The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0108 Three Hours Of Fighting! Everyone Knows The Crack In The Door!

0108 Three hours of competition! No one knows the cracks in the door!

A few minutes later.

The entrance to Rikkai University.

"Boss! I didn't expect Genichiro Sanada and Yanagi Renji to actually come to us!"

"This time I have a big feud with Rikkai - it's not a small one!"

Oshitari Yuushi chuckled and spoke. Under the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes looked a little playful.

Bei Xiao said calmly: "The grudge? It's just for the so-called face! The record of two consecutive national championships makes them feel that they are the strongest existence in the Japanese high school tennis world!"

"But they clearly don't recognize themselves!"

"Especially... even Seiichi Yukimura is not on the team! Strongest? This title is not that easy to win!"

Oshitari Yuushi couldn't help but turned his head out of curiosity: "If you didn't tell me, Minister, I almost wouldn't have noticed! Seiichi Yukimura didn't show up today!"

Bei Xiao just said slowly: "He is sick! And, it's very serious! You should be prepared!"

Oshitari Yuushi was stunned for a moment: "Sick?! Surgery?! He had an accident?!"

Although Rikkai was Hyotei Gakuen's rival, Oshitari Yuushi couldn't help but be surprised when Seiichi Yukimura suddenly fell ill.

After all, the strength and tennis talent of this "Son of God" can indeed be called terrifying!

If Tezuka Kunimitsu is the pillar of Seigaku.

The same goes for Seiichi Yukimura, who can lead Rikkai Dalian to two consecutive national championships!

Although Rikkai Dai's overall strength is far better than Seigaku, there are even rumors that Seiichi Yukimura does not need to take action at the Kanagawa Conference, and Rikkai Dai can win the championship.


If he can no longer sit in the dugout as Rikkai Dai's minister, half of Rikkai Dai's backbone will be missing!

The emperor and the military advisor...the two together may be barely equal to the status of the Son of God!

Bei Xiao didn't explain much about it.

I just hailed a taxi and took the other person back to Hyotei Gakuen.

Inside the Rikkai Tennis Club.

Yanagi Renji and others were surrounding Genichiro Sanada at this time.

"Deputy Minister! Are you okay? How could Bei Xiao do something to you!! I'll go find him!!" Kirihara Akaya knew that Genichiro Sanada was "humiliated" in public because he helped him find Bei Xiao for an explanation. , he immediately shouted and ran out.

But as soon as he took a step, he was called back by a cold shout.

"Stop! It's not embarrassing enough!"

Genichiro Sanada's words made Kirihara Akaya stand there at a loss.


"Sanada, being humiliated like this! It's not like you! Is this Bei Xiao really that powerful?"

On the side, Niou Masaharu, who laughed three times drunkenly, asked curiously.

Yanagi Renji frowned slightly: "Okay! Nioh! You go to train first!"

When Niou Masaharu and the others saw Yanagi Renji talking, they looked at each other, turned and walked towards the training court. Even Kirihara Akaya followed them obediently at this time.

Yanagi Renji breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Genichiro Sanada beside him

"Sanada! You are still too impulsive today!"

A sharp light flashed in Genichiro Sanada's eyes.

He recalled the feeling when he was stepped on the ground by Bei Xiao just now and couldn't struggle.

The sense of humiliation burst out in his heart at this time.

If Yanagi Renji hadn't stopped him because of Rikkai University's rules, he would never have let someone who humiliated him leave Rikkai University!!

" the Kanto Conference! I must let that Bei Xiao know! Who is he humiliating!!"

When Yanagi Renji saw Genichiro Sanada clearly looking like he had to "revenge", he recalled Bei Xiao's last words.

I don't know what happened, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

Hyotei Gakuen.

Inside the Tennis Club.

It has been more than an hour since Bei Xiao and Oshitari Yuushi came back.


Oshitari Yuushi thought that after he and Bei Xiao returned from Kanagawa, the winner of Atobe Keigo and Akutsu Jin would have been announced.

who knows!!

From the moment we learned that the two were going to compete until now.

It’s almost 3 hours!

The game between the two is not over yet!!

In the court, there was a tiebreak between the two.

The score is 154-154!

100% tiebreak!

This is definitely an extremely rare score in the Japanese junior high school tennis community.

Even with top national level physical strength, he may not be able to persist with evenly matched opponents until now.

Atobe Keigo and Akutsu Jin still played this anxious game without properly adjusting after getting off the plane.

In the court.

Both of their bodies were completely soaked with sweat.

The body was shaky at the moment.

Only the racquet in their hands was always firmly held in their hands.

Right now it's Atobe Keigo's right to serve.

