The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 792 I told a big lie 56

According to Tao Ran's plan, his own side would attack resolutely before the opponent pressed forward on a large scale. Bracket, sneak attack type attack! Use this as a defensive measure.

While delaying as much time as possible, it also weakens the opponent's strength.

Once the opponent counterattacks with all their strength, they will retreat directly.

Usually, the losses on defense are smaller than those on offense. They are not afraid. They have plenty of food, so use it slowly...

At present, Tao Ran and the others quickly made preparations.

Tao Ran took Yan Hui and two other brothers with speed powers down to the two east-west roads for a walk. As soon as the big living person appeared, the two nearby roads immediately began to become congested.

In this way, we can ensure that when people from the East City come over later, they will choose the path with the fewest zombies and the smoothest path, which is the path directly under the tall building.

This can provide them with a lot of advantages in sniping.

Over the past few days, they have often seen Dongcheng people burning, killing, and looting in the city. These are extremely evil people, so they have no moral burden.

On the contrary, everyone knows that being kind to these people means being cruel to one's own people. In order to protect family and friends, killing is also necessary.

They are ready!

They quickly dispersed to several nearby buildings.

This will ensure that if a high-rise building misses, there will be somewhere else to flourish. The more dispersed the sneak attacks are, the more panicked the opponent will be, and the more difficult it will be to organize an effective counterattack...

One minute after getting ready, the car in front arrived.


All the guesses were accurate. You could see clearly from a close distance. Several cars were full. They had seen a lot of traveling in Dongcheng, always two or three cars, but this time there were eight cars at once, which showed that they were destined to win.

Everyone has already made arrangements.

The first car is the most important, and Mr. Fang volunteered for it.

According to the original plan, the old man aimed at the wheels of the first car.

When the opponent was still more than a hundred meters away from his tall building, he pressed the trigger.

There was a pop sound, it was hit.

The tire of the first car, which was driving normally, was shot, deflated, and skidded instantly. The car suddenly lost control and slid sideways.

Tao Ran and the others did not continue to move, but each took cover.

They didn't know what kind of powers those people in Dongcheng had. But if there is a sensing ability within 100 meters like Ren Hao from the bank before, it will always be trouble.

So the old man was shooting from a hundred meters away...

Sure enough, although the other party found it strange that the car suddenly lost control, he did not realize that he had been shot.

Several cars came up from behind and stopped one after another.

Several people got out of their cars to check.

Some looked around to guard against zombies, and some began to check the tires.

Tao Ran and the others were waiting for now.

Almost at the same time, the cold guns were launched at the same time, and the grenades were thrown by the brothers with super powers...

The roaring sound was accompanied by the shooting, and the place was instantly lively.

There's an ambush! The Dongcheng group's shouts were meaningless.

They were arrogant - this realization came too late.

They really didn't expect that anyone would dare to ambush them and attack them!

As the largest force in City A, since the outbreak of the virus, they have not encountered any force that dared to come and provoke. Almost all living people would hide away from them when they saw them.

They have long been accustomed to this kind of overlord-like rampant activity, walking around the city without any scruples.

In addition, since they dealt with the two forces in the bank last time, they have not found any other armed organizations in the city. They always thought that their Dongcheng Hospital force was the only organization with weapons in the entire city A.

But what is this now?




Is the variety quite rich? Quite strong?

Not just one sniper rifle, but from all directions!

Not just one grenade, but at least seven or eight explosions in just one minute.

The bullets for the pistol are even free of charge. Why are they more wasteful than them?

The strength of the sneak attacker cannot be underestimated!

There is such a thing in the city!

Up to this moment, they still couldn't believe it.

The consequences were immediate and tragic.

The few people who had just gotten out of the car to help check, without exception, fell one after another before they had time to hide.

In less than half a minute, five people had been shot.

The tires of three cars were hit, which means that three cars have been destroyed.

The bullet came from the front range, but it could not be accurately locked. Sneak attackers are so high up that it's hard for them to fight back.

And those grenades were still exploding, which made them subconsciously hold their heads.

But even so, in a short period of time, six or seven people were hit by grenades.


The first reaction of the following cars was to turn around and leave.

At this time, Tao Ran had already used Qinggong to reach behind them while firing the gun. While she threw several grenades out, she also lit two strings of firecrackers and threw them down.

The movement was loud enough, the smell of blood was strong enough, and a large number of zombies were coming quickly.

Tao Ran hit the wheel of another car.

The car was instantly useless.

The people in the car didn't dare to delay any longer, so they quickly abandoned the car and ran away.

They called for help to the four vehicles that had fled ahead, but the four vehicles had no intention of coming back.

Nonsense, you finally escaped, how can you come back? And they don’t have any seats in the car, right? They are not blood brothers, so there is no need to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. Preserving one's own life is the most important thing.

So the four cars that left didn't stop, and in the blink of an eye, they left only a trail of exhaust fumes.

The five people who got out of the car were on the verge of crying and had no choice but to run away.

But ahead, a large number of zombies are coming.

That's not all. When they looked up, they saw a girl above them pointing a gun at them.

In order to facilitate shooting and save sniper rifle bullets, Tao Ran had switched to a pistol for shooting.

The five people below were shouting for mercy and surrender, but they did not forget to draw their guns and shoot Tao Ran. It's a pity that they are not Tao Ran. They can't multi-task, running and fighting zombies at the same time, and they don't have the convenience of Tao Ran shooting from a high position. These five people were almost shot by Tao Ran one by one.

Five bullets, none of them missed.

Five people fell one after another.

Zombies rushed towards him, but only one person begged to Tao Ran, expressing his willingness to tell everything for help.

Tao Ran took action.

She used Qinggong to drag the zombie up to a tree before the zombie pounced on him...

Since she knew nothing about Dongcheng people, she really needed an informant...

Seeing his companions being pounced on by the zombies, and turning into delicacies, the guy Tao Ran was dragging shivered, and took the initiative to hand the weapon into Tao Ran's hands, saying: My name is A Quan, as long as you let me I am alive, I can say anything and do anything.”

Ten minutes later, the crowd of excited zombies on this street gradually calmed down.

Except for the two people Tao Ran and the others captured alive in the first four cars and the two people rescued by the other cars, all fourteen people in the first four cars became food for the zombies.

Tao Ran and the others tried to lure the zombies away, then began to count the loot and prepare to leave.

The other party will definitely return to this area to take revenge soon.

They have to go back quickly to prepare for the next round.

Thank you Brother Long and Xiaoyao for the reward, thank you~

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