The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 797 I told a big lie 61

Dog bites dog and so on, Tao Ran is most willing to prejudice.

It doesn’t require dirty hands and is also enjoyable to watch.

Add in the bloody plot of fratricide and loyalty, and it is simply the best pastime before tea and after dinner...

Tao Ran watched with great interest.

In the telescope, four people were struggling together.

The gun rang five times in total.

After almost three minutes of back and forth, we finally saw the result.

The person who walked out of the car was Song Tao.

Bai Ying was being dragged out of the driver's seat by the other two people and thrown into the back seat.

He wasn't supposed to be dead, but both legs were shot.

Song Tao was also injured, and the arm he was holding was bleeding.

Like a poisonous snake's eyes, Song Tao glared at him, filled with hatred.

He took the loudspeaker and shouted to Tao Ran:

Shen Rong, you are so vicious! If I agree to Bai Ying, you will make a fortune again and continue to hang him. If I don't agree to Bai Ying, our brothers will definitely turn against each other! If I kill him, go back I can’t explain it to some of my brothers! If I don’t touch him, I can’t explain it to the group when I get back! Even if I hurt him, people will inevitably question me when I get back! Everything I did was wrong, and you’ve really spent a lot of time Scheming!

Tao Ran shook his head: You are overthinking. What tricks should I use to deal with clowns like you? It's just easy.

Song Tao gritted his teeth: I leave my words here. I will come to deal with the old hatred and new hatred between you and me soon. When the time comes, I will make you miserable and make life worse than death!

Why do you talk so much nonsense?

Tao Ran laughed again. If you continue to delay like this, you will be late when you go back, and you, the King of Hell, will definitely doubt whether you have made a private deal with me. You will suffer when the time comes, but don't rely on my scheming again!

Song Tao over there was so angry that his mouth turned bitter. Indeed, Wang Zi has gone far, and if he doesn't come back, it will inevitably arouse the boss's suspicion.

Oh shit! Everything is wrong!

Nothing is right!

What can be done? Song Tao and the others quickly got in the car and left...

Bai Moli cried uncontrollably. Not only could she not save herself, but her beloved brother was suffering in front of her, but she was still powerless. What should she and her brother do? Can she still escape?

She was sad and cursed Song Tao...

Tao Ran looked at her without feeling any pity. Her pain was less than one percent of Shen Rong's. Because of her selfishness, she didn't even have the slightest regret or self-blame for hurting her brother. How could such a person feel the pain that Shen Rong felt?

Tao Ran dragged her up and said, Stop howling. Your brother is not dead, he will definitely come to save you.



Perhaps, for Bai Moli, extinguishing her hope again and again is the greater revenge and torture for her...

Two hours later, everyone in the DC District was still in a meeting, and the decision on what to do with the Xicheng Community was still undecided.

beat? Or not?

This is a problem.

Wang Zi brought back his judgment of Shen Rong: unfathomable.

I don’t know the opponent’s abilities or ideas, but he is full of bad ideas. Holding Bai Moli for such a long time and being able to stand still shows that the city is deep and far-sighted. Seizing the opportunity to strike first shows that you are decisive and decisive. Just a pair of shoes caused chaos within their team, and they were led by the nose... All of which pointed to the other party's leader being unusual.

Everyone we observed on this trip is a superpower. Wang Zi added: Including the two women who brought Bai Moli to the top of the building, they also have superpowers. One is a clairvoyant, and the other is a clairvoyant. It's induction. Although they are mostly old, weak, women and children, they may not be really weak.

Wang Zike didn't know that after Tao Ran found out that they were coming, he deliberately arranged for the superpowers in the community to show up, just to intimidate and frighten them. It would be best to give them up the idea of ​​attacking.

Wang Zi:

What I mean is, think long-term. Find their weaknesses before attacking.

I don't know why, Wang Zi feels very bad.

This made her unable to resist expressing her opinion.

Unlike her, who is sober and rational, her younger brother Wang Yan is full of passion and is easily instigated. Thanks to her always pouring cold water on the team, the team made fewer mistakes.

Normally, no one else would interrupt after Wang Zi spoke, and Wang Yan would usually obey.

But this time, as soon as Wang Zi finished speaking, Song Tao came up.

Fight! We must knock down that community! I want to avenge my brothers! I want to kill the enemy with my own hands! I want to comfort the brothers who died during the day! Regardless of whether you support me or not, I will fight a war, and I will not return until I win!

If you trust me and nod, I can be the vanguard and lead my former brothers to kill them all. You only need to lead the main team to hold the battle, intimidate, finish and respond...

Let's conquer that community, take away their supplies, and become the sole overlord of City A, where we can enjoy the food and drink!

Most of the people were holding their breath, but they could not withstand his instigation. After a while, there was only one voice in the whole hospital: Hit——.

Wang Zi felt even more uncomfortable in his chest.

She sighed, If you decide to fight, you have to do it quickly! The sooner the better! She had already figured it out. The reason why Shen Rong left Bai Moli's shoes after the sneak attack on them was not to provoke them, but to disrupt their sight and slow down their attack that might have already started.

Because of Bai Moli and Bai Ying, time was delayed for more than five hours! In fact, they have missed the best time to attack!

As for the community, tonight's inspection scope was expanded to the west city area outside the community for the first time.

In the time that just passed, they made a lot of preparations.

In addition to continuing to attract zombies to the area on a large scale, they also set up obstacles on several roads outside the area to ensure that it would take at least two to three times longer for Dongcheng people to approach the area after entering the nearby area.

The walkie-talkies originally owned in the community and collected during the day were all fully charged using car batteries to maintain communication between everyone at all times.

At ten o'clock in the evening, there was movement from the direction of Dongcheng.

Act as planned! Tao Ran gave the order.

Yan Hui and other people who were originally patrolling quickly retreated.

They left the observation point as quickly as possible and returned to the community.

After counting the number of people and confirming that everyone except Shen Rong was back, the three large iron gates at the east gate of the community were closed.

This is what Tao Ran requested.

She is not going back to the community. She will have big things to do later.

Now, she is going to make trouble first!

Wearing a body armor and a protective hood, she quickly began to observe the cars coming from the DC area.

After all, it cannot be underestimated!

Looking at the past, there were at least sixty vehicles coming from the other side.

Even if each vehicle only carries four people, there are still more than two hundred people.

No better than those in the community, these people are all powerful, vicious and experienced guys in combat!

Looking again, I saw two seven-seater cars following behind.

In this way, I'm afraid there will be more than three hundred people coming, or even more than three hundred and five.

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