The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 770 I told a big lie 34

Time passed little by little.

In the blink of an eye, Tao Ran has been in this world for more than two months.

Life in the community is as usual.

There is enough food and water, and vegetables are growing. They also planted potatoes, peppers, and even low-maintenance wolfberries.

Their planting area has not only extended to the kindergarten, but also covered the entire area near the landscape lake.

This lake was dug manually, and under their deliberate guidance, it just happened to store water on rainy days and irrigate it on weekdays. In order to reduce the evaporation of high-temperature water vapor, large trees were planted around the lake. Tree-lined and excellent environment.

Well, there are also fish in the lake.

There is a river on the other side of the construction site next door.

Tao Ran took Sister Gao, who had telepathic powers, to try to catch fish. He also wanted to see if Sister Gao had improved after practicing her spiritual power.

The results are gratifying.

Sister Gao is right as soon as she senses it.

Every time the net goes down, nothing comes up empty.

But after all, his mental strength was weak, so his superpower only lasted for ten minutes. But even so, with the help of Sister Gao, they also caught a lot of fish.

Although these fish look alive and kicking, they should not be contaminated. But Tao Ran and the others still put the fish in fish tanks after taking them back. After two weeks, they made sure that the fish were still healthy and had no abnormalities before they released these small fish into the lake.

Soon, they will have fish to eat too! …

The original peach, plum, osmanthus, persimmon, fig, and orange trees in the kindergarten have all been re-tended. According to the grandparents’ plan, everyone will be able to eat at least one bite of fruit every day.

The hens in the pen are also very successful, and it is gratifying that in the past two months when everyone has rich dishes and does not care about eating eggs and chicken, they have finally hatched two batches of chicks.

There is plenty of space, and there is no shortage of manpower. Everyone has built a chicken coop, and they are all waiting for the day when they will be able to eat more eggs and chicken after large-scale breeding...

The days of eating in a big pot are quite happy.

For ordinary people, there is no way to conquer and change the world, they can only try to protect their own world. Everyone knows that this is the best life nowadays...

A comfortable life can easily make people lazy, but Taoran's presence will never let them slack off.

It is not like the community has never experienced visits from outsiders.

For example, in the middle of the night last week, a team of nearly ten people built a ladder after luring away the zombies outside the community gate, and came into the community to grab supplies with machetes and watermelon knives.

Thanks to the multiple layers of protection that had been put in place in the community, they entered the gate and met another group of zombies.

While they were being restrained, the patrol team in the community quickly pulled up another layer of iron gates and warned them to leave, but they were rejected and intimidated.

This gang of villains kills without blinking an eye and treats humans and zombies alike.

One of them, who had the power of speed, increased his speed instantly. He was in front of him in the blink of an eye, passed through the iron gate with his hands, and slashed at an uncle with a machete.

Fortunately, Uncle Li, who had special powers, was able to hold the knife with his bare hands, and the uncle's head was just a hair away.

But the man didn't stop, and slashed at Uncle Li again.

Uncle Li barely managed to escape, and his anger surged up. He grabbed the man's hand and dragged him hard. The man's forehead hit the iron door and fell to the ground with blood on his forehead.

But the other group of people neither left nor were frightened. Instead, they felt that the community's defense made them certain that there were abundant supplies here. They began to climb over the wall again and vowed to demolish the community...

The patrol team finally stopped showing mercy and took out iron rods and other weapons to fight with the group of people.

Those people were extremely ruthless, and every stab was a deadly blow, going straight to the vital point. They were clearly habitual criminals who committed murder and swindled goods...

And the physical fitness and martial arts skills of everyone in the community these days are not in vain. Everyone is not knocked down by a push, and because they have had many similar emergency trainings, they immediately perform their duties in a decent manner.

When the bird signal sounded, people in the community rushed to respond.

Only when the intruders were surrounded did they realize that there were so many living people living in this community.

They were quickly injured after being beaten by a group. There were sticks in front of them and zombies behind them. In the end, they were killed by the zombies...

In fact, Tao Ran had been alarmed for a long time.

She sat on a tree, drew her bow but never fired the arrow.

She hopes that everyone can become active and that more people can see the power of the weak and the strong in the outside world. They don't have to take the initiative to attack, but they must not be soft when faced with attacks, otherwise they will harm their own people.

The effect is there.

Things like this happened to the supplies team several times when they went out. Gradually, everyone became more vigilant and less compassionate. After returning to the community, they practiced martial arts hard to protect everyone, and their sense of responsibility became stronger.

Tao Ran personally helped formulate the intensive training for the superpowers.

For example, Yan Hui improved his 100-meter running time by one second. Now that Tao Ran has not yet mastered his internal strength, if he didn't use Qing Kung Fu, he wouldn't be able to catch up with him. So she has been giving Yan Hui light lessons recently, hoping that he can quickly become a bolt of lightning.

For example, Qin Guang and others, after taking up strength training, their explosive power and endurance have improved, and they have reached the level where they can break boulders with one fist and perform on the streets. Tao Ran worked hard to teach them martial arts, hoping that they would become the pillars of everyone.

After Uncle Jiang of the Golden Bell practiced internal energy, his whole person improved completely. Once his internal energy was transferred, he didn't even feel the stick hitting his physical body. If he continued like this, it shouldn't take long to become invulnerable.

Sister Gao Fei, who can sense supernatural powers, sister Tian Tian, ​​who can predict the weather, and brother Xiao Ming, who has a photographic memory, all began to develop their mental powers. Gao Fei can sense for longer periods of time, Tiantian can occasionally predict a certain moment at a certain time, and Xiao Ming's brain is comparable to a small mobile phone with powerful storage capabilities...

Everyone has made progress.

For most of the people who didn't have super powers, Tao Ran urged them to do physical training and practice martial arts every day.

There was an uncle who knew simple carpentry and helped Tao Ran make many bows and arrows.

Tao Ran takes the boys to practice archery every day.

Grandpa Fang, the clairvoyant, was very interesting. He volunteered to practice archery with him.

Tao Ran was afraid that he would be tired, but he said that not only did he want to practice archery, he would also practice sniping later. As long as his hands don't shake, he will be the first person to protect the park. The effect is gratifying. The old man has a good mentality, is in good health, has good eyesight, and has a very high chance of hitting the bullseye...

There were also things that made Tao Ran depressed.

Probably because many people's physical fitness has improved a lot since they started exercising and practicing martial arts, three more people in the community have awakened their powers.

Tao Ran, on the other hand, feels his body every day.

Unfortunately, nothing.

She is still a normal person.

Hum, even if she is an ordinary person, she can still run ahead through her own efforts.

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