The Holy Lord Of Tennis, Starting From Seriously Injuring Amadeus!

0105 The Beast Returns! Genius Transformation! The Emperor Has Accomplished His Mission!

0105 The beast returns! The genius transforms! The emperor completes the mission!

The passage of time is the same for geniuses and ordinary people.

A month passed quietly.

Inside the U.S. U-17 training camp.

"Chico, please pay attention to me!! Damn it!!"


"Oops! Why am I practicing with you, a lunatic, again today! I think Dudu is more suitable to practice with you!! It's already been 2 hours!! I need to rest!!"


"Huh! It's only two hours! There's still 1 hour left!!"


In the training court, Akutsu Jin and Chico are having an extremely intense attack and defense.

Akutsu Jin's body was covered in sweat.

The body speed and arm muscles are significantly different now compared to when he first arrived at the U.S. U-17 training camp.

Moreover, his batting style is extremely complicated.

No one knows what kind of return he will hit until his racquet hits the tennis ball.

Straight ball, spin, high pitch, short ball...

With his weird action patterns and different swings from ordinary people, opponents must raise their concentration to the extreme!

As his opponent at this time, Chico is also different from a month ago.

The difference was that there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes when he looked at Akutsu Jin!

This look.

It is enough to represent how far Akutsu Jin’s strength has improved in this month!!

outside the court.

Reinhardt, Hopkins, and Dudu stood together.

"Tsk tsk tsk...Chico is having a headache right now about sparring with Akutsu!"

After hearing Dudu's words, Hopkins and Reinhardt both raised the corners of their mouths slightly.

"You must suppress your own strength, but after suppressing your strength, Akutsu's progress cannot be ignored! This also causes Chico to bear a lot of pressure as a sparring partner!"

"That's right! Not only in terms of concentration, but also in the analysis of the changes in the ball path and the special game situation where Akutsu can only react late! I really didn't expect that Akutsu's reaction nerve talent has reached this level. Extent! And there is the possibility of continued development!" 25 As the two of them talked, they looked at Akutsu Jin with admiration in their eyes.

Akutsu Jin's transformation in strength over the past month is undoubtedly unbelievable.

The other party is now...

Although it is not that he will become a player who is not afraid of high school students in the U-17 World Cup court.


They believe that their peers want to compete with Akutsu Jin...

The difficulty is not ordinary!

after an hour.

Akutsu Jin sat in the rest area and gasped for air.


I saw Reinhard slowly walking up to him and handing a bottle of water to him.

Akutsu Jin was not polite and started to drink.

"The ticket has been booked for 1pm! Someone will take you to the airport after that!"

Akutsu Jin was stunned for a moment, but then he grinned.

"I didn't expect time to fly by so fast. It's already been a month..."

Reinhardt sat next to him and spoke slowly: "Although I also think your current training progress is perfect! However, since there is an agreement between Bei Xiao and I! Then I will not force you to stay. !"

"After all, your progress has exceeded Hopkins and I's imagination! You are in Japan, and we can adjust your training plan at any time!

Akutsu Jin nodded and stood up.

Under Reinhard's gaze, he held the racquet and walked out of the court.

"I think this month has been pretty good!"

"I will come back when Japan gets it done!"

"Also! Tell Chico and Dudu that when I come back next time, they must give their best to practice with me!!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Reinhard's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a chuckle.

"Has it been recognized by the beast...?"

"It's really gratifying..."


Inside the Hyotei Tennis Club.

Sakaki Taro stared at the game in a training court.

On one side is Kabaji Munehiro.

On the other side were Anato Ryo and Otori Cyotaroh.

The dull sound of hitting the ball continued to sound from both sides of the court.

Facing Kabaji Munehiro's strict defense, it was difficult for Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh to launch any effective offensive even if they were two people standing on the court.

"Megaton bombing!!"


When Kabaji Munehiro stood in front of the net, holding the racquet in both hands, he swung at the incoming ball.

The veins and muscle groups bursting out on his arms, coupled with his somewhat ferocious facial expression when he exerted force.

It is enough to foreshadow the horror of this volley ball called "Megaton Bombing".

When Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh saw Kabaji Munehiro assuming this batting posture, they ran to both sides without hesitation.


When the tennis ball hit the midfield of the court where the two were sitting, it not only caused a deep dent the size of a fist, but also became embedded in the barbed wire fence of the court after bouncing up.