He gasped for breath, and the soreness in his arms made it extremely difficult for him to lift the racquet.

"Uncle...I still underestimate you!"


When Akutsu Jin heard this, he forced an uninhibited sneer from the corner of his mouth.

"I said it! I came back this time just to let you know! I am already stronger than you!!"

"Stop talking nonsense!! Serve now!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Atobe Keigo suddenly threw up the tennis ball in his hand.

A serve with extremely strong rotational force flew out.

Akutsu Jin saw this and snorted coldly: "Are you so embarrassed that you want to distract me with words?"

While he was talking, although his body was no longer able to move irregularly as usual, he still rushed to the ball when it touched the ground.

The same sore arm muscles caused a trace of pain on his face when he raised his hand to swing.

But the next second.



Akutsu Jin looked at the tennis ball that was supposed to bounce, but it only vaguely bounced 1 centimeter on the ground, and then quickly slid out of the court from his feet.

He couldn't help but speak in shock, holding the empty racquet and freezing on the spot.


From the referee's chair, Kabaji Munehiro's deep voice sounded.

At this moment, Atobe Keigo played a very skillful spin serve.

"Ha! Akutsu! I've been hiding this ball until now!"

"I call it - Tannhäuser serve!"

"Do you really think that I will completely abandon the gorgeousness that I have always upheld?"

Atobe Keigo, who scored the goal, also chuckled and said.

Although given his current physical condition, this Tannhäuser serve puts a lot of burden on the shoulder joints and muscles.


In this current match, both myself and Akutsu Jin have almost reached their physical limits!!

It’s all supported by willpower!

Get a key point lead with this goal that hides the overall situation.

Then the pressure exerted on Akutsu Jin may definitely determine the outcome of this game with the next goal.

Just as he thought.

Because of this sudden goal, Akutsu Jin's eyes flashed with a little impatience.

outside the court.

Oshitari Yuushi looked stunned, and he was extremely frightened about the current match.

He knew that after Atobe Keigo and Akutsu Jin returned from Switzerland and the United States, their strength would definitely improve to an astonishing level.

But he didn't expect that the two of them exceeded his original expectations.

"The Tannhäuser serve has the same effect as the Zero serve! The changing pattern of the topspin ball! Reduces the burden on the shoulder and arm joints! However, the effect is not as good as the Zero serve!"

"Atobe should know that if Akutsu is in his prime, such a goal will only have some effect in his own serve game!"

"It's only a matter of time before we get cracked and fight back!"

"So, I deliberately saved this ball for the tiebreak! To catch Akutsu off guard!"

Oshitari Yuushi's whisper made Sakaki Taro and others who were also watching the game couldn't help but nod.

Bei Xiao also looked at Atobe Keigo with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

Just talk about the progress span of personal strength.

Atobe Keigo went to Switzerland to integrate with Rafael and others. It is indeed impossible to compare with Akutsu Jin who stayed in the U-17 of the United States!


The competition experience accumulated by the opponent in Swiss also made up for the small gap in strength improvement!

This trip to Swiss was not in vain!

In the court.

A coldness flashed across Akutsu Jin's eyes.

He was caught off guard by Atobe Keigo, which forced him to score the next goal!

He didn't want to persist until now and lose the game in the end.


He almost gritted his teeth and swung the racquet and hit the ball.

Both he and Atobe Keigo held the belief that they would never allow themselves to lose, and once again tried their best to attack and defend on the court!

One round!

Three rounds!

Ten rounds!


The appearance of the single-ball tug-of-war made Ryo Anato and the others tremble in fear and clenched their fists.

In this fierce competition, they even subconsciously put themselves into the bodies of Atobe Keigo and Akutsu Jin who were competing.

A full 7 or 8 minutes later.

The number of rounds in the court was unknown.

Atobe Keigo and Akutsu Jin's speed and hitting power began to decline almost one after another.

If we say that before the ball started, the physical fatigue and physical strength of the two people had reached zero.

Well now they have all exceeded their limits!

Even these two people with extremely strong willpower feel like they will collapse in the court at any time!!

"Akutsu!! I am the final winner!!"

Atobe Keigo hit a forehand whip.

The ball landed at the reverse bottom corner where Akutsu Jin was.

"Stop joking!! How can I not lose to you after training for this month!!"


Akutsu Jin seems to be crazy.

He ran around desperately, then jumped up, relying on his inertia and jumping power to intercept the tennis ball just as it was about to pop out of the court!


The returning tennis ball jumped high.

Outside the court, Oshitari Yuushi and the others looked at each other attentively.

"Chance ball!!!"

