The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0110 Add Some Fun To The Boring Competition! Aoi Hanamura’S Determination!

0110 Add some fun to the boring competition! Aoi Hanamura’s determination!

Just when Josei Shonan's chief candidates wanted to respond to Hanamura Aoi.


The game court door was opened from the outside.

Everyone in the Chengcheng Shonan player bench subconsciously looked towards the door.

I saw Bei Xiao as the leader.

Everyone in Hyotei carried their tennis bags and slowly walked toward the players' bench on the other side.

Within the entire team.

Except for Sakaki Taro who glanced in the direction of Shonan Jojo's players' bench.

Bei Xiao and others just sat in the players' box.

Rest, rest, and let go.

Akutakawa Jirou was already lying on his back in the unoccupied last row of the players' bench, resting his arms on his head and began to fall asleep.

They didn't look like they knew they were about to start a Kanto Conference game.

The city is among the people in southern Hunan.

Except for Takahisa Kajimoto, who is the captain, the other players showed dissatisfaction.

Hyotei Gakuen is a strong team.

This is undeniable!


But they didn't think Bei Xiao and the others could treat the competition with them with such an attitude!


At this time, the figure of Hanamura Aoi walking quickly towards the Hyotei Gakuen crowd also made them frown slightly.

"Hello fellow Hyotei Gakuen students!"

"Introduce yourself! Hanamura Aoi! Chengcheng Shonan Tennis Club coach!"

The appearance of Aoi Hanamura made everyone in Hyotei turn to look at each other except Akutakawa Jirou who had already fallen asleep, and Kabaji Munehiro who didn't like to interact with strangers.

However, his eyes only stayed for a moment and then stopped paying attention.

They have no idea of ​​contacting the rival coach Aoi Hanamura.

The same goes for Bei Xiao!

In his eyes.

As far as Aoi Hanamura is concerned as a tennis coach, the opponent is just better than that old woman Ryūzaki Sumire in terms of ability.

As for the players selected by the opponent, they are not all that good in terms of talent!

In addition, Aoi Hanamura's training method is empty in theory and has no results at all in practice.

Chengcheng Shonan's ability to enter the Kanto Conference is mostly due to good luck and "peers' support"

Japan has Jujiro Oni, the "Diamond Generation", and Atobe Keigo, Akutsu Jin, the "Golden Generation".

But the average level is still relatively poor!!

Doubles 25 combinations like Izumi and Fuchuan, who are barely strong at the conference level, can become the "champions" of a street court.

Akutsu Jin, who has reached the Kanto level with his physical talent alone, can defeat 5 street courts in a month!

It is conceivable that the strength of Japan's tennis is essentially incomparable with those countries such as Germany and Switzerland where tennis is prosperous.

at this time!

Even though the two sides were opponents in the next game, Sakaki Taro still stood up and walked in front of the opponent out of courtesy.

"Hello, coach Huacun!"

"Sakaki Taro! Hyotei Gakuen Tennis Club Coach!"

"I wonder if Coach Huacun is here now for something?"

Aoi Hanamura smiled slightly: "There is nothing special! I just heard before that the players of your team in the Tokyo Metropolitan Conference are very good!"

"We at Josei Shonan are very interested in tennis players who are strong and talented!"

"So, to show sincerity! I want to ask some second-year players before the game!"

"I wonder if you are interested in coming to Chengcheng Shonan to play ball next year?"

"No matter what the conditions are, you can put them forward!"

"I will communicate with the school and give you a satisfactory answer!"

As she spoke, she looked directly at Otori Cyotaroh, Kabaji Munehiro and Hiyoshi Wakashi as substitute in the players' box.

This time.

Sakaki Taro stood in front of her and was stunned.

Atobe Keigo and the others also looked shocked.

Not to mention the three Otori Cyotaroh who are targets of Aoi Hanamura.

They all suspected that they were hearing hallucinations in their ears!

What a joke!!

Before the game, the opponent's coach actually poached himself from his own players?!

But very quickly!!

Both Sakaki Taro and Atobe Keigo's expressions darkened.

"Coach Hanamura! If you come to say hello before the game, as your opponent in the next game, on behalf of Hyotei Gakuen, I would like to express my gratitude for your kindness!"

"Similarly, in the next games! Our players will respect you too!"

"But! If now is what you want to do...Sorry! Please get out of here!"

Compared to Sakaki Taro, who still maintains a gentlemanly manner with his dissatisfied words, Atobe Keigo does not have such a good temper.

"Woman! I don't care if you are the coach or who you are!"

"Who gave you the courage to poach Hyotei's players!"

"Josei Shonan is just a passable private junior high school! If I'm not mistaken, the person responsible for the Josei Shonan School Board of Directors is the Josei Foundation, right?"

"Believe it or not, with just one phone call from me, Jojo Shonan School will become a branch of Hyotei Gakuen tomorrow?"

For tennis players, Atobe Keigo may only speak with his strength.

