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded around them.

I saw Mamoru Inoue and Saori Shiba appearing with cameras in hand.

Although it was obvious that the crowd was crowded, there was obviously a look of expectation on their faces.

"Reporter Inoue! Miss Shiba!"

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Horio Satoshi and the others hadn't seen the two people in front of them for a long time.

Inoue Mamoru smiled: "Yes! Your Seigaku Tennis Club has announced that it will be closed for training half a month ago! We have no chance to go to the Tennis Club to see your situation!"

"Now you are all stronger than before! It seems that training is really hard!"

After hearing this, Satoshi Horio said immediately: "Of course!! We Seigaku work very hard!! Minister Tezuka comes back from Germany after having his arm cured. We will definitely show off our Seigaku style at the national conference!"

"Moreover! We have hired a very powerful person to help us in the past half month!!"

"Senior Fuji and the others have greatly improved their abilities!"

Mamoru Inoue and Saori Shiba suddenly looked surprised.

A very powerful person?!

"Is it convenient to reveal who it is? Which senior coach has been hired by the Seigaku Tennis Club? Maybe you can tell me and I will recognize him!" Inoue Mamoru couldn't help but ask.

After hearing this, Horio Satoshi and the others couldn't help showing a look of pride on their faces.

"Ryoma's dad!! Coach Nanjiro!!"


At this time, both Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori were completely dumbfounded.

Both of them even felt that they had heard wrongly!!

real or fake?!

Echizen Ryoma's dad...Samurai Nanjiro?!

Seeing the surprised and stunned expressions of the two of them, Horio Satoshi did not forget to warn: "Reporter Inoue! Miss Shiba! You must never tell anyone!"

"Coach Nanjiro said that he didn't want others to know about this! We told you because you have always had a good relationship with our Seigaku! If the minister and others find out, we will be in trouble!"

The words just fell.

"A few brats...they have big mouths!!"

Horio Satoshi and the others suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind them that they had heard frequently in the past half month, and all of them looked bitter in an instant.

"Nan... Coach Nanjiro! We were wrong! We will never dare again!"

They kept bowing and apologizing to Echizen Nanjiro, who was still wearing monk robes behind them.

Echizen Nanjiro snorted, but he didn't really blame them.

Mamoru Inoue and Saori Shiba saw the appearance of Echizen Nanjiro and couldn't help but stepped forward.

"Mr. Nanjiro, did you become the coach of the Seigaku Tennis Club?! What the hell is going on?!"

Echizen Nanjiro didn't mean to explain more to the other party, but just waved his hand: "It's just a boring way to pass the time! Inoue, don't be like these little guys who can't control their mouths!"

Mamoru Inoue nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice, ensuring that he would not spread the word.

At this time, his expectations for this year's national conference are once again full.

Although only half a month

But Seigaku, who was trained by samurai Nanjiro... what will be his current strength?!


After a few minutes.

A team wearing blue and white uniforms, carrying tennis bags, walked toward the stadium gate.

"Seigaku!! It's Seigaku here!!"

"Do you need to be so excited? Isn't it Seigaku? It's the first time a team has entered the national competition. What's there to pay attention to!"

"That's right! Just one Tezuka Kunimitsu is a genius!"

"What do you people from Kansai know? Although Seigaku is very embarrassed this year, the Kanto Conference still made it into the top four without any national-level players!"

"That's right! It seems that Tezuka Kunimitsu's trip to Germany to treat her arm went smoothly!"

"Hmm! I feel that these guys in Seigaku are indeed a little different from those in the Kanto Tournament. Maybe the pillar of Tezuka Kunimitsu is back!"

While students from each school were talking about Seigaku, Tezuka Kunimitsu and the others slowly walked towards the gym gate.

Naturally, they also saw the "coach" Echizen Nanjiro, but neither they nor Zi Zi said hello to him!

Even Echizen Ryoma glanced at his father and turned his head.

Inoue Mamoru couldn't help but ask Echizen Nanjiro: "Mr. Nanjiro, it seems that they have really made a lot of progress! The confidence on their faces cannot be concealed!"

"At the Kanto Tournament, even though Fuji-san and the others were confident, they were not as confident as they are now!"

Echizen Nanjiro waved his hand nonchalantly: "You are not confident! They are just a bunch of little guys who can't stand on the stage! I regret being a bad coach now!"

"Everyone is so stupid! Just don't be too embarrassed!"

To this.

Inoue Mamoru just smiled awkwardly.

Originally, he wanted to trap Echizen Nanjiro, but now it seems that he thought too simply.

As teams from several more schools arrived at the gymnasium.


A team that made many junior high school students in the Kansai region exclaimed slowly came forward.

When Inoue Mamoru saw this team, he couldn't help but immediately called Shiba Saori to pick up the camera.

"The richest family in Kansai!! Shitenhouji!!"

"I heard that they have no rivals in the Kansai Tournament this year!!"

"Yes!! This year they are almost the most popular team in Kansai! Minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke! A national-level player! Known as a tennis textbook!"

"Did you see that strong man? Ishida Gin! An extremely powerful power player! I don't know how many players have broken the racquet in their hands!"