Even if Akutsu Jin catches the ball, it's clear that the ball can be hit back over the net!


Such a height, such a falling speed.

…Please give me flowers…

Even if Atobe Keigo's physical load exceeds the opponent's endurance, it is obvious that he can complete a frontcourt shot without taking off. Volley wins the score!

Also won this game!

Atobe Keigo is doing the same at this time!

Although his steps are not fast, he still falls behind the tennis ball.

I caught up when I reached the height of one person.

Holding the racquet with both hands, his eyes are full of belief in victory.

"Akutsu! I am... still better than you!!"


Exhausting the last bit of strength, he waved his racquet with both hands and hit the ball.

After hitting this ball, he completely lost the ability to continue to compete.

His eyes turned white and he fell straight back.

Mental strength, physical strength, and physical functions all collapsed!

Although the quality of his ball is such that even a conference-level player would probably not have much difficulty catching it!

But for Akutsu Jin now, it is no less than a throat-sealing blade.

With an extremely ferocious expression, he could barely get up from the ground when Atobe Keigo swung his racket.

He watched as Atobe Keigo's shot sailed over the net.

But he also knows his physical condition!

Can you really catch it?

While this question flashed through his mind, he didn't even have an answer yet, and his feet started to move.


Two steps!

The tennis ball has hit the court floor.

Three steps!

The tennis ball bounces!

Oshitari Yuushi and others who were just outside the court felt that Atobe Keigo's goal that he played with all his strength was bound to score.

Akutsu Jin is definitely too late to catch up.

An afterimage suddenly flashed across their eyes.

Akutsu Jin's body seemed to appear in front of the bouncing tennis ball instantly!

If this speed was at the beginning of this game, no one present would be surprised!


This situation made Oshitari Yuushi and the others' eyes widen.

Their minds were filled with thoughts——impossible!!

Only the corner of Bei Xiao's mouth showed a slight smile, but it soon disappeared.

he knows!

Akutsu Jin has indeed completed the first step of transformation in the U.S. U-17!

With the improvement in overall strength, the opponent finally began to truly develop the innate talents in his body!

That afterimage is not clear to others, so can Bei Xiao still be unclear about it?

The eighth consciousness - omniscience!

Although he only pushed open a crack under the heavy pressure and his own obsession, it was enough for the other party to complete the counterattack!



The moment the sound of hitting the ball rang out in the court, Akutsu Jin's body fell heavily to the ground.

He didn't know what happened to him just now. He only knew that the speed of the tennis ball's bounce suddenly slowed down a lot in his eyes.

But his own speed seemed to have increased many times.

I waved the racquet almost subconsciously with my body reaction.

After hitting the ball, his body was completely numb and he fell to the ground.

He was so exhausted that he would lose consciousness if he closed his eyes, but he still stared at the ball he hit back.

Until the ball landed heavily in Atobe Keigo's court, completing the score.

He closed his eyes with satisfaction and fainted from exhaustion.


After Kabaji Munehiro reported the score, he turned directly to look at Bei Xiao outside the court.

Although he is worried about the condition of the unconscious Atobe Keigo, what he should do next depends on Bei Xiao's wishes!

However, after both Atobe and Keigo fell down, the game could not continue!

"Carry these two people to the school infirmary and lie down for 2 hours."

Bei Xiao's words sounded, and Anato Ryo and the others immediately nodded and followed suit, rushing into the competition court.

Half a minute later.

Watching Anato Ryo and Otori Cyotaroh carrying Akutsu Jin away.

Kabaji Munehiro carries Atobe Keigo out of the court.

The worry in Sakaki Taro's eyes had disappeared, replaced by indescribable joy.

Just because the strength shown by Atobe Keigo and Akutsu Jin is so powerful!!

Except that they still can't compare with Bei Xiao, he even thinks that the strength of the two of them can be ranked among the top three in the Japanese junior high school tennis world!

It seems that the only person who can compete with the two of them is probably Rikkai, the "Son of God"!

Oshitari Yuushi adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, chuckled and said, "Minister, it seems that even if they wake up today, they won't be able to complete the punishment you gave them!"

"After this's lucky that they don't have any sequelae in tomorrow's game!"

Bei Xiao's expression did not change in any way.

"Everyone must pay the corresponding price for the choices they make!"

"Let's compete as soon as we come back! Three hours...a tie!"

"These 200 laps just make them pay for their stupidity!"

"Tell them! I can't finish running today, so I'll sleep in the tennis department and go back!"

Hearing what Bei Xiao said, Sakaki Taro and Oshitari Yuushi could only look at each other and smile bitterly.

[1.5W words per day! Please order all! 100 million].

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