Tao Ran had already compared the results bit by bit behind the monitor.

Of the eighteen extra people, eight were children and ten were women. Never seen near the set before.

The older one is over fifty. Young, probably less than twenty.

Most of these women are eccentric and unnatural. Some are indeed stupid, some are disabled, and some have their heads lowered, unable to even see their faces, being dragged along by the men around them, like shrinking rabbits...

If it weren't for Tao Ran's deliberate search, they would never have been discovered hiding in the crowd.

Tao Ran took two deep breaths. Her previous judgments were all correct.

She had been walking around the village a lot in the evenings these days, but she had never seen these women once. They are all shameful! In other words, they do not have enough freedom... There is a high probability that they are in a similar situation to the one in the ancient well, right?

The reporter smiled and asked the village chief, Why are there so many people?

The village chief looked slightly panicked, nodded and smiled: A few of them have brought their close relatives here. I'm sorry. Don't worry, I'm watching. We will definitely keep the secret, and we will never expose the crew to anything. The news about the filming here has spread. Life is not easy for everyone, and it is a rare opportunity to make some money. Please forgive me. Thank you.

The village chief also took out a cigarette.

Okay. Come as soon as you come, it's the last day anyway. The previous scenes are not enough. The director said, the more extras the better. Get ready to start.

Yes, yes! Thank you.

Shooting proceeds normally.

An hour later, the shooting was completed.

The crew has always had a requirement that salary settlement must be settled by one person, and no one is allowed to collect on behalf of others. So everyone came and queued up to collect the money.

For example, the silly daughter-in-law of Da Mao's family was carried up to get money by Da Mao and his father; Da Zhuang came forward with his mother on his back and his son in hand;

The staff took out the money as usual and there was no incident. The village chief and others, who had been slightly worried, finally calmed down...

Little did they know that although the crew's main camera was pointed at their group portrait, the eyes in the dark never stopped monitoring each of them.

For example, there are tiny cameras above, below, left and right of the settlement table that they have never seen before and cannot find.

For example, micro-monitors have been hung above the tents for a long time.

For example, the cash box in hand of the finance lady who is busy counting and distributing money is also equipped with a camera.

Even if they don't let the shameless ones run around, talk, or even raise their heads... it's useless. In fact, more than two hundred people have their faces and every move recorded by all-round high-definition cameras...

Tao Ran looked at this group of people with a smile on his face.

Although it was just a simple matter of queuing up to collect money, because there were people in the queue who needed to be protected and hidden, almost everyone came to collect money as a family unit.


After fishing for several days, at least 99% of the people in the entire village, whether they are light or dark, black or white, are here.

At this moment, she, an outsider, had figured out the general situation of every household in their village...

The money was settled and the villagers asked when the crew would leave.

Tomorrow afternoon! Tomorrow happens to be the tenth day.

Then tomorrow, don't we need extra performances? Everyone was so sorry. If possible, they hope that these people on the crew will never leave.

Well... the director thought for a while, Maybe, I can't decide until tonight to see if today's material can be used. So...

The director picked up the loudspeaker: Everyone, let's invite you all to come tomorrow afternoon. If necessary, we will take another shot. If not, our staff will also come with everyone to inspect each rapeseed field. Let’s discuss the compensation method and what do you think?”

Okay! Of course!

Everyone is eager to make some more money. Well, kill two birds with one stone. You have to come early tomorrow morning. You have to keep an eye on how your rapeseed field will be settled for damage tomorrow...

tenth day.

Early in the morning, most of the villagers came.

The director announced that their filming tasks were basically completed. Tao Ran is also done. But today we have to reshoot a few small scenes from yesterday, so the number of extras required has not yet been determined, and it should not exceed a hundred people. Shooting started in about one to two hours.

Upon hearing this, the villagers did not intend to go back. It takes half an hour to go back to the village from here, so it's better to wait here. This time I don’t even want a hundred people, so it seems I have to fight again.

For a moment, many guys who had become enemies because of what happened a few nights ago started staring at each other again...

At this time, Tao Ran took advantage of the fact that there was almost no one in the village, walked through the village, and started to climb the back mountain.

She did not use Qinggong, but like a real mountain climber, she took a hiking pole and climbed up the high back mountain.

At the same time, she also started a live broadcast.

The number I used was the one I registered last time to deal with the Xijing News and Internet trolls.

Her last post, where she went from the law firm to the police station for several hours, made her account extremely popular and gained tens of millions of fans.

Although she has never hosted a live broadcast since then, she asked Shanshan to warm up early this morning, and with the help of the website after hearing the news, the effect was very good.

So even though it was early in the morning, as soon as she entered the live broadcast room, it was already quite lively, with hundreds of thousands of people online.

And when Tao Ran really showed up on time, the number of people online began to soar.

Tao Ran said hello to everyone, and then started to chat with everyone in a rare way.

She shows up too rarely and keeps a low profile.

Because he is too aloof, a sense of contrast arises when he becomes friendly occasionally. In addition, she is a top player, so the number of people online in the live broadcast room has almost skyrocketed.

However, even so, she still sent a message to Sister Chen of the company, asking Maihotsou to push out the entry she was live broadcasting...

In order to earn traffic, the platform not only worked hard to promote it, but also heard that after Tao Ran's live broadcast, she was afraid that she would be left out because of her aloofness, so she kindly provided two professional hosts from the platform to chat with her online and help select questions from netizens. Ask questions.

Tao Ran readily agreed to Lian Mai.


One person's one-man show will indeed be less effective.

With Pengyan, it will be more lively and exciting, and the pressure on her will be lighter.

Indeed, after the host appeared, the live broadcast room became more lively, and her attention was also divided a lot...

She first told everyone that her live broadcast today was mainly to thank everyone for their support when she was fighting against online violence a while ago...

When everyone found her climbing mountains, she said that climbing was her favorite sport.

Naturally, everyone started asking her where she was crawling.

She said that when she reaches the top, she will take pictures of all the scenery for everyone to see. At that time, everyone is welcome to guess where she is.

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