The treatment process was not smooth.

But Tao Ran knew that the worse things went, the easier it was for her.

In the real world, how can there be such a spiritual treasure of heaven and earth?

Even in the world of cultivation, this is also a matter of chance!

Every time these spiritual powers stayed in her body for one more second and circulated one more time, the fact was that she was taking advantage.

Therefore, even though her body is not adapted to the high temperature environment, she is still trying to persevere. At the same time, she also practiced her mental strength in the hope of taking advantage of it and becoming stronger.

Tao Ran was very patient and always kept the dragon egg warm and nourished by spiritual power.

After maintaining this state for more than a quarter of an hour, although it was difficult for the spiritual energy escaping from the dragon egg to return to the egg, at least the crack was finally stabilized.

In this way, Tao Ran no longer has to use the sealing method.

Another two-quarters of an hour passed, and the egg finally stabilized completely, and the life forms in the egg also maintained peace. Tao Ran guessed that after the spiritual energy passed through her place, the vitality of the wood spirit would also be helpful to the stability of the dragon egg.

After running the spiritual energy a few more times, Tao Ran stopped.

Sister Long, I seem to have completed my mission. She shouted into the hot and red sky.

Yeah, not bad. As a fire dragon appeared in the void, a dragon claw appeared out of the sky, touched the dragon egg, and expressed satisfaction.

Then can I leave?

Don't you want to stay a little longer? If you are willing to stay, all the remaining spiritual energy that my son emits will belong to you.

Fire Dragon had actually been observing Tao Ran secretly.

Precious spiritual energy is nourishing to any living thing. This girl had tried to steal food before, so it was afraid that she would also steal the child's spiritual energy, so it was always on guard.

But it's good, this girl is not greedy. At least 80% of the spiritual energy was used by her to nourish the dragon treasure.

It's a pity that Long Bao can't absorb it back, so now at least half of the pure spiritual energy is still dissipating in the entire space.

I'm afraid not. Tao Ran ignored the joy of the wood spirit in his soul. The Black Knight is chasing me, and I have to chase the thief who stole my things. And I have to attack the tower, so I can't spend too much time on this level.

My son likes you very much. Please stay.

The fire dragon saw that his dragon egg heard that the girl was about to leave, so it fell on her waist and rubbed it several times.

In this case, I will send you a task.

At this time, Tao Ran heard another ding, another system task had arrived.

Fire Dragon: My son will break out of his shell soon. You use your spiritual power to help him break out of his shell. I will give you a reward after it is done.

But... I'm afraid...

Don't worry. My son will be born in half a day at most. Because of this, I'm worried about his damage so I'm guarding those medicines. It won't waste you a lot of time. Moreover, the reward I will give you will definitely be what you need. of.

Tao Ran clicked on her screen.

system information:

Side mission: The Mother of Dragons invites you to help the dragon treasure break out of its shell, and promises to give you generous rewards. Does it have a beginning and an end, or is it discontinued? Please consider carefully. accept? reject?

Tao Ran thought for a moment, and since it was a hidden task in the system, she would definitely not be tricked. This game has always been about fairness, so it must be the same here. She wasted a lot of time on this level, the game system will surely compensate her, right?

Why don't you just stay? After all, that spiritual energy... is what she wants too. In half a day, I should be able to make up for it with some hard work later.

Tao Ran chose accept.

Dragon Dan was very happy and leaned against her intimately again.

It was cute and cute, and Tao Ran reached out to touch it in response.

The fire dragon felt happy: Then you stay here and protect my treasure. I promise you in the name of the divine beast that I won't let the thief just go too far, and I won't let the black knight come too fast!

Thank you! With these words, Tao Ran felt relieved.

In the following time, she began to protect the dragon egg with all her strength.

After waves of spiritual power circulated through her body, they were steadily transported around the dragon egg.

Soon, there was a wonderful communication connection.

She actually felt the little dragon hatchling inside the eggshell.

A beautiful little dragon with a snow-white body and a pair of flesh-pink dragon scales.

Mom—— Xiaolong said in a milky voice.

Tao Ran chuckled.

I'm not your mother. Your mother is a mythical beast as beautiful and mighty as you. I'm just an ordinary person.

Tao Ran knew that every move she made could not escape the eyes of the fire dragon, so in order to get a generous reward, she still worked hard to flatter him.

I don’t know how long it took, but the eggshell actually cracked slightly.

Longbao is about to be born.

Tao Ran accelerated his spiritual power to make the spiritual power surrounding the dragon egg thicker so that the dragon treasure would not be exhausted.

After another long time, there was a click.

The eggshell cracked into pieces.

Ten seconds later, a half-human-tall white dragon hatchling broke through the egg membrane and flew out.

The majestic rush of vitality made Tao Ran look at Long Bao while quickly lucking out.

Long Bao was born, flapped his wings and flew away, making a loud cry. The little dragon flew around excitedly for two times, but perhaps because of its innate weakness, it didn't have enough strength, so it suddenly fell from the sky.

Tao Ran was startled and rushed out.

She has no martial arts skills now, so she will definitely not be able to catch this little dragon, which may weigh a hundred pounds.

She could only use her body to cushion the blow.

She was mentally prepared to be crushed to pieces.

Fortunately, Dragon Mother appeared out of nowhere. As soon as the huge dragon body was revealed, she picked up the little dragon and flew up into the sky with the little dragon.

The little dragon howled with excitement, knowing that this was its mother.

The dragon mother and her little dragon rubbed each other affectionately, and the mother and her son were soaring in the sky, in perfect harmony.

Tao Ran stood up, feeling extremely happy.

In fact, she didn't do anything, but she was very happy to see the birth of new life and the harmony of flesh and blood family!

Of course, there was also a hint of melancholy bursting deep in her heart, because she had no memory of being with her mother.

But her sadness only existed for a second.

The next second, the Dragon Mother leaned forward, picked up Tao Ran, and flew out with a movement of her body.

Thank you. Tao Ran knew that she was in the Dragon Mother's barrier and all her thoughts could not escape her. She must have sensed her loneliness.

I'm the one thanking you. Thank you for letting him be born smoothly. Thank you for your willingness to protect my son just now. Come on, I'll take you to play.

The female dragon became more and more satisfied with Tao Ran.

She noticed that Tao Ran's first reaction as soon as he got up behind him was to hold Long Bao in his arms and tightly wrap his hands around her baby.

This person is trustworthy...

Next, Tao Ran embarked on a fantasy journey.

The Mother of Dragons led them to soar in the clouds and mist, call for wind and rain, break the clouds in the colorful sky, walk through the crater of the volcano, and make waves in the hot springs...

After playing for a while, the female dragon roared and the entire barrier withdrew.

Dragon Mother: I will take you to heaven and earth!

Before Tao Ran could understand, he saw the Mother of Dragons rushing out of the eleventh floor with her and Long Bao.

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