The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0112National Level Hyotei Giant! Kamishiro Reiji: I Want You To Pay The Price!

0112 National Hyotei Giant! Kamijo Reiji: I want you to pay the price!


Under the watchful eyes of everyone present.

When Kajimoto Takahisa's super-fast serve hit Kabaji Munehiro's side, the latter had already raised the racquet in his hand and completed the counterattack.


Kajimoto Takahisa and Wakatohiro's eyes widened when they saw this scene.

Even Aoi Hanamura, who was sitting in the Shonan player's bench, subconsciously stood up.

To know!

In her heart, it is absolutely impossible for any player to receive Kajimoto Takahisa's serve!

As a Kanto-level player, why can Kabaji Munehiro counterattack so easily!

The rebounding tennis ball hit the front court hard.

Ruo Renhong subconsciously held the racket to resist.

But even though he caught the ball, the terrifying impact of the ball caused his wrist to bend backwards uncontrollably.



The tennis ball bounced out of the court, and the racquet in his hand was also knocked away.

"Hyotei scores! Score 0-15!"

This goal caused silence inside and outside the court.

After a few seconds.

"Just kidding!"

"The players from Jojo Shonan... were knocked out of the racquet again!"

"This is the power of the Hyotei giant! Don't make such a fuss, you guys! Why does Wakato Hiroshi, Shonan Shonan, think he can catch this ball!"

"The key is... the big guy Hyotei just gave a simple counterattack!"

"So what? I haven't seen any player in the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference who can match the power of Kabaji Munehiro! The title of Giant is no joke!!"

"No matter how you say it, Ruo Renhong is extremely close to a Kanto-level player... It's too exaggerated!"

"What you care about is Kabaji Munehiro's power. I think the scariest thing is that he can take over Kajimoto Takahisa's super-fast serve!"

"That's right! Kajimoto Takahisa's super-fast serve is said to have exceeded 190KM/H! I didn't even see clearly when the tennis ball hit the ground!"

The exclamations from the outside world made Takahisa Kajimoto and Wakatohiro in the court look a little ugly.

Kabaji Munehiro still looked at the two people calmly.

He didn't smile with joy because he scored on the counterattack.

But only Hyotei knows it.

A serve of 190KM/H is considered a good offensive serve for ordinary Kanto-level players!

Even ordinary national-level players cannot have careless thoughts!


For Hyotei's players.

Although individual levels vary, the minimum ball speed of the serve machine 037 faced in training is 190KM/H!

Simply because compared to various techniques that are more difficult to improve, the training plan arranged by Bei Xiao is more about improving the "hardware" of the players themselves.

Strength, speed, stamina!

Three basics!

Then there are extended abilities such as visual capturing ability, reaction ability, body balance, explosive power, etc.

If you pass these abilities, any deficiencies in skills that have not been improved can be remedied in the competition!


After improving the "hardware", practicing skills will get twice the result with half the effort.

Only when the foundation is laid can high-rise buildings be built!

Kabaji Munehiro himself has a "pure heart", so he is much better than ordinary tennis players in learning skills!

Coupled with the innate strength and good foot strength under the huge body.

Therefore, the improvement in "hardware" is more about extending capabilities.

If you want to score in front of him with a ball speed of only 190KM/H, you are undoubtedly fanciful!

When Ruo Renhong covered his wrist and picked up the racquet he dropped.

The shame and anger in his expression were completely undisguised.

In all competitions this year, it was the first time that he was defeated by his opponent.


As he gritted his teeth and whispered, Akutakawa Jirou, who was sitting by the court, also spoke leisurely: "The ball speed exceeding 190KM/H is barely bearable!"

"That ball just now was just a greeting from Huadi!"

"Next...he will show all his power!"

"are you ready?"

Kajimoto Takahisa and Wakato Hiro were stunned.

All the power?!

Before they could recover, a cyclone had spread from Kabaji Munehiro's feet to his whole body.

This scene directly made Takahisa and Kajimoto stay in place...

"None... The first door under the Selfless State!"

"The ultimate limit of hard work?!"

Although the two of them are not very strong, as third-year students, they still have some knowledge!

this moment.

In their eyes, Kabaji Munehiro's body seemed to be tall enough for them to look up at.

Hyotei Giant.......

The giant Hyotei who has opened the door to the ultimate limit of hard work!

To what extent will the opponent's power increase?!

"serve timed out!"

"Second free throw!"

Just when the two of them were speechless and stared at Kabaji Munehiro, the referee who was watching the serve time spoke to Takahisa Omotomoto.

Only then did the two of them come back to their senses and swallowed.

Aoi Hanamura in the Josei Shonan (cffd) player bench already felt that something was not right.