Sakaki Taro nodded with satisfaction when he saw Kabaji Munehiro's goal.

Ryo Anato and Otori Cyotaroh looked at each other helplessly.

"Huachi! Do you have to hit this shot during sparring? You are now at the national level! We can't be your opponent in terms of strength!"

"That's right, that's right! If we keep playing like this, when will we get 100 goals from you || If we don't train now, we won't be able to accomplish our goal!!"

Regarding the two people's "complaints", Kabaji Munehiro just tilted his head and said nothing, and his dull eyes made Anato Ryo and the two of them twitch.

This big guy... can definitely understand!!

But he just deliberately ignored the two of them!!!

Damn it!!!

And at the same time.

Positive selection training on the other side of the court.

Oshitari Yuushi and Bei Xiao are also having a special sparring session.

The eight tennis balls flying back and forth in the court can obviously explain something.

That’s right!!

This month's time does not count other improvements in skills and physical fitness.

In terms of multi-goal streaks alone, Oshitari Yuushi has already hit an 8-goal streak!

With Bei Xiao's forehand swing, the speed of the eight tennis balls suddenly increased a lot.


Although Oshitari Yuushi hit back 7 of them, one tennis ball still hit the court ground and bounced out of the court.


Oshitari Yuushi began to adjust his breathing rhythm out of habit.

"Not bad, the ball speed has reached over 190KM/H when playing 8 balls in a row!"

"But it's still the same problem! There are too many unnecessary body movements during the game, and the swings are not decisive enough!"

"If you don't solve this problem, if you want to complete a 9-ball streak or a 10-ball streak, the difficulty will be much greater than the ten months of training!"

Bei Xiao stood on the other side of the net and said calmly.

Oshitari Yuushi nodded heavily: "Minister, I know! I'm already thinking of a solution, give me a little more time!"

In response, Bei Xiao only nodded slightly.

This month, he has seen Oshitari Yuushi's progress.

Considering the opponent's talent, this rate of improvement is already astonishing!

Therefore, he will no longer criticize a person who works hard.

Let Oshitari Yuushi continue to practice by himself, while Bei Xiao holds the racquet and heads to other courts, preparing to start his own training.

At this moment, the mobile phone in his jersey vibrated slightly.

He took out his cell phone and narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the caller ID.

After connecting, don't wait for him to speak.

A playful male voice came from the phone: "Bei Xiao, if I don't call you, you really have no intention of contacting me at all!"

"We are friends after all, right?"

"Don't tell me, Reinhardt didn't tell you that I joined the U.S. U-17!"

Bei Xiao didn't care about the other party's tone, but said calmly: "Which team you join has nothing to do with me! Besides, I don't have extra time to call you and catch up with you!"

"Tell me! What's the matter?"

Echizen Ryoga on the other end of the phone was blowing the evening sea breeze on the beach on the west coast. Hearing Bei Xiao's "cold" response, he sat up helplessly.

"Hey! We can't even talk more! What a boring guy!"

"I went to the U.S. U17 training camp some time ago!"

"I've met the junior high school student you brought here! It's quite interesting!"

"However, at present...there are still ten middle school students missing to join Lechenhart, which is a headache!

Bei Xiao listened and said nothing.

He knew that since Echizen Ryoga had spoken, it meant that the other party had already had an idea.

as expected.

The other party paused for a moment and spoke again.

"I want my little one to join the U.S. U-17s! Do you think he will agree?"

Bei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly: "Your brother? With his current level, he is probably not even qualified to step into the U-17 gate of the United States!"

"Also! This is a matter between you and the U.S. U-17 team. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, a member of the German U-17 team, right?"

Echizen Ryoga immediately became anxious: "That's not what you said! You received the 100W rice gold so simply, you must have some after-sales service!"

"You have so many ideas! Please help me come up with ideas!"

"You also know that the old man has not allowed me to have contact with the little one! He is just afraid that I will be careless... Sigh"

Bei Xiao snorted coldly: "Your 100W rice gold is really hot! I will pay it back to you later! I will save you from relying on me in the future!"

Seeing that Bei Xiao didn't let go at all, Echizen Ryoga said: "No, no, no! This way!! Add 100W rice gold!! As long as you can help me get it done, even if you have an idea, it will be fine

With that said, without even waiting for Bei Xiao to speak, he used a computer at hand to transfer money to Bei Xiao's account.

