The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 732 Ancient Well 16 (two chapters in one)

This group fight had been part of Tao Ran's design from the beginning.

Yesterday, the crew deliberately said that hundreds of people would be needed to perform today, which whetted the appetite of the villagers.

In order to get this last chance to make money, and also to calculate the losses of their rape fields, at least 80 to 90% of the villagers came over early in the morning.

However, just now the director suddenly announced that what was needed was not a hundred people, but only the thirty people from a few days ago. Now, many people are dissatisfied.

Yesterday we clearly agreed that it would be a hundred people, so why did we go back on our word?

They've all come, a whole family has come, gearing up to get into the top 100, and now they suddenly say they don't want them?

Is this too much?

They want an explanation!

So there was a lot of noise and shouting!

Seeing that the crew was scolded and embarrassed, the thirty people selected before naturally sided with the crew.

However, it was fine that they didn't get involved, but the other villagers had long had objections to the old Liu family, the village chief's family, and the others. Now that they were licking dogs again, they were naturally furious, and the small quarrel turned into a big quarrel. .

Seeing that the war of words is getting more and more lively, producer Xiaodong has rushed to the forefront again. He made the situation even more aggravating with some unpleasant and self-esteem-injurious curses.

Not surprisingly, he was also surrounded and yelled at.

Xiaodong came up with a bad temper and smashed the machine in his hand:

Nah! I won't shoot anymore! You're going to give it to me! I won't shoot anymore! Who do you think you are? Are you bigger than Tao Ran? I see you as poor and pitiful, and you still ride on it to the end of my efforts to help you in poverty. Come up! I can't find you like this anywhere! You deserve to die in poverty! Listen up, everyone! Leave it to me!

Xiaodong yelled and pouted at the people who shouted the loudest. He drooled and spoke harshly, which directly hurt the self-esteem of many people.

On the other hand, people like the old Liu family were unwilling.

What? Why don't you take pictures anymore? The four people in his family are all among the thirty people. Four people are paid eight hundred yuan. If they still shoot rain scenes today, they can earn one thousand six hundred yuan. So much money, wasted? What the hell are these fools doing!

Lao Liu, the village chief and others hurried to the director and producer of the production to persuade them to calm down and beg them not to behave like those stupid people. The adults would not remember the faults of the villains and so on...

But other villagers didn't think so. They feel that if they don’t shoot, they won’t shoot. It’s best if they don’t shoot. Then no one will have to make the money. If we all are poor together, we are better off than the cheap village elder Liu and the others...

Then don't shoot!

If you can, don't shoot!

We are all human beings, who is inferior to the other? Helping the poor? You are so shameless! Are we begging you to help?

Get out of our village quickly!

Hurry up and settle the losses on our rapeseed fields!

Look at those losers, how shameless they are! People are making fun of them just for some money, and they are still wagging their tails and walking around people! They don't even have any shame!

What are you eating?

Hahaha! Don't take pictures, everyone! Clean, clean!

Blah blah blah, a group of people can yell loudly.

The producer and director were both flushed with anger. Their anger that had finally subsided was aroused again, and they immediately started to pack up their equipment...

Lao Liu, the village chief and others were scolded by a bunch of people, and their anger was rising.

Oh shit! Those people have no ability themselves, so why should they prevent others from getting rich!

Lao Liu really couldn't bear it anymore! When I thought of Qianliu flying away after reaching my mouth, I couldn't hold it in any longer, so I punched out Lao Zhang, who was jumping the most at the moment.

Lao Zhang and Lao Liu have had several quarrels recently. How can they be embarrassed in front of the whole village?

The two of them got into a fight without saying a word.

Several sons of Lao Liu's family also rushed forward to help.

This was the story of the first conflict.

However, there were more sensible villagers at that time, and everyone was still thinking about settling the compensation for the rapeseed fields, so they stepped forward to start a fight.

The conflict thus lasted only a few minutes.

Then the crew began to settle the losses on the rapeseed field.

Since the shooting was basically concentrated in one area, there was not much loss.

