Tao Ran has integrated herself into the role, and she has to take responsibility for herself.

It is fundamental to keep all the rival actors, directors and audiences in the show, and maximizing the artistic effect is her pursuit.

These teammates were the actors opposite her, and her efforts finally gained their recognition and trust.

The designers of this level of the game, the king and others are the directors. The more she suffers now, the more difficult and miserable she is. Later, they will feel more guilty, increase their favorability, and compensate for her.

The real audience, in fact, is naturally the bosses of this entire survival game. Pleasing them and gaining their recognition, whether it is earning points in the present or the future, are all Tao Ran's requirements for himself...

So, she is deliberately enduring her own mess, deliberately making herself look tattered. She wanted a sense of contrast, a sense of fragmentation, and an image that could make people sympathize, feel distressed and praise her at a glance. She has suffered so much. If she is not given more rewards, will those so-called bosses be embarrassed? …

Especially after knowing that the exit is not far away.

Of course she had to endure it...

Continuing forward, the group soon encountered a bear.

It's three to four meters high.

It said: I am very hungry. I want to eat, so if you want to pass by me, why not leave one of you to make food for me? Otherwise, I will do it myself.

No! We just came out of the toad hole. We are dirty, smelly, and poisonous. It will hurt your health if you eat us!

Tao Ran remembered that bears are omnivores and will eat anything.

She quickly signaled to George.

They had packed a lot of uneaten food in the living room, including beef and mutton chops and snacks, which came in handy for the bear.

George was very strong, so the food was left to him to carry.

The Bear NPC really didn’t expect that they would bring so much delicious food with them.

It immediately took the baggage from the tablecloth, then sat on the ground and ate happily.

Tao Ran and the others wanted to go directly around it, but when the big thing waved its palm, a gust of wind hit them, and several of them almost fell down. Needless to say, this big guy needs to be treated with caution.

I told you to leave, you dare to leave! Big Breast swallowed a roast chicken in one bite, chewed it, and swallowed it without spitting out the bones.

Is there anything to drink? It was very rude.

Having no other choice, Tao Ran took out a bottle of water, unscrewed the cap kindly, and placed it in front of Master Xiong.

The bear took a sip from the bottle and smashed it in his mouth.

It's refreshing, but it doesn't taste good.

Everyone was speechless, wondering if the bear would want to drink human blood after it was full and ask them to leave one person behind, right?

Bear: There is a honeycomb four hundred meters ahead. I want to drink honey water. Go get me some honey and I will let you go.

Okay. Let's go get honey now.

Tao Ran led the people forward, and the bear was indeed a bit stupid. He didn't even let them keep a few people as hostages, and just let all eight of them go.

After walking three hundred meters, they saw a huge honeycomb hanging on a tree dozens of meters high.

The honeycomb looked several meters long, and one could imagine what the bees building the nest would look like. I'm afraid it won't be smaller than the previous giant mosquito.

Everyone could not help but imagine a dense swarm of bees, and then they all shuddered in unison.

If a bee of this size stings, it will kill someone, which is much more terrifying than a swarm of mosquitoes.

Do we really want to get honey? There was a questioning voice in the team.

Anyway, we've passed the bear level, or else... don't worry about it... we just need to walk faster, and I don't think the bear will catch up. These words received responses from several people.

Tao Ran thought about it, and it was true. Mainly because I can’t beat him! After two battles between toads and giant mosquitoes, and more than two hours of non-stop walking, everyone was already exhausted and disgraced.

To be honest, even Tao Ran himself was at the bottom of his physical strength. It's okay to let her run and jump now, but if she is allowed to fight again, it will definitely not work.


Following the rules of the game...she had another worry.

In this game, the king is looking for a spy. In the final analysis, the word 'spy' means betrayal. Since this level is a test set by the wizard, if we betray... I'm afraid it won't be good.

The bear cannot be seen as a bear, but as an NPC. If we betray the NPC, will the wizard think that we will also betray the king?

As soon as this question came out, everyone fell silent.

It's indeed very possible.

After a few days, they still habitually separated the tasks from the plot. But in fact, the elimination rate brought by the plot is no lower than that of the mission. However, if they are not reminded, they will really forget.

It's just... Tiger said he was worried. I can't fight anymore. And in terms of time, I can't stand another fight.

Indeed, looking at the time, there are only 47 minutes left in the countdown.

Tao Ran: I can't fight either, so I want to try the method of not fighting.

You are the captain, we listen to you. The benefits of gaining trust have come out. This time, there is no vote. Everyone said they would follow the captain's instructions...

Everyone moved forward.

As they approached the hive, they saw a group of guards composed of worker bees surrounding the hive.

Sure enough, every bee is about the size of an adult's hand, and it's scary to look at.

Stay away from us, otherwise we won't be polite. Seeing their arrival, the worker bees were densely arranged and formed into a black shield shape. And this sound comes from inside the hive.

Listen, it's a female voice, probably the queen bee.

Yes, thousands of bees cannot all be talking NPCs. There should be only the queen bee who has subjective consciousness and can think.

Tao Ran was suspicious. strangeness!

In fact, the eight of them are more afraid of these black things with needles and poison, okay? Why do these little things seem to be afraid of them?

She tried to take a step forward.

Sure enough, the buzzing sound on the other side was louder. Not only did they not come up to warn or attack like a swarm of mosquitoes, but the black shield retreated slightly by a centimeter or two.

Tao Ran: Don't worry. We don't have any malicious intentions.

Don't think we don't know. You just made a big fuss in the toad's nest and almost wiped out the giant mosquitoes. You are very malicious! We don't eat people, so we don't want to fight with you. We don't want to fight with you, so stay away from us. .

Tao Ran was stunned. Has the story of the eight of them spread? Are they scared?

No, no, she understood immediately when she thought of the queen bee who heard the sound but never showed up.

Because the queen bee cannot leave the nest, and what the worker bees want to protect is the nest and the queen bee.

They can't afford the gamble!

They were not afraid that they would not be able to defeat the eight of them, but that they were worried that the eight of them would accidentally damage their lair. Then not only do they lose their king and family, but they also lose the reserves accumulated by hundreds of people day and night...



Tao Ran looked at the beehive... If she cooperated with the eagles, she would destroy their nests no matter the cost!

Can I talk to you Queen Bee? Just a chat.

The Queen Bee's voice came out: I'm right here, what do you want to say?

Hello, Your Majesty, please look at me. Tao Ran saluted gracefully.

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