The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 750 I told a big lie 14

Tao Ran first counted the number of people.

The entire community, not counting Father Shen and the others, has a total of one hundred and seventy-three people.

Among them, there are 52 elderly people over the age of 60. Children under ten are seventeen. There are ten people between ten and fifteen years old. This group of people, whose overall combat effectiveness is weak and who need protection, has reached a total of seventy-nine, accounting for more than 40% of the total number of people.

Among the less than a hundred people left, nearly half were women. It’s not that there is discrimination between men and women, but it’s true that most women’s fighting ability is just like that. If ten of them were to surround and kill a zombie, they might not be able to win. Under the current situation, although they are young adults, they still need protection.

Therefore, the main force of the current inspection team and material team are some uncles and brothers, about thirty people. The proportion is less than 20%.

Indeed, this burden is too big, so staying in the community is almost the best option.

And since Shen Rong still had to wait for his father to bring his grandparents back, it was even more inconvenient to leave.

But if we want to stay, the status quo will definitely not work.

Tao Ran looked at this troublesome data and felt that everyone was still well protected.

Although it seems that they have made preparations, in fact most people just want to survive. The end of the world is coming, and this is not enough!

We can't survive and keep our homeland if we just hang on! The whole world has changed, and we have to change too. We have to be wary of danger when living in peace, but now that the crisis is coming, we don't want to change the world, at least we have to live. Come on, don't let the world change, spoil and pollute us! Right?

Natural selection, we cannot be chosen! We can at least try to seize the option. Again, I think that for ourselves, for our relatives and friends, and for our homeland, we should work hard and strive to be the one who laughs last! …”

Tao Ran Bala Bala, a good analysis of the pros and cons and encouragement made everyone's loose nerves more tense. Especially after hearing the story about people from Chengdong Hospital expanding their territory, shooting civilians with direct weapons, and expanding their sphere of influence to the city...

Everyone agreed.

They even included a few old men.

This is their home!

No one is allowed to rob it!

The old men actually sang a song: We grew up here, and every inch of the land is our own. No matter who wants to take it, we will fight him to the end!

No one wants to become a waste. Even if the end does come, they at least tried hard and at least died vigorously. Only in this way can you not regret when you die, and be worthy of your previous companions who worked hard for everyone but failed to come back.

For a moment, everyone's enthusiasm was ignited, and they clenched their fists to express that they didn't want to be chosen like this! They will definitely try their best!

The group headed by Qin Guang directly proposed that Shen Rong, who had made the greatest contribution and knew the most about the outside world, be temporarily their captain and be responsible for the general affairs of the community.

No one objected.

Tao Ran was not polite and expressed his attitude, I will lead everyone to guard the door! Let's fight for every one!

Tao Ran decided to set up a plan tonight, starting tomorrow, to get everyone involved, even if they only do what they can...

While the iron is hot, she first made some requests to everyone.

She showed the floor plan of the complex.

This community is composed of three eleven-story buildings and six five-story buildings. The community originally had four gates: southeast, southeast, and northwest. After the end of the world, they closed the east and west gates, leaving only the north and south gates.

Under the current situation, if there are any living activities, we must rely on cars. In order not to be blocked by zombies, cars will definitely choose to take the main road. The gates on the north and south of our community are close to the main road, which actually makes it easy for us to be exposed. So I suggest that we take the east gate from now on.

Although the road to the east is not wide, it is close to a construction site. After the virus broke out, all the people had disappeared and there were not many zombies.

Originally, our goal was just to guard against zombies. Now that we have to guard against people, we cannot relax at our four gates. From now on, we must keep people's attention on all four gates.

Before we go out in the future, we must first make sure there are no vehicles around.

Tao Ran also drew a circle around the landscape lake and garden area in the middle of the community on the floor plan.

We need to lower the decibel level of all activities. Don't make noise, don't attract attention, and don't let people outside know that people in this community are living well. So from now on, our activities can be concentrated in this central area.

If necessary, we can move more activity areas to the underground parking lot. The place is large and open, and the sound will not be transmitted outside, and we are not afraid of being discovered.

In the future, our cars will try not to honk their horns.

From today on, we cannot let any strangers into the community.

Starting tomorrow, we will no longer clean up the zombies in front of the community. We will just let them wander and let the zombies become our cover.

If necessary, Tao Ran would even consider raising a group of zombies in the community. This thing is harmful if you encounter it, but if you use it well, isn't it just worth the force?

Or we can lure a group of zombies to the outskirts of the community. Even if someone passes by, they will most likely stay away from our area. Then we don't have to do anything and we will be safe.

Although we have obtained a batch of weapons, we will not use them for the time being. The weapons are currently in the hands of several groups of forces in the city. We will take them out when necessary.

The same applies to cooking. The problem of oil fume must be solved. The community cooks a big pot of rice, and every time it is served, the smell is so delicious. It's especially obvious in this sour, apocalyptic air.

If it doesn't work, I'll cook in the underground garage from now on. When the oil smoke slowly disperses, the problem will be solved.

All our personnel will be refined. Starting tomorrow, each of us will have his or her own tasks. Including grandparents and children, we are not playing games or working, but protecting our families.

If possible, I hope everyone can live as densely as possible and not on floors that are too high. This is not only for convenience in daily life, but also to cope with emergencies.

Most of the nearly three hundred households left around the time of the end of the world, and many people have died, so most of the buildings are vacant. Everyone knows that the people in the empty rooms will almost never come back.

As for supplies, whether they are medicines or food, I personally recommend not to pile them in a fixed place, but to divide them into several parts and keep them in the car for later use. It is convenient for inventory and easy transfer if necessary.

Another very important thing is that I think we have to prepare a retreat. If something happens, we have to have a necessary retreat! To ensure everyone's safety to the greatest extent!

This is also a top priority.

In the plot, everyone is caught off guard when something unexpected happens. Nowhere to go, kicked out of home, only dead end!

This time, we can't make the same mistake again.

They had to get ready early.

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