The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0124 Can’T Hold On For Only 3 Minutes? ! The Emperor Was Deposed!

0124 I can’t hold on after only 3 minutes?! The emperor has been deposed!


Rikkai inside the dugout.

Yanagi Renji and others looked at Genichiro Sanada, who screamed when the smash ball hit by Atobe Keigo hit his jaw, and then fell to the ground with his head up.

The opponent's goal not only caused traces of scarlet blood to flow from the opponent's mouth.

It made him widen his eyes and tremble.


He is suffering unimaginable pain to outsiders.

The referee sitting in the referee's chair.

At this time, he looked at Atobe Keigo, who had caused the current situation, with deep fear in his eyes.

I have heard before that Hyotei Gakuen was very ruthless when he started to attack once during the competition.

During the first two games, he thought they were all rumors.

But now...

This shot to the jaw looked like an "accident", but everyone knew it was the Hyotei player who did it on purpose!!


If this goal was more serious, Genichiro Sanada would be handed his own tongue...

The consequences are simply unimaginable!!

This is really not holding back at all, just playing with the purpose of hurting Genichiro Sanada!!

"Hyotei Atobe Keigo scores! Score 0-15!"

Although he understood in his heart, as a referee, he could only announce the score of this goal.

outside the court.

The students at Rikkai University were all blushing with anger.

"Asshole!! Atobe Keigo!! You are despicable!!"

"You actually hurt someone in the court!! You have the ability to compete head-on with our deputy minister based on your strength!!"

"Referee!!! Shady!!! Protest!!! It's all like this, Hyotei Gakuen and these guys are seriously violating the rules!!!"

"Hyotei Gakuen, is this how you plan to win the match?! You are simply not worthy of playing tennis!!"

"We at Rikkai University will never let you "470" go!!"

Their shouts echoed outside the court.

But at this moment, they also discovered that it was not just the Hyotei cheerleaders who were looking at them with disdain.

Even the students from various schools who were closer to them showed expressions of pity and did not express dissatisfaction with the current situation like them at all.


Some people in the crowd had already begun to jeer coldly.

"Rikkai is great! Where do you have the confidence to think that this game is a shady incident? Hyotei didn't commit any fouls!"

"That's right! Shonan Chengcheng was beaten like that and Hyotei Gakuen was not punished by the organizer. That's because there was no foul play at all!"

"Wasn't your king, Rikkai Dai, very arrogant in the past? Didn't Genichiro Sanada think that Rikkai Dai would definitely win three consecutive national championships? What? Now that he is not strong enough and has been injured by others, he starts calling his opponent a foul?"

"Let me see! Rikkai is just a bunch of paper tigers! They usually bully and bully teams with less strength like us! Besides, Seiichi Yukimura is not here now! Rikkai is nothing!"

"That's right! Did you see it? The emperor is lying in front of the emperor now! The glory of your Rikkai is just like him, kneeling in front of Hyotei! The king Rikkai no longer exists today!"

Students from various schools in Kanto have become more and more resentful towards Rikkai for more than a day or two.

They are usually afraid of their record and strength, but now seeing Rikkai fall from the throne, they don't mind beating him up at all.

This also meant that the Hyotei cheerleaders did not need to speak out against the Rikkai University students.

Just pretend that no matter if you are protesting or want to cause trouble, they will accompany you.

More than 200 people!!

The difference in number of people is almost double!!

The Rikkai University students were so aggrieved that their voices became quieter and quieter. They could only stare at the Hyotei cheerleaders and mock the Rikkai University students.

And in the crowd.

Mamoru Inoue and Saori Shiba were also very embarrassed.

Although they wanted to take a picture of this scene, the two of them did not even dare to pick up the camera in their hands openly.

"Inoue-senpai! What should we do now?"

"Hyotei has indeed gone too far... Genichiro Sanada has offended Bei Xiao before, but he shouldn't play ball like this in the court."

"Obviously relying on his own strength, this Atobe Keigo should be able to win, right?"

"If something really goes wrong, should we publish this photo in the magazine?"

Shiba Saori asked in a low voice to Inoue Mamoru beside her.

Inoue Mamoru's face was also a little solemn. He looked at his camera, hesitated for a moment and then shook his head.

"I don't know if I should treat this as news! After all, hurting an opponent's player in the court, even if it is within the rules, is really not worth publicizing!"

"But...even if we don't include it in the special content, there are so many people present! It will definitely still spread!"

"Let's go back to the club for a meeting after today's game!"

"Besides, if the Atobe consortium comes forward, we may not be able to decide whether to pay or not!"

the other side.