But for others.

Atobe Keigo, the eldest son of the Atobe Consortium, fully demonstrates his "rich" attributes.

However, everyone in Hyotei did not doubt what he said.

Even Akutsu Jin, who didn't deal with it, just rolled his eyes at this time.

After Sakaki Taro and Atobe Keigo finished talking, Hanamura Aoi's face turned slightly pale.

She came with great sincerity.

I just forgot that Hyotei is also selecting a young master from the Atobe Foundation.

But if she was forced to go back like this, she still felt a little unwilling.

"Coach Sakaki Taro, I think every player should have their own choice! I'm just providing a choice!"

"Also, classmate Atobe Keigo! The Atobe Foundation is rich, but I am sincere! Your talent has been demonstrated and utilized! But your teammates obviously have more room for improvement!"

"I can help them! They can definitely become stronger!"

This righteous statement made the corners of Atobe Keigo's eyes twitch.

This was the first time he saw such a confident woman!

However, he was very curious about where the other party's confidence came from?!

He even subconsciously looked at the Josei Shonan players who hadn't paid much attention before.

Turn a blind eye to the hostile expressions on their faces, and just observe their body shapes, arms, and the marks left by holding the racket on the palm of their hand.

With his natural special insight, he can already discern some information about the players from these details.

But after looking around, he didn't find anything special about these people.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Bei Xiao, who had been silent all this time: "Minister, what should I do with this woman? Why don't I let the organizers handle it!

Bei Xiao turned his head slightly and looked at Aoi Hanamura at this time, and said calmly: "You mean...if Chotaro and the other three were your players, their current strength would be better than if they stayed at Hyotei Gakuen." Strong, right?"

Huacun Kui saw Bei Xiao speaking. The moment her eyes met Bei Xiao's, her heart trembled.

Just because she saw in Bei Xiao's eyes a calmness and calmness that was different from ordinary middle school students.

Even most adults would find it difficult to control their emotions so well!

Moreover, as a tennis coach who highly admires talented players.

She has always been very interested in Bei Xiao, the new king of Hyotei.


The same goes for third graders like Atobe Keigo!

But there was only one reason why she didn't recruit Bei Xiao and others.

Even if they agree to join Jojo Shonan, they will not be able to become a member of Jojo Shonan's team next year!

"Classmate Bei Xiao! I've heard of you for a long time!"

"That's right! That's what I mean! If the three Otori Cyotaroh students join Jojo Shonan! Next year they will definitely become the top players in the Kanto class!"

"Even, there may not be a chance to be like you and Atobe Keigo! Become a national-level player!"

Her firm voice sounded again.

Bei Xiao just nodded: "Since you said so...anyway, today's game is boring!"

"How about this!"

"Give you a chance!"

"If you know how Hyotei Gakuen plays this year, then you probably know how Hyotei Gakuen treats ordinary teams!"

As he spoke, he held the unfilled player order list between his two fingers and placed it in front of Hanamura Aoi!

"What's the meaning?"

Aoi Hanamura obviously didn't react. She didn't understand why Bei Xiao gave herself the playing order of Hyotei Gakuen's players.

"Double No. 2, Doubles No. 1, Singles No. 3! In the three positions, arrange Chotaro and the others according to your own ideas! As for their partners in the doubles competition, you can also fill in whatever you want! Because they will not take action!"

"How the match between Hyotei and your Jojo Shonan will be played! It's up to you to decide!"

"If you win, as long as you don't affect the normal training of the Hyotei Tennis Club! Even if you pester Chotaro every day, they will be fine!"


"If you lose! From today on, you can no longer do any work related to tennis!"

Huacun Kui's eyes widened and she looked at Bei Xiao who proposed this condition in disbelief.

First, I can’t believe Bei Xiao is so arrogant and asked himself to fill in the player list for the Hyotei game!

Second, I didn’t expect Bei Xiao’s conditions to be so harsh!

If Shonan Chengcheng loses the game, as a tennis coach, she will actually have to...

Everyone in Hyotei also became interested.

Even Otori Cyotaroh and Hiyoshi Wakashi, who were the "betters", showed no dissatisfaction on their faces. Instead, they wanted to see what Aoi Hanamura, a confident woman, would choose.

Atobe Keigo even said directly: "Woman! You'd better think clearly! Once you agree and lose! I will keep an eye on you!"

"If you don't dare, just go back to your seat and sit down! The game is about to start!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the referee of this competition and several organizer staff had walked into the court gate together.

Hanamura Aoi was stared at by everyone in Hyotei, and then looked at Bei Xiao and Atobe Keigo.

Not knowing where he got the courage, he took out a delicate pen directly from his jacket pocket.

"Swish, swish, swish"

"It's written!! I hope Minister Bei Xiao will keep your word!"

When she handed the completed appearance form to Bei Xiao, Sakaki Taro couldn't help but subconsciously leaned over and glanced at it.

