147 – Temple

From nob le mt l dot com

Now that you’ve solved the problem, all you have to do is check the answer. We headed to the top of the lighthouse with a trembling heart.

The task of manipulating the reflector and revealing the reason for the lighthouse’s existence was decided to be left in the hands of Delan, who has been a lighthouse keeper for a long time.

Based on what he wrote in his notebook, Delan manipulated the reflectors one by one with trembling hands.

The light from the lighthouse began to converge through the reflector, then emitted a huge light toward the dark sea.

It could only be described as beautiful. Pushing back the old darkness, the lighthouse showed the way to a single light.

The light created by the special reflector created a road like the Milky Way, and at the end of the road there was a building that looked like a temple.

Looking at the sight, Delan shed tears with a thrilled expression, and looked at the butterfly with a hazy look. I explained the reason for this lighthouse’s existence, hiding the anticipation of getting my hands on the fountain pen of God.

“This lighthouse had one purpose. It will light the way to the temple over there.”

Delan and Navier nodded in agreement. While Delan was controlling his emotions, Navier approached and asked.

“What do you see over there? From the outside, it looks like a temple.”

“I’ll have to check it myself while the lighthouse lights up.”

“Could it be something like an ancient dungeon? There may be great treasure hidden there.”

I felt a little excited in his voice. If Navier became interested in that temple, she felt the risk that it would be difficult to drop her.

A secret is more valuable the fewer people know about it. That’s why Nabi had to stay at the lighthouse.

“Okay, I’ll go check it out. Waiting here with Mr. Dellan.”

I said it in a calm voice, but it didn’t look like Navier would be persuaded.

“… What? Where is that! I’ll go too! An old secret is right in front of you, so you tell me to stay still? You bastard!”

It was dumbfounded by Nabié who argued with an unfair voice like someone who had been betrayed, but it wasn’t that I couldn’t understand her feelings.

My current behavior is after taking the child to an amusement park to instill anticipation. Because you’re young, it’s not much different from saying, “You’re here watching safely.”

With a sigh, I persuaded in a low voice. Delan tried to convince him that the butterfly had no weapons and was dangerous because he had to keep the lighthouse light on.

Unlike Delan, who meekly nodded at my words, Navier was stubborn until the end.

“You can just go and have a look. And isn’t it the same for you without a weapon? You shouldn’t go where you don’t know what will happen.”

I smiled softly at the sight of Navier smiling with joy, like someone who found out the error in my words. I said this deliberately, thinking that if I said this, Navier would point out this contradiction.

I took out her Spear of Ruin from the warehouse in her space and lifted it up and put it on her shoulder, and Navier looked at me with her stupid face.

As expected, the response is good. I have a taste for teasing.

“Can I go now?”

When she slightly raised the corner of her mouth, her eyes moistened as if she were about to shed tears, as if she was resentful of the butterfly. She wouldn’t cry, but she did, so she didn’t pout. She gave words of comfort.

“I don’t know what might be. Still, a man who knows manners can’t take a girl where she doesn’t know what the risks are, right?”

When she smiles triumphantly at the figure of Navier who just stares at her resentfully with her mouth closed, as if she has nothing to say. Delan, who was listening to the conversation from the side, tackled in a trembling voice.

“You can’t believe you came to a place like this for your first date… ?”

That’s… I have nothing to say either. Pretending not to hear, I averted my gaze. Navier glared at me with a blatant gaze, but she desperately looked straight ahead.

“So how are you going to get there? You can’t cross the sea, can you? If you’re thinking of taking a risky swim, I’ll do my best to stop you. Why don’t we just come back next time with weapons and boats? Bring her uncle too. The more people there are, the safer it is.”

It seems that the direction of persuasion has changed. But I’ve already figured out how to build a makeshift raft. Perhaps because the lighthouse’s light drives away the darkness, the area affected by the light is relatively calm, so it should be enough to cross.

I opened the space warehouse and waved the bag containing the seeds in front of Navier’s eyes. She lowered her hand slightly as she frowned.

“What is this?”

I responded triumphantly to the voice of the pouting Navier.

“The seeds of the papana tree. It is thanks to this tree that the island was easily set on fire in the survival test. The inside is empty and there is oil inside. Because of that, it has the property of floating in water. If you string several of these together, you can make a raft.”

From nob le mt l dot com

Now there is no reason for Navier to hold me back. As I waited for a reaction, for some reason, the butterfly stared at my face.

“It seems like I knew it would happen like this.”

I pretended to be calm at the suspicious look in my eyes.

“… It is improvisation.”

As expected, butterflies have sharp corners.


I boarded a raft and headed for the temple along the path of light created by the lighthouse. I obtained a plank from the lighthouse’s basement storage and tied it with a string to the front of the Spear of Ruin and used it to paddle.

Perhaps the distance was farther than expected, it took about 30 minutes to reach the land where the temple was located. After putting the raft on the ground so that it wouldn’t flow elsewhere, I untied the board tied to the window and headed for the temple.