Seeing the account notification popping up on his phone, Bei Xiao said calmly: "First of all! You know it yourself! Even if Echizen Ryoma is your brother, it is impossible for Reinhardt to let a player of his caliber join the American U- 17 representative team, as the player to fill the last spot!”

"Second! Judging from your old man's thoughts, he probably wants to send your brother to Japan U-17!"

"So, my suggestion is to let this kid go to Japan U-17! After training there, you can take him away before the game!"

"By then! Your old man won't be able to react! As for whether Echizen Ryoma can become the last junior high school player in the U.S. U-17, it all depends on his own strength!"


He hung up the phone directly and did not talk to him again.

Echizen Ryoga means nonsense.

And Echizen Ryoga listened to the sound of Bei Xiao hanging up the phone.

Although he was a little unhappy, he rubbed his chin and thought about the method Bei Xiao gave.

"It's feasible...the problem is how to bring people out..."

Muttering softly to himself, he closed his eyes again and lay down.



It's approaching 10pm.

In a huge street court on Handano Street.

Hundreds of street players of all ages gather here.

In the court.

A game is in full swing.

Raphael, Mestu and others all had some injuries on their arms and faces, but they didn't care about it at all, but stared at the game in front of them.

The score in the small round is 6-6!

Now it’s tiebreak! The score is 6-5!

"Atobe Keigo... it's up to him now!"

"It's been a month! Finally, guys like Black Tiger agreed to compete! I hope Atobe Keigo won't let our efforts this month go to waste!"

"Stop talking about this! He has done enough! There are more than 30 court courts in the entire Zurich street! He won 10 of them by himself! Even if we lose this time, we are not qualified.

Blame him!"

"Indeed! Who would have thought that the guy who was beaten so hard by Mestu you a month ago that he couldn't stand up now is actually completely accustomed to the streets! I feel that from him

I saw the shadow of the boss!"

Mestu and others stood in the viewing area 100 and whispered softly.

Atobe Keigo, who was playing in the court, was wearing a cheap uniform, and his original delicate and slightly curly hair was gone, replaced by neat short hair.

There are more or less signs of injury on the face, arms, calves, etc.


His eyes were extremely firm and lively, and there was no technical deformation in his movements due to the injury!

On the contrary, every shot he hits is cleaner and cleaner!

The body's reflexes and accuracy in judging the path of the ball have been greatly improved!!

His opponent was a dark-skinned man in his late thirties.

He is a head taller than Atobe Keigo!

The special wingspan length that is different from ordinary people makes his defensive range reach an exaggerated level.

Box! Nickname——Black Tiger!

He is also the boss of the Black Tiger street organization in Zurich!

One month to go!

A street ball in Zurich was broken by Atobe Keigo and Rafael one by one. Now only the Black Tigers led by Boxes have not won!

"Atobe Keigo! It's useless! This game is destined not to end easily!"


Box rushed to Atobe Keigo's smash ball and completed the counterattack with one hand the moment the tennis ball bounced!

A straight shot came towards Atobe Keigo's face.

Atobe Keigo narrowed his eyes slightly.

It was once upon a time.

He achieves a ball speed of 200KM/H in this way. And the tennis ball that is heading straight towards his face will definitely dodge or be confused subconsciously.

but now…………

"Box! Do you think I...have gone all out in this game?"


Atobe Keigo spoke coldly and at the same time, he turned sideways and completed the shooting action.

A strange lavender light also flashed in his eyes.

The moment the ball hit the ball, Box felt his body stiffen involuntarily.

When the tennis ball hit the court floor, the slight vibration seemed to make his body lose its balance.

He fell straight back.



The tennis ball bounced out of the court, and Box lay on the ground, his eyes lost.

Everyone watching this match stared blankly at Atobe Keigo, the only one standing on the court!

"Atobe Keigo... Atobe Keigo scores! tiebreak score 7-5!"

"The total score is 7-6!"

"Court battle team battle! The total score is 3-2! The Holy Lord Association will gain control of all the Black Tiger's courts!!"

After the results of the game were announced, Rafael and the others rushed into the court excitedly.

They threw Atobe Keigo into the air and shouted each other's names.

The only person who didn't step forward was Mestu.

He watched Atobe Keigo shouting in mid-air, "Put me down," and "Don't pull my clothes."

He picked up his cell phone, took a photo and sent it.

【Boss, mission accomplished!】

[1.5W words per day! Please order all!].

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