The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 800 I told a big lie64

After Tao Ran made trouble a few times, he began to wait and see.

She had been sitting in a dark, broken car outside the gate of the construction site.

Of course, she had already prepared this car to park there, but its appearance matched the environment and looked worn out.

The opponent's motorcade came in a mighty force, and she could clearly see them parked under a building a few hundred meters away from the car. She also saw that they were divided into two parts: the starting team and the main team.

Then, she watched quietly as Song Tao led the team to the east gate of the community.

They are cautious and all their attention is directed towards the community. Compared to the dark and desolate abandoned land where Taoran was, how could anyone pay attention?

When Song Tao and his convoy began to clean up the zombies, Tao Ran also took the time to calmly get out of the car. She stood in the corner dressed in black and blended in with the environment.

She was carrying a long bamboo pole in her hand, and two injured and bleeding live chickens were hung on the pole.

She climbed the pole over the construction subway gate, lifted it up and circled it...

Song Tao and the others suddenly started killing and made a lot of noise, so a large number of construction site zombies had been attracted to the construction subway gate facing the east gate of the community.

The already restless zombies were attracted by the living flesh and blood in Tao Ran's hands, and they went crazy.

Tao Ran opened the iron door suddenly, and a large number of zombies began to rush out one after another.

But at this time, not only Song Tao and the others didn't know anything about it, but even the Dongcheng people on the other side didn't know.

When the smoke bomb was thrown, smoke rose to the ground, preventing the group of people from immediately noticing that something was wrong.

At that time, Tao Ran was already hiding in a tree on the roadside to observe.

She found that she didn't need to carry out excessive inducement actions. The zombies had been attracted by the noisy killing sounds ahead, and the fresh human breath made them more active...

Tao Ran threw several more smoke bombs one after another.

But the distance of more than a hundred meters is too easy.

The zombies rushed towards the east gate themselves.

People cannot see in the smoke and their movements will be hindered. But zombies rely on breath to move, so smoke bombs have basically no effect on them. Therefore their direction of travel is accurate.

In addition, Tao Ran guided the grenades thrown out at the right time, further allowing the zombies coming out of the construction site from behind to be hung up by the light of the fire and prevent them from getting separated.

Just like that, the vast and completely invisible group of zombies rushed towards the east gate. But Song Tao and others at the east gate discovered that something had happened, and they were beyond their reach...

At this moment, Song Tao and others, who had no retreat, were almost going crazy.

Indeed, as Tao Ran said, they were more than enough to deal with two hundred zombies, and it might not be difficult to deal with a thousand, but if it was twenty thousand...then even if they had great skills, they wouldn't be able to maintain their physical strength.

They could only contact Wang Yan, Wang Zi and the others quickly and ask for rescue.

There were countless zombies that could not be beaten at a glance. In desperation, the people surrounded finally followed Song Tao's example and stood on the roof of the car.

One of their cars was surrounded. Zombies crowded their car and reached out to grab their legs. The chaotic movements of the group of demons gave each of them a fear as if they were in Shura Hell.

And the community, which had been quiet all this time, finally reacted.

First, two clusters of fireworks shot into the sky.

The sky was lit up for a moment, and the smoke in the sky didn't dissipate for a long time. It was really beautiful to see it left in the sky. This is the signal flare given by the base. According to Tao Ran's idea, the finishing work should be left to the base.

What she has to do next is just to delay in various ways.

But Song Tao and the others were not paying attention to the flares, because at this time, grenades also began to be thrown out in the community. There is no need to aim at the other party. You know they are outside the east gate, so you can just throw them out casually.

Grenades exploded one after another. Many of Song Tao and the others were unable to dodge and were blown up by the grenades.

In the blink of an eye, there were a series of wailings, curses and calls for help, and the air began to be filled with the smell of blood. Such movements and smells made zombies come in an endless stream.

The entire construction site is like a water switch. I don’t know when all the zombies will be gone.

What made Song Tao and the others even more resentful was that people in the community, which had been quiet just now and seemed to be deserted, now came to life. They seized this opportunity to add insult to injury and launched a sneak attack.

The aiming laser points of sniper rifles flashed on their brothers, bullets began to fire, and even bows and arrows were fired...

Standing on the roof of the car, they have become an excellent target for the people in the community. The other party does not even need to aim too closely. They only need to lock on each roof and they will hit it nine times out of ten.

There were zombies under the car and they couldn't get out, and the roof of the car was hit. Song Tao and the others were complaining and had nowhere to go. Dongcheng people fell one by one...

What made Song Tao even more depressed was when he went to target the people standing high up in the community, shooting guns and drawing bows, and found that they were all wearing a pair of sunglasses!

He can't see their eyes!

He couldn't spy on their plans at all!

So obviously, this time is no different from the previous times! He was plotted again! The other party had already planned and designed the script long ago, and he was just a clown who cooperated step by step with the other party's performance!

The feeling of powerlessness almost drove him crazy.

He cursed angrily again: Shen Rong, are you ashamed of yourself for acting so secretly? Is this all you have?

But before he finished shouting, he suddenly felt that he was also being targeted.

He ducked in a hurry, and a sniper bullet grazed his face.

The next second, another bullet came. This time, he dodged as the bullet grazed his scalp and took away a handful of his hair. The next second, another bullet came!

The bullets came from the opposite direction of the neighborhood.

It's Shen Rong!

Song Tao was shocked.

In the dark night with poor visibility, the smoke had not completely dissipated. Such long-distance shootings went straight to his vital points three times. If it weren't for his special powers, he would have hit the target with perfect accuracy! How much mental strength does this have to have?

Provoke me? Are you scared? Tao Ran's voice came: Question my ability? Do you want to try it again?

If you're capable, let's challenge him to a duel! Song Tao followed the sound and locked in.

Then come here! Tao Ran smiled wildly and refused to answer him...

Song Tao picked up the walkie-talkie and called Wang Yan: It's Shen Rong. She is the one who caused the trouble. To capture the thief, capture the king first, then capture her, and this community will be easy to capture! I have located the second building of the abandoned building opposite where she is now!

At this moment, the remaining Dongcheng people, the main force, naturally cannot give up these hundred brothers and can only work hard to help rescue them.

But there are too many zombies, and we can’t kill them all, we can only lure them away.

However this is not simple.

And because of the growing commotion and the bloody smell that had spread in the air, not only the construction site, but also the zombies wandering around nearby were attracted.

An endless stream with no end.

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