Everyone was in consensus and almost all picked up the flashlight and shook it towards the toad.

You can tell from the dark and humid living environment of this toad that it hates light. Now that there are so many bright lights coming at it, you can imagine how much it hates it.

Its eyes were instantly blinded, which made it suddenly angry, and the bumps on its body also bulged.

But what makes it even more irritable is that someone is on it!

Tao Ran took advantage of its blindness and used his skills to climb up its bumpy back as quickly as possible.

It's too tall. If you want to kill it with one blow or cause maximum damage, you can only hit it on the head. You can only climb up and do it!

Tao Ran wanted to explode.

Really, it's so disgusting.

This was the first time in so many worlds that she had to do things in such a disgusting environment.

Those small bags that bulge from time to time are not only difficult to step on, but also emit a foul odor. The thing was still slippery, and mucus came out of the knots from time to time... I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but she felt itchy all over, and she had to take a bath with disinfectant to feel at ease...

After realizing that someone was getting up to him, the big guy started shaking and jumping violently again, trying to throw the person off.

Fortunately, Tao Ran's black cat bonus was doubled, and thanks to her agility, she was not thrown away.

In order to cooperate with her, Zhou Chang and Tiger from the opposite side also started to help. They beat him with canes, threw stones, and made noise, creating opportunities for Tao Ran to continue going up.

Tao Ran took the longest dagger in his hand, thinking that it would be best to poke the monster's neck, and the next best thing would be to poke his eyes...

But this monster is difficult to deal with.

It predicted Tao Ran's intention and took out its trump card. The pair of bumps above the eardrum on the side of its head suddenly began to grow in size, and instantly swelled to half a meter high.

Tao Ran not only slipped and failed to climb up, but he was so frightened that he ran away.

Because the knots were like two inflated balls, ready to burst at any moment. She suddenly remembered that Granny Hua had said before that the pair of knots behind the toad's head are the most poisonous.

It seems that poking the head and inserting eyes won't work!

But it can’t be in vain, right?

Tao Ran stabbed the toad on the back, which seemed to have the thinnest skin.

I want to curse again!

She tried her best, but the dagger penetrated less than two centimeters. For this big thing with rough skin and thick flesh, this depth is not enough to hurt the muscles and bones.

At this time, George also came to Toad under the cover of his teammates. He originally wanted to make a sneak attack, but when he saw Tao Ran running, he couldn't care about anything else and could only hurriedly insert the dagger in his hand into Toad's leg.

Run! Tao Ran only had time to shout to George, and saw that the two lumps had doubled in size again. Sure enough, the next second, the pimple exploded with a pop, and a large amount of mucus splashed out.

Tao's back was probably splashed a little bit, and through two pieces of clothing and a layer of curtains tied around her body, the skin on her back was still burning. There was no time to apply the medicine, so I had to bite the bullet.

George was not splashed with venom.

Because the second he inserted the dagger, he was kicked away by the toad.

Several other people were also frightened by the unknown liquid splashed by the sudden explosion.

They quickly retreated.

It's poisonous. Stay away! Tao Ran informed everyone in a hurry.

There was a pool of pus on the ground.

Everyone quickly took a few steps back.

The toad's eyes were dazzled for a long time. It was very uncomfortable. He was stabbed twice in succession. How could he let it go?

Seeing that the two people stabbing it with the knife were running fast, it turned around and rushed towards the crowd in front without hesitation.

Everyone quickly dispersed.

Although he is a monster, he is not brainless. Persimmon is naturally picky and soft.

The toad missed, and immediately turned to Xiaowen who was alone.

It’s her!

How else can we say that Xiaowen is lucky?

Everyone over there was shouting be careful, thinking that she could not escape harm, but when she was retreating, her foot slipped, she slipped, and rolled out a meter away, just in time to avoid the jumping person. A toad's kick.

The next second, Tao Ran had arrived. While pushing Xiao Wen to the other side, he increased his speed to the top, like a flash of light and shadow, and put a dagger into the toad's leg.

Although the dagger blade still only penetrated about two centimeters, it still caused damage. Not only did the toad let out a series of painful cries of cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck out there out of the toad.

If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant. As long as the damage is accumulated enough, the critical effect will always be achieved.

I'm here, come and catch me if you can! Tao Ran signaled to the others, preparing to use her own skills to contain the toad, and let her companions who were stronger than her do the harm.

In order to anger the toad, she picked up a stone and hit it directly on the top of the head.

As expected, the toad took the bait and ignored the others. It shouted Kill you, eat you, skin you and only targeted Tao Ran. It breathed, swooped, injected poison, and knocked out rocks. …

Tao Ran put all his thoughts on escaping... jumping up and down with great agility.

The toad is not very fast. It is large and cumbersome. How could it catch Tao Ran?

And his back was stabbed several times by George, Eagle, Zhou Chang and Tiger.

One of them is the most powerful.

It was the eagle with the best skills and the strongest George who cooperated. The two successfully relied on the cover of a boulder. George inserted a dagger deeply into the abdomen of the toad, while the eagle took George away as quickly as possible...

This knife made the toad scream in pain, and it was also in a daze and trembling.

Then the guy went berserk.

Knowing that it had been deceived, it finally gave up on Tao Ran completely and began to take revenge wildly.

Xiaowen, Ma Xiaoyuan, and Huang Mao, who were still hiding in the corner, became its targets.

It flew away fiercely, not caring about anyone else.

Five people, including Tao Ran, were all on it, but it didn't care...

Xiaowen and Ma Xiaoyuan had no choice but to wave their canes around and fight, hoping that Tao Ran and the other five would retreat step by step with Huang Mao.

Soon, there was no way to retreat, and they pressed against the stone wall.

The toad jumped over, and a particularly thick stale breath came out...

Although they were wearing masks, the two of them were still dizzy and could only make their final resistance...

Tao Ran and the other five tried their best.

Due to the tightness on the toad's back, the knots bulged out one by one, like small slopes of soil. When they were beating, they couldn't stand at all. So ten seconds passed, and Tao Ran was still on its back, unable to reach its head at all.

Her hands were so sore that she couldn't lift them up. She didn't know how many times she had poked the dirty thing with the dagger. Anyway, even her mask was covered in a layer of slime from the venom and pus splashed from the toad, making it difficult to see. …

All five people had a bad premonition.

The toad had already arrived in front of the three people.

Xiaowen and Ma Xiaoyuan's eyes were dull, and they seemed unable to wield the cane and dagger.

The toad also opened its mouth wide and stuck out its tongue.

One mouthful, comfort!

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