The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 743 I told a big lie07

The two of them worked together to carry the box up the steps. Two young brothers saw it and came over to help.

The four of them carried the suitcase and walked through the hall, but a young lady suddenly rushed out.

This is Wang Fang, the girl from the nursing school who removed the broken glass for Tao Ran...

Xue Fei learned half an hour ago that although there is no doctor in the community, there is a nurse.

Therefore, Miss Fangfang was invited to help change the dressings for Xue Fei's friends. Xue Fei stared at her closely and felt relieved when he saw her skillful movements and professional techniques.

Then he went outside to the pavilion to eat.

At this moment, the young lady rushed out of the room with an anxious look on her face and shouted to Xue Fei: Mr. Xue, one of your friends suddenly vomited blood and may not be able to survive!

Xue Fei, who could have entered the house in ten steps, was shocked when he heard this.

He was walking at the front, but when he looked up, his brother on the bed had blood sprayed all over his face, and there was blood dripping onto the ground beside the bed...

Xiao He! Just hold on! Xue Fei roared.

Tao Ran: Oh my god!

The other two said: Oh my god! So much blood! How scary!

Tao Ran, who was carrying the box, moved his hands faster than Xue Fei, making a gesture to move forward.

The box suddenly fell to the ground, and Xue Fei couldn't care less. He almost subconsciously pushed Tao Ran aside and rushed in first...

He threw himself to the bedside, and a strong smell of blood hit his nostrils.

what happened!


I'll kill you!

How do you take care of people!

The man who was unconscious just now spurted blood, so naturally he could only blame the nurse.

Just as he had the idea of ​​drawing out his gun, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

He wiped Xiao He's mouth with his sleeve, and then found... that it was clean as soon as he wiped it. Not only was there no blood spurting out of Xiao He's mouth, there was not even a trace of blood!

There was still blood dripping on the ground. He followed the blood and looked up, and then he found a rubber blood bag under the quilt.

Damn it!


This time, he didn't hesitate to draw his gun.

But before the gun was in his hand, he heard several clicks from behind him.

That's the sound of locking!

Still don’t understand?

be cheated!

The other party wants to harm him! I want to lock him in the house!


Not only did they want to lock him up, but they also took away his car keys and... that box! That important box is also outside!


Want to lock him up?

Don't even think about it!

The man turned over to the door and smashed it down with his fist. A dent suddenly appeared in the thick iron door...

Tao Ran took a deep breath. I knew he had special powers. Really strong. This is probably some kind of superpower that strengthens the power!

She was overjoyed.

Thank you for not having a head-on confrontation with a man before!

In this community, the most capable person is probably Shen Rong. But let alone Shen Rong being injured, even in good health, he might not be a match for this agile man with super powers! Besides, the man has a gun!

The reason why Tao Ran chose the guardhouse to house the men was precisely because this house was originally the financial room of the sales office. When this old community was built, cash had not been replaced by digital payments. Therefore, the security of the financial office of the sales office can be said to be the highest in the entire community.

Not only are the anti-theft window bars thicker than your thumb, but even the iron doors are twice as thick!

Tao Ran had no chance of killing him, so the best way was to lock him up!

Therefore, from the moment they were in the car, Tao Ran felt that this house was the most suitable for this man! Like to set off fireworks? Then let’s put it in this big iron cage!

So when we were taking out the glass ballast just now, Miss Fangfang was persuaded by her. When she came to change the dressing, she listened to her instructions and introduced Xue Fei into the house first...

According to Tao Ran's intention, he wanted Fangfang to stab the dying little Hela with a knife and draw some real blood to make a show, but the young lady obviously couldn't get over it.

So they could only kill a chicken and take the chicken blood. Why! They have eggs precisely because they raise chickens. On the day when the apocalypse came, Father Shen and the others went to the community market and brought all the chickens, ducks and poultry animals into the community...

Just now, Miss Fangfang heard someone signaling that Xue Fei was coming, so she squeezed open the blood bag and made a decent scene - Tao Ran had requirements for this scene: Xue Fei has good mental strength, so the scene must be done To be real, you must reduce loopholes. You must not let Xue Fei see through it at a glance. The situation must be so miserable that Xue Fei can't wait to rush to the bedside!

Tao Ran also requested that the time must be set right and the news must be reported before their boxes enter the house. Um! Compared to Xue Fei, Tao Ran actually cares more about this box...

The young lady was quite panicked, but there was no need to hide her panic. The more she panicked, the more genuine it became. Therefore, there is no need to worry about Xue Fei seeing any loopholes.

Tao Ran asked her to run out as soon as she reported her death and ran far away...

Everything went smoothly.

The young lady who ran out was so panicked that she almost fell down. When Xue Fei heard that his brother was in trouble, he naturally wanted to go in and take a look. Tao Ran was afraid that the box was more important to him than his brothers, so he put the box down first. As soon as she let go, the other two also put down the box.

The box was out of balance. Xue Fei's hand slipped and the box fell to the ground. It landed just one meter in front of the door of the back room.

Human beings are born with laziness. In such an emergency, it would be too troublesome to ask everyone to help carry the box, and Xue Fei didn't consciously think that the box would escape under his nose. Looking at it again, Shen Rong actually beat him to the door, and he even subconsciously A desire to protect my brothers arose...

Everything went as Tao Ran wished.

The box was left outside the door.

Xue Fei was the first to rush into the house.

Of course it's the only one.

Xue Fei was frightened by his brothers, and his mental strength naturally declined, so it was impossible to instantly notice that the people behind him were not following...

And the moment he squatted beside the bed, Tao Ran and the other two people's movements were completed in one go.

One person pulled the iron door, another person fastened the chain lock, and another person pushed open the box at his feet.

When Xue Fei rushed to the door, the door was locked...

His fists came one after another, and his curses continued.

Then, he pointed his gun at the big iron door and shot several times with bang bang bang bang...

But the iron door is too thick and the effect is not good.

Although it punched through the iron door and left a few holes, it didn't have much effect.

He fired a few more times. I don't know if he hit the lock outside, but he was out of bullets.

What made him grit his teeth even more was when he looked through the bullet holes and saw that people outside had brought a thick steel plate to seal the outer door.

No matter how powerful his bullet was, it would still be difficult to penetrate two layers of thick steel plates.

hateful! Xue Fei was extremely angry!

This is the first time since the end of the world that he has suffered such a loss!

Okay, these people are planning every step of the way, and they clearly have a plan from the beginning!

He cursed and threatened, saying that he had dozens of brothers who would come over soon.

Tao Ran chuckled: Then invite them over! Come one and I will kill one, come in a group and we will kill a group!

Xue Fei almost choked to death, and then he heard the sound of something being blocked layer by layer. He also heard the sound of nails being hammered.

Is he locked up in this room?

He punched and kicked the door again.

Tao Ran sneered: It's useless! In order to prevent zombies, we have prepared stainless steel plates, wooden boards and iron plates. You can kick them as you like! If you kick them through, I lose!

And Xue Fei suddenly realized that something was wrong.

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