The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 748 I told a big lie 12

Brother, what do you call me? Bai Moli smiled beautifully.

The surname is Tao.

Tao Ran still didn't give up any chance of meeting Mr. Bai. My name is Tao Ran.

What a name! Brother Tao, you will be my savior from now on. I can do anything you ask me to do.

Really? Tao Ran raised an eyebrow.

Of course! Brother, go straight ahead for one kilometer and turn left. After three hundred meters, turn right and you will reach Fuller Bank!

Fule Bank is where Bai Moli, her family, and her companions live now.

Under crisis, everyone faces harsh, realistic and dangerous choices.

No one knows which path is right, it all depends on luck and ability.

Some people choose to flee, facing many crises and narrow escapes from death.

Some people choose to be attached, and their life and death depend entirely on the will of others.

Some people choose to close their homes and not go out. If you are lucky, you may be able to spend a year and a half safely. But if you are unlucky, that home becomes a prison. When you run out of food and ammunition and try to escape, you will find yourself like a boat in the sea with nowhere to go.

Some people also choose to join a group. Such as Shen Rong's community, such as the gangs that came to visit later...

The base chosen by the group is also very important.

When the apocalypse arrives, many people covet supplies from large supermarkets, and many people’s first reaction is to drag their families to the supermarkets. It was okay in the early days, everyone was in peace. But soon it became a Shura field. There were no zombies, and it was comparable to a zombie world...

It is convenient and safe for Shen Rong and the others to stay in the community, which has huge short-term advantages. But in the long run, when daily necessities become scarce and human nature is revealed, sooner or later it will be invaded by others.

In comparison, it would be wise for the group in the east of the city to occupy the hospital.

First of all, the hospital has sufficient medicines and medical equipment. The hospital has its own canteen and enough food is available in the short term. Of course, the most important thing is that hospitals will be equipped with their own generators in case of power outages. For this reason, it is destined to be the best shelter. In the later stages, the advantage will become greater and greater.

The Bai family and others in the bank can also understand. The bank is well secured and a few doors can ensure that zombies cannot get in. As long as supplies are sufficient, there will be no problem at all. But as time goes by, shortcomings will be exposed...

Tao Ran had already found out clearly along the way that after the end of the world came, the Bai family and the five big families they were friends with gathered together to form a coalition.

Relying on the large number of people and capable bodyguards, they occupied the bank and moved directly in.

Originally there were more than a hundred people living there, but recently some people who went out to look for supplies never returned, so now there are less than a hundred people.

When Bai Moli spoke, her words were full of pride. Because there are only seven people in their group who have awakened their powers, but there are only two in their family. Their brothers' powers are strength and speed respectively.

Tao Ran glanced at her, how could she not be proud? To be precise, the Bai family had three superpowers. So does she, Bai Jasmine! There are three talented people in the family, but they don’t have any useless superpowers. One of them is still a powerful person, so how can he keep his tail high in the sky?

When those people in the plot attacked the community, more than 40 people died. From this point of view, Bai Moli should not be lying or exaggerating.

I really envy you! Tao Ran said against his will.

Brother doesn't have any powers?


Brother Tao, don't be envious. I think your brother is very capable. If you are willing, you can join us. I'm here to help Brother Tao introduce Brother Song. He is our leader.

The leader of your team is not named Bai? Of course Tao Ran knew Song Tao. She asked because she wanted to find out who Song Tao was.

You can't say this in front of Brother Song. Brother Song got weapons for our team, and he has the most people around him. He must be the leader of our team. He also has superpowers.

Tao Ran noticed that Bai Moli was fascinated when she mentioned Song Tao's powers.

What kind of power?

It's stronger than our abilities anyway! Bai Moli curled her lips. Then, she changed the subject.

And he is very loyal, and everyone admires him. Of course, he is also very good to me. He lived in my house for a while when he was a child, and I took care of him.

Bai Moli had a smile on her face. Although he is married, his wife just died last month, leaving behind a three-year-old child.

Tao Ran was speechless again. She heard how happy Bai Moli was after someone else's wife died. Of course, what Tao Ran was more curious about was Song Tao's superpower. What is it that can convince a large group of superpowers?

Bai Moli: I have a feeling that he should have that kind of interest in me. By the way, I might as well tell you that I came out to look for medicine this time just for him. He will be very moved when he knows it, and he will definitely come to save me.

She couldn't help laughing: So maybe, I will be Mrs. Song soon.

Tao Ran glanced at her, this little white girl was really good at raising fish. With her ability, I'm afraid she can raise a harem.

Unfortunately, she fell into her own hands. Who asked her to commit herself to herself first? Since she was Tao Ran, these imaginations were destined to become nothing more than sweet dreams.

Isn't it convenient to live in a bank? Tao Ran said suddenly.

Yes. There are too many people and too few rooms. It is not convenient to cook. As time goes by, the drainage is not good and it smells bad. We are looking for a new place to move to recently, and we haven't decided where to go yet.

Tao Ranhehe, so it’s no wonder that after they entered the community, they made up their minds to occupy the community in just a few minutes. A cold building is not as good as a clean and safe community.

Slow down, it's almost there! Bai Jasmine jumped for joy.

Tao Ran followed her instructions and slowed down the car, and at the same time began to look at the surrounding environment. All the zombies in this area were led to the nearby road, so cars could drive smoothly.

Just turn right ahead and you'll be there. Bai Moli lay on the right side of the window. Look, that's my cousin! She was extremely happy and pointed at the man patrolling the intersection on the right in front of her.

The man was also looking over.

The speed of the car slows down.

Bai Moli was so happy that she was about to open the door. The next second, her vision went dark, and then she fell down and hit her head heavily on the car glass.

Tao Ran, when she was at her happiest, struck her with a knife and knocked her unconscious.

Or in front of that cousin!

Ha, I must be stupid, how could I let Bai Moli go home? You went to find Bai Moli just to capture her alive, right?

He gave her food and drink and promised to take her home just to gain her trust and get information.

The purpose of sending her here was to see where their lair was and how the security was.

The reason why I knocked her out was because she had space. As long as she senses something is wrong, she can hide in the space. How can she find her then? So Tao Ran had to take her by surprise if he wanted to capture her alive.

And the reason why they did this in front of their cousin was naturally to let him know that their group pet Jasmine had been kidnapped!

Sure enough, shouting and the sound of a car starting soon came from behind.

Tao Ran stepped on the accelerator, turned a corner, and headed east...

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