176 – Being Together

The boring opening ceremony is over. I declined Ellie’s offer to eat together because her members were waiting and returned to the club room.

But when I went back to the club room, the members hadn’t returned yet.

Since we didn’t promise to have lunch together, he could have left me to eat.

As I was sitting on the sofa thinking about what to do, someone opened the door and came in.

“Ross… ! I knew you would be here too.”

With a happy smile, he hugged the approaching Luna with a small stride.

As always, it smells nice and makes me feel at ease.

“What about the other kids?”

When I asked, puzzled by the lack of signs of being followed, Luna quietly lifted her head from her arms.

“I’m going to the restaurant in advance. Everyone said Ross wouldn’t want to eat with Ellie. I came because I didn’t know. I’m glad you came.”

If she hadn’t been for the kind-hearted Luna, she would have waited patiently and almost filled her stomach with bread.

After I stroked her hair to say thank you, Luna gave a hee-heh laugh and then took my hand and headed towards her staff.

I thought I was already seated, but the members were still waiting in line.

“Hey, didn’t you have a meal with Ellie?”

Arya, who was eating the chocolate-covered bread, tilted her head. Lacard and Kane also put on happy faces, as if they didn’t know I was coming.

“There is no such rule anywhere, but aren’t you guys doing too much? Abandon the manager?”

When he narrowed his eyes and said something dumbfounded, the quick-witted La Carr immediately turned his gaze to the menu board installed at the entrance.

“Of course we knew we were going to eat with our partners. We’ll play together after a while anyway.”

Kane said in a light voice as if she was no big deal, and turned her attention to Luna.

“As expected, is Luna the only one taking care of Ross?”

Ignoring Kane’s nod, she stood behind La Carre. Lakar, who glanced at me, explained.

“This is a famous steak restaurant in Ludwig. I ran right after the opening ceremony, but there was already a line. Arya guarantees the taste.”

If it’s the guarantee of Mr. Aria, a glutton who is picky about food, it’s worth trusting and eating.

After about 20 minutes, when it was my turn to enter the store, someone called my name.

“Oh, Rossney?”

I turned to the familiar voice. Looking back, I couldn’t help but be greatly surprised. It is a strange but unforgettable face. After the first meeting, it was Ross’s parents whom he saw in almost six months.

“Good. I was worried about the long line.”

As I said that, I felt sick to my stomach after a long time seeing the way I took the front seat without any explanation from the members.

At the same time, an employee came out and guided us into the store just as the members who had suddenly lost their seats looked at me in bewilderment. There were 5 to 7 people, but luckily there seemed to be no problem with the seats.

The parents who were seated looked over the menu with an arrogant attitude, and the members who were the original owners secretly noticed. I was at a loss for words at that shamelessness.

Aria, who was singing her song in anticipation of the steak, kept her mouth shut for a while. Feeling sorry for the members who were swept away by the awkward atmosphere, I introduced my parents with a sigh.

“… These are my parents.”

Only then, after learning the identity of the uninvited guest, the members greeted each other with awkward smiles.

“No, hello.”


Looking at the menu, the mother raised her gaze and glanced around at her staff before turning her head to me.

“Oh, is that your friend?”

I nodded my head to my mother who asked in a sarcastically surprised voice, suppressing my rising emotions.

“Yes. Friends. They are also members of the Messiah Club.”

My father frowned at my words and said.

“… Is that the club you created?”


I never told my parents about the club. Perhaps Roel told me how I was doing in school through a letter. Thank you, I will definitely pay off this debt.

“Really? Ross You’ve only had Ellie as a friend since you were little. Even if I was told to be friendly with the other kids, I couldn’t because I had such a bad personality. I’m glad Ellie is nice and she’s friends with you. By the way, you’re even acting as manager?”

I could feel Luna sitting next to me at a loss. What emotions do I feel right now? First of all, it is not anger. I hadn’t yet thought of blowing my parents’ heads off.

“Somehow, it happened that way.”

I answered, but my parents had already lost interest in me and were looking at the menu again. After the waitress came and took our order from our parents, we were handed over the menu and each of us ordered something to eat.

Her mother opened her mouth as soon as the waitress left the table.

“Are you Luna? I heard from Roel. Ross’s girlfriend?”

Mother looked at Luna with an observant eye, as if valuing her. It’s such a blatant gaze, it’s a look that I want to turn away from.

“Ah, yes… Hey, nice to meet you. My name is Luna Grace….”

Her father’s voice asked her mother curtly as she stared at Luna as she got up from her seat and bowed her head. There is no such thing as caring.

“He said he was uncomfortable?”

The mother smiled and nodded her head. Luna winced, and she cautiously sat back down.

As I clenched her fist, Luna grabbed her hand and shook her head. She felt sick to her stomach as she smiled as if she was okay.

Perhaps noticing that the atmosphere had turned strange, the mother said with a soft smile.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Ross’ mother.”

The club members nodded her head in greeting again, and the mother immediately turned her head to me. When we met her gaze, she frowned and spoke to me in a voice mixed with annoyance.

