The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 753 I told a big lie 17

Tao Ran doesn't know when the virus will be resolved, nor how long this troubled world will last. Therefore, since he wants to live here, he must find a way to develop sustainably.

Food is naturally of the utmost importance.

Many things have a growth period, and it is not enough to just improvise. In case of escape, food is even more indispensable.

After planting...then start breeding?

Looking at the landscape lake, maybe she should catch some fish and shrimp to raise and raise them? You don’t need to use the tube very much, but can you still supplement nutrition for everyone?

How about asking everyone to stop eating eggs for a few days? Hatching eggs? Are you trying to expand the scale of chicken breeding?

Idyllic life under the apocalypse?

Pretty good too.

There were too many ideas in Tao Ran's mind at once.

She continued to refine the division of labor among everyone.

Xiao Ming, a genius child with special abilities who helped her record the records, also slowly filled up the record sheet. Behind each task, everyone’s names were listed under their active registration...

No, after she suggested using Xue Fei's car to reinforce their own car, several uncles immediately volunteered. They quickly came up with a plan, such as the iron frame for the outdoor unit of the air conditioner and some special anti-theft windows, which are all suitable materials...

It was already 11:30 pm after the meeting. Everyone was asked to go back and have a good rest. Tao Ran ate a few mouthfuls of food, washed and changed medicine, and then began to meditate.

She quickly put Yu Tong's internal skills into action.

To be honest, Tao Ran was quite satisfied with Shen Rong's body.

Shen Rong's inferiority complex is completely unnecessary.

Although this body is not slim enough, it is healthy! The internal Qi moves smoothly without any obstruction. The body's various functions are very good. Because he has been exercising since he was a child, his physique is comparable to that of Yu Tong, who was played by Tao Ran before.

Such a good body is what Tao Ran dreams of!

This discovery also made Tao Ran very excited.

This means that she should be able to make Shen Rong's body instantly effective in martial arts in a short period of time.

The same goes for internal strength. The feedback from the body is very obvious. Given time, the internal strength will be achieved quickly...

Three hours later, she got up and performed a set of punches that were not too wide.

The effect was better than she imagined.

Speed, strength, flexibility, sensitivity, all top-notch.

Jumping, flipping, and hitting are all pretty good.

The whole set of boxing techniques is basically ready to use.

Tao Ran picked up another stick, and sure enough, his stick skills were also at his fingertips.

Since the wound had not yet healed, Tao Ran could only practice briefly and stopped after only half an hour.

I picked up a few more stones and threw them out... It was pretty good. Although I had no internal strength, my arm strength was so strong that I was good at using hidden weapons!

During this period, Tao Ran suddenly thought of Xue Fei's two brothers. Will one of them die tonight?

She took a look.

Sure enough, one had just died, and the other had only one breath left.

Tao Ran didn't want to scare the elderly and children, so while most of the people were still asleep, he covered them with sacks and threw them into the trunk of Xue Fei's car...

She went back to practice her internal skills for a while, and the sky became a little dark.

Tao Ran went to see Xue Fei.

The guy hasn't woken up yet.

Tao Ran pinched him and slapped his face with a stick.

Still awake, she struck the stick on his broken leg.

Xue Fei snorted twice and finally woke up slowly. After a minute, he could open his eyelids.

His angry eyes were complicated, and after three seconds, he finally lowered his eyes.

Winner or loser, tell me, what do you want? Xue Fei looked in pain and felt like he couldn't breathe.

That's good! Tao Ran dragged a chair and sat down in front of him.

In fact, Tao Ran didn't expect that he would be able to control Xue Fei and Bai Moli, the culprits who harmed Shen Rong and all the residents so smoothly.

Of course she could just kill these two people to vent her hatred.

But how is this enough?

They didn't deserve a good death.

She hasn't decided how to deal with them in the end, but she must not take advantage of them!

But what do you have?

I have superpowers. I can join you. I can help you fight zombies. Or you can do whatever you ask me to do.

It's strange that Tao Ran believed him.

Well, let's show your sincerity. You can answer whatever I ask you. Or if you satisfy me, I will let you go.


Where did your guns and those boxes of weapons come from?


Who was robbed?

Chengdong, someone from the hospital.

Where did they get their weapons?

It was also stolen.

Be specific.

Soon, Tao Ran learned that the group in the east of the city first robbed two security companies after the virus outbreak and harvested a lot of non-lethal weapons. They colluded with people from an armed escort company, robbed him again, swallowed all the weapons of the escort company, and occupied the hospital. They have absorbed a large number of young people, and some people from the road have joined them. Not only have they become the most powerful force in the city, but they also have more and more weapons in their hands.

The Chengdong Bureau and Zi were also captured by them. So they obtained a lot of weapons.

Our box of goods was intercepted halfway after they took down the escort company in the next city, and we were ambushed in the eastern suburbs of the city.

We robbed and ran away. Although we grabbed the goods, the casualties were not small. Three of our brothers died, and several others were shot. We escaped separately from other brothers. We did not dare to stay in the east of the city. , just went all the way west, and then met you.

Tao Ran nodded, which was pretty much what she had guessed. After confirming this, the direction of her next plan can be determined.

Where are the rest of you? Where now?

I have no idea!

Then how many goods did you grab this time?

One big box plus one small box. The small box is with our other brothers, and the big box is in your hands. I'm giving these goods to you. You can let me go.

Tao Ran stood up and shook his head.

You have paid so much for these weapons, why are you willing to give them up? I can't let the tiger go back to the mountain and invite your revenge. So I have wronged you, and I will live here from now on!

Xue Fei's meat trembled and twitched, You don't keep your word?

Tao Ran smiled.

You should know what kind of person I am from the moment I knocked you out. Don't you?

I saved you, you have to have a conscience!

I have a conscience! Look, you said you wanted to join us, so I will keep you! From now on, you can stay here peacefully without fear of being around zombies. I will also provide you with food and drink. This guy has The superpower was so powerful, Tao Ran felt that she couldn't waste it. She has already thought about what kind of work to arrange for Xue Fei, and she will make sure to enrich him every day in the future...

Tao Ran took out a water bottle, unscrewed the cap and gave him a drink of water.

From now on, you can drink three times of water a day and eat one mouthful of rice with each meal. That's all. Of course, if you contribute more to the community, I will naturally double the reward for you.

Tao Ran patted his head, like training his own puppy.

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