Tao Ran asked Huang Mao, could he foresee the outcome of this game?

Huang Mao told him that his bonus was a scam. Not only can you only perceive a certain image of someone the next day, you can also only perceive it three times a day. He has used up three opportunities today.

He only knows that Ran, Zhou Chang and Tiger will both be alive tomorrow...

When the three heard this, they all said that since they could survive, they would do their best to ensure that everyone gets out of this level.

The eight people cheered each other up and their morale was high.

The system just prompted that the team with the lower elimination rate will receive greater rewards. If the team is not eliminated during this trip, it will receive additional rewards from the system. So in order to live better in the future, everyone wants to work hard.

Following Tao Ran's order, the group stood in front of the door and prepared to set off.

As soon as the door opened, Tao Ran and Xiaowen stood at the front.

A strong wind blew, and Xiaowen trembled.

Tao Ran hugged her tightly, giving her a sense of security. Let her go ahead, just to let her who is extremely lucky choose the path.

Xiaowen, who covered her head with a curtain, made her decision immediately.

Go left!

As soon as the rope was pulled, Tao Ran walked out of the room first, and at the same time, the timer started.

The wind blew, getting stronger and stronger.

It's almost impossible to walk.

The eight-person team originally envisioned could not be formed, so they had to gather together and move forward against the wind.

However, there was not only wind but also heavy fog.

Before, there was only one meter of visibility in the room, but now it was better. At most, I could barely see the area under my feet and 30 centimeters in front of me, and couldn't see anything else clearly.

So and so, it all depends on groping.

Even Tao Ran, the effect of releasing his mental power is not great, no better than others.

She could only sense the gloominess all around...

Everyone took a cane and threw it forward to judge whether there were obstacles or traps, and then moved forward slowly.

The bumpy and undulating road surface greatly affected everyone's judgment. After moving to the left and forward for four or five minutes, they actually only walked a dozen meters.

The air volume finally became smaller and everyone opened their eyes.

However, the fog became thicker and thicker, making it almost impossible to see.

Xiao Yuan in the middle of the team stumbled, and strangely, the others behind him all staggered in unison.

Although the eagle avoided it with vigilance, it could not hold back so many people on its left and right, and eventually they all fell together.

Oh my God! What the hell! Tiger cursed.

What a thick vine. Zhou Chang said looking at the thing on the ground. Before he realized it, suddenly the visibility was one or two meters.

However, a second passed and no one answered his words.

The air is somewhat condensed.

What kind of tree and vine can move?

No wonder they fell together just now. It wasn't that they were careless, but that this thing took the initiative to reach their feet!

What kind of tree vines will become thicker?

They watched as the tree vine in front of them, which was only a palm thick, became half a meter thick like blowing air.

The yellow tree vines, the color of soil and dead leaves, were wandering in front of them and encircling them!

The tree vine has become a spirit!

No, because of its wandering, its face finally moved to the front of the eight people.

... Everyone has a lot to say. They wanted to sigh, curse, and scream, but for a moment, everyone chose to remain silent.

Everyone also has a lot of things they want to do. You want to run back, you want to attack, you want to hide behind others, but for the time being, everyone feels that it is better not to act rashly.

In front of me, where are the vines!

This is a snake over one meter thick and dozens of meters long!

Even if Bai Suzhen in the TV series reveals her true body, I'm afraid it's not as big as that!

Its mouth is so wide that it can swallow at least three people in one mouthful!

The snake's mouth was opening and closing.

Between opening and closing, all it swallowed was mist.

Visibility is now three meters.

The eight of them all knew how weak they were, so how could they be the opponent of this big guy? Naturally, they would not take action first unless they had to.

Everyone almost unanimously put their hands on their weapons, ready to attack at any time.

Tao Ran thought, maybe when the tigers and others attack later, she can use her black cat skills to jump on the giant snake's head first and attack its eyes by surprise?

However, another five seconds passed, and everyone discovered that while they were watching what happened, the snake just circled them and then stopped moving.

Sister, let's go. Ma Xiaoyuan was the first to speak. He said softly.

Yeah. Tao Ran hugged the snake.

The snake actually started to swim again, and then a hole opened in its body.

So easy to talk to? So why does it corral them? How many seconds did you circle them and then let them go? There was obviously something in it.

There was no time to think too much at this time, so Tao Ran and the others left quickly.

The snake moved suddenly, and Tao Ran was about to swing out the cane in his hand, but found that it just opened its mouth and swallowed again.

At that moment, a large amount of fog was swallowed by it again.

For a second, Tao Ran saw a few meters ahead of him. As he had guessed before, he saw an entire deep forest that was bottomless.

So this snake is helping them see the way?

Thanks to the giant snake, the fog thickened again.

The dense forest is quite large, covering almost the entire 270 Degrees. How to go?

Just as Tao Ran was about to let Xiaowen sense it again, Ma Xiaoyuan, who was walking fourth, said softly: Let's go straight.

Tao Ran took another look at him.

The kid has been quiet. But after everyone became silent, he came up with two ideas.

Xiaowen also nodded: I have no objection.


Tao Ran raised his eyebrows. In other words, Xiaowen's feeling is consistent with Ma Xiaoyuan's suggestion?

Then go straight.

Sure enough, when they reached the dense forest, the giant snake didn't make any next move.

The fog in the forest was not as serious as outside. Everyone decided that they still couldn't walk together in a group. The wider the exploration area, the greater the danger they would encounter.

They returned to their original formation.

Tao Ran, who had maximized his mental strength, was the first to explore the path.

In fact, everyone has a question in their mind.

Looking at the time, twenty minutes have passed. One in nine.

Now, they are going to the eighteenth floor.

It's going up.

But now, they are walking through the forest.

How do they go up?

Where are the stairs?

They walked slowly inside, and another ten minutes passed.

The vegetation in the woods is becoming more and more colorful, with various exotic flowers and plants, huge and beautiful mushrooms, and clouds of mist.

Afraid of poisonous miasma nearby, Tao Ran found a protective mask and put it on, and shared several masks in his bag with his teammates. Everyone who had supplies shared it, and everyone wrapped themselves up tightly.

Their preparation proved wise.

Suddenly, a group of poisonous mosquitoes appeared and flew straight towards them...

Each giant mosquito has red and purple stripes on its body, and it is highly poisonous at first sight.

Each one is larger than the palm of your hand, and the thin blood-sucking spines are ten centimeters long.

They, ordinary people, have never seen the structure of a mosquito so clearly.

Especially the mouthparts of mosquitoes.

The end of the upper jaw is as wide as a knife, with fine saw-like teeth inside, which make a buzzing sound. The syringe-like mouthparts are used to draw blood when running rampant.

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