In her eyes, Kabaji Munehiro, who has opened the door to the ultimate limit of hard work, is almost a national-level tennis player!

In fact, he is still a very troublesome powerful national-level player!

It was hard for her to imagine how terrifying the opponent's hitting power would be!


Students from various schools outside the court also looked at Kabaji Munehiro in shock as he opened the door to the ultimate level of tempering.

If the power of Hyotei Titan is theoretically possible, the counterattack force will be doubled!

It should be impossible for ordinary national-level players to fight back!

This does not mean...

After Bei Xiao and Atobe Keigo, Hyotei has its third national level player!?


No matter what they are thinking inside.

Kajimoto Takahisa has thrown up the tennis ball in his hand again!

Now he can only hope that his serve can score directly!


He and Wakatohiro, who had just had his racquet knocked out, will have to face the counterattack of the Hyotei giant who has been tempered to the limit!!

Thinking of this, he held the racquet a little tighter.


Still super fast serve.

It seems that because of the pressure brought by Kabaji Munehiro, the speed of this serve increased slightly again.


Just such an improvement still cannot threaten Kabaji Munehiro.

In the court, Kajimoto Takahisa, the other main candidates from Shouchi Shonan, and even the junior high school students from various schools outside the court looked at him in shock.

Kabaji Munehiro grasped the racquet with both hands and pulled back.

"Megaton bombing————


The racquet hit the bouncing tennis ball, and a shocking dull sound suddenly exploded.

The cyclone, which has been tempered to the extreme, has been entrenched in Kabaji Munehiro's arms for some time.

In the eyes of discerning people like Bei Xiao and Atobe Keigo, the ball hit by Kabaji Munehiro was squeezed to the limit in an instant.

The original round sphere became an ellipse.

When it flies over the net, the ball body returns to its original shape, but this is also the moment when the power of the ball explodes to the extreme!!

And this ball did not hit the court ground!

As for the goal……….


This ball directly hit the wide-eyed Wakatohiro into the air.

The impact of the tennis ball in his abdomen flew away from his body, causing his body to twist in mid-air.


Until he fell to the ground, blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth.

No matter whether it was the players from Josei Shonan or the students from various schools outside the court, all of them were speechless.

He just looked at the blood flowing out of Ruo Renhong's mouth with a horrified expression.

Except for everyone in Hyotei who showed no signs of surprise.

The first person to react was the referee!

"Medical team!!Medical team!!"

Amid his shouts, the medical team members who had just left the court appeared in the court again.

They looked at Wakatohiro who was unable to move after being hit by Kabaji Munehiro's ball, and the corners of their eyes couldn't help but twitch.

hard to imagine.……….

This is the power of tennis played by junior high school students!!

There is no need to check, they all know that Ruo Renhong's injury cannot be dealt with at the game scene.

He immediately carried Ruo Renhong on the stretcher he had prepared and took him away.

At this time! The faces of everyone in Chengcheng Shonan and Aoi Hanamura as the coach looked extremely ugly.

They watched with their own eyes as their teammates and players were injured in the game court.

In fact, the extent of the injury was completely beyond imagination!

On the other side is the Hyotei dugout.

Sakaki Taro had already consciously walked towards the referee.

Although this goal can be explained, the injury was a bit too serious after all.

As coach of Hyotei Tennis Club.

He is also frustrated that his current job is not to guide players in training and arrange tactics.

Instead, we specialize in dealing with this kind of thing!

Atobe Keigo said leisurely: "Boss! Kaji's shot is really good! There are shadows of the wave shot! But the power is more concentrated! It should be related to his practice of hitting multiple balls in a row, right?"

Bei Xiao nodded: "Yes, although Huadi only reached the level of 6 goals in a multi-goal streak! But it is precisely because of the improvement in ball control and the fact that he has opened the door to the limit of hard work!"

"So, he also did a good job in controlling the power of the bat! Completed a compressed burst of power!"

"Perhaps one day in the future, he will truly be able to defeat all tricks with one force!"

As for Ryoki Anato, who usually sparred with Kabaji Munehiro, they also watched with lingering fear as Kabaji Munehiro stood in the court waiting to announce the result of the game.

Even if they also focus on training their own "hardware", they can't avoid Kabaji Munehiro's "megaton bombing"!

The opponent is a natural strength player!!

After a few minutes of negotiation, Sakaki Taro returned to the players' bench and sat down.

The referee in the court also took a deep breath.

He announced to everyone present: "Since Shonan Shonan players cannot continue the game! So the winners of this game are... Hyotei Gakuen Kabaji Munehiro, Akutakawa Jirou!"

When he announced the result of this doubles number one game.