On the way to the temple, there were countless stone pagodas that looked like someone had artificially piled stones one upon another. Was there a lot of people coming in and out of this place in the past? It was a land where not a single tree grew, so no one lived there.

Arriving at the temple, I immediately tried to open the door, but something invisible force refused to approach the door. Even if he tried to open it by force by raising his magic power, the door would not budge.

Perhaps it was some kind of ancient magic or barrier that prevented other people from entering. Fortunately, my spear of destruction has the power to break magic and barriers.

As I stabbed my spear at the door with the power of destruction, I felt with my fingertips that something invisible blocking the door of the temple was breaking away.

I pushed the door with my hand, and the door opened very easily, as if it had never happened before.

At the thought that God’s fountain pen was right in front of my eyes, I wet my dry lips with saliva and headed towards the inside of the temple.

Dubok, thump. The sound of stepping on the marble echoed through the temple.

Thanks to the light sent from the lighthouse, light descends from the perforated ceiling and illuminates the interior of the temple. Where I am now is the passage leading to the center of the temple.

The temple, where no one has gone in and out for a long time, was cleaner than expected, as if it had endured through the years with magic. However, unknown ancient characters were written in blood on the walls of the aisle.

I don’t know the contents, but I feel like I’m warning you of something. After exiting the passage, I could see the center of the temple. It is a large square space.

As soon as I took a step forward, a spear suddenly flew from the right side. At the same time as lowering his head to release the attack, he reflexively twisted his shoulder and swung the spear.

It obviously brushed against my body, but there was nothing caught on the tip of the spear. I could understand the reason when I checked the opponent who took the surprise attack while keeping my body centered.

Its body is made of bones, and blue eyes can be seen in its empty eyes. The reason my attack didn’t work was because it grazed the empty space between my ribs.

It was the first time I had ever seen a skeleton using a spear. Judging from the speed of the attack, I couldn’t think of it as a normal monster level. The speed is similar, but the body with only bones is an opponent that is not easy to hit with stabbing.

When we are staring at each other with a few steps apart. The skeleton holding a spear at me shouted something incomprehensible.

Before I could understand that, another skeleton appeared from behind and launched a surprise attack. But I skillfully read the trajectory of the spear aiming at the back and let the attack flow to the entrance of the dimension.

In the second trial room, I experienced enough to become proficient at fighting multiple enemies. Turning a surprise attack from behind into a counterattack was now easy.

As water flows, I created a dimensional exit above the head of the skeleton in front of me. The skull of the skeleton that was hit by a colleague’s spear shook greatly.

Unfortunately, the skull, which aimed at the back before the spear touched the skull, stopped attacking and weakened, so the skull was not pierced.

Tick-click, the attacked skeleton moved its jaws and teeth. It was as if he was blaming the other skeletons for attacking him. I heard a sound like an excuse behind my back, but I didn’t miss the opportunity and swung the spear straight away.

The skeleton in front of me deftly bent its knees, let go of my attack, and counterattacked. He immediately swung his spear to block the attack and threw himself to the side. The window was slammed into the spot where it had been standing until just now.

It was comfortable not to show your back to deal with the majority. I leaned my back against the wall of the temple and recognized the spatial coordinates. The blue eyes flashed, and the skeletons prepared to attack me.

I finished my thoughts at the same time as the skeleton rushed at me. The skeleton on the left aimed at my shoulder and stabbed a spear. With both hands, he turned the spear of destruction like a windmill and pushed the spear upward.

I immediately closed the entrance when I saw the window go into the entrance to the dimension I had made in advance. During the vacation, I was thinking hard about how to use my abilities, and it was a weapon amputation technique made with one technique. I’m thinking of giving it a nice name later.

The cut spear fell in front of my eyes through the dimensional exit I set. I deflected it with a spear and blocked a skeleton charging from the right. Taking advantage of that momentary gap, I stabbed the spear toward nothing with the power of destruction.

The spear that was sucked into the dimension entrance immediately appeared behind the head of the skeleton that had lost its weapon and shattered the skull. The blue eyes disappeared, and the bones scattered to the floor as if they were being crushed.

The remaining skeletons shouted unknown words at me and rushed at me. If it’s 1v1, the skeleton is easy. He stabbed his spear forward and aimed at the back of the skeleton’s head.

I wondered if even a skeleton had the ability to learn, and I was involuntarily amazed at how it reacted to attacks by turning its body. Skeletons are fooled too.

I was deliberately stabbed as shown. They’ll be aiming for your back, so be careful. Recognizing the warning, I pulled the spear out of the dimension entrance at the same time as the skeleton turned around, adjusted the dimension exit once again, and pierced the skeleton’s skull from the front with a spear that extended its range by stabbing it.

The battle ended with me feeling how much I had grown during the vacation. He didn’t even use his special move, intangible.

With a satisfied smile, the belated sound of bones falling to the ground echoed through the temple.

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