【Doubles No. 2】: Hiyoshi Wakashi, Akutsu Jin

【Doubles No. 1】: Kabaji Munehiro, Akutakawa Jirou

【singles No. 3】: Otori Cyotaroh

She did not fill in the quota for singles No. 2 and singles No. 1.

Bei Xiao just glanced at it and took out an equally expensive pen from Sakaki Taro's suit pocket.


He made two casual strokes in Huacun Aoi's dull eyes.

" do you separate singles No. 2 and singles No. 1?

The list has been crossed off?! Do you know that this means giving up these two games!!"

Bei Xiao glanced at her: "Does it take five games to beat you?"

Only then did Huacun Aoi realize that Bei Xiao had never taken Chengcheng Shonan seriously under her training from beginning to end.


Her face also turned extremely green!

"Okay! Classmate Bei Xiao!"

"I understand what you mean!"

"Since you are so arrogant, prepare for Hyotei Gakuen, who has so much expectations, to lose in the first game of the Kanto Tournament!"

After leaving a few words, she turned back and walked directly towards the player's bench of Shonan Chengcheng.

She has made up her mind!

We must teach Bei Xiao, the arrogant new king of Hyotei, a lesson!

She wants Bei Xiao to know!

Hyotei Gakuen may have the qualifications to look down on other teams in the regional qualifiers and Tokyo Metropolitan Conference!

But the other party will definitely regret for despising Jojo Shonan!

Everyone in Hyotei didn't care about her angrily leaving, but they just felt a little fresh about the originally boring game.

Even the sleeping Akutakawa Jirou was woken up by Oshitari Yuushi. After hearing what happened just now, Akutakawa Jirou's sleepiness disappeared.

Only Sakaki Taro looked at the player match list and shook his head helplessly.

If it had been ten minutes ago, he would have definitely said that Bei Xiao was too impulsive to just cross out singles No. 2 and singles No. 1 from the list.


Thinking of what Bei Xiao said before.

As the coach of the Hyotei Tennis Club, when his team was no longer an ordinary team, he still swallowed what he wanted to say.

Chengcheng Shonan players box.

Kajimoto Takahisa and the others saw Aoi Hanamura spending a lot of time in the Hyotei Gakuen players' box, and seemed to chat about a lot of things.

But when I came back, my face was very ugly.

At that moment, everyone stood up, feeling that Hyotei Gakuen must have bullied the other party.

"Coach Hanamun! I'll help you teach them a lesson!" A junior high school student with a cold face said coldly, already holding the net in his hand. Racquet was about to walk towards the Hyotei Gakuen player bench.


"Stop! Kamijo!" Huacun Aoi immediately shouted coldly and stopped the other party.

Hearing Aoi Hanamura's tone, the junior high school student named "Kamijo" became even more angry.

But he still stopped and stood there.

Seeing this, Huacun Kui felt relieved.

"Everyone! Listen up!"

"I have no conflict with Hyotei, I just made a bet with Bei Xiao, the head of the tennis department!"

When she told Kajimoto Takahisa and others about the bet she made with Bei Xiao.

There was dead silence in the Chengcheng Shonan player box.

They obviously didn't expect that their coach would bet his career as a coach!

And I can’t participate in any work related to tennis from now on!

Just to be able to "dig" three second-year players in Hyotei's team!

Huacun Aoi didn't give them any time to think about it.

After she filled in the players' order of appearance that she had not yet filled in, she said solemnly to Kajimoto Takahisa and the others: "I have already filled in the order of players' appearance! Two doubles! One.

singles! As long as we win one game, Hyotei Gakuen will be eliminated in this Kanto Tournament!"

"So! Everyone must let Hyotei Gakuen know the price of despising us!"

"Did you hear everything clearly?!"

Kajimoto Takahisa and others also reacted. After subconsciously looking at each other, they each spoke:

"Coach Huacun, don't worry! The director and I will play doubles number one! We will definitely win the game!"

"Maybe Wakato, you and the minister won't have this chance! Kiriyama and I can defeat our opponent on the second doubles! If we still lose after two versus one, we will really be considered useless.


"That's right! Huh! Hyotei Gakuen! Just wait!"

A few people from Shouchi Shonan started talking, and Kamishiro Reiji, who was stopped by Hanamura Aoi just now, also tightened his grip on the racquet in his hand.

As singles No. 3 in the court appearance order!

Not only did he want Aoi Hanamura to win this bet, he also made up his mind to make Hyotei Gakuen pay the price!

Hanamura Aoi looked at the strong fighting spirit of everyone in Chengcheng Shonan. She nodded with satisfaction and sat quietly in an empty seat waiting for the game to start.

And outside the court.

Many junior high school students from various schools watching the game also surrounded the court.

They didn't know about the bet between Bei Xiao and Huacun Aoi.

For them, this game is just Hyotei Gakuen's first ordinary game in the Kanto Tournament!

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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