Everyone in the Chengcheng Shonan player's bench had pale faces.

Huacun Aoi even took off the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, her face full of sadness and regret.

She didn't expect that.

His team's first game in the Kanto Conference ended up in such a desperate situation.



It was to put aside the bet between himself and Bei Xiao.

Kiriyama Daichi's wrist is injured and it is impossible to play any games in the Kanto Tournament!

Ruo Renhong was more serious and was sent directly to the hospital.

There is one singles No. 3 game left…………

Even if you win!!

What will Shonan Chengcheng do to win the next game?!

"Kajimoto! Tell the referee that Shōnari Shonan will also forfeit the third game!"

"What?!" When they heard that Aoi Hanamura was going to abstain from the third game, Takahisa Kajimoto and others thought they had heard wrong.

Kamishiro Reiji, the number three singles player, stood up and shouted: "No!!"

Huacun Aoi knew that they refused to admit defeat, and she still held a breath in her heart.

But with the current situation, there is no point in continuing the fight!

The image of Bei Xiao handing her the Hyotei player list kept popping up in her mind.

The calmness in the other party's eyes at that time really showed that he didn't care about Shōnō Shonan's strength!

But the funny thing is that he overestimated his own strength!

She immediately shook her head at Kamishiro Reiji and the others, and slowly said: "The third game is meaningless! This year's journey to the Shonan Shonan National Competition is over!"

"The injuries of Kiriyama and Wakatohiro have made Shonan Josei ineligible to enter the national tournament!"

Kajimoto Takahisa and others suddenly fell silent.


Kamishiro Reiji said in a deep voice: "No! It makes sense! The bet between guys like Hyotei Gakuen and Coach Hanamura is still there!!"

"If you give up in the third game, you can no longer be a tennis coach!"

"Besides!! Hyotei injured Kiriyama and Wakatohiro, then they will have to pay for what they have done!!"

"Singles No. 3! I will definitely fight!"

His firm and cold tone made Kamura Aoi frown slightly.

As the opponent's coach, she knows very well what Reiji Kamijo's tennis style was in the past!

Once the opponent is allowed to play.

The opponent will completely unblock that kind of tennis!!

"Kamijo you..."


Before she could say anything else, the referee in the court had already announced the start of the third singles game.

Without thinking, Kamishiro Reiji picked up the prepared racquet and walked towards the court.

Huacun Aoi was very anxious and wanted to stop the other party from being too black.

But Ota Xiang and others blocked her.

"Coach!! Kamishiro is right!! Guys like Hyotei bully people too much!!"

"Their No. 3 singles player is doubles player Otori Cyotaroh!! Although he is a Kanto-level player, Kamishiro is also a Kanto-level player!! In singles competition, he can definitely win!!"

"That's right! Even if we don't qualify for the national tournament this year, Hyotei won't even think about it!!"

"Let this Otori Cyotaroh try what it's like to be beaten in court until he can't continue playing!!"

Seeing this, Huacun Aoi felt anxious, but she could only sit back in her seat.

In the court.

When Otori Cyotaroh walked into the court, he felt a cold gaze staring at him.

"It really want to take revenge on us Hyotei in this game!" As he said this, he also walked to the basket, picked up a tennis ball and held it in his hand.


Kamishiro Reiji narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Whatever you Hyotei have done, you will pay the due price in this game!"

"I will settle the accounts of Coach Hanamun, Kiriyama and Wakatohiro with you every step of the way in this game!!"

"Moreover! I know you will not abstain from this game no matter what! If you lose this game, Singles No. 2 and Singles No. 1 have already abstained in advance...

.But it was eliminated!!"

His words made the audience from all schools outside the court widen their eyes in astonishment.

"Hyotei forfeited the match between singles No. 2 and singles No. 1?!"

"No way!! Why is this? Doesn't that mean that Shonan Jochenari can eliminate Hyotei Gakuen as long as he wins one of the first three games?!"

"Why?! You ask me, who am I for! But I guess it's the reason why Hyotei dealt so cruelly to Shonan Chengcheng!!"

"I guess so! But now comes the problem! Hyotei Gakuen is really good! But this Jojosei Shonan's Kamijo Reiji is no ordinary player either! He and Jojosei Shonan Tennis

Just like the head of the department, Takahisa Kajimoto, they are all Kanto-level players!"

"You mean, Hyotei's Otori Cyotaroh can't beat Reiji Kamijo?!"

"It's not impossible! At the same level, doubles players and singles players compete one-on-one! Basically, the latter has a higher winning rate!"

"That's what I said! But if this doubles player is from Hyotei... don't forget! Their doubles are always one versus two! Is there any difference between singles and doubles?"

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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