Momoshiro Takeshi and others looked at Genichiro Sanada who was beaten until his mouth was bleeding, and even the floor of the court was stained red at this moment.

They couldn't help but feel chills running down their backs!

Although none of them witnessed the match between Hyotei Gakuen and Jojo Shonan.

But they can imagine.

What Genichiro Sanada is experiencing now is probably no less painful than the players of Shonan Josei.

Tachibana even subconsciously hid behind her brother Tachibana Jiping.

Just because Genichiro Sanada's situation is so miserable!

Sengoku Kiyosumi's expression was a little stiff. He turned to look at Banda Mikiya next to him: "Banlao! Tell the truth! Is there really no problem with this kind of ball?"

Although there was no smile on Banda Mikiya's face at this time, he also looked very calm.

"I'm afraid this style of tennis is really difficult for you to accept!"

"But you should also know something."

“With the improvement of personal tennis level, the tennis played will be more or less powerful in terms of strength, spin skills, ball speed, etc.!”

"Is it possible that the opponent won't hit it because he can't catch it? Is it possible that during the game, I have to remind myself of the landing point of the ball, the trajectory of the ball and how much force is needed to hit back?"

These words made Tachibana Jippei and the others silent.

Perhaps knowing that the group of junior high school students around him could not accept it all at once, Banda Yuya looked at Genichiro Sanada, who seemed to have eased his pain a little and got up from the ground.

"The court has always been a very fair place!"

"Strength is the only criterion for victory! Whether it's violent tennis or the way you think is correct for playing tennis!"

"In the end, it all depends on strength!"

"If you want to play tennis happily, without even getting hurt, you don't have any worries! First of all, strength is the foundation! Otherwise, if you stand on the court, you will blame the opponent because you are weak.

Too heavy!"

"That doesn't make sense!"

At this time, Fuji Syusuke and the others also looked deeply at Bantian Mikiya.

It was also the first time for them to feel it.

It turned out that this elderly coach had no objection at all to the violent tennis style.

Could it be... is it true that only the weak can eat the strong in the online court?!

Inside the Hyotei dugout.

When Akutsu Jin saw Genichiro Sanada being injured by Atobe Keigo, excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Finally a decent attack!"

"However, if I had gone up there! Genichiro Sanada would have been destroyed by me long ago!"

“This guy Atobe is so lazy!”

In the Hyotei players' box, except for Sakaki Taro and Bei Xiao, who had a calm expression, everyone else couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Akutsu Jin's violence factor is indeed engraved in his bones!

Oshitari Yuushi spoke slowly: "It's good now! Fenglin Volcano! Three of the four special skills were defeated by Atobe head-on!"

"Genichiro Sanada is probably at his wits end now!"

"But speaking of has been shown that its speed is as fast as the wind, its speed is as slow as a forest, and its motion is as motionless as a mountain. It is not without its merits!"

"No wonder Genichiro Sanada was able to have such a status in the national level before!"

"Swing speed, spin skills, and frontal defense! It's very balanced!"

Sakaki Taro nodded aside: "Yes! It is said that the last move of Invading Like Fire is a powerful smash ball hit with all the strength of both hands!"

"If these four moves are used together, it can be said that there will be almost no weaknesses! There is no way that an ordinary national level can be his opponent!"

"It's he's facing Atobe-san!"

"But! What I'm curious about is, as Akutsu-san said! Atobe should have the ability to directly defeat Genichiro Sanada, right?"

"Why waste time? Just to tease Genichiro Sanada?"

His question was obviously for Bei Xiao.

Bei Xiao said calmly: "It's not a joke, Atobe Keigo doesn't want to let Genichiro Sanada go so easily!"

"Anger, humiliation, and pain! After experiencing these three negative emotions, Genichiro Sanada's mentality will be completely irreversible!"

"In the end, let him fall into despair! By then...the physical pain will be a trivial matter! From now on, he will completely cast a shadow on tennis!"

"Even if there is a miracle in the recovery of physical injuries in the future, it will not be able to easily repair his inner resistance and fear of tennis!"

"This is the right way to deal with this situation so that this guy... never gets the chance to play tennis again!"

Sakaki Taro's pupils trembled slightly.

He was also frightened by Bei Xiao's words at this time...

In the court.

Genichiro Sanada is indeed what Bei Xiao said.

Even though he got up, he had experienced anger, humiliation and pain, and there was a faint look of fear in his eyes when he looked at Atobe Keigo.

There was a voice in his heart that he had never heard before.

give up!!

That’s right!!


Three types of Fenglin Volcano have been used, but they are completely unable to threaten Atobe Keigo.

Although the most offensive Invasion Ruhuo has not been used yet.