After roughly calculating the damaged area, the finance department took the local purchase price, crackled the calculator, multiplied the total by three, and found that the total loss was only 18,000 yuan.

In other words, the crew gave a deposit of 20,000 yuan before, which was already too much. Now, not only can the villagers no longer take money, they also have to withdraw two thousand.

The villagers were collectively dumbfounded. As promised, this crew has a lot of money, but people are stupid and have a lot of money?

The village chief said earlier that he wanted to deceive the crew by saying that one acre would produce 3,000 yuan, and triple it to 9,000 yuan. How about 8,000 yuan per acre? Previously, it was said that every household could receive a large amount of money, but that is not the case now!

To say that this crew has always been stupid, why did they suddenly become enlightened? They are not stupid at all, why did they bring the purchase price documents from the local government in advance for settlement?


When the money is in their pockets, you still want them to take it out?

What are you thinking!

Dream on!

But...what's wrong?

Didn't the account that Lao Zhu's boy secretly picked up earlier say that the crew paid a deposit of 30,000 yuan? Why is it now the same as what the village chief said, saying that only 20,000 yuan was given?

As the villagers looked at each other, they realized that this was probably the reason why the crew suddenly became smarter.

It's because of the village chief!

He took a benefit of 10,000 yuan from the crew, and then he colluded with the crew and leaked the real purchase price to the crew, losing the village's income and lining his own pocket!

How abominable!

You really know people and faces but don’t know their hearts!

How could they give up?

A group of villagers immediately pushed the youngest son of Lao Zhu's family up.

They said that they already knew that the village chief had received the money. They saw with their own eyes that the deposit for the rapeseed field on the crew's financial expenditure statement was 30,000 yuan. They already knew that the village chief was helping the crew to harm the village.

So they demanded that the compensation be recalculated. The 10,000 yuan collected by the village chief must also be divided! Otherwise, the crew will never leave!

Taking advantage of the large number of people, the villagers surrounded the crew.

The village chief was completely confused. He kept insisting that he did not charge money, but no one believed him. Instead, he asked a bunch of people to greet the eighteenth generation of his ancestors and cursed him non-stop.

No one listened to the director's explanation. The finance girl went to get the expenditure list and pointed out clearly that the amount they gave to the village chief was 20,000 yuan.

Everything depends on evidence, you can't talk nonsense. This kid, do you know the numbers?

No matter how poorly my son learns, he can't even distinguish between 2 and 3, right? Sister-in-law Zhu rushed forward and grabbed the list, Isn't this kind of thing just written by you? Do you still need evidence? She crumpled the paper without saying a word.

You're crazy! The finance manager was really frightened and rushed forward to grab the expense report. This account must be reported to the police!

Sister-in-law Zhu turned around, but the finance girl missed her, and then asked someone to push her, causing her to fall to the ground.

At that time, producer Xiaodong became angry again, rushed to the front, and said: Okay! Since we said we gave 30,000, then you should take out the extra 12,000 we gave! Village chief, Come out with 10,000 yuan! Otherwise, we will meet in court!

Now the village chief was about to cry. He rushed up and grabbed Lao Zhu, How could you harm me like this! You are going too far! Ten thousand yuan, is that small money? Village Chief Dong was heartbroken. It's a thankless job for me, raising a village of white-eyed wolves!

Seeing the man being grabbed by the village chief's neck, Sister-in-law Zhu slapped the village chief: Don't you deserve it? The consequences of stealing money! We exposed you and were afraid of spitting out 10,000 yuan, so we started to panic You have to hit someone, right?

Seeing that the Zhu family had all gone up, Village Chief Dong's family also immediately rushed forward to start a fight with the Zhu family.

And Xiaodong was still clamoring, saying that not only would the crew not contribute another penny, but they also wanted the village to compensate and get back all the money they had paid before.

He accidentally sprayed saliva on some people, and finally got beaten.

He had already had the intention of scheming, and when he was pushed by someone, he aimed at the stone at hand and knocked it up.

This is what the makeup artist lady later called a bloody head.

Everyone in the crew was in a daze. At this moment, they could no longer bear it. A group of male staff members quickly participated in self-defense and counterattack.

