The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 758 I told a big lie 22

Everyone in the bank had a ferocious look on their faces after reading the letter.

Really abominable!

The content of the letter is as follows:

Everyone, the clock starts from the time you receive the letter. Now prepare ten A-type guns and 300 rounds of ammunition, twenty H-type grenades, five pieces of body armor, as well as 300 kilograms of fully packaged grain and 100 kilograms of original packaging. The meat will be delivered to the vacant black SUV at the intersection of Ping'an Street within half an hour. Leave immediately after delivery, and no one is allowed to be left behind.

Warning: You are currently being monitored by us. Don't play tricks! If we inspect the goods and find that there is something wrong with the goods; if you try to set up an ambush; if you have plans to hide them nearby... then our transaction will be canceled immediately, and your good sister will be reduced to the person behind the trunk of the car just now. monster. So, be careful!

After we confirm that the goods you gave us are okay and we left safely, we will naturally send Miss Bai Moli back safely. In addition, you'd better arrive at the designated location within half an hour. After that, for every minute of delay, we chopped off one of Bai Moli's fingers. After all ten fingers have been chopped, if you still haven’t delivered the items, then I’m sorry, but you will never see Bai Moli again.

So, you only have a total of forty minutes at most, so hurry up and run!

Just such a letter.

Everyone who watched it inevitably panicked.

Are they really being monitored? But why can't they sense it?

There is only one possibility, the other party also has special powers?

This made them a little nervous.


It takes almost fifteen minutes from them to Ping'an Street.

About five minutes have passed now, and they only have ten minutes in total to prepare.


Time is so tight that we can't delay it for even a minute!

Several men from the Bai family and everyone who loved Bai Moli all surrounded Song Tao.

Jasmine, we must be saved! There were many people speaking in unison.

We can fully afford the materials requested by the other party. Save Jasmine, our Bai family will remember this love! Bai Ying begged with red eyes.

Yes, if the supplies are gone, we can save more, but if the people are gone, we will be heartbroken for the rest of our lives.

We don't want to see Jasmine suffer, please save her.

Song Tao took a deep breath. He didn't really think much about it.

But these brothers in front of me are the backbone of the team. If he doesn't handle it carefully, his team will be dispersed!

Song Tao could only nod, and then threw the warehouse key out.

Next, everyone was seen jogging and starting to prepare supplies according to the other party's requirements.

Song Tao ordered a few people and planned to go to Ping'an Street first to set up control.

Bai Ying saw this and grabbed Song Tao anxiously: Brother, for the sake of Jasmine's safety, please. Don't! Jasmine is in their hands, and they said they would not release her until they inspect the goods and leave safely. Let's go If the surveillance is discovered, Jasmine will be in danger.

Song Tao: This business is not unequal. It's fine if the person can be exchanged safely, but what if our supplies are given out but they don't let the person go?

At this point, neither Jasmine nor our brothers can afford to gamble! Bai Ying knelt down directly. They tied up Jasmine just for supplies. We have provided the supplies in place, and they won't risk offending us. Brother, give it a try. You are so kind, and Lao Er and I will definitely repay you. Supplies , our brothers will definitely get it back for the team!”

Song Tao gritted his teeth: If they swallow the goods...

If they swallow the goods and don't let people go, you don't need to tell me, even if I turn this city upside down, I won't be able to spare them!

Song Tao: What I mean is that it's not easy to get my goods, so I can't play bottomless pit tricks for them. Even if it's blackmail, it's only for this time. If they don't let her go, next time they will threaten to cut Bai Moli into pieces. Wan Duan, I won’t even give them a grain of rice. Do you understand?”

Yes! Thank you, brother!

Bai Ying hurriedly ordered people to load the supplies into the truck.

At the thirteenth minute, they finally had all the goods the other party wanted.

They were afraid of being deceived, so they could only arrange for five vehicles to go there and bring several superpowers with them.

For example, Song Tao, he knows how to read people. If he could see the kidnapper, he would be able to see the other person's purpose at a glance. He might be able to see where the kidnapper is, how many people there are and where they are.

For example, there is a brother named Ren Hao who also has the ability to sense. As long as he is not too far away, he can control any disturbance!

The five cars drove at a fast pace and arrived at Ping'an Road in exactly twenty-seven minutes.

They immediately locked onto the black off-road vehicle on the roadside.

Five cars surrounded the car, blocking the car in the middle.

As they suspected, no one was in the car.

No one was seen nearby.

While everyone was watching the area with guns and ammunition, they began to unload and load goods.

Song Tao stood on a high place and looked around. It was very desolate nearby. Where to meet people?

Song Tao signaled Ren Hao.

Ren Hao also shook his head.

He maximized his induction. What he could confirm was that there was absolutely no living person in the area with the car as the center and a radius of one hundred meters. As for any further distance, he would be beyond his capabilities.

A group of people are very depressed.

Are they really not sure if someone is monitoring them?

If so, it only means that the opponent's strength is at least not weaker than them!

After unloading the goods, Bai Ying found another note on the front seat.

We know how many of you are here, and we also know what you are thinking. If you don't want to waste all your efforts, you have to leave within three minutes! We will not inspect the goods until you all return to the bank.

Don't worry, as long as you follow our requirements, Bai Moli will be safe and can go back safely. On the contrary, no one can guarantee the consequences. One hundred and eighty seconds, starting from the time you read this letter...

The tone in the letter was that there were many experts nearby observing them!

Song Tao glanced around, feeling anxious.

There are several tall buildings a hundred meters away. If the other party is hiding on a certain floor, they have no way of knowing. If the opponent has a sniper...

If they are here again, not only will it not help the situation, but they may become the opponent's target.

Let's go! Song Tao gritted his teeth and waved his hand, giving the order.

Bai Ying stuffed a letter he had just written on the road to warn the other party on the steering wheel.

Five cars left quickly...

Fifteen minutes later, a jeep came on the east road.

As soon as the car reached the intersection, it made a sharp U-turn.

At the moment of the sudden stop, a black shadow flashed, and Tao Ran, wearing a black hat, sunglasses, black mask, and black clothes, jumped out of the jeep and got into the off-road vehicle. The entire movement was completed in one go, taking only half a second at most.

With a blast of the accelerator, the two cars left.

They rushed directly into the underground parking lot of the tall building ahead.

After turning inside a few times, they came out from another exit. By this time, the license plate of Tao Ran's car had been changed.

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