Just like that, Tao Ran helped Shanshan pack some things and took her away directly.

Tao Ran held Shanshan's hand the whole time.

Shanshan gradually felt a sense of security. When she walked downstairs, the sun shone on her body, and she couldn't help crying loudly. She has been surrounded by coldness for a long time.

After Tao Ran thought about it, the first stop he went to was the several convenience stores and small supermarkets nearby.

She bought all the national flags from several stores, including commemorative medals with the national emblem, albums of portraits of the old chairman, head stamps, etc. She wanted as much as she wanted, and she bought several boxes directly.

Shanshan doesn’t know.

But when these things were put in the car, she understood instantly.

She felt a lightness on her body, and the whole car became brighter. Even though she was no longer holding Tao Ran's hand, she was no longer cold.

Is there anything more masculine and strong than the national flag and national emblem, and can better dispel evil spirits?

With the pressure of Haoran's righteousness, isn't it better than any amulet?

Originally, Tao Ran saw that Shanshan was not in good condition and was afraid that her resentment would increase if she returned to her old place, so she planned to keep Shanshan in this city. She thought about it and decided that she could put Shanshan in a hotel under the police system. The police were under pressure, so in theory it should be safe.

But she was really worried and couldn't bear it, so she decided to take Shanshan with her.

After putting up a few national flags in the car, Shanshan felt much calmer.

When Tao Ran drove the car to Guwenhua Street, he found that she had fallen asleep. It's pitiful. After losing so much weight, I haven't had a solid night's sleep in an unknown amount of time.

Tao Ran hung some more patriotic souvenirs in the car, covered Shanshan with a national flag, and got out of the car after she disguised herself.

She first went to a time-honored restaurant at the intersection, made the stewed Buddha jump over the wall, and ordered a few nutritious dishes to take away, and then walked into the cultural street.

She wandered along and soon harvested several more peach wood chains.

She actually came here to buy talismans.

She couldn't follow Shanshan all the time, and Shanshan couldn't hold the national flag all the time. What should she do when she went to the toilet? What about taking a bath? So Tao Ran thought it would be more reassuring to get her some serious amulets.

After searching several stores, she finally found one that sold paper that was a bit interesting.

The boss calls him an expert.

But when I asked about the price, it was extremely expensive. After buying a hundred pieces of paper, the boss asked Tao Ran three thousand yuan.

I can't keep the price down, so I can only lament the huge profits!

At this moment, a thought flashed through Tao Ran's mind, how about changing his career?

At that time, she had not thought that this idea would continue.

Boss, is there any black dog blood?

... The boss held up his reading glasses and looked at her carefully: Girl, you're so ugly! You can't just buy something like black dog blood. And girl... He glanced at the two shabby cars parked at the door. That stuff is expensive.

How expensive?

Sold by the gram. Tens of thousands per gram.

...Excuse me. Tao Ran turned around and left. The boss was right, who called her poor? She just drives a shabby car, so she really can't bear to spend tens of thousands of dollars to draw charms.

Why! The troubles of the poor!

At that time, she thought, a gram of blood costs tens of thousands, and a piece of paper costs hundreds. So if she draws a talisman, can it be sold for hundreds of thousands or millions? Isn’t this money very profitable? I wonder if anyone has collected the talisman?

In other words, black dog blood is the best natural evil-repellent. It is perfect for drawing amulets.

But the asking price of tens of thousands per gram is really too much, so why not grab it?


Tao Ran accidentally caught a glimpse of a stray dog ​​running past on the road... wasn't the one running at the front the big black dog?

She had many evil thoughts in an instant, but a popular actress sneaking around in the street, this...

who cares!

She has withdrawn from the circle, hasn't she?

She will be recognized easily, so she can't go to the pet store to buy a dog. What can I do?

With his mind set, Tao Ran went to the pharmacy first and bought gloves, disposable syringes, sterile cotton balls and other items. She went to a roadside roast duck restaurant and picked out a large duck leg, which cost eight yuan.

Probably because of the price of 10,000 yuan per gram of blood in that antique store, she always felt bad. She ended up buying ten duck legs. If you draw someone's blood, you have to replenish it, right?

When he returned to the car and saw that Shanshan was still asleep, Tao Ran decided to show off his talents.

After all, it was broad daylight, so she restrained herself.

Her mental power spread out, and soon she located the location of several dogs in a nearby alley.

When she arrived at the entrance of the alley, she blocked the way and took out the duck legs, directly shutting up the dogs that were barking at her.

Tao Ran glanced at the entrance of the alley and rolled up his sleeves after confirming that there was no surveillance.

When the duck legs were thrown out and the dogs were feasting, she went around to the back and showed the needle...

Three minutes later, she finally got half a tube of black dog blood.

But not only did the lenses of her sunglasses shatter into pieces, but even her high heels ran away. She ran back to the car barefoot. She had never been so embarrassed in her life! In order to save her face, she had to cover her face all the way...


She thought it wasn't difficult.

But she underestimated these stray dogs.

Not only are they flexible and fierce, they are also very united. When she poked the black dog with her needle, the other dogs put down their duck legs and pounced on her...

At that moment, she thought of the people in that village.

They are a group that advances and retreats together, eating meat and suffering poverty together. When the interests of one of them are damaged, the first reaction of others is to help safeguard it, without considering anything else at all.

It's scary.

Tao Ran was even more certain that even if she wanted to help Shanshan, she could no longer alert others easily. In other words, her target can't just be the Zhang family, but also the entire village! …

Tao Ran first wanted to get blood smoothly, secondly she didn’t want to hurt the dogs, and thirdly she was afraid of being seen by others, so it was inconvenient for her to show off her skills. She could only drag the black dog back strategically (escape)...

God knows how embarrassed she was at that time.

She held the black dog with her left hand to prevent it from moving, and was still holding the needle with her right hand. While running as fast as she could, she had to prevent the black dog from biting, catching, or jumping... She didn't want to fight rabies at all. vaccine!

If it weren't for her agility and strength, her face might have been scratched by the black dog! But even so, her sunglasses were knocked off by the black dog.

Thanks to her quick hands, she pulled out the needle as soon as she got half the blood in the tube. She didn't have time to wipe the dog, so she could only use her spiritual energy to treat the dog's wound, and quickly threw the dog out...

Her high heels also ran away. The court session was in the morning, so she dressed formally for the sake of appearance. So, can you imagine the misery of a senior white-collar worker being chased by five vicious dogs? She is!

If there is a camera here, it will be discovered that her speed at this moment is comparable to that of a flying man, and even a dog cannot catch up...

If she hadn't thought that the glasses were a limited edition of a certain brand and were worth tens of thousands, she would never have wanted to go back and pick them up. But even if she recovered it, the lens was still broken.

Back in the car, Tao Ran didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

A pair of shoes costs more than three thousand. Glasses, more than 10,000...

I originally thought of saving money, but obviously, I didn't.

I originally thought about using duck legs to lure the black dog, maybe we can have a sustainable development when we meet again in the future, but obviously, that didn't work either.

If she had known earlier, she might as well have just bought it.

Thank you Ziyu and Reset Leihuo Wuwubaby for the reward, and thank you all for your monthly votes~

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