The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 772 I told a big lie 36

After all, the sandbag man had special powers. After receiving this shot, he did not fall to the ground immediately.

The woman pulled the trigger on him again, but the gun was out of bullets.

Tao Ran nodded to the thin woman in front of him, indicating that he would help lock up the sandbag man. She had a deep hatred, so naturally she had to repay it with her own hands. Tao Ran was willing to help her.

The woman picked up the dagger on the ground and rushed over...

Tao Ran had already beaten the man to internal injuries, and after one more shot, she could clearly feel the man's weakness while dragging him. His superpowers are basically broken.

Sure enough, after the woman came up, her first blow to the man's heart penetrated deeply into the flesh, drawing out a bloody string...

The second knife and the third knife all hit the man's vitals.

The family was ruined, almost became a prisoner, almost killed the father, almost made the child an orphan, this kind of hatred is not the slightest bit! The woman poked her dozens of times before she collapsed and sat on the ground...

Although the enemy was killed, those who left could not come back. The woman hugged her husband and cried bitterly...

The sandbag man was dead, and Tao Ran threw him away. She wiped the blood from her hands on the wall and couldn't help but look at the sky with hatred.

Is this world really blind? What kind of garbage is given to superpowers?

If the end of the world is a purge of the population, then the people that Heaven wants to keep are the kind of people who have no lower limit, right?

I feel bad when I think about it. Shen Rong works so hard, but he still doesn’t have any superpowers!

What the woman in front of me almost experienced just now is so similar to Shen Rong.

Tao Ran reached out to help her.

Hurry and pack up and get out of here. I don't know if there are any of their accomplices nearby. The five shots fired just now made a lot of noise. If they come, it will be troublesome. It was precisely because he was afraid of causing trouble that Tao Ran never used a gun.

But unexpectedly, the woman sitting on the ground suddenly held her head, then fell to the ground and twitched, falling unconscious.

The twins were very sensible. When Tao Ran shushed them, they stepped back and sobbed softly to make room for Tao Ran to check.

Tao Ran stepped forward and touched the woman's forehead. She was running a high fever. He was not sure whether she was frightened, overly grieved, or awakening her powers.

And the next second, the grandfather and the twins were kneeling in front of Tao Ran.

I know that in this world, people like us are a drag. The grandfather burst into tears. He looked at Tao Ran's clean clothes and guessed that she was doing well. I also saw that she was willing to act bravely for justice, which is a quality that is almost extinct in the world today. This person is probably worth trusting.

I'm old, and living is a waste of food. My daughter can't leave like this. But please, girl, take these twins away from me. Children are innocent and the hope of this world, please! I can give you all the supplies I have to feed them! The girl is so kind and kind...

The twins started crying again, and the old man knocked his head down. He knew very well that staying in this family would lead to death. And after killing two superpowers, they had no chance of survival. The only feasible option is to follow the extraordinary skill girl in front of him. But how could this girl take away their old, weak, women and children? It would be better for him to stay with his daughter and let the children escape.

Tao Ran quickly put his hand under the grandfather's forehead.

You want me to take care of your grandchildren? Don't even think about it! Tao Ran snorted.

Take care of your own baby! Either all four of you come with me, or you wait here to die together!

Tao Ran has always been extra protective of the elderly and children. The same goes for Shen Rong.

The backbone of this family is dead. Without help, it will be difficult for the remaining people to survive. Since I took the initiative to get involved, I will help others to the end. Besides, the old man, the child and the woman looked pretty good.

Girl... Tears suddenly covered the old man's face.

Why don't you hurry up and pack your things when you have such nonsense! Tao Ran motioned to the two children to help the old man up. My car is a hundred meters away, hurry up and pack it up. I'm here to look out for the wind, so hurry up. You don't need to bring any clothes. Just pack up the medicine and supplies.

The old man nodded quickly, took the children and went into the house to load things.

This family is not immune to concern. They have a whole cabinet of rice and noodles at home, and they even stocked several boxes of snacks.

Tao Ran couldn't stand the scene of the old man and the child carrying rice, so he finally took care of everything.

After carrying the dizzy woman into the car, she simply locked the old man and the children in the car, and then started doing hard labor willingly.

It took her five trips in total to stuff all the good food and supplies into the car.

Seeing that the three people in the car were crying, Tao Ran sighed again and went back to put the recently deceased father into a large suitcase and also carried him into the car...

There is a special cemetery where I live. Many people in the community have had relatives pass away in the past few months, so they chopped up a piece of land specifically to bury their deceased relatives.

You can bury him then. It's also a good way to remember him and have a place to worship...

The old man bowed and said that the children would definitely repay her kindness in the future.

From that day on, Tao Ran developed an extreme dislike for those people in Dongcheng, and the four people she brought back became new members of the community.

In fact, they are not the first batch of new residents in the community.

These days, the community has admitted more than 30 new people. A small number of them are relatives and friends of community residents who know the ins and outs of the community, but most of them are poor people who are isolated and helpless, have hope for the world, are working hard, but cannot survive...

After coming to the community, someone will secretly observe them to confirm that they really treat everyone as family and have no alienation or bad intentions, so they will be kept.

There is no way, for the benefit of most people, everyone is very cautious.

Of course, every time new people enter the community, they will be checked by Sweet Sister.

The superpower of her magic stick physique is very miraculous. She can feel the good and bad of the people who come to her. Just like when Tao Ran met her for the first time, she got close to Tao Ran and said that he was shining like gold.

When she saw her new friend this time, she nodded again and again.

Okay, okay, and it's pretty good. Although I don't know what's so good about it. It's good for the team anyway.

As long as it's good! Tao Ran felt relieved.

Within a few days, Tao Ran knew what was so good about this good thing.

This rescue was a huge gift from God, and Tao Ran finally stopped rolling his eyes at God several times every day.

The woman named Ayu whom she rescued had a severe fever for many days.

After Fangfang determined that she was not sick but more likely to have awakened supernatural powers, she gave her excellent rescue and physical cooling. Several times when she had respiratory failure, Tao Ran fed her internal energy.

For seven whole days, after experiencing great sorrow, great hatred, and great liberation, Ayu woke up.

And her superpower is the superpower with the lowest success rate that Shen Rong even wanted when he lied before - Healing!

She told Tao Ran: Although I have no chance to save my husband, you who saved my father and children will be my relatives from now on. I will always be behind you and be your support!

Thank you for your monthly votes, Brother Long, my book friend’s tail number is 46293, and I will reset the rewards from the Leihuo Wuwu babies ~ I love you more than anything ~

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