“How can you not send a letter? Are you thinking of forgetting Eun-hye, who raised you just because you came out of the house? It’s not that we’re looking for you, isn’t it basic that you come to us first? Roel said we were coming, how old are you and you still don’t know that?”

A loud voice that does not pay attention to the surroundings draws the eyes of the surrounding tables to me. Lakar was quick-witted, but now he doesn’t know what to do and is only fiddling with the glass in front of his eyes.

“Still, my brother paved the way well, so thanks to him I became an unsuitable senior and how did I even get into a triathlon? You really receive an abundance of family blessings.”

Yeah, I think I know what I’m holding back now. It was a shame. I was ashamed of the way my parents looked at me pitifully.

“When he was little, he acted like his older brother and acted kindly, but as he grew older, he became more and more crooked. hehehe, now he doesn’t even pretend to listen to his parents, does he?”

As her mother stopped her sarcastic remarks and drank her water, she said her father in a low voice, as if it were her next turn.

“Don’t mess around and just do what hyung did. If there’s anything you don’t know about triathlon, don’t think on your own and ask your brother. But don’t hold on to your brother’s ankles. Keep in mind That Roel is doing well is the most important thing in our family.”

“What do you mean-.”

Arya tried to argue with her, but Kane raised her hand and covered her mouth.

I let out a quiet breath.

Don’t make a fuss before the game. I was about to tell you to stop.

But the tongue in her mouth was swollen and no words came out of her mouth.

I don’t know why. It could be that she has no rebuttal to her parents, just as she has strange feelings for Ellie.

Or maybe it’s because she’s so angry that even though she knows that she’s Roel’s parents, and Ross’s parents, she wants to punch her and shut her mouth.

Meanwhile, Luna, who had been keeping her gaze down, slowly raised her head.

“Ross is… I am working harder than anyone else at the academy. He is the second strongest among freshmen, and he is the manager who leads us on the right path. Instead of worrying about Ross, he’s doing well, so why don’t you support him now… ?”

When Luna spoke in her pleading voice, her mother snorted at her incredulously.

“Ha, of course I cheer for you. He’s my son! It’s all about saying he’ll be fine. What would I do to block my son’s path?”

Rather, Luna pursed her lips at her mother’s attitude of giving off her resentment.


“You have to say this a few times to understand. He’s not the kind of guy who will listen to you once. Don’t you know that I, the mother?”

Her mother turns her head away, and her father nods her head approvingly. Is this why they are a couple? Her mother’s words went on and on.

“I don’t know about you guys, but since I was a kid, I’ve been growing….”

“Roel came home every year, even on vacation, and he helped with the work. Don’t you also remember what happened last year? You and your brother are only a year apart. But I’m not mature enough to compare like this….”

“Ellie suffered so much because she was friends with her….”

“Don’t make strange noises. Behave well, and don’t go around talking about being Roel’s younger brother….”

Listening to the sound of me being put down, I lowered my head. More than anything else, I felt afraid of what kind of eyes the members would look at me.

An employee left a bowl of food on the table, but no one among the staff took up the tableware.

My mother noisily cuts, and the sound of the knife scraping the bowl is heard. I let out a long sigh and looked up at the members.

“What are you doing, let’s eat quickly.”

As soon as I said it in a nonchalant voice, everyone started eating with awkward expressions.

The silence was long.

My parents gave me one last scolding after the meal, and even after I got up first, no one opened their mouths.

I opened my mouth with a useless cough.

“… It’s a shame. You all know about my ugly past.”

As I muttered that, Arya, who had been staring at her steak, flashed her head up and looked at me. For some reason, my eyes are full of tears. Tears streamed down Arya’s cheeks.

“What, what are you ashamed of! Lo, Ross is a proud friend of mine! The stylish manager of our messiah club… !”

Thankfully, Aria’s watery voice was full of sincerity.

“No matter what the manager’s parents said about the past, I really respect the current manager as a man. We all know that he trains harder than anyone else and works hard. So there is nothing to be ashamed of.”

Lacardo said that while looking at me with troubled eyes. Don’t be ashamed to say such a thing, that’s a very difficult request.

“Right, what Ross’s parents don’t know! How crazy is our Ross? He is the one who burned down the uninhabited island that was the test site. He doesn’t even know….”

Kane, who eased her mood and threw her jokes, looked at me with her red eyes at the end.

A strange feeling penetrates her heart. It’s different from the feelings she felt a while ago. He vaguely noticed that this was a feeling that would linger in her memory for a very long time.


Luna is calling me. He turned her head to meet her gaze. Contrary to my negative expectations, with her eyes full of affection, Luna smiled along with her tears.

“Thank you for growing up so well.”

My eyesight fluctuates. Suppressed emotions soar.

Laughter comes out, and her shoulders shake.

I lowered my head for a moment and let go of my emotions, then looked up and looked at the members who were shedding tears along with me.

I smiled mischievously.

“… If we go on like this, the store will be promoted for sure.”

At my words, the members burst into laughter.

I also laughed out loud, wiping away the tears with my hands.

People around us looked at us strangely, but for some reason, we weren’t ashamed anymore.

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