After the captain is selected, the system announces that the game has started.

The rules are out.

Very simple:

Now, the king is looking for spies.

All of you entered the palace through improper means, so you cannot withstand the investigation. Now, in this room of yours, at least one spy must be handed over to avoid further investigation. Please use non-force means to vote out the spies and deliver them to the palace guards. The person who is thrown out is eliminated immediately, and the others are temporarily safe.

In short, they vote for each other and at least one person is eliminated...

In fact, they imagined many game possibilities, but no one thought that the so-called game would be so simple. First use the captain selection to create an undercurrent among everyone, and then a voting battle, this...

There are two notes under the rules.

1. If there is a tie in voting for a candidate, there will be no second round of voting. To show fairness, all candidates with a tie will be eliminated together. A tie vote between two people will eliminate two people, a tie vote between three people will eliminate three people, and so on.

2. This room is missing two players and two votes. To keep the game running smoothly, the captain will have three votes. Captain, please choose carefully.

With two notes, the five people on the opposite side instantly turned into stone statues.

Is this the captain's slight advantage? Is this slightly?

What a vicious game!

In other words, from one person to... ten people may be eliminated in this level! For best results, one candidate is eliminated. If they throw randomly, it's hard to say how many people will be eliminated.

We don't even rule out the worst situation. If one person gets one vote, everyone will be eliminated. Therefore, from this point on, they are required to stop fighting, and must be semi-cooperative and semi-competitive on a certain basis, while also preventing themselves from being thrown out.

It looks simple, but actually... who the hell can trust whom?

The second note is even more annoying. The tiger's face turned sallow in the candlelight. His opponent just now, the woman, had three votes. If she led that group of people to vote for herself, she would be eliminated.

Vote according to the captain's choice just now, the other party has eight votes. But we only have four votes. If the opponent calculates well, it is very likely that two people on his side will be eliminated.

Tiger regretted it a bit. That woman really seemed to have brought a cheat, so why was he so panicked?

If he were that woman, she would definitely find a way to get him, a potential opponent, out of the way first, right? …

Across from him, Tao Ran had already raised his glass.

We are together by fate. Since I am honored to be the captain, I would like to propose a toast to everyone.

The pressure is all on the five people on the opposite side.

The five people were irritable, but they had to raise their glasses as well, each showing expressions that were uglier than crying. ha! No wonder this meal is so good. Is this a guillotine meal or a guillotine wine? I don’t know who you are sending off to?

Tao Ran put down his wine glass.

Since I am the captain, I will preside over the voting ceremony. Does everyone have any objections?

That's how it should be. Zhou Chang responded.

The five people on the other side did not object.

Tao Ran: Okay, everyone will take turns to share their thoughts and suggestions, or why they shouldn't vote for you.

Tao Ran pointed to the opposite side.

But no one wanted to say it first. Everyone subconsciously feels that the last thing said is the best.

Tao Ran shook his head, Then let me give you a sample first.

Everyone focused their attention.

The total number of votes is twelve, and I have three votes in my hand, which is a quarter. My vote is very important and can decide whether many people will stay or go. So I have to be cautious. To be honest, I haven't decided who to vote for yet. .

But I can tell you, I won’t vote for anyone. First of all, I can’t vote for Zhou Chang. He is the first person to come to this room besides me, so he can be considered an old friend.

I won’t vote for Xiaowen because of her gender. We are both girls, so we have to take care of her. I don’t know how to vote for Ma Xiaoyuan. Who asked him to call me sister? I can’t vote. As for George, he ate my bread and has not repaid the favor. Of course I won't send him away.

So let me tell you straight, my three votes will only be given to the five people opposite you.

The tiger was so angry that his teeth itched. What she said was obvious, but how could she say it in a clear way? After she said this, the remaining four people on the opposite side were all attracted by her, and the five of them became even more panicked and confused.

Not to mention that the mouse and the eagle were all wrong, even he wanted to surrender.

Zhou Chang:

I have nothing to say. Just one sentence, I follow Ran's vote. I listen to the captain. Needless to say, they will not lose as long as they follow Ran's vote, and they won't be eliminated anyway.

The other three people also expressed the same attitude, saying that they would vote for whomever RanRan voted for. In other words, they will vote for whoever RanRan asks them to vote for.

Among the five people opposite, it was Dahai who answered the question first.

I'll say it first. I'm sorry Captain.

He stood up quickly and bowed to Tao Ran.

I just came here out of impulse. I was just too scared. Please don't vote for me. I know I was wrong. Next, I will listen to you in everything. Whatever you say is what it is. I will fully assist you. By the way, when you voted for the captain just now, the extra vote of support you got was from me.

Dahai moved his seat to the middle. Although I am here, my heart is still towards you...

Fuck you! But before Dahai finished speaking, the golden-haired man over there exploded. The vote for Ran was clearly mine! You old fool, you are so shameless!

With that said, the golden-haired man punched out with his fist.

The sea was unprepared and was hit hard.

He cried:

I'm so old, what's the point of cheating? You idiot, you're not a good person at first glance. Why are you so bad? I'm originally from there, so it's natural for me to go there. But you, you just came here, why? Possibly surrendered!

You old fool! You know who is not a thing!

The two men struggled together.

Tiger's complexion became even worse. He wanted to go up and strangle them to death. There must be a wolf before these two people! But now, it’s all unreliable!

So I only have three votes that I can actually use. With just these three votes, if he still refuses to admit defeat, he will definitely die! depressed!

After signaling Mouse and Eagle to pull the two people away first, Tiger pondered his thoughts, stood up and spoke.

I have a lot to say. First of all, I suspect that the sixteenth to nineteenth floors should be a continuous level, and each level is related. Tiger wanted to reach a consensus with the opponent first.

Indeed, Taoran agrees with this. She thought so too.

Ran, you said you've been here for many days. The game took so long, and it took so long to gather twelve people, just to play such a voting? Impossible! It's not necessary! So I doubt that there will be groups in the later levels Mission. When the time comes, there will definitely be an advantage in numbers.

So if we cannot reach a consensus at the beginning and are suspicious of each other and fight, then the difficulty of subsequent tasks will also increase. I thought so. What do you think?

Tao Ran and Zhou Chang looked at each other. What if Tiger could take his two younger brothers with him? They just talked about this. Indeed it is.

Go on.

So I think our voting this time should be centralized. Once dispersed, more people may be eliminated this time. Then it will affect our subsequent tasks. I mean, we just vote for one person.

Then who do you think you should vote for?

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