The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 756 I told a big lie 20

The space collapsed and the two returned to the small garage.

Bai Moli's whole head felt like needles pricking her head, and she felt like her head was about to explode.

She rolled on the ground, cursing. She could no longer sense space. She thought about it countless times, but she was still in the cold place. She could never return to that secret space that belonged only to her.

She burst into tears.

After getting the space, she had too many sweet dreams.

She knew it would be a super useful power for both herself and the team. She can use this space to survive until the end.

She even thought about relying on her powerful space to accumulate enough supplies to keep her favorite little brother by her side and live like a queen...

But her sweet dream only existed for less than twenty-four hours!

She didn't even know which one hurt more, her head or her heart!

Taoran! You bitch! Trash! Bastard! Beast! Something worse than a pig or a dog!...

Tao Ran's baseball bat hit Bai Moli's mouth where she was cursing.

A layer of blood suddenly appeared in her mouth.

It's too noisy, please be quiet! If you keep making noise like this, I will ruin your beauty with a heavy hand, and your brothers may not be willing to spend money to redeem you, an ugly monster like you!

Bai Moli suddenly shuddered.


She can't become ugly!

Her voice gradually became lower, and she bit her sleeve and cried, not daring to make another sound no matter how painful it was.

The sun has come out and the grandmothers have already cooked porridge.

Tao Ran drank a bowl and asked Fangfang to change the medicine.

Finally, her wound had healed and no blood continued to ooze.

Be careful these two days. Don't move too much. After these two days, there should be no problem. Fangfang said.


Tao Ran did not continue to practice martial arts for the time being, but started practicing Qing Kung Fu.

This world is a bit dangerous.

Whether you are hiding from people or zombies, running fast is extremely important. Qinggong is so useful.

Shen Rong's physical fitness is quite good. He doesn't need to practice basics. He only needs to focus on footwork and internal strength. After an hour, it already felt a bit like that.

Everyone got up one after another.

After Tao Ran issued a physical task to the young and middle-aged group, he drove out of the gate with Yan Hui, who had the power of speed.

We went to a place in the center of the city.

After driving for almost half an hour, they found the place where Xue Fei said they had a fierce battle with the group from Chengdong Hospital.

In this area, there were obvious signs of fighting, and dead bodies were lying on the ground.

The two got out of the car and divided the work.

Yan Hui took a cloth bag and followed Tao Ran's request, looking for some kind of bullets and shell casings all over the ground.

Tao Ran helped him stand guard and clean up the zombies that rushed towards him.

Yan Hui's speed was very fast, and after five minutes, the two of them got a bag of things.


The two got in the car and left...

On the way back, the two took a remote road, searched several cars along the way, and got a few bags of food.

Seeing it, there seemed to be fewer people on the road than yesterday.

Most of the people who were lucky enough to survive were hiding at home, and those who dared to go out on the streets were mostly people with supernatural powers.

What was outrageous was that while passing by a street, Tao Ran saw someone throwing paper on the rooftop of the first floor.

She picked it up and took a look...hehehaha.

She really is looking for Bai Moli. It says that if anyone with knowledge can provide clues, they will repay with materials. If the kidnappers see this paper, they can say anything as long as they don't hurt Jasmine...

The brothers are really infatuated!

Obviously, they will never leave the bank until they find Bai Moli.


Not urgent!

As for your appetite, you still need to whet your appetite!

As soon as they arrived near the community, they met several uncles who were getting ready to go out. Today they were responsible for finding supplies.

I'll do the job of attracting zombies later!

According to the tasks assigned by Tao Ran yesterday, today not only had to close the north and south gates, but they also had to attract hundreds of zombies to wander outside the two gates.

From now on, their people will take the road to the east near the construction site. There was no supplies there, few people would pass by, and it was very safe.

Tao Ran has a simple, quick and safe way to attract zombies.

She drove the car directly into the underground garage.

She came to Xue Fei.

You've been resting for almost a day. Have you regained your strength?

Xue Fei stared at her. Indeed, he has recovered 80% of his strength! But what's the use? Both of his legs are broken! Even if you let him go, he can't run away even if he wants to!

Tao Ran called Qin Guang and asked him to tie Xue Fei to the back of the car.

Xue Fei's body, from chest to waist, was all tied up with iron chains.

Get in the car and let me show you how capable the superpowers outside are! Tao Ran opened the car door and greeted Xue Fei with a smile: Next, I'll take you shopping. Take care of yourself. Don’t die so early!”

Xue Fei never thought that this crazy woman would expose his arms just to torture him!

The next half hour was the most painful period of his life.

After the car left the community, it headed towards a main street.

Xue Fei's eyes widened!

That road, at first glance, is full of zombies!

But the woman drove there and then stopped the car in the middle of the road.

Xue Fei didn't dare to say anything, and even held his breath. How he wished those zombies would ignore him as a dead person! But there were several wounds on his body, and the smell of blood soon made the zombies excited.

They came to him one after another.


Then this broken car was traveling at a speed of twenty kilometers per hour! Neither fast nor slow, just barely at the same speed as the zombies.

The results can be imagined.

He could only hold out his fist.

He could only beat away the zombies that jumped in front of him, and break the necks of the zombies that came up to bite him.

He doesn't want to die. So he can only try his best!

In this way, he became the bait on the fishhook...

When he returned to the community, his fists were bloody and bloody.

He was like a dog that was fed and got a piece of steamed bun.

He silently picked up the steamed bun slices and stuffed them into his mouth.

Have a good rest. I'll give you another task this afternoon! Tao Ran handed over a bottle with only a sip of water left.

He stretched out his hand to take it, and suddenly turned his palm to grab someone, trying to catch Shen Rong as a hostage. But he thought too simply, and this woman easily escaped.

The water bottle was taken back, and there was a gun on his forehead.

Xue Fei didn't dare to act rashly anymore, and he was tied back to the pillar in the basement again.

And Qin Guang and others finally knew the gap between themselves and Xue Fei.

They were watching this whole way. Xue Fei relied on his brute strength to kill more than 70 zombies with his bare hands in just half an hour, but he was not bitten by any zombies...

If it were them, it would be far inferior. Same power, different effects, they are indeed too weak.

Tao Ran: So I suggest that Xue Fei be your sparring partner in the future!

Actual combat is the best means of progress. Xue Fei will do his best to avoid being beaten and to eat and drink.

Just like this, a few hours later, Xue Fei, who was tied to the pillar, was singled out one from three.

He never imagined that from that day on, he would become a tool man without dignity...

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