"The most important thing is that there are still two people! Chitose Senri, one of the Kyushu duo! A national-level player who can undoubtedly rival Tachibana Yoshihei!"

"The last one is him! Kintarou Tooyama!"

"Eh? Isn't this Kintarou Tooyama tall enough to be in first grade?!"

"That's right!! Your Kanto Seigaku has a first-year Echizen Ryoma this year, and our Kansai has a Kintarou Tooyama!! Moreover, this Kintarou Tooyama can easily beat Kanto-level players!"

"Hiss!! Really or not?! The first grade easily defeated the Kanto class?"

Shitenhouji team.

The handsome man in the lead had a tight bandage wrapped around his left hand, with an unaccustomed expression on his face.

"I didn't expect you to be embarrassed, Shiraishi! This isn't your first time at the national conference!"

A man on the side with a piece of weed in his mouth said leisurely with his pocket in his pocket.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke smiled bitterly: "Ash! This is also my first time to lead a team to the national conference as a minister! It's very uncomfortable to be stared at by so many people!"

As he said that, he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

"Ouch! Shiraishi! You're not really scared, are you? If you're not in good condition before the game, just arrange for me to play!"

"By the way!! Ash! Do you know where the people from Hyotei Gakuen are? And that big guy from Rikkai!! I want to compete with them!!"

"I've heard a lot of people say that the people in these two teams are amazing!!"

The shortest but obviously the liveliest red-haired boy in the team ran up to Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Watanabe Shu as the coach and asked.

The eagerness to compete in his eyes made both Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Watanabe shake their heads helplessly.

"Xiao Jin! Ashu and I don't know if these two teams have arrived!"

"And even if we arrive, we can't guarantee that we will be able to compete with them!"

"The competition at the national conference also has to draw lots to decide the two sides!"

After Shiraishi Kuranosuke finished speaking, Watanabe Xiu on the side also grabbed Kintarou Tooyama.

"Xiao Jin! Don't cause trouble today! Otherwise, you won't be allowed to play in any game! Do you hear me!!"

"Especially don't mess with those guys from Hyotei Gakuen! They are not the opponents you have encountered before. There are very powerful players among them!"

However, what he and Shiraishi Kuranosuke said obviously did not make Kintarou Tooyama grasp the point. On the contrary, his expression became even more excited: "Ash! I just want to compete with them because they are so good.

Watanabe's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

When 460 times.

He had no choice but to grab Shiraishi Kuranosuke's tied left hand and put it in front of Kintarou Tooyama: "Xiao Jin!! If you don't obey me... I'll ask Shiraishi to take off the tie!!"

Kintarou Tooyama, who was originally looking excited, immediately turned pale when he saw this.

He hurriedly ran behind Ishida Gin, the burly member of the team: "Ah Gin!! Help!! The poisonous hand!! It's Shiraishi's poisonous hand!!"

The obviously frightened voice made everyone in the Shitenhouji team chuckle.

Watanabe Shu also raised his eyebrows at Shiraishi Kuranosuke proudly.

The latter covered his forehead, feeling even more helpless.

Just when they were about to step into the gate of the stadium together and prepare to complete the exhibition report.

There was a sudden noise behind him.

“Rikkai big!!!”

"Rikkai is here!!!"

"Seiichi Yukimura!! Son of God!!!"

"Strategy Yanagi Renji!!!"

This made everyone in Shitenhouji stop and look back.

I saw Seiichi Yukimura, who was wearing the Rikkai Taisho uniform, and Yanagi Renji and others, leading the way, steadily following behind the opponent.

The commotion caused by their appearance was even more exaggerated than when Shitenhouji appeared just now!

Mainly because there were many Rikkai University students in the crowd.

Their shouts of "King Rikkai Da" were enough to bring the atmosphere to a new level.

Mamoru Inoue and Saori Shiba couldn't help but take photos of themselves.

It was the first time for Horio and Satoshi to meet Seiichi Yukimura. Although when they first saw each other, they all felt that this "Son of God" seemed very gentle.

But as the other party approached, the three of them could feel themselves panicking.

"This little guy... is interesting!"

Echizen Nanjiro glanced at Seiichi Yukimura and whispered to himself.

Even though he has only been the coach of the Seigaku Tennis Club for half a month, he has naturally heard of the name "Son of God" in the Japanese junior high school tennis community.

Originally, he had just played house as a child.

But the appearance of Seiichi Yukimura still surprised him.

Whether a player is confident or not, the first feeling is to observe the aura of the opponent.

If you are confident enough in your own strength and win every game.

Over time, a special aura will appear on the players.

Let his opponent be weaker than him before there is any competition!

Among the junior high school students Echizen Nanjiro has come into contact with.

Except Bei Xiao.

The only person who exudes such an aura is Seiichi Yukimura whom he saw just now!


Seiichi Yukimura is only interesting to Echizen Nanjiro at this time.

In his heart, although the other party is the same age as Bei Xiao.

But it is very different from Bei Xiao!

The Seigaku main selectors know this difference, the Hyotei main selectors know it...

But it is obviously impossible for the remaining junior high school students to detect it!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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