Everyone was holding a breath in their hearts. These days, because they see that these villagers are poor, they have been very tolerant and try their best to let the villagers make money.

But the other party turned around and even blackmailed her? Everyone on the crew felt so wronged. So everyone went up to help.

That's why when Tao Ran called the makeup artist, the young lady complained so sincerely and sadly... The young lady who was still eager to help didn't know that her voice had already spread throughout the Internet through the Internet.

Through hot searches and short video websites, a large number of netizens already know that Tao Ran's crew was blackmailed and beaten up in a remote mountain village. The staff members suffered severe head injuries and the situation was terrible!

Therefore, a large number of calls to the police, a large number of online forwardings, a large number of messages from police accounts... all of this is destined to make this village an internet celebrity!

This is what Tao Ran wants!

In this way, it is impossible for this village to be hidden among the mountains and rivers!

Tao Ran wanted to use his popularity to expose the village to the public eye.

At least it can't be like Shanshan's hard work, in the end big things turn into small things and small things turn into nothing.

Shanshan is so innocent, but how tragic would it be if people with conscience and actions ended up becoming Shanshan?

Now, these villagers gathered to fight and blackmail. The evidence is conclusive. They can't escape, and she won't let them go!

The number of people in the live broadcast room is still rising.

Even people who have no interest in the entertainment industry are attracted in large numbers.

Tao Ran smiled.

Is this really what she wants?

No, what she wants is just the beginning.

Soon, most of the ability users in this village will be controlled here in the rape field!

Then the village behind him will be empty!

And her play has just begun.

Tao Ran pointed the live broadcast camera at herself.

She said she was anxious and uneasy, but she still wanted to go down and take a look.

Most people in the live broadcast room were stopping her. It would be too dangerous to continue talking. She is a girl and a star, so things can easily happen.

But I'm not worried.

Tao Ran prepared to go down the mountain without saying anything.

And the path she chose surprised everyone again.

In order to go down the mountain quickly, she actually took a rock climbing rope from her bag and chose to climb down from the cliff.

Originally, I was live streaming today because I planned to slide down the mountain because of the beautiful scenery here. Now, this is really the best choice. Going down the mountain here is the fastest and most convenient.

Going down the mountain from here, passing through the woods and the village, you will reach the rapeseed field. It is indeed the fastest way.

It's just that this cliff looks steep and too dangerous. Everyone tried to dissuade him.

I have made martial arts films and have also practiced. Everyone must have confidence in my skills.

While talking, Tao Ran had already fastened the rope and went down sideways.

She is agile and skillful in her movements. Apparently good at rock climbing.

She quickly slid down the climbing rope and reached the mountainside smoothly.

Everyone gradually felt relieved.

After another ten seconds, as the angle of view dropped, the camera began to shake randomly.

Seeing that he was still two meters away from reaching the ground, Tao Ran's feet that were against the rock and soil suddenly stepped out.

Afterwards, what netizens saw during the live broadcast was Tao Ran’s surprised expression.

The host asked what's wrong repeatedly.

I... don't know. Then the camera started to shake again.

The perspective changed, and everyone saw something like a pit appearing in front of them...

As soon as Tao Ranren stopped, straightened his waist and kicked off his legs, the hole in front of him suddenly became bigger... hollow! She stepped on it!

Due to the lack of sight, the melon-eating crowd could not see anything clearly.

But Tao Ran was filled with trembling, and he screamed in terror, which frightened everyone.

The camera shook again, and everyone knew that Tao Ran had fallen.

While the host was still asking what happened, a beam of light came on, and everyone saw that in front of them was a vaguely hidden cave that was only half a person's height, and the content in the cave was intuitive and direct.

It seems to be a woman?

What's in the soil can't be alive, right?

Not to mention Tao Ran, many netizens who were caught off guard also had psychological shadows at this moment, screaming in front of their computer and mobile phone screens...

Because of Tao Ran's scream, they were already on guard and were so afraid, so there was no need to mention Tao Ran, right? You can imagine how scared she was!

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