The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 713 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again (end of this article)

Since he no longer had to spend time making money, Tao Ran, who had plenty of personal time, devoted himself to helping Ji Wenqing improve his physical fitness.

After practicing martial arts for several months, her body became stronger and she was no longer the frail body she was.

Although he is not a peerless master, he is more than enough to protect himself and his family.

On the other side, the Feng family also came to propose marriage again.

Just like last time, the Ji family pushed again.

Ji Chun had a place in the provincial examination, but the Ji family had completely different confidence, so when he refused, he said bluntly that he would not consider it until the results of the provincial examination came out.

And Tao Ran will naturally not forget to solve the hidden danger of the Feng family.

Suddenly one day, a story about Feng Er and the twelve maids around him spread. The twelve maids are each named after December flowers, which sounds elegant, but in fact, these maids are all Feng Er's playthings.

The story details how these maids were received into the Feng family's house, how they took turns serving Feng Er in a game, how they dealt with the situation when they became pregnant, and how the Feng family dealt with the aftermath...

Although only 60% of the content in the story is true, the detailed details and inside stories, as well as the real people and events interspersed in it, still convinced most people to believe it. In just a few days, Feng Er, It became the biggest joke and topic of conversation in the entire county.

Feng thought about it for a second time and realized that the only people around him could be so handy with his women. Apart from Zheng Qinqin, he really couldn't think of anyone else.

After all, in Feng Er's mind, this was not the first time she had publicized this matter.

While Feng Er was busy making trouble for Zheng Qinqin, the third master of the Lin family in the neighboring county received a paper package from a child when he went out for a drink.

When he opened it, Mr. Lin's eyes suddenly lit up.

A thick stack of papers, all exposing the Feng family and Feng Er.

There are all kinds of romantic debts and messes that the Feng family had to clean up for Feng Er, and there were servants beaten to death in the inner courtyard of the Feng family, and the Feng family had squandered profits and occupied some land, and did they do anything to a certain official in the government? Bribery thing...

These were naturally done by Tao Ran.

In the plot, Ji Wenqing has been in the Feng family for so long and has spied on many secrets.

However, Tao Ran was inconvenient and too lazy to check these things, so he just left them to the Lin family.

The Lin family has long been working hard to get rid of the Feng family. Now that they have so many focus points, they naturally go all out to investigate...

Let’s talk about Zheng Qinqin.

She was having a rough time. She tried to escape several times, but not only failed, but every time she was caught, she faced harsher punishments, including starvation, cold, and beatings...

She didn't wait until Mr. Lin came back to find her. She originally thought of just surviving like this, but she found out about Guo Wu and Widow Zhang.

She was extremely angry.

But Guo Wu spit directly on her face.

Look at your appearance. Cuihua is prettier than you, gentler than you, and better at serving others than you. What about you? You don't have any self-knowledge. Do you still think you are a yellow-flowered girl from some scholarly family? I feel sick when I see you. !”

How could Guo Wu like Zheng Qinqin? Every time he saw this woman, he would see the contempt in her eyes, and then think of Ji Wenqing, and how he got to his current miserable situation step by step. His pride would be hurt every time.

Unlike Huang Cuihua, she sees herself as a man.

As habits become natural, Guo Wu becomes more and more dependent on Huang Cuihua. Every time he went back to see the widow, as long as he brought some food and some coins, Huang Cuihua would treat him tenderly and wholeheartedly.

So after being discovered by Zheng Qinqin, Guo Wu simply stopped hiding her and often went directly to find Huang Cuihua as soon as it got dark. I didn't sleep at home six days out of ten.

But this time Guo's mother sided with Zheng Qinqin and blocked Guo Wu from the door several times.

If you go to find that widow like this, when will my old Guo family be able to have a grandson? Guo's mother sat on the ground and cried.

This was the only way for Guo Wu to fulfill his filial piety, so he could only stay with Zheng Qinqin.

But after several months of hard work, Zheng Qinqin's stomach didn't move at all. After getting the doctor's pulse number 1, the Guo family was shocked.

Only then did they realize that the daughter-in-law they had obtained was actually infertile!

Everyone in the Guo family felt that they had been deceived by Zheng Qinqin, and they beat him up again. Guo's mother slapped the ground and howled, calling her a miserable life. She didn't know what evil she had done in her previous life, but she had brought home such a spoiled daughter-in-law. The old Guo family was in misfortune, and I felt sorry for my ancestors...

