The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 738 I told a big lie02

Television and communication equipment at that time were still usable. After seeing the conditions outside with their own eyes from reports and real photos, most people chose to stay in the relative safety of their homes.

We are not that stupid and know that we must unite at this time.

The community is their safest line of defense.

They have food and water, and as long as they guard the community, they can survive for a year or two even if they do nothing.

Young adults stood up.

They reinforced several large iron gates and formed patrol teams to patrol day and night.

They selected a group of strong and brave men, formed a convoy of them and went out several times. At that time, the crisis had just broken out. They successfully filled up the car with gas and brought back a large amount of water, gasoline, dry batteries, tools, knives and stick weapons, and communication equipment such as walkie-talkies.

The old and weak people who stayed behind in the community also took advantage of the normal supply of tap water to store large amounts of water.

At night, Dad Shen and another young man went out in an off-road vehicle. Dad Shen was going to pick up his parents who lived ten kilometers away, and another young man happened to be picking up his girlfriend on the way.

They set off just like that, but they didn't come back for five days. They only called once the day after they left, saying that they were trapped in the supermarket and were safe for the time being... and then there was no news.

And Shen Rong has always been the main member guarding the community.

Not only because of her own enthusiasm, but also because she is familiar with most people in the community. Everyone is grateful to her because they stock up with her and now don't have to worry about food and drink.

Of course, the most important reason is that Shen Rong has practiced Taekwondo for fifteen years, has a strong body and excellent fighting skills. In order to allow vehicles looking for supplies and rescuing people to enter and exit smoothly, Shen Rong relied on Shen Rong to kill at least a quarter of the zombies outside the community every day.

During this period, they went out to look for Father Shen twice, but no one was found in the supermarket, and Father Shen was not seen among the zombies around the supermarket.

Shen Rong felt that with his father's ability to use legs and feet, he would definitely survive. He will definitely take his grandparents back to the community. So she wants to keep the home for everyone.

So the strong Shen Rong put all his thoughts on guarding the community. They have made a lot of efforts and everyone supports each other, so life is not difficult.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed since the virus broke out.

The situation is getting worse and worse, the power system is already unstable, the number of zombies is increasing, and the air is full of pungent smells.

Some people in the community have begun to awaken their powers.

Some people suddenly become seriously ill, some are between life and death, and some lucky people suddenly develop supernatural powers.

For example, the 70-year-old Grandpa Fang suddenly fainted and woke up, and his eyes suddenly became better than a telescope. Standing high up, you can even see the sparrows on the old locust tree in the school playground opposite. So he was honorably incorporated into the patrol team.

It's a pity that Shen Rong is still the same. She was not favored by God.

She is still an ordinary girl with no other talents except fighting.

Although Shen Rong was depressed about this, she did not shrink back when needed.

That day, it was time to replenish supplies.

This time, what they need most is medicine.

Most of the elderly and children left behind in the community are already frail and need regular medicine. In this situation, injuries are commonplace, and antibiotics in the community have also run out, so they have to find various drugs.

This time, it was Shen Rong who went out with two other young people.

The pharmacies around the community have long been vacated. They have to go to a large supermarket two kilometers away. There are several pharmacies with warehouses nearby.

But their car couldn't drive near the supermarket, and the road was blocked by abandoned vehicles and debris.

There was no choice but to leave Shen Rong.

Shen Rong is very skilled. In order to avoid zombies, he always runs over the roof of a car like parkour.

The front door of the pharmacy is locked.

Shen Rong stepped on the billboards and light boxes and smashed open the second-floor window with the steel rod he had on hand, then turned over and climbed onto the window sill.

Looking back, I saw a large number of zombies coming this way.

If there is a traffic jam, the car will be stuck inside.

Shen Rong quickly used the intercom to ask the two people to drive away, at least to lure the large group of zombies away first. But those two people were unwilling to leave her behind, and they missed the opportunity as soon as they hesitated.

They could only close the car windows tightly, and soon the zombies came in like a flood, engulfing the car.

Shen Rong was half-broken and had no choice but to enter the pharmacy first.

She had to quickly find a way to get the medicine and leave, and she had to quickly save her teammates. Otherwise, teammates will only die. If the engine is not turned off, there will be more and more zombies. If the engine is turned off, the car will soon lose oxygen. Moreover, what should I do if the oil in the car burns out?

In a hurry, she tried her best and finally cleared away the zombies in the pharmacy.

She was also injured.

It wasn’t that he was bitten by a zombie, but that his abdomen hit the glass during the fight...

But she couldn't control much.

After finally finding the hemostatic gauze to wrap it up, she quickly started smashing the warehouse.

The warehouse door was locked, and she broke it open for almost ten minutes before finally breaking it open.

At this time, her whole body seemed to be fished out of the water.

She started looking for medicines, including those for high blood pressure, heart disease, and malaria, and put them all in her backpack, but she couldn't find any antibiotics.

But she soon found a bag on the ground.

When she opened it, she found that the bag was full of the medicine she wanted. Just as she was about to pour them into her bag, the bag strap was grabbed by a hand.

From under the table behind him, a girl of about twenty years old, who was very beautiful but looked embarrassed, emerged.

This is my bag. My medicine. Give it back to me! she said.

... Shen Rong was speechless. At this time, the world has long been out of order. Of course, whoever finds these things gets the credit.

Seeing the cookie bags and mineral water bottles scattered on the ground, it was obvious that this girl had been here for a long time. So Shen Rong understood that if she didn't come, she might starve to death here. Apart from the zombies, he actually saved her.

You give me something to eat, and I'll give you some medicine. The girl was obviously weak, yet very arrogant.

Shen Rong gave her a piece of bread.

You have to understand that I can actually snatch this pack of medicine and save a loaf of bread. You have to be grateful!

Shen Rong is a girl with three upright views. I don't owe this girl anything. So she still poured all the medicine into her bag, but she still left a box of anti-inflammatory medicine for the girl.

Then she turned and left.

The girl yelled and cursed at Shen Rong. The scolding was quite unpleasant.

Shut up! Stop arguing! I don't want to die yet! Shen Rong was furious. There was no way to go through the back door, so she could only go through the front door. This girl was seeking death by shouting like this.

So she hit the girl in front of her with a stick, smashing the bread she had just given out.

The girl was startled, and when she saw the zombies killed all over the ground and the sticky red steel rod in Shen Rong's hand, she finally shut up.

Her eyes flashed with hatred, but she followed closely behind Shen Rong, not forgetting to express her gratitude: You robbed my medicine, if you are still a human being, you must take me with you!

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