The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 802 I told a big lie 66

The two of them exchanged dozens of moves.

No victory or defeat in sight.

Both of them were surprised by their opponent's strength.

In comparison, Wang Yan was even more unhappy.

It was the first time he encountered such an opponent.

Shen Rong's superpower in front of him seems to be an endless source of inner energy? After fighting for so long, not only did she not show any signs of fatigue, she didn't even take a breath.

He has the power of clairvoyance and can see that Shen Rong's inner air is flowing smoothly and abundantly. If he can't hold her down in ten minutes, it will be difficult when his power weakens.

Wang Yan used his superpower to scan Tao Ran's body several times, but he didn't find any obvious weaknesses in her. She had no underlying diseases or weak organs. She had a complete set of martial arts moves, and her internal energy and external energy complemented each other perfectly, making her whole body look perfect. There are almost no weak spots to attack.

How to fight this!

How can you win when you are exhausted and rely solely on tricks?

He was in a hurry when he suddenly glanced at Tao Ran's left arm. There is a loophole there! He must have been injured, and he didn't even use supernatural powers to heal it.

Wang Yan found a breakthrough, and his attacks suddenly became sharper, and every blow had a target.

Tao Ran hummed. The injury to her left arm was caused by Yao Weiwei. During the day, Fangfang and the others were trapped in a group of zombies. She cut her arm and used blood to lure the zombies to stay. She had two large cuts and bled a lot.

After returning to the community, Ayu's powers were all used on Fangfang. She only used anti-hemostatic medicine and a simple bandage. Indeed, compared to her right hand, her left hand was slightly unable to keep up.

Tao Ran didn't expect Wang Yan's abilities to be so sophisticated.

It's boring! No more fun! Tao Ran realized that he might not be able to take advantage of the situation. After a group attack that suddenly increased in speed, he used Qing Kung Fu to turn over and jumped up the stairs. She stopped fighting!

Wang Yan hurriedly chased after him, only to realize that there was a huge difference in speed between the two.

Shen Rong's body shape was extremely erratic, and she could move up and down as she pleased. Coupled with her familiarity with the terrain, she jumped around a few times and disappeared before her eyes.

Wang Yan deeply suspected that Shen Rong not only had the power of inner energy, but also had the power of hiding his own power, and he also had the power of being as light as a swallow! She is the king of three powers!

Maybe she was despicable and her methods were cruel and unspeakable, and it was because she had some other disgusting superpower!

Wang Yan, who failed to catch Tao Ran, returned angrily, vowing to kill his enemy with his own hands.

In a depressed mood, he kept climbing over the wall, but unexpectedly, he was hit by a grenade before his feet even touched the ground.


It just happened to be such a coincidence that it exploded while he was hanging in the air!

Needless to say, with such accuracy and good timing, Shen Rong was still the only one who hadn't discovered it immediately!

He barely managed to avoid it, but fell and fell into pieces. What's worse is that because of this, it attracted many zombies that had wandered around the construction site.

He suddenly became the target of zombie attacks.

Looking up, he saw Shen Rong on the tree.

The stinky girl also waved her hand at him, bared her teeth and smiled in countless arrogant ways.

It's a pity that he didn't have wings, so he couldn't get over the zombies and tear her apart. He had to fight hard among the monsters on the spot, and just watched her disappear into the dark night...

Tao Ran had already prepared a way out for himself.

She has plenty of ways to go back.

For example, go around to the kindergarten, climb over the wall to the back of the zombie-filled cafeteria, and there will be a path that leads into the inner garden.

Five minutes later, she returned to the community.

Everyone was having a great time.

These days of training were not in vain.

Everyone is there on the roof of the building, on the top of the tree, on the top of the pavilion.

Bullets and bows and arrows were fired one after another. In just over 20 minutes, only about 40% of the 100 people brought out by Song Tao were left.

Tao Ran also joined in.

The opponent's equipment is very good, and most of them have protective measures, so it is difficult to kill them directly whether it is bullets or bows and arrows. The main thing is to make them injured and distracted, and then use zombies to deal with them...

The commotion in the community also continued.

The effect is obvious.

The huge noise attracted zombies from all over the city.

Most of the main force in East City are now driving away and cutting off roads to control the zombies coming from elsewhere. Seeing that all the brothers Song Tao had brought with him were gone, they could only find a way to create a fire on the other side of the construction site.

They broke the fuel tanks of the two cars and set them on fire, then sent speedsters to lure the zombies on the road between the community and the construction site to the fire...

Just like that, after struggling for half an hour, the road finally became a little looser.

Another half hour passed, and they were finally able to officially rescue and help him out of trouble.

After nearly half an hour of hard work, their rescue was over.

Everything that could be saved was saved.

There were less than ten intact companions rescued, and they also rescued a dozen slightly injured companions. There were also several companions who were seriously injured and mutated and couldn't be saved even after being brought out, so they had to give up on their own initiative. …

The atmosphere was dull.

This time they took the initiative and lost almost 90% of their partners. The person who had just been responsible for the rescue also suffered one death and ten injuries. Their team of 350 people came out, and now there are less than 250 intact people.

Withdraw? Wang Zi asked weakly.

Don't withdraw! Wang Yan and Song Tao roared back to her in unison. Both of them were equally angry and unwilling.

Wang Zi expected it. She still felt bad.

Shen Rong, I must be killed! Wang Yan was deeply stimulated by Tao Ran's provocation. As long as such a powerful character stays in City A, sooner or later he will become a serious trouble, and sooner or later he will have to fight to the death. It is better to strangle him as soon as possible.

The chaos just now was mainly due to the fact that the other party had hoarded zombies as helpers. Once they cleared out the zombies, it would be easy to deal with this group of old, weak, sick and disabled.

Wang Yan thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think that the people in the community might have other back-up plans.

Wang Yan got angry and asked his confidants to go back and mobilize 30 of the 50 ability users who were stationed at Dongcheng Hospital, and bring all the remaining firepower from the warehouse.

He had to get rid of Shen Rong, this cancer!

Get rid of it at any cost!

Rest where you are!

His men are exhausted and can't fight now.

Look at the time, it's almost two o'clock.

Everything was just as Wang Zi predicted, and a quick decision was impossible.

Rest for two hours, we will attack again at four o'clock! Wang Yan gave this order.

no way.

Temperatures are abnormal at the end of the world.

Usually within an hour after the sun rises, the temperature will soar to 30 degrees, and after ten o'clock, it will be at least 35 degrees.

By then, let alone fighting, even breathing will be tiring. I want to peel off a layer of skin on my body, let alone wear a body armor or something.

And by then, normal people would wear sunglasses, and it would be even more difficult for Song Tao to pry into the secrets.

Therefore, if you want to fight, it is best to end the battle before the sun rises.

Even if the brothers complained, there was nothing they could do.

Three hours of fierce and rapid attack, just a small area, is enough.

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