Can she not feel wronged? She really wanted to divorce this wife, but she promised Feng Er that she would never divorce her. How can their family compete with the Feng family?

From that day on, Zheng Qinqin once again became the Guo family’s punching bag.

But within a few days, someone came to help the Guo family solve their difficulties.

It's Huang Cuihua.

She is pregnant.

I want Guo Wu to take responsibility.

Guo Wu was sure that the child was his. Although Guo's mother looks down on Huang Cuihua, this is the first grandson of their old Guo family!

Within a few days, Huang Cuihua quietly moved into Guo's house.

Guo's mother promised her that when she gave birth to her son, she would find a way to divorce Zheng Qinqin.

Huang Cuihua, relying on Guo Wu's love and the strength of her belly, also joined in the torture of Zheng Qinqin. She also stayed in Guo Wu's room, while Zheng Qinqin was locked in the woodshed every night.

A few days later, the Zheng family was set on fire and poisoned again.

At that time, everyone in the Zheng family was arrested, and Zheng Qinqin was extremely frightened. One day, she overheard the conversation between Guo's father and Guo's mother, saying that they were afraid of being implicated by the Zheng family and were discussing selling her. Mother Guo, that poisonous woman, also said that selling her to a dark kiln would be the easiest and most convenient way...

Naturally, Zheng Qinqin couldn't just sit back and wait for death.

During the day the next day, while the men of the Guo family went to blacksmithing and delivery, and Guo's mother went to the market, and only the two women and Guo Wu were left at home, Zheng Qinqin took action.

At noon, Guo Wu unlocked the woodshed and threw a steamed bun to Zheng Qinqin.

Naturally, he didn't expect that this woman would suddenly hit his chest with a sickle.

Guo Wu fell in a pool of blood. Huang Cuihua heard the sound and rushed over. Zheng Qinqin suddenly rushed out from behind the door and pushed Huang Cuihua onto the pile of firewood.

When this was not enough, she kicked Huang Cuihua several times in the stomach. She must take revenge on anyone who bullied her! The Guo family should just die off their descendants!

Zheng Qinqin didn't stop until Huang Cuihua saw blood.

She locked the two people in the woodshed, then rushed into the room of Guo's father and Guo's mother as quickly as possible and began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets looking for gold and silver.

When she left, she found a bag of rat poison and poured it all into the kettle in the old couple's room.

She thought she could leave as long as she wore a hat, but she was in a hurry. She forgot to change clothes. Her sleeves were covered with Guo Wu's blood.

She ran away in a panic, but the villagers saw the blood on her hands and sleeves that had not yet dried...

She didn't run away...

In the end, as one can imagine, she was arrested and sent to prison.

Guo Wu died, and Guo's father drank half a pot of water, almost died, and fell ill...

Huang Cuihua's child was dead and her body was injured. She would not be able to give birth in the future. She pestered the Guo family to pay compensation.

Guo's mother sent a white-haired person to a black-haired person. After her son died and her grandson was lost, she was so stimulated that she almost went crazy. As a result, Huang Cuihua came to her door every day asking for money. In anger, she hurt someone again, but she was also arrested. .

After the verdict, Zheng Qinqin was found guilty of murder and poisoning, killing one, injuring another, and harming a fetus. She deserved to be killed and beheaded. In addition to compensating Huang Cuihua a sum of money, Guo's mother was also sentenced to one month in prison for wounding...

At that time, the Lin family's counterattack also began.

They first started with Feng Er getting someone pregnant due to an affair and giving him medicine, which resulted in him bleeding heavily and dying; then they went to the Feng family to lend money and break a person's leg; then to the Feng family to transfer a provincial house to an official... The Feng family He failed to avoid lawsuits time and time again.

For a hundred years, the Feng family was in a state of turmoil and was in danger.

The Lin family used their connections in the capital to cause trouble, and the Feng family couldn't get around, and was eventually punished.

Big trees were uprooted...

Until Tao Ran left this world, Feng's family was still in jail waiting for the final verdict.

She was pulled away before Ji Chun could take the provincial examination.

It doesn't matter anymore.

She believed that even if Ji Chun failed the exam, there would still be a next time. Even if you never pass the exam, it's worth it if you can focus on what you like for the rest of your life.

Thank you Brother Long for the reward. (`) Compare your feelings.

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