Want to hit a smash shot in this game......

As an opponent, would Atobe Keigo really give himself such a chance?!

If Rikkai's great glory and Seiichi Yukimura on the hospital bed weren't the last support in his heart, I guess Genichiro Sanada would have really listened to the timid voice in his heart at this time.

I chose to give up!!

"Oh, Genichiro Sanada! No wonder I said this morning that I have no spine! I actually managed to hold on!"

Atobe Keigo said, standing at the baseline position of catching the ball, he pointed at Genichiro Sanada's jaw: "What a pity! The bone is not broken! The tongue is not broken either..."

Genichiro Sanada clenched the racquet in his hand.

It's not that he didn't want to speak, it was just that the stinging and bloody pain in his mouth made him unable to open his mouth at all!

Wiping away the blood that couldn't stop flowing from the corner of his mouth, he took out a tennis ball from his pocket.


The thick sound in the throat and the sound of hitting the ball were heard again.

When Atobe Keigo saw Genichiro Sanada serving, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He is also afraid that Genichiro Sanada will give up now!

In this way...he can't vent his anger, and he can't complete the task assigned to him by Bei Xiao!

20 minutes later!


This was followed by another frontcourt smash from Atobe Keigo.

Facing this ball, Genichiro Sanada's racquet had been broken into two pieces.

Just 2 seconds ago.

His racquet was abruptly "beaten" by Atobe Keigo.

But now, he was not only holding half a handful of racquet, but also had countless purple, blue, and bloody bruises all over his body.

Standing in the court, he was almost unconscious!


"Get away!!!"

"Deputy Minister!!!"

Yanagi Renji and the others in the Rikkai player's bench couldn't help but shout in shock.


Even if Genichiro Sanada hears it now, he has no ability to avoid this ball!!

I saw Atobe Keigo's ball hit the court space in front of Genichiro Sanada. After bouncing, it directly hit the opponent's right elbow joint that had been attacked.





The muffled sound of impact.

The crisp sound of joints interlacing.

And the screams coming from the mouth of Genichiro Sanada, who was directly "awakened" by the pain.

echoed throughout the entire game.


When the tennis ball fell to the side, it bounced a few times and stopped rolling.

Genichiro Sanada could no longer bear the pain coming from his body that would be unbearable for ordinary people. His eyes turned white and he fell backwards.


The sound of the body falling on the court floor seemed to represent the end of the game at this moment!

at the same time!

Every Rikkai college student present had their legs shaking unconsciously.

The students from each school were obviously just watching the game, but they were also covered in cold sweat and goosebumps.

"It's... useless! Genichiro Sanada's elbow... was directly broken!!"

"Is it just the elbow?! Look at the injuries on Genichiro Sanada's body!! I think he has at least 7 or 8 broken bones!!"

"Hyotei and these guys are all crazy...Every time they attack, they are so cruel!!"

"No, no, no! Actually... there is only one werewolf! That is Hyotei's new king 0.6! Don't forget! Genichiro Sanada may not be able to deal with Atobe Keigo!

But mainly because he offended Bei Xiao!!"

"That's right!! Rikkai is really going to die this time!! Let alone losing the finals of the Kanto Conference!! Now one of the three giants has been directly eliminated!!"

"The Kanto Conference is over! The National Conference will be in one month! Seiichi Yukimura is missing and the emperor is deposed... Only Rikkai, the military advisor... is in the country

I’m afraid they’re not in the first echelon at the conference!”

“Hyotei Gakuen………It’s so scary!!”

While students from various schools outside the court were discussing with shocked faces, the medical team had already rushed into the court.

Even Genichiro Sanada refused to give up the game every time he faced the referee's inquiry during the 20 minutes of the game.

But an unconscious player cannot continue the game.

Fuji Syusuke and the others also looked at Genichiro Sanada who was put on a stretcher by Rikkai Dai Yanagi Renji and others together with the medical staff in the court and rushed to the hospital.

"The emperor... is really deposed!"

"Although I saw the whole game with my own eyes...but even now I still can't believe that all of this is real!"

Rikkai... From today on, he no longer has the title of emperor! He also no longer has the title of king!"

"Kanto region! Hyotei Gakuen will be the only king! Not...a month from now! They will most likely completely trample the Japanese junior high school tennis community under their feet!"

The complexity in their voices made the already heavy atmosphere at this moment even more depressing.

As for the winner, Atobe Keigo, he just glanced at the scoreboard beside the court.

"We've just reached 3-0 and you can't hold on anymore..."

"Genichiro Sanada! Your last game should be something you will remember for a lifetime!"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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